>You are Anon; you live in a beat-up shithole of a town smack-dab in the middle of Utah. >Life sucks. >Your parents hate you; your girlfriend recently left you and took your best friend with her. >Your dog, Jake. >Your dog was the only thing you had that reminded you of your brother, who you watched get shot in the head in Iraq. >He was the only thing that you Truly, Deeply cared about. >When you are bored, you go out for a stroll. >One day you get home from a shitty day at work and you saw a car parked outside of your house. >Funny thing is, you live in one of the more secluded parts of town, how could, or who would be at your house? >You walk inside your “humble” abode to see a rather chunky man, one who smelled of spaghetti and ass cheeks. >You nearly throw up because of the smell, it was HORRID. >You take a better look at the man to see that he is wearing a trench coat, a fedora and a black t-shirt that had 2 letters on it, OP. >You start to talk to him and he interrupts you in the middle of your sentence to tell you about a little thing called a 2-choice. >Option 1, sent to the MLP universe, no sex, no love, although things like hugs and kisses are OK. >Option 2, you get given a random pony/character from the show, sex exists. If seen, they are gone forever. “Give me option 2.” >”Of course, oh, and if they are spotted in their true from, they are gone forever. >He throws a heavy sack at you and just disappears, trench coat and all. >You look inside the sack to see a tiny purple and green dragon looking at you. >Well this was unexpected. >You speak to the little dragon, you are aware that it is indeed spike for the show MLP: FiM. “Well hey there little guy!” >The little purple dragon looked at you, looking scared and unsuspecting of where he was, nor did he want to be here in the slightest, he spoke to you. >”Where am I?” >You don’t know how to respond, whether he will burn you to ash or if he will straight up just be mad at you. >Whether or not you make the right decision you make a swift choice and tell him the truth of where he is. “Little bro, you are on earth, be warned, life here sucks.” >The little purple dragon looked at you with a mix of sadness and confused thoughts. >”Why am I here? Where is twilight? Where is Rarity? Where is Equestria?!” >You have only one option, you make the decision as quick as possible as the dragon standing in your living-room looks like he’s about to burst into flames. “I honestly don’t know, I want to help you get back to Equestria, but you need to trust me, Ok?” >Spike nearly collapses when he hears those words come out of your mouth. “Why don’t you sit on the couch with me, I want to show you something on the TV.” What do I show him? >He refuses get on the couch with you and demands an explanation to why he’s here, but you still can’t explain how OP got him here in the first place. “I can’t tell you, because I don’t know. Look bud, you may be here a while, I want to make the best of it. You should too.” >”Fine; But first things first, I’m Spike, what’s your name?” “My name’s Anon, nice to meet you Spike!” >You reach your hand out to him, and you help him up onto the couch. “So…… You got anything you want to do? Anything you want to talk about?” >”Well yeah, I am a dragon if you didn’t already know, But I’m not like other dragons, I’m not greedy and not 1000 years old, I’m actually just a baby trained to be a servant” “Can you cook?” >”Yeah, But I’m not all that good at it.” “That’s fine, I’m a terrible cook, you could most likely do better than me.” >”I burn things from time to time.” “Still better than me” >You both share a small laugh until Spike yawns. >You look over at the clock to see the time is 9:00. >Damn, No wonder he’s tired. >You still have the bed of your old dog; you go get it for Spike. >You search high and low for the bed, realizing that the bitch took it with her. >You come out to the living room to see Spike fast asleep. >You decide to carry him upstairs and put him in your bed, you can go sleep on the couch. >You grab a pillow and a single blanket from the closet and walk downstairs. >You got to your couch and set it up to sleep on. >You get all under your blanket and fall asleep. >It’s weird, tonight, you had the very best sleep since your girlfriend left you….. >The next day you awake you find Spike sitting on the chair near your couch. >”Hello! How did you sleep?” “Good, You?” >”Wonderful!” “That’s nice; would you like something for breakfast?” >”Why sure! What can you make?” “I can fix you up a bowl of cereal, if you want” >”That sounds good.” “Okay, I’ll get right on it” >You walk into the kitchen; grab 2 bowls, 2 spoons, a gallon of milk from the fridge and a box of cereal. >You pour cereal into both bowls and start to pour the milk into the bowls. >As you finish making breakfast you hear a knock on the door. “Spike, Go upstairs please.” >”Why?” “Just. Do. It.” >Your voice become sterner with your voice as you finish the conversation and Spike walks upstairs. >You walk over to the door and swing it open. >You see a familiar face that you have not seen for a year or so. >It was your Ex-Girlfriend. >You are trying your hardest to keep in your anger but you can feel it eating away at you. >That bitch is going to get what’s coming for her. >You raise your right arm and swing as hard as you can directly to her jaw. >A muscular, hairy hand stops your fist. >It was her new boyfriend. >You release your hand from his and slam the door. >You run to the storage room and grab your e-tool that you smuggled from the marine core. >You open the door, step outside and plunge the serrated side right into the sluts new boyfriend. >You nearly split his head in half. “NOBODY TOUCHES ME AND GETS AWAY WITH IT YOU PIECE OF TRASH!!!” >You look over at the terrified whore and say. “You. You are going to get back into your car and drive away. Within 12 hours you will come back with Jake, or I swear to god your dead boyfriend will be the LEAST OF YOUR PROBLEMS!” >The terrified shell of a woman runs to her car and starts the ignition, she slams the drive pedal after shifting the car into reverse. >You can hear the tires screech as she drives away. >You slam the door, turn around and call spike downstairs. “Spiiiike! It’s time for BreaaakFest. >Spike runs downstairs and looks at you, he looks as if you are a timber wolf. >You look down to see your shirt covered with the blood of the boyfriend who’s brain you just smashed. >You tell Spike that if you had not done it, he would have taken him. >That reminds you, You need to hide the body, somehow. “Spike, go into the kitchen and eat your cereal.” >Not questioning the command in the slightest Spike dashes to the kitchen. >You go and grab the sack your little friend arrived in. >As you walk outside, you see the body in the same place as it was. >You decide you should put some gloves on, and wipe the blood off of your shovel. >You were in the military; they still have you FP’s. >You run inside grab a washcloth, wipe the blood from your shovel, and grab a pair of gloves. >You continue to walk outside. >You grab the dead man and stuff him inside the burlap sack that was given to you by that bastard OP. >How is this your life? >After stuffing the man inside the sack, you walk over you your car and throw him into the trunk. >You know exactly where to get rid of the body. >In the river. >You start to drive over to the bridge when you realized what you have just done. >You can’t dispose of the body like this. >So you do the most reasonable thing anyone would do. >You find the nearest field and burn the body. >The smell is horrendous; you haven’t smelt anything on this degree since that faggot OP. >You scoop up the ashes and put them in a coffee pot so you can toss them into that bitches eyes when she gets back with Jake. >You drive home, realizing that you’ve left spike alone for about 4 hours now. >Ohshit.jpeg >You nearly break the speed limit driving home as fast as you can, hoping that bitch did not come back yet. >You reach your street and see an empty parking lot. >Phew, Dodged a bullet there. >You fumble for your keys and walk inside. >There you see Spike bouncing up and down screaming like a maniac. >Oh. Shit. >You run upstairs as fast as you can and notice that all of your crack/heroin/weed/meth is gone. >The dragon continues to scream when you come downstairs to calm him down. >He nearly burns you to ashes. “HOLY FUCK THAT HURT!” >You look at your arm to see a second degree burn. >You feel mixed emotions, whether you should strangle the little bastard or feel bad for him because he had a bad trip. >To be honest, you are wondering why this little bro didn’t OD already. >You can’t blame him for eating meth; He probably thought they were crystals. >But your crack and weed was gone too. >He probably took your heroin, ate your meth, sneezed and burned the weed(making him contact high), and ate your crack too. >Man, that little dude is one hardcore motherfucker >You go and get some peroxide from the bathroom; you continue to pour it down Spike’s throat. >You give him a few good punches in the stomach and he throws up. >He no longer has a buzz. >He hugs you and thanks you for ending the sheer hell he just witnessed. *Ding Dong* “Spike, Go upstairs please.” >The little purple dragon continues to go up the stairs, you do not open the front door until you hear a door closing shut. >Your GF is back, with a blanket. >Inside is the dead body of Jake. >You break down, your last piece of sanity has been demolished. “YOU CRAZY SLUT! I WILL FUCKING END YOU IN THE CRUELEST WAY POSSIBLE!” >You get up and punch her straight in the face, knocking her out cold. *5 hours later* >You are down in the basement with the whore. >She seems to be tied to a chair, screaming and crying. “Well. You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?” >You tip over the chair and it falls, smashing her head on the floor. >You grab a bottle of alcohol that you kept for just such an occasion. >You open the bottle and pour the contents onto her face. >This feels good, it’s the closest thing to getting revenge on the people who had murdered him. *Anon proceeds to have a PTSD moment triggered* >You imagine that the cruel whore is the towel-head that killed your brother. >You continue to raise the chair back up. >You grab a pair of jumper cables which were attached to a continentally placed car battery. >You attach them to her alcohol soaked lips. >You proceed to shock her, over and over and over again. >You finally take off the jumper cables. >You can see the filthy towelhead crying. “What’s wrong, Can’t handle brutal painful murder? I HAD TOLD YOU TO BRING HIM HERE! THIS IS ME GOING EASY ON YOU, YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS PIECE OF ARROGANT INSANE TRASH!!!!” >”p-p-lease, a-anon, s-stop this.” *PTSD episode ends* >You look at the beaten bloody and burnt body of your ex-girlfriend. >You look at your hands, to see them drenched in blood. “W-what have I become? Oh my god! OH MY GOD! GOD FORGIVE ME!!” >You have an absolute mental breakdown. >You gasp as you wake up, drenched in sweat, realizing that you are still on the couch, still asleep. >You turn over to see on the table. >A small black coffee pot.