>The Archive always smelled like old books.
>Maybe that's why Twilight liked visiting so much.
>The building towered before her, a beacon of knowledge and wisdom amidst royalty, in the heart of Canterlot.
>The massive oak doors groaned as Twilight's magic pushed them inwards.
>Inside, a bespectacled griffon stood on his hindlegs Bowed deeply at the sight of a Princess.
>His graying feathers bristled in the soft breeze from outside.
>"Good afternoon, Princess Twilight. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
>His English accent fit his attire, similar to that of a Butler of the victorian era.
>Or, at least, how Anon described it during his brief visit.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Lockshire. I believe you know why I am here."
>His gaze narrowed upon the purple pony, as if it would help him remember.
>"Ah, Yes. You're here for the new exhibit, aren't you, Madame?"
>A new exhibit?
>Twilight had heard rumors of something new in the Archive, but she thought it was merely new tomes from a dig site.
>How she yearned to be there, in Saddle Arabia, The birthplace of Ponykind, in the search for greater knowledge.
>Alas, her duties as The Princess of Friendship tethered her here, to deal with smaller problems.
>But, enough Reminiscing.
"A new exhibit? I came here to find one of Starswirl's works, But now you have me interested."
>The butler's expression brightened with pride at the word of the exhibit.
>"Oh, Madame, It is absolutely Brilliant! If you wish, I will lead you to our newest addition!"
"Then let's not waste time."
>"Of course, of course! Before we go, would you like a spot of tea, Ma'am? It is nearing teatime."
>'Might as well, it would give me a reason to meander about and look for those books.'
"If it's not bothersome, Mr. Lockshire."
>"Not at all, Madame."

>A few moments later, Twilight and Lockshire were stood in front of a Glass Case.
>Within, a figure of a Pony in some form of armor Twilight had never seen before stood, mute.
>Lockshire, with tea tray in hand, began his exposition of the exhibit.
>"Now, this one, I'm not sure. It was in a collection, belonging to an older fellow that passed some time ago."
>The Figure stood still, It's face covered by some form of mask. What looked like a brimmed helmet laid atop it's head.
>"Quite bitter, he was. He hadn't declared any Beneficiaries, and none stepped forwards, I'm afraid."
>The Figure's mask connected to a box slung around it's barrel. It looked both very old and very advanced.
>"Naturally, His possesions were eventually Inherited by the state. After some tedious Research, We believe this to be from the Grand War."
"The Grand War!"
>Twilight's exclamation echoed through the empty halls of the Archive.
>"Ma'am, if you would please be respectful of other scholars."
>Her face reddened in embarrasment. What a stupid mistake to make.
>"As I was, The recently departed Colt had amongst his things a journal, though it seems to be encrypted."
>A small display table stood in front of the figure's Casing, holding with it a Leather-bound Journal.
>"Perhaps... You could give it a go, Princess?"
>This could be a historical breakthrough!
>All records of the Grand War had been destoyed once Nightmare Moon (briefly) overthrew Celestia!
>Twilight stood there, still as a post.
>She was worried the task ahead of her would prove too hard for her.
>"History forgotten, Is the blueprint for the future, Princess Twilight.
>That was the nail in the coffin.
"I'll do it. Have it sent to my Study in Ponyville."
>"Right away, Ma'am."
>Lockshire placed the tea tray on a small table surrounded by comfy-looking chairs, and made his way towrds the Reception office.
"And, Mr. Lockshire?"
>Turning on his heel, The butler stood at attention.
"Don't let word of this spread yet. We don't know what kind of secrets we're opening up here."
>"I wouldn't dream of it, Madame."
>And with that, The Griffon was gone.
"Or what kind of horrors await within."

>Three Days later, and still no progress.
>Wasted on this stupid book!
>Why would anypony need to scramble their thoughts to this degree?
>What did this journal really hold?
>Twilight decided that maybe it was time to take a new perspective on this puzzle.
>And as such, she put the book down, and left her study.
>As she made her way out of the crystalline doors, it occured to her that she might know somepony who could help.
>"It's a long shot, but it's better than staying cooped up in here."
>Moving towards the massive Purple doors that led outside, She was taken aback by the sun's bright onslaught.
>As her eyes adjusted, she mad her way towards the Apple orchards.

>"And you're tellin' me this, why?"
>Applejack's thick Southern accent was a nice change from the regality of Mr. Lockshire.
"Because, I believe Granny Smith might know something about this. If i'm not mistaken, She was about 14 when the war ended."
>"So now, jus' 'cause She's old, yer thinkin' she'll know this secret chipher-majigger?"
"No, But she might be able to point me in the right direction."
>Applejack stood there, thinking.
>"Well, Ah guess it couldn't hurt. Granny Smith!"
>Behold, the call of the Apple.
>The elderly mare jumperd in her rocking chair on the porch.
>"Huh, whatsit... Yes, Applejack?"
>"Twilight here needs ta talk ta you!"
>Granny Smith's eyes lit up in excitement.
>"Well, don't be keepin' 'er!"
>Twilight took that as her que to move forward.
>"Come and have a seat 'ere, sweetie. I don't bite. Not anymore, at least."
>Sitting down upon a wooden bench besides Granny's chair, Twilight began her interrogation.
>After explaining The book and it's previous owner, the time came for the big question.
"Granny Smith, did anyone in your family ever serve in the Grand War?"
>The Old mare's expression sobered from that of a happy elder.
>A deep regret dawned on her face.
>Tears began to well in her eyes.
"Granny Smith, You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
>"No, it's... It's about time i told another pony about him."
>"Mah daddy fought in that damned war. He was drafted at the beginning of the last year of it."
>"Ah was jus' a filly at the time. I didn't quite understand why Momma was cryin' so much."
>Tears began to openly flow from the Elderly mare's eyes.
>"He told me he was goin' on an adventure, in a far away land, and that when he came back he'd have treasure for us."
>"And then, the wagon came ta get 'im. Momma cried even harder, beggin' him ta not go."
>"What he said next, Ah don't think I'll ever forget."
>"He said, 'I need to go, baby. If I don't, Then who will protect you?'"

>With this, Granny Smith regains her composure.
>"Ah haven't told nopony that story in a long while, dearie."
"I'm sorry to salt old wounds like that, Granny Smith."
>"It's fine, Twilight. If'n you're lookin' for something to help solve that old book of yers, I think Mah Daddy's stuff is still in the Attic."
"Would you mind if i took some of his belongings to be shown at the Archive?"
>Granny ponders on this question, her tear-stained cheeks sprouting a smile.
>"Ah think that's a fine idea, Princess. Let the Ponies understand why we can't be havin' another war like that."
"Thank you, Granny Smith."
>"You best git searchin' before i change mah mind, Twilight. The stairs ta the attic are next ta Applejack's room."
>And with that, Our purple protagonist was off.

>The floorboards creaked and groaned under Twilight's weight, protesting a new visitor.
>The attic was dark and dusty, lit only by a small circular window at the fromt of the house.
>Many boxes piled high, like mountains of family history.
>Among these boxes, a certain crate laid in wait.
>Waiting for the day somepony would need it's contents once more.

>That day had finally arrived.

>Twilight began sifting through the boxes, lost in a whole other world, full of history.
>Then, She saw it.
>A large wooden crate, covered in stains from both mud and blood.
>Written upon it in bold letters was the owner's name, rank, and Date of death.
MORNDAS, 14th OF SOL, ----
>The year had been scratched off, whether intentionally or not, Twilight might never know.
>The box was a pain to move out of the house, but eventually ended up outside.
>The Apples that were present gathered round.
>Applejack looked upon the crate with a solemn expression.
>"Would ya mind if we opened it up here?"
"Not at all, Applejack. This is a part of your history as much as it is Equestria's."
>Big Mac strolled towards the crate, Crowbar in hoof.
>The old wood groaned in protest as he began pulling nails out of the frame.
>A minute later, and the box had been opened, revealing the contents to Celestia's golden light once more.
>Within was a set of armor much like the one fom the Archive, A journal of it's own, and a tattered flag, folded into a triangle.
>The Golden sun that emblazoned the flag cound be seen in the center of the triangle.
>Sniffles and quiet sobs were all that could be heard from the Apple family.
>After a long silence, Twilight raised the flag from it's place in the crate, ensuring it would remain in it's folded form.
>Giving it to Granny Smith, The elderly mare held it withing here Forelegs.
"This is for you to remember him by. Hopefully, with the new exhibit in Canterlot, other ponies will remember him, too."
>"Thank you, Princess... Please, make sure he won't be forgotten..."
"I will, Granny Smith. I promise."

>After taking a wagon to her castle, Twilight levitated the crate to her study.
>The first journal laid in wait upon the crystal table, surrounded by a clutter of papers with failed solutions to the seeming anagram.
"Spike! Come here for a minute!"
>The small dragon waddled his way into the study with haste.
>"Yes, Twilight? What's up?"
"Write a letter for me to Mr. Lockshire."
>"From the Archive? That Lockshire?"
"Yes, Spike."
>He pulled out a Piece of fine parchment and a feathered quill, motioning to Twilight he was ready.
"Dear Mr. Lockshire,
Through my research into the new exhibit's journal, I have come into another set of armor and journal.
These are from the Apple family's Macoun, a Gunnery Sargeant in the Grand war. I wish to keep the journal as i hope it will help me in my studies,
But The family has requested that the Armor be set on display with the first set. If all goes well, we might have a breakthrough on our hooves/claws.
Please write back when possible so that we may set up the delivery of this historical artifact.
Signed, Princess Twilight Sparkle."
>"And... Done."
>The dragon rolled up the parchment, and set it aflame. the ashes flew out of a nearby window, on their way to Canterlot.
>"Are we really looking into the Grand War? I thought all the records were lost."
"So did I, Spike. Luck must be on our side this time."
>The dragon Belched loudly, and another rolled parchment appeared before him.
>Grabbing it from the air, he opened and began to read it.
>"Dear Princess Twilight,
>"Arrangements have been made to move the artifact tonight. I hope you don't mind late-night visitors.
>"As for the Journals, i wish you the best of luck. I've been hearing small talks about cipher from the great war from some of our guests,
>"And i believe you may wish to look into the 'Polybius Square'. It might be a part of the puzzle, Ma'am.
>"Best of luck, Sherman Lockshire."
"The 'Polybius Square'?"

(The Polybius square is part of a real cipher used in World war one.)