Variations on a Theme, part 1 Posted by Amarissa on August 11, 2005 at 15:21:06: Bride of the Sun In the grey predawn twilight Ella walked with her father and mother. Together they left the village and climbed the gently sloping plain to the place where the great stones stood. She walked between her parents, holding her mother’s hand in her left, her father’s hand in her right. She was filled with excitement and anticipation, but also with nervousness. She was a special girl, and today was a special day. When they approached the silent standing stones, Ella knelt and prayed before entering the sacred circle to join those already gathered. The low chanting of the druid priests rose above the quiet hum of the assembled crowd, and she recognized several people she knew as their eyes turned toward her. She smelled incense and heard the beat of the hand drum, and she knew the preparations were almost finished. She turned toward her mother, her young, beautiful mother, and looked into her eyes before pressing her body against her in a long, loving embrace. Then she turned toward her father, who bent to pick her up in his strong arms and kiss her tenderly on her mouth. She threw her arms around him and bit his lip in passionate affection, before he gently replaced her on her feet. Then she moved away from her parents to where the other unmarried girls were gathered, while they went to join the other married couples. As she approached her friends they fell silent, looking at her searchingly. Every girl’s eyes held the same unspoken question: Are you ready? She knew she was. She moved among them and hands reached out to press hers; garlands of fresh flowers were placed in her blonde hair and draped across her delicate shoulders; bodies rustled and pressed close to hers; lips pressed against her cheek and against her own lips; more hands caressed her, circumspectly at first, and then more urgently. She returned affection as urgently as it was offered, and soon was floating on a euphoric cloud of excitement. She moved slowly thus through the crowd of girls, and arrived flushed pink and breathing heavily at the edge of the inner circle, where people stood watching the hooded priests. A murmur went around the crowd as she appeared, and she spotted her parents watching her from the other side of the circle. She smiled ruefully at them as she attempted to smooth her clothes. The drum stopped, then the priests ceased chanting, and finally the bell sounded. She knew that this was the signal to begin. “Today is the birthday of our father the sun,” said the senior priest loudly so all could hear. “Who comes today to join our father in marriage, to honor him and bring him delight?” Ella felt herself step forward into the inner circle. She was nervous again. What if I forget the words, she thought. But she did not forget the words. “I am here to marry our father the sun, if he will have me. My name is Ella, daughter of Willa, and of Drake.” Her voice only shook a very little bit. “You have been considered, Ella, and you have been accepted. Many have desired to stand in your place, but to you the privilege has been given,” intoned the priest in response. At these words, Ella’s heart lifted and soared like a bird. Now her acceptance was no longer conditional, it was final. Nothing could come between her and the sun now. “Who offers this beautiful girl in marriage to our father the sun?” called the priest, turning toward Ella’s parents. They stepped forward, hand in hand. “I, Drake, son of Drane, am this girl’s father. She is a wonderful girl, and has been the light of my life. Now it is time for her to join her new husband, our father the sun,” said Ella’s father in a strong, resonant voice. Then her mother spoke, her voice high and clear like a songbird in the morning light. “I am Willa, daughter of Wellen. I am Ella’s mother and have suckled her at my breast. I have raised her to be a good girl, and a good girl she is. I, too, give my consent. She honors her family greatly. She goes with my blessing to her new husband, our father the sun.” The priest, satisfied, turned back to Ella. “Ella,” he said, “you do indeed honor your family. Take leave, now, of your parents who have raised you so well and who now relinquish you so gracefully to your future. They will miss you, for you must go to live far away.” The priests stood back, opening a way for Ella as she walked to her parents and knelt at their feet. She looked at her mother, whose sparkling green eyes shone with love, and at her father, whose beautiful, deep blue eyes ran with tears of sadness and of pride. No words passed between them; none were needed. Everything had been said between them long ago; now was only recognition, acknowledgement. Ella stood and walked slowly to the center of the circle where the high priest waited. “Ella,” he said. “You honor not only your family. You honor us all. You are beautiful. You are good. You are strong. You are perfect in every way. You are a fitting bride for our father the sun, and lo! He draws near to meet you.” He extended his arm to the east, where the light was growing on the horizon. “Show yourself to him, and greet his arrival.” Every eye was upon her now and a shiver of pleasure ran through her body as she savored the moment. She felt her nipples tingle and harden, and held her shoulders back to press them against the gauzy linen of her blouse. Not a word was spoken; it seemed not even a breath was taken as she slowly undid the buttons of her blouse and let it slip from her shoulders and fall to the ground. A small collective gasp came from all around her at the sight of her pert young breasts, round and high, nipples rosy and erect. The only sound was from the birds in the meadow around them, as eyes admired her tapered waist, her smooth belly. Calmly, unhurriedly, she found the drawstring of her skirt and untied it. It was so quiet, those standing near her could hear the soft rustle as it fell around her ankles. She stepped forward, out of the cloth on the ground, and eyes now moved from her stunning breasts to take in her shapely calves, smooth thighs, and high, rounded buttocks. Only a triangle of cloth at her loins remained, held by a ribbon tied in a bow at her hip, and this she released with a flick of her hand , letting it fall to reveal her finest gifts in their perfect young glory. Her pubic hair was completely shaved as a bride’s should be, and the sight of her sex brought another soft gasp from the crowd around her. As the sun’s first rays broke over the horizon and fell across her rosy skin, Ella raised her arms and folded her hands behind her head, standing with her chest out and her legs spread slightly, showing herself to her bridegroom. Now, on her wedding morning, she felt more beautiful than she ever had in her young life, and she shuddered with mounting pleasure and excitement as she felt the sun’s warmth caressing her body. Her breathing grew faster and deeper. Her heart pounded in her ears. Her mouth was dry and she swallowed hard. The drum started again, slowly. She swayed from side to side. Then the smaller drum joined in, subdividing the beat in regular patterns, and she began her dance. This was her bridal dance, once she had composed and rehearsed in private, and now she would perform it for her bridegroom to demonstrate her readiness to receive him. She leaped, she twirled, her strong young legs and slender arms moved in languid, sensuous gestures as her body undulated sinuously. Her blonde hair flew in every direction as she twisted and spun; her perfect breasts bounced as she shimmied seductively. Sweat glistened on her skin as the tempo of her dance mounted and grew, until finally, panting for breath, she flung herself to her knees, arms outstretched, facing the sun, now fully risen above the horizon. Kneeling with her legs spread, she arched her spine as far as it would go, letting her head fall back, back, until her hair trailed on the ground and the cones of her breasts pointed toward the sky. The first arrow struck her a couple of fingers’ width below her navel, a little to the left side, penetrating her deeply. The sacrificial arrows were small and delicate, and the blow she felt was soft. Still she gasped as it sliced into her body. This was the crucial part, the part she must do well, the part she had never done before. She would die now; nothing could stop it. But she must go to her bridegroom with the utmost grace. She had tried to live as beautifully as possible, and now she must die as beautifully as possible. That is what she would be remembered by. It meant so much to her, to die beautifully. The second arrow entered her body close to the first, but a few inches to the right of center. Blood trickled gently from where the two feathered shafts projected from her lower belly, still heaving with the exertion of her dance. She waited, calmed by a rush of adrenaline and suddenly feeling no pain, but only the intimate knowledge of the arrows deep within her. Exhilaration flooded her. She could do it! It was not so hard after all. She had steeled herself to control her arms, to prevent them from trying reflexively to protect her from the arrows, but now that the moment had come no willpower was necessary. Her death would be the death a girl dreamed of. Her hands hung limply by her sides, and she waited exultantly for the next arrow. It struck low, just above her pubic bone. Blood pumped quickly from this one; she felt its hot flow as it ran down between her legs. The three points of impact now made the shape of a “V” between her bellybutton and her crotch. Time seemed to be slowing down as she waited for the next shaft of love, wondering where it would enter her. It seemed to be taking a long time. She wanted to be able to last long enough to play her part. Then she realized another arrow had entered her, higher up that the others, on her left side. Had it just struck her? Or had it been there some time before she noticed? She felt sleepy. She couldn’t be sure. Another arrow entered her on the right, filling her with love. She felt the warmth radiating out from it, bathing her in peace. She felt herself growing weak and dizzy, and concentrated as hard as possible on remaining upright so she could receive more arrows and more love. It was so important, a beautiful death. The next arrow struck her in the solar plexus and caused her body to straighten reflexively. Her head flew up and though her sight was dim and unfocused, her eyes were filled with the light of the sun. She began to sway to the side, falling, as the last arrow sailed toward her. It caught her off-balance, sinking into her left breast as she swayed to the right, spinning her and flinging her down on the ground. As lay on her back, arms flung out to her sides, arrows sprouting all over her body like golden flowers, she looked up and saw the sky, and knew she must have fallen. She felt the light approaching and knew her husband was near. She had one thing left to do. With the greatest effort, hanging onto life for precious seconds, concentrating to overcome the paralyzing weakness in her body, she slowly, slowly drew one leg up and to the side, parting her soft, white thighs to welcome her husband.