>It's hot. >Africa hot. >Tarzan couldn't take this kind of heat. >You are Anon on summer vacation from Canterlot High. >You curse the broken air conditioner and lay in front of a fan in your bedroom. >It's boring and too damn hot to go do anything. >The phone rings. >Probably your mother, calling to remind you of some chore you've forgotten. >But it isn't. "Aaaannnnnnnooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn, it's soooooooooo hot." >It's Rarity. "What are you whining about? Your house has great central air." >You helped her dad install it. "Yes, it's lovely, but I'm bored! I want to go someplace interesting." >Uh...okay...so go. "But I don't have a car!" "Let's go see a movie, Anon. You drive...I'll pay for the tickets." >That actually sounds like a decent idea. >At least you'll get to go someplace with air conditioning. "Yeah, I'm cool with that. I'll meet you at your place." >You hang up. >You put on a nice shirt and grab your keys. >You drive on over. >A text message hits your phone. >But you don't look...texting & driving is illegal in your state. >You agree with the law, so it can wait. >Rarity's parents own a nice two-story house in the upper-middle class part of town. >Big backyard, perfectly mowed lawn. >You park in the driveway and go ring the doorbell. >Rarity has often chided you for doing this. "Anon, you've been here enough times, you don't need to ring like some stranger, just come right in." >Nah...you'd rather play it safe. >Her mother greets you at the door. "Oh, hello Anon. Rarity will be right back, please come in." >Huh? She's not here? "She asked Fluttershy if she'd like to come along too. Her father is driving her out there to pick Fluttershy up. Rarity sent you a text." >Oh yeah. The one that arrived while you were driving. >It's a half hour drive out to Flutters' place, another half hour back. >You've got some waiting to do. 2/7 "I'm sorry you didn't get the message, Anon. Please make yourself at home while you wait." >Well, you can't really complain. >At least this place has cold AC. >There are worse places to wait. >Rarity's mom leaves you in the living room. >You sit & read a magazine until you hear screaming outside. >Not bad screaming, like terror or pain. >More like playful screeching. >You go out the back door to investigate. >Rarity's younger sister has two friends over. >They're chasing each other around the back yard with water guns. "Hi Anon!" >They cease the battle and hurry over to talk to you. "Hey, you wanna get in on this?" asks the tomboyish one, "It's 2 on 1 and I'm getting creamed." >Sweetie Belle offers you a weapon; "I'm sure Rarity won't mind if you use her Super-Soaker." >Wait...sophisticated & fashionable Rarity owns a Super-Soaker gun? >That's too funny. >You'd love to watch her playing with that. >But you politely decline; "Sorry. I've got plans with your sister and I don't want to be all wet." >Apple Bloom doesn't like your answer; "Aww, don't be a wimp, Anon. Just take yer clothes off and hang up up like we did." >All 3 of them are wearing nothing but panties, sandals & tank tops. >They're so wet you can see straight thru. >Their nipples & bald slits are clearly visible, but they're too young to be ashamed. "Maybe next time, ladies." >With a collective shrug they go back to their water gun fight. >And you go back inside. >But it's a trap. >As you walk thru the kitchen you pause to get a glass of water. >You never see the attack coming. >The girls sneak around & enter thru the garage. >When you turn around you're hit. >Water balloon directly to the chest! "Aww shit!" >The three younger girls explode in laughter. "Gotcha!" >Yeah, they got you alright. 3/7 >Rarity & Sweetie's mother arrives when she hears all the commotion. >Luckily she's on your side. "Girls! Anon told you he didn't want to get all wet, I heard him from the window!" >She herds them toward the back door. "Out, out all of you! And if you throw another water balloon inside the house the sun isn't going to be the only thing that's hot!" >She punctuates that sentence with a sharp smack to the seat of Sweetie Belle's wet panties. >Nothing serious, just enough to make her yelp. "I'm sorry about that, Anon, they didn't mean any harm." >It's no big deal. "In this heat your shirt will dry in a few minutes. Give it to me and I'll hang it up." >Huh? "Oh come on, Anon, no reason to be bashful. You never have a shirt on when you come to use the swimming pool." >Still, it feels a little weird to be unbuttoning your shirt in the kitchen. >In front of Rarity's mother. "Honestly, Anon, I've had a houseful of kids here all summer. It's nothing I haven't seen before." >You hand her the dripping garment. >She takes a few moments to look you over. "And you certainly have nothing to be ashamed of." >Yikes. This is weird. >Luckily she goes away to hang up your shirt. >You go into the living room to wait. >Still feels weird to be walking around somebody else's house bare chested. >You don't really feel like sitting down, but just wandering around feels awkward too. >You pretend to look at the pictures on the mantle. >Last year's family photo. >Pictures of the two daughters when they were younger. >Wedding photos. "GOTCHA!" >You practically jump out of your skin. >This time it was Rarity's mom who snuck up on you. "Goodness, Anon, you are too easy. That's twice you've been snuck up on now. I hope you aren't planning on joining the Army when you graduate High School." >You take it with good humor. "Come on, sit down, Anon...relax. It'll be another hour before they're back." 4/7 >She pats the sofa cushion. >You sit down next to her. >Uncomfortably close. Still shirtless. "You certainly are jumpy. I'd offer you a glass of wine to take the edge off...but you are driving my daughter to the movies later." >She leans even closer. "Ma'am...are you..." "You don't need to be so formal, Anon. Call me Pearl." >Okay, this is weird. "Umm...Pearl; are you trying to seduce me?" >She pauses, but does not withdraw. "Do you find me attractive, Anon?" >It feels weird but you do. "Y-yes, ma'am...I mean P-Pearl." >This woman is the same age as your mother. >She traces a single fingernail around your chest in circles. "I think you're a very handsome young man. You have a wonderful body." "Do you want to have me?" >Your body certainly wants her. >You feel hot in spite of the frigid air conditioning. "But Ms. Pearl, what about your husband?" >She shrugs & smiles. "Oh, I know Magnum has his little dalliances on the side." "Everyone needs to have a little fun now & again." "We love each other dearly, but we're not possessive when it comes to things like this." >Yeah, all the same it would be best if he never finds out. >Rarity must never find out either. >Without another word you roll over her, swinging one knee over to straddle Pearl on the sofa. >She wraps her hands around your mid-section, aggressively gripping your kidney area. >You kiss her cleavage...so much bigger than any of the girls at school. >Never before have you buried your face in boobs this big. >You like them. >Without you even noticing Pearl has your pants unbuckled. >She's talented at this. >It's a bit awkward, but you manage to wiggle out of them. >Now she's grinding her pelvis on your boxer shorts. >Holy shit you're hard. 5/7 >Rarity's mother slides away & stands up in front of you. >She dances seductively. >And she's damn good at it. >Taking off her clothes piece by piece like a stripper. >It feels so wrong and nasty. >Sweetie Belle and her friends are right outside. >Any one of the neighbors could peek in the windows. >But Pearl doesn't seem to care. >She's soon fully nude, right in the living room. >Curvy and a little plump. >How can she be this hot? >She's your friend's mom...she's supposed to be baking cookies and yelling at her daughters to clean their rooms. >Not stripping for a young dude less than half her age. >You can't take it anymore. >Boxer shorts hit the floor. >You slide off the couch onto your knees, worshiping at her feet. >Her patch of pubic hair is much thicker than the girls at school. >But your tongue easily finds its way thru the jungle. >The Hidden Temple is found, and you pay homage to Clitoris, God of Arousal. "I see you're experienced at this, Anon." >Yeah...it's best if she never finds out you practiced with her own daughter. >She runs her fingers through your hair, pulling your head back gently. >You understand; she's ready for more. >The two of you fall back onto the couch, her on top. >Pearl's soft, plush body covers you. "I'm ready, Anon." >Your cock doesn't need to be asked twice. >It slides up her inviting canal easily. >You didn't expect it to be tight. >She's pushed two kids through that hole. >What you didn't expect was what she could do with it. >Once you're inside her vagina grips your cock. >You gasp with surprise, but she's only starting. "Do you like that, Anon?" >You can only whimper your answer. >Using just her pelvic muscles Pearl massages your dick. >It's making you dizzy. >You're gonna blow your load. >No...no...not yet! Too early! >But Pearl seems to know you're close. >Mercifully, she shifts position and gives you relief. >Okay...back in control; time to return the favor. 6/7 >With well lubed fingers you rub her clitoris. >As you do this she slides up and down on your pole. >Her tits conveniently wind up right in your face. >So you do the only sensible thing and kiss the sensitive nipples. >Pearl arches her back and moans. >Too loud you fear...Sweetie Belle & her friends are still in the back yard. >But nothing is going to stop you now. >Pearl leans down lower, pressing those big, beautiful boobs into your face. >She's bouncing up & down now. "Harder Anon! Fuck me harder!" >So you hit that like a CAVE MAN. >Grunting and sucking her giant tits. >Rubbing her clit like a madman. >Thrusting inside her so your pelvis slaps into hers. >It's wet, noisy & nasty. "YES ANON, THAT'S RIGHT, YES!" >Hot juices drench you as she orgasms. >To keep from screaming out loud Pearl bites your shoulder. >YeeOwwch! She's really sinking those teeth in! >But that pain pushes you over the top. >You can't hold it any longer. >At that moment you cum inside Rarity's mom. >She collapses onto your chest, panting hard. >You're panting too. That was fucking hot. "Oh, Anon, I'm sorry about that." >You didn't notice your shoulder is actually bleeding. >It's okay though. You both laugh. "Better get dressed. I'll get something to fix that up." >In a few minutes Pearl is cleaning up your shoulder. >You wince a little as she pours rubbing alcohol on it. >She giggles as you tighten your lips & try to take it like a tough guy. >Fuck it burns. >Pearl covers it with a dressing & tapes you up. >Your shirt is dry now. >Just in time too. You see her husband pull into the driveway. "So...what does this mean for...you know...us?" >Pearl just smiles. "It means we had a little fun. That's all." "I'm still Mrs. Pearl. You're still my daughter's friend." "In public, nothing is different between us, understand?" >Yeah...she's right. >She's a grown, married woman. You're a High School kid. >Nothing more, nothing less. 7/7 >Rarity's father greets you enthusiastically. >He shakes your hand. >The same hand that's fingered his daughter's pussy. >And more recently, his wife. >Yeah, that feels weird. >He invites you to stay for dinner, but Rarity reminds him you have plans. >You drive Rarity & Fluttershy to the movies. >Some mind-numbing romantic comedy. >But they each give you a hand-job during the show. >It's good, but kind of a let down after Pearl. >They fumble with your dick inexpertly. >Now that you've experienced an older woman you crave the confidence & experience she has. >Plus, now your dick smells like popcorn butter. >Once the film ends you hang out at the shopping mall a bit then drive them home. >You get them both home on time...no drama. >Then it's back home to your own house with the busted air conditioner. >You lay on your bed that night, contemplating the day. >Fan blowing lukewarm air on you. >It's been a strange day, but a good day. >You wonder if you can find some excuse to visit Rarity's mom tomorrow. END