>Day 1201 in Equestria >You've been here for the better part of 3 years, nearly 4. >Rarity has recommended a classy night out for just the two of you, to a place in Canterlot she stumbled upon "by accident". >Having grown up among borderline high-society, you're no stranger to quiet evenings, piano music, rare wines and the finer things in life >"Wonderful, Darling! I'll meet you at the station after I close the shop for the day. Oh, it's going to be such fun, just the two of us!" >Checking yourself infront of the mirror, you look pretty god damn classy >With everything good, you head out the door >And fall over Fluttershy Oh for fucks sake >"Hello, Anon!" >She seems more chipper than usual, you might even say confident Fluttershy. >"Where are you going?" I'm off for a nice evening out with Rarity, hopefully I can enjoy a quiet evening and not get harassed by anyone, namely, you. >Her ears go flat and you wonder if it was because you said you wanted her not to be harassed or because you were going out with Rarity >"w-well y-you have a n-nice night out... Anon..." >So much for confidence >You shake your head as she flies away Bloody horse. >You meet Rarity at the station 10 minutes later >"Ready to go?" Yeah. Never been to Canterlot before, except when I first got here. Should be a fabulous evening, Rarity >She grins at your usage of her favourite word >"Fabulous, darling." >whether you wanted her not to harass you* ---- >You arrive in Canterlot an hour later >It's dark by now, and Luna's sky is just as beautiful as ever >"It's just this way, Anon, follow me!" >You follow her through the streets of Canterlot, taking in the sights and sounds and enjoying the cool breeze >After a while you stop and nearly bump into Rarity >"We're here! Well, Anon. Welcome to the Fine String!" >You look where she's looking at a very luxurious establishment, they even have a red carpet leading into the place >You whistle Classy >"Mmm, quite. Shall we?" After you, my lady >She giggles and half-dances into the place >You're glad she's happy. Business hasn't been good lately for her >The moment you step through the door you locate the bar, since that's where you'll be most of the night >You sit down and the barkeep looks at you >"Evening, sir. What can I get for you?" I'll have a scotch, please >He nods and goes to get your drink >"Well well well. You're certainly a unique specimen." >You turn and find yourself looking into the eyes of an elegant looking mare, grey coat and black mane with a treble clef Cutie Mark. I'm sorry? >She smiles and extends a hoof >"Octavia" Anonymous >"I don't think i've seen a creature such as yourself around here before." I don't often come to Canterlot. I've been living in Ponyville for the last 3 years >"Ponyville! You don't say... I have- I uhh, had... A good friend there" >The way she puts emphasis on "Good" makes you raise an eyebrow So. What brings you here this evening? >She looks back at you and you could have sworn you saw her bat her eyelashes at you >"Oh you know. A bit of this and that. Maybe have some fun along the way" I'm not sure I follow >She leans in towards you >"You are a curious creature, Anonymous" Please, call me Anon >"...Anon", she slowly repeats >"Well, Anon... Do you have a special someone back in... Ponyville?" >Oh god she's not >You just met I- well. Not as such... >Her eyes light up and she begins to look at you hungrily >"Reeeeeally? Well that won't do, a handsome thing such as you shouldn't be alone." >How the bloody fuck do ponies find you attractive. Honestly. You're not even the same species >The bartender hands you your drink >You glance at him and nod Thanks, Fluttershy. >You turn back to Octavia and your eyes widen >You spin back to look at the Bartender full on >Fluttershy is standing there wearing a fake moustache, a top hat, a monocle, a tuxedo and what appears to be bright pink leg warmers What. >"Ah! Guten Tag, mein friend!" What. >"Ve are Flutt Shynekoff, arch duke ov Anonspants! Ve are most pleasured to finally meet you!" What. >Octavia slowly turns back to face you >"I, uhh, Anon. Do you know this... Mare?" Yes. She's called Fluttershy and I have absolutely no idea what she's doing here, or even how she got here >This would normally be where the evening has failed, you leave and drag Fluttershy home, then apologise to Rarity later. >But things take a turn for the worst when you see Octavia's hungry-eye level skyrocket >"You... Know an Element of harmony? Well I know all 6, actually. Infact Rarity is over there >You look over to Rarity, who's leaving out the back with 3 stallions 2 times her size >Oh god why >You look back at Octavia, who's practically drooling >You look at Fluttershy, who's also drooling, but then again she does it all the time so you've grown used to her doing it Listen... Octavia- >"No no! Please, call me Octy. All my friends do" >She put emphasis on friend, like she did with "good" >This is getting out of hand Miss "Octavia", I understand that you're interested but i'm going to have to decline >"And why's that, dear?" >At that moment in time, your brain decides that this evening has been boring. It decides to mix things up a bit >You start thinking of a thousand excuses a second >Everything ranging from "2 weeks to live" to "Toxic Semen" >Yet somehow, after over 10,000 excuses have been created, processed, and thrown away, you decide to say the worst possible thing I'm already dating someone >You fucking idiot. >Octavia and Fluttershy both say "What?!" though Fluttershy sounds a bit more desperate >Octavia recovers faster than Fluttershy and presses on >"Who?" Fluttershy >Fuck you, brain. >Fuck you too, Anonymous >Fluttershy begins hyperventilating >Octavia looks pissed >Rarity is nowhere to be seen >This drink is actually Fluttershy's... juices >How can this night get worse? >Octavia's eye twitches >"You... Are dating... THIS mare?" Well, no, that was just- >"YEEEEEEEEEEEES!" >Fluttershy launches herself across the table and slams into you, knocking you off your chair and to the floor >She's dripping wet and her eyes are bigger than is possible FLUTTERSHY WHAT ARE YOU- >She starts kissing your face over and over again while saying "yay" inbetween each one >You push her off and stand up >Octavia is looking at you with a face like thunder >"If you honestly think i'm going to let something as.. Exotic... as you walk away from me, you've got another thing coming" >You notice that she's also a bit wet >How long has she been like that? >Fluttershy is beaming at you >"Anon! I knew you loved me!" >Octavia laughs >"Don't be ridiculous, "Flutt Shynekoff", he deserves a mare of class and elegance, like me" >Fluttershy freezes and her face contorts to one of rage >You've seen this before Oh god no >"You... You want to steal my Anon away from me?" Oh shit >"It won't be stealing if he willingly comes to me" Oh fuck >You brace yourself for the coming storm, and hope that the bar has enough money to fix the damages >"NOBODY TOUCHES MY MONKEY" >Fluttershy uppercuts Octavia, sending her flying over the bar >Not to be outdone, Octavia begins hurling bottles of whiskey at Fluttershy, who nimbley dodges the alcoholic-missiles, making her way towards the grey mare >A bottle flies past your head and knocks the security guard unconscious >You quickly run towards the entrance but then you remember >Aww shit, where's Rarity?! >You then see the back door open, and in struts Rarity, looking very relaxed and pleased with herself, before the door closes behind her you see 3 twitching stallions on the floor >She walks up to you and grins, oblivious to the cum in her mane and on her cheek >"Well, Anon. Ready to go?" >You give her a dead pan look and point to the war taking place in the middle of the room >Fluttershy has her war face on and is taking cover behind an overturned table >Meanwhile Octavia found a case full of Buck Lite and is hurling them with such force, that they take bits of the table with them when they strike Fluttershy's defences >"YOU'LL HAVE TO DO BETTER THAN THAT, YOU MONKEY STEALING BITCH!" >"GO BACK YOUR MUDHOLE, YOU UNCULTURED MULE!" >A mule near the back of the room looks pretty pissed at that comment >Rarity tuts >"Oh my. Well I can't say i'm surprised. Octavia has somewhat of an obsession with exotic creatures" And i'm exotic how? >"You're the only one of your kind on this planet Oh yeah. Want to get out of here? >She smiles up at you >"Yes." >You both head towards the door, leaving the two human-obsessed mares to wage war in your name >As you leave the building you look back and see a good portion of it collapse and catch fire >Soon the whole building is up in flames and you can see Octavia and Fluttershy on the roof fighting it out with some kind of complicated Horse-martial arts >Rarity seems unfazed >Can't really blame her. She's friends with Pinkie Pie >You both head towards the train station, leaving the building to collapse and the two mares to battle forever more >You're surprised at Rarity though. You didn't think of her as promiscuous. >But then again, a girl has needs, as she says. >1 hour later you're on the train back to Ponyville >Rarity is snoozing against your shoulder and Fluttershy sits across from you So... What brought that on >"nobodystealsmymonkey" What? >"I said no one steals my monkey" Your monkey. >"My monkey" >You sigh You have issues Fluttershy >"Yep" >You're shocked at how normal she sounded saying that You ok? You took quite a beating back there >Looking at her, she's covered in burns, stinks of alcohol, you can see bruises and cuts all over her from the glass, her left eye is shut due to a deep scar and her leg look pretty badly damaged. >"I didn't want her taking you away from me" She wasn't going to do that, Fluttershy, I wouldn't let her >She smiles at you, and then winces in pain >You gently lie Rarity down and sit next to Fluttershy >She doesn't even look at you, she's clearly in too much pain to turn her head Hey... You took a serious beating in my name. You know how badass that is? >She giggles, then winces again >You smile at her Thanks, Fluttershy >You pull her closer to you with your arm and she falls asleep on you >The mare nearly got herself killed trying to defend your honour >Not many people have ever done that Oh Fluttershy End