[9:47:33 AM | Edited 9:48:22 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: you know what ?? i need a fking break from the fucking internet from fucking people [9:47:40 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: (angry)(angry)(angry)(angry) [9:47:55 AM] Chris HATE: INTERPOOL wouldn't do shit about me. [9:48:00 AM] Chris HATE: They don't care [9:48:08 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >fking [9:48:14 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: there is no need to explain chris [9:48:38 AM] Chris HATE: INTERPOOL doesn't chase after common criminals. [9:48:43 AM] Sho Minamimoto: so wait, who are you kids? [9:48:55 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: im 31 not a kid [9:48:59 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: who the fk are you ? [9:49:04 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >31 [9:49:07 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >saying fk [9:49:07 AM] Chris HATE: I didn't add you, go ask what ever cunt thought it was a bright idea to add you. [9:49:12 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >ISHYGDDT [9:49:23 AM] pink0.moon: Lol [9:49:25 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: no adults are smart and dont swear [9:49:28 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: ofcourse i say fuck [9:49:38 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: i say fuck when i fuck my wife [9:49:38 AM] Sho Minamimoto: ITT: Moralfags [9:49:49 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: and step daugher [9:49:54 AM] Chris HATE: I'm far from a moral fag. [9:50:00 AM | Edited 9:50:03 AM] Sho Minamimoto: oh really? [9:50:23 AM] Chris HATE: We don't like /b/ talk here. We will wash your mouth out with Martin's semen. [9:50:38 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: who is martin ? [9:50:38 AM] Sho Minamimoto: (419) 446-9408 [9:50:41 AM] Sho Minamimoto: call me up [9:50:46 AM] Sho Minamimoto: right now [9:50:51 AM] Sho Minamimoto: or are you scared? [9:51:12 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: [17:50:42] Sho Minamimoto: call me up and plesure my anus ....oh god yes (worry) [9:51:24 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: (makeup) [9:51:29 AM] pink0.moon: lolololol [9:51:29 AM] Chris HATE: If I were to call you I'd probably be the first number that has ever been on your caller ID that hasn't been your mother. [9:52:26 AM] pink0.moon: I wish I had caller ID [9:52:54 AM] Chris HATE: Too bad Canada is 20 years behind in phone technology. [9:53:00 AM] Sho Minamimoto: ^ [9:53:10 AM] pink0.moon: Nah, just about 10 years in internet technology [9:53:19 AM] pink0.moon: Some schools have fiber optic [9:53:35 AM] pink0.moon: Like in order to have your dsl speed I need turbo high speed [9:54:00 AM] Chris HATE: Big fucking deal [9:54:01 AM] Sho Minamimoto: so, who wants to call me first? [9:54:10 AM] pink0.moon: I will [9:54:11 AM] Sho Minamimoto: don't you all be calling up at once now [9:54:12 AM] Sho Minamimoto: (419) 446-9408 [9:54:16 AM] pink0.moon: Hmm [9:54:26 AM] pink0.moon: Is that really your number/? [9:54:33 AM] Chris HATE: No [9:54:37 AM] pink0.moon: If it's not I don't want to pay long distance [9:54:52 AM] Sho Minamimoto: be sure to say really hateful things to me over the phone [9:54:58 AM] pink0.moon: Lol [9:55:00 AM] pink0.moon: Not likely [9:55:01 AM] Sho Minamimoto: also make sure to ask for a "Matthew Sauder" [9:55:08 AM] Sho Minamimoto: for extra lulz [9:55:19 AM] pink0.moon: Nah I think I'll pass [9:55:35 AM] pink0.moon: You'll just end up fapping cuz a girl phoned you for the first time [9:55:39 AM] Chris HATE: Me Droogs be ringing the tele-phone [9:55:44 AM] pink0.moon: Lol [9:55:52 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >girl [9:55:57 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >most likely hambeast [9:56:00 AM] Sho Minamimoto: no thanks [9:56:02 AM] Chris HATE: YOU SEE YOU SEE I DO HAVE FRIENDS! [9:56:16 AM] pink0.moon: Lol [9:56:42 AM | Removed by Chris HATE, 9:57:13 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: This message has been removed. [9:56:51 AM | Removed by Chris HATE, 9:57:20 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: This message has been removed. [9:57:07 AM] pink0.moon: You can't be a hambeast and do yoga you'd fall over [9:57:13 AM] pink0.moon: And die [9:57:20 AM] Sho Minamimoto: cool story [9:57:35 AM | Removed by Chris HATE, 9:57:57 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: This message has been removed. [9:57:43 AM] pink0.moon: You type well, Martin [9:57:46 AM] pink0.moon: GJ [9:57:56 AM] Sho Minamimoto: you type like a faggot pink0.moon [9:57:58 AM] Sho Minamimoto: GJ [9:58:16 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: shes a girl asshole [9:58:20 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: show some respect [9:58:22 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >girl [9:58:29 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >automatically deserves respect [9:58:30 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: :O [9:58:33 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >not in kitchen [9:58:41 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: i agree but she does [9:58:46 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: shes cool [9:58:55 AM | Edited 9:58:58 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: lol no i dont agree [9:59:03 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: women arent slaves ... [9:59:05 AM] Chris HATE: No one has accorded her respect she doesn't derseve on the basis of being female. [9:59:09 AM] Sho Minamimoto: women are slaves [9:59:11 AM] Sho Minamimoto: problem? [9:59:34 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: she deserves respect because shes pink0 [9:59:41 AM] pink0.moon: ^ [9:59:50 AM] Chris HATE: Sho, you're the kid of idiot who pretty much makes the whole mens right's movement seem like satire when you say this "get into the kitchen" bullshit. [9:59:55 AM] Sho Minamimoto: she doesn't deserve respect because she is a faggot [10:00:10 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >men's rights [10:00:17 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >implying we don't already have them [10:00:29 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >implying women should have rights as well [10:00:38 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: thats true women have more rights [10:00:44 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: but so do niggers [10:00:46 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: and spics [10:00:49 AM] Chris HATE: Sho, implying cutting off the end of a male childs penis isn't a denial of rights. [10:00:59 AM] Sho Minamimoto: ^ [10:01:03 AM] Sho Minamimoto: it is [10:01:14 AM] Sho Minamimoto: your dick is essentially the reason you should be free [10:01:16 AM] Chris HATE: Who added this weaboo, aspie piece of shit? [10:01:26 AM] pink0.moon: Faggot, often shortened to fag, is a pejorative term and common slur used chiefly in North America against homosexual males.[3] Its pejorative use, broadly meaning a "repellent male",[4] has spread from the United States to varying extents elsewhere in the English-speaking world through mass culture, including movies, music, and the Internet. [10:01:42 AM] pink0.moon: You lose the game, Sho [10:01:45 AM] pink0.moon: Wiki wins it [10:01:52 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >implying women are on the internet [10:01:55 AM] Sho Minamimoto: tell me [10:01:58 AM] Sho Minamimoto: do you like men? [10:02:03 AM] pink0.moon: Boxxy [10:02:05 AM] Chris HATE: NewFag [10:02:05 AM] pink0.moon: Nuff said [10:02:26 AM] Chris HATE: He's obviously a NewFag, he insist on speaking as if he's posting on 4chan. [10:02:32 AM] pink0.moon: ^ [10:03:04 AM | Removed 10:03:34 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: This message has been removed. [10:03:08 AM] Sho Minamimoto: anyway, if you guys are done giving me lulz [10:03:13 AM] Sho Minamimoto: I have a test to prepare for [10:03:16 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: no were not [10:03:21 AM] Sho Minamimoto: it was nice to make you all rage [10:03:23 AM] pink0.moon: You're going to go cry and slit your wrists, sho? [10:03:29 AM] Sho Minamimoto: maybe we can do it again sometime? [10:03:39 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: run away coward [10:03:44 AM] pink0.moon: Maybe you can suck a cock sometime [10:03:45 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: (rofl) [10:03:48 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: look at him run [10:04:14 AM] pink0.moon: lol [10:04:16 AM] Chris HATE: Sho, I'm glad I could help give you a reaso to keep your head out of the gas stove so people can continue to enjoy the lulz produced by a basement dwelling, weaboo who can only get hard from his poorly drawn Sailor moon characters. [10:05:15 AM | Edited 10:06:03 AM] Chris HATE: The fact he carries this 4chan jargon onto different chat formats tells me he doesn't do a lot of talking inbetween those two things. [10:06:31 AM] pink0.moon: Yup [10:06:40 AM] pink0.moon: You had it when you said 'new fag' [10:07:00 AM] Sho Minamimoto: the fact of which that you guys can't stop talking about me [10:07:06 AM] Sho Minamimoto: and giving me so much attention [10:07:13 AM | Edited 10:07:21 AM] Sho Minamimoto: is lulzworthy in itself [10:07:15 AM] Sho Minamimoto: <3 [10:07:42 AM] Chris HATE: It was only less than a minute ago, you must be someone of the most recent generation that can't stay focus or pay attention to anything that isn't porn [10:07:52 AM] Sho Minamimoto: I'm so glad that fire added me to a convo with so many lulzcow [10:08:17 AM] Chris HATE: An aspie who calls people "lulzcows" [10:08:21 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >less than a minute ago [10:08:28 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >3 whole minutes of consistant rage [10:08:37 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >still raging [10:08:42 AM] Chris HATE: Yes, I know that's a long time for someone like you. [10:09:22 AM] Chris HATE: No, you're a failtroll who can't keep his rage under control when ever there is a woman around due to the rejection you've faced in your life. [10:09:52 AM | Edited 10:09:58 AM] ╬ Herr Walther ıYı: because the tire is oval and dont need eggs to support itself on thin air devided by thow weight 4 pounds 1 killograms feet talll suqre tomato is pizza in reverse in the arse lolo tomato pizza with onion and cat ? what hat cat i dont want hairy hats cats on my pizza look for my tire and car [10:09:52 AM] Chris HATE: I doubt this was actual trolling, more done in the spirit of spite. [10:12:30 AM] Chris HATE: Do you know what's white and bounces up and down in a babies crib? James' ass! [10:12:48 AM] pink0.moon: Lol..... [10:13:23 AM] Sho Minamimoto: now then [10:13:28 AM] Sho Minamimoto: it's been a pleasure [10:13:36 AM] Sho Minamimoto: I hope to see you all again soon [10:13:42 AM] Sho Minamimoto: keep that butthurt now [10:13:42 AM] Chris HATE: We don't care [10:14:12 AM] Chris HATE: Oh yeah, this is the second time you said you're leaving. We're butthurt! [10:14:22 AM] Sho Minamimoto: yes, it is [10:14:31 AM] Sho Minamimoto: your butthurt has made me want to stay [10:14:37 AM] Sho Minamimoto: and milk you all some more [10:14:51 AM] Sho Minamimoto: and whats funny is, even after I say you are butthurt, you get more butthurt [10:14:55 AM] Chris HATE: Are you sure it's not because you don't want to get the last word in because you're "butthurt"? [10:15:08 AM] Sho Minamimoto: take a look at the first thing I said [10:15:13 AM | Edited 10:15:20 AM] Sho Minamimoto: I've been trolling from the start [10:15:26 AM] Chris HATE: I doubt it [10:15:32 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >doubt it [10:15:35 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >won't even check [10:15:38 AM] Chris HATE: This was done all in spite [10:15:46 AM] pink0.moon: He just wanted friends but he was rejected ;.; [10:15:48 AM] Sho Minamimoto: in spite of what? [10:15:55 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >wanted friends [10:16:00 AM] Sho Minamimoto: >you sent ME a FR [10:16:18 AM] Chris HATE: Aspies don't desire friends, it's not in their nature. [10:16:32 AM | Edited 10:17:05 AM] Chris HATE: He has a whole collection of anime dolls he can relate to. [10:17:36 AM] pink0.moon: Lol [10:17:56 AM] pink0.moon: I send everyone in this convo a request [10:18:00 AM] pink0.moon: You're so special [10:18:02 AM] pink0.moon: :3 [10:18:49 AM] pink0.moon: *sent [10:19:20 AM] pink0.moon: [10:18:17 AM] pink0.moon: Im not a retard [10:18:23 AM] pink0.moon: And Im not accepting that [10:18:51 AM] Sho Minamimoto: women clearly have no intelegence [10:18:53 AM] Sho Minamimoto: so yes [10:18:57 AM] Sho Minamimoto: yes you are a retard [10:19:05 AM] pink0.moon: You can't even spell intelligence. [10:19:36 AM] Sho Minamimoto: [10:17 AM] pink0.moon: <<< I send everyone [10:19:41 AM] Sean: lol! [10:19:42 AM] Chris HATE: Everytime we start talking he anounces he's going to leave, you consider this to be "butthurt" or not but you've contributed nothing to the conversation even while you were trying to chat as someone serious and I see no reason to keep you here. Your so called "trolling" was likely the social awkwardness of an aspie. [10:19:50 AM] *** Chris HATE removed Sho Minamimoto from this conversation. ***