GS: fashion designer Skovy: dragon that bangs Rarity Cheese: Prostitue NOM: subway pony Midwest: bartender RVG: anon, cus we all know he want to bang sally :3 Liger: dragon that is bangin cheese Fribox: small box that is stepped on Soleam: Music epic sax jax edit for fri 4:29 AM Fribox ban: do we have to mention me by name 4:30 AM Fribox ban: why not just say "box" 4:30 AM Soleam ban: or square 4:30 AM Fribox ban: or not at all 4:30 AM Soleam ban: or container 4:30 AM Fribox ban: or crate 4:30 AM Soleam ban: or 6 side 4:31 AM Soleam ban: or d6 Day 1 (tues) Anon meets S&L and gets to know her Plot: anon is helping with hay bales, then Sally comes running from a herd of cows let loose, anon saves her and gets scraped up in the process. Sally gets yelled at and runs away, and you’re made at AJ and walk away. You try to pick up a hay stack but can’t; Big Mac takes over for you. Anon goes to the lake before he plans to ask Aj to help bandage him up. He plans to take a dip but finds Sally and they start talking. You make her happy, and you both play fight in the water. We assume she gets a slight crush at the end of play fighting. Anon helps her out of the water and notices she has a fake cutie mark. She leaves awkwardly and your completely oblivious of her slight crush. You come back to Aj's and are greeted by the smell of apple pie. it’s your favorite, but what else is new, you talk to Aj about sally while she bandages you up ,and just then, sally comes home in the middle of it and she runs to her room. You go in, give her pie, and says you’ll teach her the ropes about farming but she doesn’t want to listen. Applejack has a slightly less obvious crush on you as well you and big mac walk home together and talk about life. Day 2 (wed) Big mac wakes you up saying you both are late. You both rush to the farm. Apple jack tell big mac to teach Sally how to buck apples. It is funny seeing her suck. For most of the day spent teaching sally how to farm. While this is happening rarity come over and discussing the Dally in the ally. After discussing it, rarity tell apple jack that she needs a date for the festival, and apple jack thinks it’s a good idea to ask you. Anon shows sally around and she starts acting googly eyed and after coming back, apple ask anon do discuss something alone. She tries to ask anon out to the Dally, but anon miss interprets it as asking sally, he thinks it’s a good idea. AJ is sad. We assume that anon; oblivious to himself, begins to start liking Sally as well. The fact that she is a pony is one the of the biggest reason stopping him from thinking any more about it. Day3 (thur) Day three starts with rarity urging you, Sally, Aj, and Big Mac to her house where you meet Skovy. Basically the whole time is spent sizing everyone up with Gs the biggest name in fashion. You and Skovy partake in some small talk, and he end up talking to you about how he bangs rarity all the time. Although it’s very graphic and not something you two should be talking about and you keep looking at Sally PLOT all the while this is happening. You also hear rarity and Gs freaking out about the dresses and suits and stuff. Skovy is partly the reason for you start thinking about what it would be like to be in a relationship with a pony. You end up asking Sally to the Dally in the ally and she says yes. That night, anon tells AJ about the good news and Applejack tries her hardest to be happy for anon, and anon can’t tell she feels kind of bad Day4 (fri) Day 4 is where you tell sally about yourself about your past on earth, and she does too although she doesn’t end up telling you about her cutie mark you two end up falling in love and bangin in the barn (edit (before the sex) add scene with applejack freaking out about kelp big mac tells anon to ask her about kelp, AJ goes crazy while Big Mac is dying of laughter, anon leaves the room with apple jack doing this as bigmac is flailing his arms on the upside down on the floor) Day5 (sat) Is the Dally in the ally you get ready, while getting ready you tell AJ all about last night :3….your still oblivious to seeing all the feels AJ has. You spending your time having fun and what not you go on rides and shit. The main event happens where sally's cute mark is found to be fake. She runs away and you try to find her but cannot, the day ends up on a depressing note with sally still missing Day6 (sun) Day six is spent look for her....the whole day and very suspenseful you go home sad late at night and you realize all of you money has been taken. You think to yourself did she leave town. Mind you its 12am and the train station is closed, you argue with AJ and in a fit of anger, you leave to the train station, but met with a closed sign and no way to find out until the next morning Day7 You go to the train stating trying to find information on her. and there is nothing, then you realize maybe she changed her cute mark and sure enough with better disruption of her, you find out she took a ticket too Cicagallop (Chicago pun) anon go home and packs to get ready and leave. One thing leads to another, and it ends up being you Skovy, AJ and GS(because GS wants to have excitement in his life... more than being a fashion designer) leaving for Cicagallop Day8-whatever With help your friends and new friends you make on the way (Feta the prostitute, liger, another dragon, the one and only subway pony, and Midwest, the average Joe bartender) you (and anyone that wants to join can) all make your way defying the odds in this big city and others like, trying to find Sally and ultimately bring her home(fribox gets hurt in the making....his is stepped on and becomes very very sad) series of events after getting to Cicagallop, you find the search is harder then you thought, and days pass and the only one that still believes in you is AJ and the third day, skovy back to the in you guys were stayin at, and with a guest. the pony he befriended is a weird character that goes by the name subway pony(pony included, he hates if you only call him subway) he was recently fired at.. you guessed it, Subway because he is actually bad at making Subway sammichs. as everone is arguing that they need to go home and they don't have enough time or money, Subway pony says he can find their friends. Subway takes every one to see his father (fribox) who apparently is the head of the Cicagallop mafia subway takes then to fancy restaurant where there is a hidden passage way to underground. there you find stock piles of guns, and mafia ponies. and are take to a room where a screen pops up with a silhouette of a pony wearing a box over his head. he happily agrees to help. Subway pony accidentally says that he wants kelp on the next subway sammich he makes(mind you at this point anon and Fribox are in a deep discussion about Sally) fri tells one of the mafia to drug her to shut her up, and they give her (either altos of alcohol, or a tranquilizer dart). you guys leave after, and Aj is completely drunk/and or fucked up by the tranquilizer dart. you end up staying at Subway pony's house.....which is actually the penthouse of the Horseshoe Casino, one of the biggest. (edit: Subway's penthouse is filled what giant sized subway sammich furniture) Skovy and gs go down and play in the casino, and Gs wins a shit ton of money mean while, You're stuck with a less than coherent Applejack who starts telling you her feelings. we find out he next day that it turns out.....and that enough with spoilers, but you find out shes in some other city, where you meat Midwest and Fetta, who help you find her..... "I'm finally happy, you know things have a funny way of turning out." "eeyup" "I've found love in the most strangest of places, from right in front of me, I was so oblivious, so distracted that I didn’t see the way AJ felt for me." and sure enough, she’s was there left pick up those broken pieces like she's always done." "I've met some wonderful people on the way, and learned, it’s the friends that would stick with me through thick and thin that matter the most and that's what really counts" Sweet&Low is gone, but you what.....I think things are finally turning around. BUT IT WAS ALL A DREAM!!! -Liger edit** randomvectorguy mod: at the part wher you all hear thats that shes in chaogallop randomvectorguy mod: or what ever it is randomvectorguy mod: you kow how they have thoes big shows in vegas randomvectorguy mod: weill shes a sinnger is one of thoes randomvectorguy mod: changed her cutie mard to a microphone or some shit randomvectorguy mod: you go up ther and find her randomvectorguy mod: she with her agent randomvectorguy mod: and you a second to talk to her randomvectorguy mod: shes in a rush to go in this building and up an elevater randomvectorguy mod: you have the talk while your whole gang randomvectorguy mod: and she basicly says she donesnt really care about you randomvectorguy mod: and that she liked you body not you randomvectorguy mod: some shit it that randomvectorguy mod: and in the back of your head, all you can think about is how much you what to bitch this slut out randomvectorguy mod: LITERALLY the whole story was a wild goose chase to bring her home randomvectorguy mod: but you end up leaving empty handed randomvectorguy mod: you guess you can undersand that shs finally found her home now randomvectorguy mod: you all get on the train back randomvectorguy mod: that guys fells bad and what not, but soon they all relaxy randomvectorguy mod: your on this train, cushed and depressed randomvectorguy mod: and aj finally mans up and kilsses you randomvectorguy mod: befere that hyou have a discussion to her about how your feeling and shit randomvectorguy mod: she says she'll alwasy be there randomvectorguy mod: and then goes in for then kill randomvectorguy mod: you say some cheese lines in you head randomvectorguy mod: you hod her hoof tight randomvectorguy mod: and say randomvectorguy mod: elt me think lol just had it randomvectorguy mod: "things are staring to get better" randomvectorguy mod: or some shit randomvectorguy mod: thats doesn sonund right randomvectorguy mod: "Apple Jack....ive gone thruoght hell and back, and to find out how wrong i was. And even though im still so hurt, im gald you're here. Sally may be gone, but you're here, you've always been here..... randomvectorguy mod: "ive been so stupid...." randomvectorguy mod: so wrong... randomvectorguy mod: she lays her on your sholder randomvectorguy mod: or some variationn of that randomvectorguy mod: or hery telling him to hush now randomvectorguy mod: "Apple Jack, thank you" randomvectorguy mod: >your imbrass tightens randomvectorguy mod: fucking grammer randomvectorguy mod: "I think thing are finally lookin up" randomvectorguy mod: fin~ Pixel8ed: Damn that was a lot Pixel8ed: Yeah the idea sounds good. Go for it! randomvectorguy mod: but too much write for one poor RVG randomvectorguy mod: :c randomvectorguy mod: and lol shanks randomvectorguy mod: :P Pixel8ed: You'll get there lol randomvectorguy mod: lol thanksman randomvectorguy mod: i need ti head that Pixel8ed: No problem randomvectorguy mod: im sad cus these characters are all poep on pony hell randomvectorguy mod: i would have rellly liked for them to actualy play thier part but that seems like too much Pixel8ed: Fair enough