>First things first
>This universe isn't the only one
>There are other, parallel universes
>And some wayward magic had created a rift between yours and another
>This other universe is largely the same, but everypony is gender-flipped there
>And through that rift, you had managed to contact your male self
>A lot has happened since then, but you had the time to get to know him
>It went really quick, though - you're him and vice versa
>Who this stallion is?
>Dusk Shine
>Which makes you Twilight Sparkle

>You finally sit down on your couch, sighing
>Tonight had been very fun, but also very tiring
>Moving one pony to another universe is a tough task, even for two ponies
>Let alone six, one which is one of the conductors, and a dragoness
>But that wasn't the fun part
>The fun part was the Christmas party
>You had informed your own friends about this in advance, and Dusk had done the same to his
>Still, it was confusing for most ponies to meet, well, themselves
>But it al worked out
>Fluttershy was besides herself to see her husband again
>Rarity and Elusive had kicked off very quickly, and had been sharing fashion trends and ideas all night long
>Spike and Barbs had been moping over all the attention their crush got from the other dragon's crush, but had found a common interest in comic books
>The Applejacks had been locked in a hoof wrestle, and the Rainbows had started making out shortly after the impromptu barrel stands
>And Pinkie and Bubble...
>The things you heard them discuss where either really weird recipes, or even weirder fetishes
>And you're pretty sure you also heard the words 'try out' and 'tonight'
>But they're all gone now
>Dusk and his friends had decided to spend the night 'on this side', for varying reasons
>Spike has taken Barbs out to his best gem spots
>Which leaves you with Dusk Shine
>You both had spent the party doing thee things
>Have boatloads of fun with all ten of your friends
>Try to find out all the exact differences between you and your lives
>Maybe drink a little
>Dusk Shine sits down next to you, copying your sigh
>"You know, tonight has been really fun."
"But also really exhausting, I was just thinking that!"
>You smile at your double
>As you look at him, you can't help but break into a giggle
>That hat just looks too cute on him!
>Dusk start laughing too, waving a hoof in your direction
>"You know, that Christmas hat really suits you, Twilight."
>You look up, only to feel the hat fall backwards off your head
>Oh, right, gravity
>Maybe the words 'too much' should be added to 'you've had a drink'
>With your own hat gone, you opt for looking at Dusk's hat instead
>He's almost like a mirror
>He's just a teeny bit different in a million things
>Aside from the obvious points, of course
>And the fact that he's fucking hot
>Hold on a minute
>Hold on just one fucking minute
>Did you just ogle Dusk Shine's well-groomed fur, and the shape of his toned Alicorn muscles under it?
>Were you seriously nearly drooling over his broad wings and chest, and the way his seemingly messy mane is actually styled that way?
>And had he been staring back?
>Is that narcissistic?
>You feel your blood rush to your face as you look away
"I wasn't looking!"
>"I wasn't looking!"
>Did he just...
>So he was looking!
>You carefully look back at your 'self'
>He's blushing
>You giggle, and grab Dusk in a loose hug
"It's okay if you did, I have nothing to hide from myself."
>You feel Dusk jerk back, but eventually sort-of-hug you back
>As you sit there, your hooves only so much as touching that purple hunk's fur, wild inspiration strikes you
>You don't know when you'll have this chance again
>And you don't even care if it's narcissistic anymore
>Or that might be the drinks thinking for you
>Seeing as he's you, he's probably thinking the same
>He has been nearly all night
"Hey... Dusk?"
>"... Yes?"
>You carefully look up at him, afraid to be too blunt about it
"There's one... um... difference between us we haven't studied yet."
>Dusk tenses up
>"I guess so..."
>You swallow
>This is it
"Want to study it now?"
>"Huh? Right now?"
>You try your best to appear sexually appealing as you nod
>"R-right here?"
>A faint yet surprised smile is playing around Dusk's lips
>You nod once again, pretty certain your eyes are what stallions call 'bedroom'
>"Just so we're clear... You're talking about s-"
>Dusk stops himself just in time, and tries again
>"This kind of research could also be done in the bedroom, right?"
>You place a hoof on his inner thigh, and start slowly shifting it upwards
"If you say so~"
>Before your hoof reaches destination, it's yanked away
>Dusk pulls you on top of him, locking your lips in a passionate kiss
>You gladly reciprocate, leaning into the kiss
>You start grinding your hips against his softly, to see if it works
>The fact Dusk is now moaning into your mouth says enough
>After a long, delicious while, Dusk breaks your kiss
>"I'd never imagined I'd be so hot as a mare!"
"I could say the same for you, really, I-"
>Again, Dusk interrupts you for another tongue-wrestling session
>It only makes you wish he'd done that sooner
>You don't even want to stop making out like teenagers to walk up to the bedroom
>But wait...
>Why walk?
>While you're still trying to catch Dusk's tongue with nothing but your own, your horn lights up
>A bright light surrounds you for a split second, and you fall on the bed
>Dusk doesn't notice, or doesn't care that you just teleported both of you
>Rather, he's taking full advantage of the fact that he's suddenly on top
>He start grinding his hips against you in quick, wild motions
>His breath becomes more erratic, and you feel something thick and hard press against you
>Something that's becoming thicker and harder by the thrust
>You give Dusk a soft push, which is just enough to make him pull his face off yours
>You give him your sexiest look, and you most 'come hither' type voice
"I thought we were gonna study~"
>Dusk freezes
>"Wait. Really study? I mean, I'd love to, but-"
>You put a hoof on his mouth, and giggle
"Oh, yes, we're gonna study /long/ and /hard/!"
>You feel Dusk Jr. harden against your stomach
"And we're gonna... Eh..."
>You remove your hoof from Dusk's face
>"We're just gonna release all our pent up sexual frustration and need on each other by banging like rabbits all night long, right?"
>You swallow to stop yourself from drooling, and nod
>Dusk shifts his body backwards a bit
>"Alright, just making sure."
>With a moan that could've been from either of you, Dusk Jr. makes contact with your flower, and quickly pushes inside
>It wasn't exactly hard, with all that natural lubricant ready
>But fuck, is it hard
>You can almost feel it throbbing and pulsing inside of you
>You thought you knew the meaning of 'sexual pleasure'
>But then he began moving
>Slowly, Dusk pulls back out of you, until only the tip remains inside
>And then, he slams his full length back in with force
>"O-oh sweet- Ah! This is even better than I thought it'd be!"
>Again, Dusk freezes
>A face of realization, shock, worry, and immense arousal covers his face
>"Is it... Is it correct to assume you have done this as many times as I have?"
>You nod
"Why'd you stop moving? This is what I, and I bet you too, have been waiting for!"
>"But this is your... You know..."
>You see him look down to your privates, obviously checking for red stuff
"Dusk, don't worry. I don't think we keep the same things in the locked drawers of our nightstands."
>It takes a few seconds for the message to get to Dusk
>You see - and feel - him relax
>You try and give an assuring smile, but now that this is out of the way, there's really only one thing you want
>Dusk fucking you senseless within the next ten seconds
>"You know what? Let's not study for a while"
>Wait what?
>But he's already inside, how can he back out no-
>Dusk's face breaks into a smirk
>"Let's just have sex."
>Fuck yes
>You'd nod, but Dusk has already taken action
>All you can do is lock your hind legs around his waist to ensure he stays where he is
>Because, well, he's doing an amazing job at fucking you senseless
>Okay, it's taken him about fifteen seconds, but you can forgive that
>For what seems like an eternity, you can only focus on Dusk going in and out of you, harder, faster, deeper and straight up better with each thrust
>But slowly, a more pressing issue arises
>He's about to rock your world
>You can feel your pending orgasm rising from deep inside you, much like, yet completely different from when you 'help yourself'
"D-dusk, I-Ahh... I-I..."
>Damn, since when is speaking such a task?
>Dusk seems to get it, however
>He nods, and lowers his horn to you
>He's touching horns
>During sex
>Is he gonna-
>Your worries are cut short as the strongest orgasm you remember having hits you
>And less than a second later, Dusk does what he was gonna
>His horn lights up, conducting a weak magical current into you
>That alone is enough to send you flying in ecstasy
>And that was before he made it stronger
>Your vision goes white as you let out what you can only imagine to be a high-pitched scream
>Orgasmic bliss radiates from both ends of your body, more and more by the second, nothing you can do about it
>You wish it could last forever
>But, as with all things, it comes to an end when Dusk collapses on top of you
>You've both reduced to a sweaty, panting, purple heap of pony

"That. Was. Wow."
>A weak chuckle is your response
"Where'd you pick that up? Ah, stupid question."
>Another weak chuckle
"We should totally do that again somet-ACK!"
>You jump up, throwing Dusk off you, as something, or somepony, taps on the window
>You quickly grab a blanket to cover yourself with, and check the source of the tapping
>Four ponies, two blue, two pink
>Dash and Blitz are obviously even more drunk than when they left, and Pinkie and Bubble are sporting fresh whip marks on their flanks
>"Yo, Twi, Dusk, you alright?"
>Rainbow Blitz is the first to speak up, and Dash quickly chimes in
>"Yeah, we heard one of you scream all the back at my place!"
>Bubble nods enthusiastically
>"Applegal and Malecareina are here, too!"
>"Y'alright in there, Twi?"
>"They're cool, AJ!"
>Dash smirks as she calls down
>"Twi's just worse than Rarity!"
>Pinkie tilts her head
>"Worse? What do you- Oooooh! She's a screamer!"
>"Oooh, that sounds so hot! Hey, Pinkie, wanna try screaming?"
>"Surily doo! I'll make you squeal, mister!"
>"Uh, Pinks? TMI much?"
>"Oops, sorry Dashie!"
>You clear your throat
>Dusk does so too, at the exact same moment
"I'm happy you all care about us enough to go to my house in the middle of the night,"
>"But, as you can see, we're fine."
"So please, can you discuss that someplace that isn't my window?"
>The other four ponies remain silent for a few seconds
"Something wrong?"
>"Well, eh..."
>Dash rubs her head with one hoof, Blitz copying the gesture with near-perfect timing
>"We kind of, er..."
>"Merry Christmas!"
>Both party ponies nearly fall into your home
>"I'd ask if you enjoyed it, but we found that out!"
>"Enjoyed... What?"
>"Our Christmas present, of course!"
"Pinkie, Bubble, what'd you do?"
>"We didn't!"
>"Blitz, Dash, what did you do?"
>Both Rainbows freeze, seemingly on their way to sneak out
>"Well, funny story actually, hehe..."
>"See, we thought it'd be cool to, eh..."
>"And, well, it is totally cool now, I mean, look at you two, way to go!"
>"Yeah, congrats, Dusk!"
>"But we sort of spiked the punch so you two would fuck."
>You and Dusk give your respective Rainbow the most deadpan glare you can manage
"Just great."
>"Now the results are off!"
"Now we have to start all over again!"
>"New party, new punch..."
"NOT spiked, of course..."
>"All because of one thing."
>You look Dusk in the eyes
>He's blushing softly
>You might be, too
"All just to make it count."
>"Merry Christmas, Twilight Sparkle."
>You can't help but smile
"You too, Dusk Shine."
"Merry Christmas."