Steamy Afternoon by staygayponygirl My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic lemon fanficiton (Rainbow Dash/Spa Ponies) The sun had just reached the middle of the sky as Rainbow Dash landed in the market. She had finished her weather job early for once, getting the work out of the way so she could relax for the rest of the afternoon. The sun shone brightly over Ponyville, the deep blue hues of the sky stretching over the town, matching the thin coat layering Dash's body, her rainbow mane falling behind her as a cool breeze washed through the empty roads. The streets began to feel more open as she made her way further towards the outskirts of town, each building looking grander than the previous until she made her way to a large yellow structure, steam billowing from the multiple chimneys adorning the roof. Checking around her she quickly darted inside, relaxing as she saw the friendly face of Aloe smiling cheerfully from behind her magazine. “Hello Dash, glad to see you again.” the silvery pony spoke in a low, sultry tone. Her heavy accent hanging thick to each word. “Here for the usual I presume?” “Uh.. yeah, just want to make sure--” “Don’t worry,” she was cut off mid-sentence by Aloe, who nodded to her once. “your friends are in the steam rooms, they won’t find you.” Dash took comfort in those words, smiling gratefully back to her. Looking around the spa she could see Aloe’s twin sister through the glass panels filling the steam room, she could just make out a wink as the door was covered by a jet of steam, causing Dash to shake her head of her thoughts. Her cheeks flushed a hostile pink while she made her way forwards, following Aloe to the prepared room. She had to admit she thought the twins were rather attractive. They kept themselves very well groomed, surely to be expected from the owners of Ponyville’s spa, it really showed. But there was something about them, the way they swaggered as they walked and the way they spoke, it sent a sensual shiver down her spine. Rainbow shook these thoughts from her mind, trying her best not to watch Aloe’s flank as she followed behind her. The walls she walked through were all wooden, and very tastefully designed, everything was simple but elegant. Windows were abundant on every wall, either frosted glass or clear pane that showed other parts of the spa, most decorated with various fragrant flowers or incense. After making her way down a couple of hallways she came back round to the steam rooms, ducking in through an open door nearby. She could hear the faint sound of Rarity talking about some sort of big fashion designer, followed by the occasional squeak of Fluttershy’s approval. “I’m sure you know what to do Miss Rainbow.” Aloe gestured to the bed, the pegasus hopped obediently onto it, her chin resting on her crossed arms as she watched Aloe wash her hooves. Her eyes absentmindedly wandered down the pony’s body, reaching her flank before too long. Telling herself it “You’re tense.” Aloe’s voice hovered over to Dash, at first sounding distant before she could feel the earth pony’s lips on her ear. “You need to loosen up.” As Rainbow Dash felt the soft touch of hooves pressing into her back everything instantly melted, a low squeak erupting from her mouth with each breath she took, enjoying the release of her stress from each experienced touch. Aloe began humming whilst she worked on Dash’s back, as usual she sounded cheerful. Whenever Rainbow came to the spa Aloe seemed excessively happy. She was never sure if it was special treatment, or just Aloe loving her job. At some point during these musings she felt hooves run up along the length of her wings, causing her to become shockingly aware of the fact that her wings had opened up beside her in response to her excitement. “Ohmygosh. I’m so sorry Aloe, it’s not like that!” She pleaded, burying her face in her fore-hooves. “Please don’t think--” “You do this every time.” she quickly responded, cutting Rainbow Dash mid-sentence as she chuckled lightly. Her hooves moved further along each wing slowly - the soft downy feathers fidgeting under the attention, causing Dash to arch her back in pleasure. She decided to keep her eyes closed, trying to enjoy the massage as much as possible. The only thing stopping her from drifting into a nap then and there was the abrupt sound of the steam room shooting up with heat. She could hear the occasional shrill tone of Rarity a few walls away, trying to listen closely for Fluttershy, to no avail. She was thankful her friends didn’t know she was here, even more so in her current condition.Her attention turned back to the massage as she felt the slow gliding pressure along her back - the experienced hooves digging into all the strong muscles, pushing Dash to new heights, forcing her to bite her bottom lip in an attempt to avoid moaning. The massage didn’t slow, soon Aloe had worked into every erogenous zone Dash knew on her wings and back, and several she hadn’t known. The thick wing muscles along her back loosening under each gentle stroke. Her wings were firmly erect, standing to attention either side of her body from the firm, experienced and blissfully endless work of the blue earth pony beside her. Dash was completely unawares of any change, not realising until she felt the soft feel of a tongue gliding along her flank, a wet patch left shimmering over her cutie mark. Unsure of what had just happened, Rainbow kept her mouth shut and her face tucked away, her tail betraying her by twitching as a wet kiss was planted on her rump, a light gasp escaping her lips. Dash fely a second set of hooves suddenly moving along her back, trailing along her spine slowly tracing the bones one by one while the other pair of hooves moved further down at the same speed, causing Dash agony as her body began to lust. Feeling the gentle kisses and touches on her legs, massaging her cutie marks Dash began to moan, her wings flapping lightly upon her back as she opened her eyes to be rewarded with a deep, passionate kiss. Dash did not complain, she watched as Lotus closed her own eyes, obviously enjoying it as much as Rainbow was. Using her now free forelegs Rainbow cupped the face in front of her in her hooves, pulling her in to deepen the kiss, being rewarded by a light but slow tongue along her inner thigh. A deep moan resonated through the kiss, accompanying the sounds of the new “massage”. ?Rainbow let her mind go numb, thinking of nothing but enjoying the situation to the full she moved forwards onto her knees, deepening the kiss. Sliding her tongue gracefully over her bottom lip she opens her mouth, groaning. Her moans fall to a whimper as she feels the sweet tasting lips break away, flickering open her eyes to the sight of the two girls giving their whole attention to one another, hooves combing through each other’s manes as their lips glide gracefully along each others. Dash wasn’t sure what to make of it, content with watching as they broke the kiss for breath, their tongues hanging out of their mouths while their hooves caressed each others sides, paying special attention to each other’s cutie marks. ?They suddenly moved their heads to the side, looking at Dash through half lidded eyes. Unsure how to react Rainbow sat back up, her wings betraying her as they extended behind of her, pressing against the cushioned surface of the bench as Lotus pushed Rainbow down, slowly and gently. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes once again, feeling Lotus run her teeth along the sensitive skin at her neck, moving her way up and along her chin with each kiss and bite. Eventually she once again reached the lips, the kiss becoming more heated and passionate than the last. Getting lost in the kiss, she only remembered Aloe’s existance as her tongue ran across her inner thigh. Shivering under the pleasure Dash pushed her tongue into Lotus’ mouth, closing her eyes her hooves moved up to the rump in front of her, merited by the soft moans escaping the mouth firmly wrapped around her own. Any shameful regrets Dash had before now had easily dissipated as the tongue probing her legs had now made its way higher, Aloe was expertly eating out Dash the rough muscle generously tasting. Lotus bit down roughly on Dash’s lip, causing her to moan before Lotus turned around, pinning Dash down to the bed as she set about making out with her sister once more, the fiery passion of their intimate display of affection soon cut out as her mouth was pressed against a deep blue crotch. Needing no second prompting Rainbow quickly set about tasting the nectar laid before her. ? Dash bucked as her first orgasm hit her, shaking her body roughly while a shiver jolted through her spine, Aloe’s relentless tongue still having its way with her, only causing her own tongue to work harder. The blue temptress above her rolled, squirming about under the pleasure, Dash more than experienced with eating out other mares as she bought Lotus to orgasm after orgasm, starting to feel her own building up she released a loud moan that echoed through the room, a few seconds later the door knocked gently causing all three mares to jump back onto their hooves. “Yes yes, one second.” Lotus squeaked through the disappointment, lighting the incense candles around her to try and ward off the overpowering scent of sex. Throwing Dash underneath the table she opens the door, putting on a fake smile. “I thought I heard something going on in here, is everything quite alright?” Dash hid herself further under the bed as she heard Rarity’s voice at the door. “Yes, everything is fine. Can I help you with anything else?” Aloe answered, moving across to the door herself. “No no, we just wanted to let you know we were off, thank you for such a good day.” Dash could hear the door close after her, and the sound of Fluttershy talking quietly as they walked down the hall. Making her way from under the table she was greeted with the two sisters. “You should leave,” Lotus commanded, winking “next time we’ll make the room more private.” She busied herself by kissing along her sister’s neck as she took her turn to speak. “Maybe you can show me how good you are with your tongue next time.” Aloe finished, spanking Dash on the ass as she saw her to the door. “This one’s on the house.” Rainbow stumbled out of the door, unsure what to make of the whole situation, as she looked around the deep hue of the sunset descended upon her, a wide grin filling her face as the whole afternoon’s activities dawned on her. Seeing Rarity off in the background she takes off, getting ready to “accidentally” crash land on top of them.