>Be the Great and Powerful Trixie >Be me, most amazing magician when it comes to smoke and mirrors >The grand dance is getting close, only a few days >You still haven't gotten a date for that silly dance. You don’t care, anyway >If it wasn't for your mother insisting you on going >You have to get a date for that dance >Who is it going to be? >From all choices, there’s only anon left >Friendless and antisocial, probably rejected that “special” girl who asked him to go, too. >He will have to say yes to you, of course >Going to the lunch room, you see him sitting alone in a corner, eating a hamburger >While walking to talk to him you try your best to fake a girly smile >Finally getting to the corner, you sit on the chair in front of him. He stops eating and cleans his mouth >"Mmmmh?" he asks, while switching his sitting position to something more formal >"Yeah, Anonymous r-right? The Great and Powerful Trixie wanted to ask you if you have a date for the grand dance coming soon?" >"Well...I erm." >"Well, answer the Great and Powerful Trixie, don’t keep her waiting." >"No, sorry, I don’t...have a date yet..." Anon lowered his head when he finished saying those last words. >"Well, today is your lucky day, because the Great and Powerful Trixie requires an assistant to bring her to the grand formal dance." >"R-really? You-you want me to go to the dance with you? Really?" >"Yes anonymous, I...erm, the Great and Powerful Trixie requires an assistant for this useless dance everyone is talking about." >"Wow this is amazing! I mean, this is the first time someone has ever talked to me. This feels so great, thank you Trixie!" he smiled widely after hearing your words. >"I gotta go.... I mean, the Great and Powerful Trixie has to leave for other important matters." >Weird, seeing him smile brought you some kind of weird feeling inside you. >Like some kind of magic growing inside you by making someone else happy >Of course, you are the Great and Generous Trixie, you sacrificed a night you could spend staying at home so someone else can go to the dance with someone. >The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day >Everyone is going to their houses for tomorrow, talking about their own stuff >Like if you care anyway >Walking through the hallway, you see anon rushing at you, still smiling >"Hey, Trixie!" he stopped, panting in front of you >Way too close, in fact >This caused you to get a small angry look on your face >"What do you want, Anonymous?" you slowly asked, with an angry tone. >"I ahh.. I... wanted to know about the dance." >"Well what did you want to know? You are wasting my time" >"I... first wanted to thank you for inviting me, and wanted to ask you if I should ask my father to lend me his car to pick you up?" >"Stop right there, I never expected you to pick me up at my house. You don’t even deserve knowing where the Great and Powerful Trixie lives" >"But... I... how? How are we going to arrive to the dance together?" >"Easy Anonymous, you will wait for me at the entrance at 7pm." >"And uh, what will we do at the grand dance, Trixie?" >"The Great and Powerful Trixie anon, don’t forget that." >"It’s time to end this chatting, my parents are waiting for me at home, see yah later, Anonymous" >You quickly left the school and started walking to your house, hoping that anon doesn't follow you. You look back and see that he is still inside the school >2 days later >Be the Great and Powerful Trixie >You are sitting on the corner of the lunch room with that "special" girl and the disc jockey >You don’t talk to any of them because you don’t think they are worth of any talk >While peacefully eating, Anon comes and sits next to you, smiling and looking at you >Your 2 partners on the table just look happy at the situation, watching to see if things transpire >This makes you uncomfortable, and you don’t know what to do now. >"What is it, Anonymous?" >"I uh, was wondering if it would be okay to sit with you and your erm, friends." >"You are already here anyway, Anonymous. There wasn’t any need to ask." >"Oh, really? Thanks... and..." >"And what, Anonymous?" you started eating like Anon wasn't even here. >"Will you present me to your 2 friends?" >You gulp your drink "-what?" you quickly answered. >"T-they aren't my friends, Anonymous. They um... I’m just sitting with them" >The blonde, special girl looks sadly at you, then gets up and leave to sit somewhere else. >The dj with blue hair is just listening to her music, not caring about anything >"Uh I- I’m sorry, then" >"I... well, you know, I wanted to be with you a little more before the grand dance, and wondered if I could use this chance to know more about you, Trixie." >He’s never going to give up disturbing you >Telling him to leave you alone will probably make him cry >You don’t want people to know you made someone cry for rejecting them this way >Still, he is annoying >You have to be smart and do something about it. >Idea! >"So, Anonymous. What did you want to know about me?" >"I... um... was wondering what kind of things you would like as a present" >"What are YOU talking about?" >"To erm, well I think a good way to thank you for inviting me to the dance would be giving you a special present" >You opened your eyes and blushed a little >"You what?" >"Yes! I wanted to give you something special Trixie, and I wanted to know what kind of things you like, so I don’t give you something weird or too silly for you" >Maybe this is the time >Let’s see if he can still be with you after this >"Well the Great and Powerful Trixie loves eating peanut butter crackers more than anything" >"Erm...only that?" >"Yes, that’s the only thing I want you to know, for now." >"Sure, sure, I will bring them to you, well the bell is ringing time to go now." >"Yes, see you later, Anonymous" finally, he left >He proceeded to get up and walk toward the door to the corridor, like everyone else >"He he he" you are the smarter girl in the school, telling him you want something so dumb will make him get away from you, at least... >Or so you thought. >Next day >The grand dance is finally tonight >You won’t have to keep talking to that Anonymous >It also seems that there’s some kind of new girl with purple hair >And there also seems to be a lot of students helping her with the preparations to the dance. >Weird, you thought. >The bell rings and everyone is leaving in a line >The votes! >How could you forget to vote? >It must be anon’s fault for disturbing you everyday with his chatter >Well, you still have time to get your vote >Let’s see, option 1 is that girl called Sunset Shimmer. You don’t care about her. Option 2 is Twilight Sparkle. Well, let’s vote for 2. >Once you put your vote in the box, you walk to your house to get ready for the night >You sigh >Thinking "this is going to be a long night" >Anyway, time to get ready >You find a wonderful blue dress that matches your perfect and colorful hair >You take a cold shower to help calm your mind >Leaving the shower and putting your dress on, you are finished, and already walking to school >You live close anyway, so it’s no problem. >Finally, you arrive to the entrance of the school >You see a big group of students arriving in cars with their dates > In fact, everyone came in couples to the school, even that blonde "special" girl from yesterday >Once you are inside the school, you start looking for Anon >"Where is Anonymous?" you whispered >Where? just where could someone that promised to wait for you not be there? >"Um, Trixie?" Anon said, touching your back. >"Finally!" as you quickly turn around to see him >He looks completely different this time, he looks even better than before and... >And he has one hand behind his back >...Could this be? >"Trixie...these are for you" >He slowly presented the most precious present you have ever received >They were roses painted blue with a purplish ribbon, with the crackers you asked for >The only way you could react was by blushing and dropping your jaw at this beautiful present >Are...are those for me? >"Yes, Trixie. These are for you" >"But...how?" >"What? The blue roses? I bought them from a girl I know, and took my time painting them for you. And I could never forget the crackers you love, of course" >"A...and did you really waste your time for... me?" >"Yes Trixie, I did it for you, please, take them." >"Th-thank you, Anon" this was the first time you called anon by the short version of his name >And this was the first time someone from outside your family gifted you something >You wanted to cry tears of happiness >You wanted to hug anon and thank him for it >No, don’t do it, be strong >"Well thanks for this pretty present Anonymous, I erm... really apreciate it. And you look..." >"Handsome...." you couldn’t stop blushing from this >"Gee thanks, Trixie, you know, you look really pretty in that dress, it really makes you look shinier, you could win any heart you want." He put his hand behind his head and smile at you. >"Ehem, yeah... well let’s enter, shall we? The dance is about to start" >He then raised his arm forming a triangle, expecting you to put your hand on him so you both can enter together. >You comply with a smile, still blushing, putting your right hand on his arm. >"Wow, Anon. You sure have some strong arms" >"Hehe, you think? I used to work on the outside of the city on a farm some days." >A worker, who would have thought that? >"Well thats nice... I think." >"Here, let me open the door for you" >When anon opened the door, you directed your attention to the loud music your "friend" the dj was playing. >You also could see everyone here, like it’s the most important event in their lives. It probably was. >Walking while hugging Anon’s arm, you both get to some chairs laying next to the wall. >You’re both looking away from each other, shyly, and make a small awkward laugh, thinking what to do next. >Anon gulps and slowly looks at you >"Erm... Tri-Trixie, would you like to, dance with me?" >"Dance?! I... I... I... well it’s just that...I’m a little embarrassed of dancing anon." >"Aw c’mon, it will be great, I promise you. I don’t even know how to dance at all, so if someone laughs at us, it will be my fault. Okay?" >Anon got up and raised his hand to you, his eyes staring at your eyes. You can see how much he wanted to dance with you >"F-fine. I’ll do it... anon... just... one s-song, okay?" >"Even if it’s just one, I promise it will be perfect, because I’ll be with you, Trixie." >You are feeling something special growing inside you, some kind of magic you felt when you asked anon to come with you a few days ago. >You got up with a little help from Anonymous’ hand >Feeling his soft hand helping you up, you giggle a little >"Let’s go, Trixie. Please." >You aren’t sure you want to do this, but it will certainly make Anon happy, and for some reason, you like seeing Anon smile. There’s something on his innocent and childish face that you don’t understand >The way he is with you, he is the kind of boy your mother used to talk about, about how you need to get one before it’s too late, about how they are the perfect man when they grow up. >He also reminds you of your father, for some reason >All these thoughts, all this emotion, for just a single guy you never talked to before >Could this mean something to the Great and Powerful Trixie? >There was only one way to know. >But you aren’t sure... you'll have to wait >"I think this is a good place, Trixie..." >"Y-yeah let’s dance." >It was one of those moved up songs of today, where you have to shake your arms like crazy. Like there’s no other way to dance. >Silly way to dance, you think >"It’s okay, Trixie. I’ll dance with you like this!" >"Yeah. Thanks, Anon" >It was incredible, he was dancing even funnier than you. A few students look back at you both and laugh a little >You can only smile for a moment at them, and then look back to Anon. His smile was the only thing that motivated you to keep going. (I can edit it once you make the ending)