>Be Laine
>Actually not trying to ruin anyone's day today
>Still trying to forget last night when you tried punching that cat in the face
>Right now you're just trying to focus on getting math
>Yeah, no shot of that happening today
>You look down at your math test, trying to figure out how the secant of whatever equals x or something gay like that
>You look over to your side and see Naomi trying to subtly get your attention
>"Do you know the answer to number 15?"
"Look, I don't know the answer to any of these. Just choose B."
>"Pssh. Figures someone who can't even dress herself properly can't understand math."
>...What did that skank just say?
>You look down at your outfit, which you thought was actually kind of cute
>Seriously! What's this girl's deal?
>You try being nice for a day and this is what you get?
>The bell rings, and everyone gets up to turn their tests in
>You begin to get out of your seat, but Naomi butts her way in front of you, making sure to flick her hair back in some way to show you even more disrespect
>That's the final straw
>You need to find some way to bring her down
>But you need to be creative about it
>What does she like?
>Fashion, shopping, cute boys--
>THAT'S IT! You'll rip away some boy from her!
>What kind of guy is she into?
>No, he's too weird.
>No, nobody likes that headcanon.
>...That's it...
"Hey, Sherry?"
>"Yeah, mate?"
"You know everyone at school, right?"
>"Pretty much, ay. Wait, why?"
"I need someone's number..."

>Later that day...
>You hear the doorbell ring and rush to answer it
>The first thing Ted sees as you open the door is you standing in the doorway in a revealing tanktop and tight skirt
>"Uhhh... Laine?"
"Hey, Ted. Glad you could make it. I really needed someone to tutor me in math."
>"Sure thing. Isn't there somebody else who's better at this stuff, though? Like Sophie or Sarah or...?"
"Oh! Well uh... I just didn't want to be judged, you know? I was afraid that if I got help from someone too smart, they'd just look down on me and things would blow up in my face... Like they always do"
>"Hey, don't worry! I won't judge you or nothin'! Let's get started."
"Great! Can I get you anything to drink?"
>When he says yes, you'll bring him out some vodka
>He won't find out until he's already--
>"No, thanks! I actually brought a protein drink. You want some?"
"Uhhh... maybe later."
>Crap. That didn't work. Be creative!
>The two of you walk into the kitchen, pull out your homework, and as he starts telling you how to solve for x, you blatantly flip your hair, touch his arm at any opportunity and give him half-lidded sexy stares
>He's more focused on the homework, though
>Dang it! This is taking too long!
"You know, Ted. You didn't have to help me."
>"Yeah, but it's still nice giving a helping hand every once in a while."
>You scootch your chair in closer, smiling at him as wide as you can
"You're a real life-saver. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
>You put your finger to his lips as your face inches towards his
"Don't talk. Just..."
>Your voice descends into a whisper as your head tilts to the side
"...kiss me..."

>The next thing you see is Ted's eyes start to close as his face grows nearer to yours
>Within the moment, your lips are enticed with his, pressing gently against each other's as your brains let your hormones work on their own
>The only sound left in the room is the sound of your heavy breathing, mixed with the sound of your mouth leaving his and coming back together with even more passion
>You drag your fingernails up his arm until your arm reaches around his shoulder
>He puts his hand around your waist, a touch which fuels your lust enough to drive your tongue into his mouth
>His hand brushes through your hair as his tongue glides gently across yours, almost like he's trying to massage you with his mouth
>Mmmm so this is why all the girls like this guy
>As much as you're trying to keep your head wrapped around the real focus of this encounter, you can't help but get lost in arousal
>Don't get too caught up, Laine! This is just about payback!
>He pulls you closer to his body, and suddenly your arm is forced into his strong, muscular, built chest while his tongue continues to trace circles around yours
>That's it. I can't help it. I want him so bad.
>You slip your arm underneath his shirt to feel his abs, visibly shuddering at how you can feel the nooks and crannies of every ab leading up to his built pecs
>Suddenly, you feel his hand move a little bit lower towards your butt
>Mmmm. Take it. It's all yours.
>You continue to kiss, but that's not even the main focus anymore
>Now it's a free-for-all where your tongues slide against each other's at full force while your hands move wherever they'd like until the other says stop
>And neither of you plan on stopping

>He grabs your butt harder until he slowly begins pulling you on top of him
>Your tongue becomes even more violent as you straddle your legs around him, now beginning to move your pelvis against his
>You bring your hands to his face, kissing him harder while his hands pull your butt in, grinding your crotch against his in the process
>You break the kiss just so you have a chance to breathe again
>You aren't fooling anyone anymore and begin to grind your crotch against his with nothing but carnal lust in your mind
>The boner in his gym shorts teases you as it prods against the fabric of your bright pink panties, unshielded by your skirt
>You grab hold of his firm shoulders and lean backwards, slowly pressing your lower layer against each other
>He brings you in for another kiss, again met by your hands pressing against his cheeks as you pull his lips violently against yours
>The straps of your tank top begin to fall down, and suddenly, you feel Ted's hand running up your arm
>You look down to see him pulling at each strap just enough to get you to react
>Too horny to smile, you lift your shoulders up enough for him to easily pull your tank top to your chest, exposing your bright blue bra and enticing cleavage
>Crap. Are we gonna have sex right here in the kitchen?
>His crotch rubs against yours even harder, and you can almost feel his boner piercing between your lady lips already
>Yup. Sex in the kitchen.
>You sternly pull your mouth off of his, just enough to catch your breath before you get into the dirty stuff
>He doesn't feel like waiting any longer, though
>Suddenly, he's picking you up by the waist and putting you on the kitchen table
>He slowly rises to his feet, moving his hands up your smooth legs as he kisses you as romantically as he can
>As he moves in closer, you gradually move back, inviting him into your sensitive area

>Before you know it, he's on top of you on the kitchen table, pressing you down firmly as he kisses up and down your neck
>You wrap your legs around his waist as your lower regions hit like waves against each other
>It starts out subtle, but sooner than later, you're dry humping each other until one of you caves first
>Which happens to be you
>You reach down to his shorts and begin to pull them down, boxers and all
>Finally, you get a glimpse of his shaft, and to be honest, the length of it makes you a little bit scared, but far more horny
>The kissing continues as you rub up and down along his shaft, your thumb tracing around the head of his penis
>As you rub, you discreetly angle it towards your nether regions, not sure if you'll be able to wait for him to take off your panties for you
>You feel his hands sliding behind your back, reaching just beneath your shoulder blades
>Everything is happening so fast that you can barely comprehend that your bra is getting unhooked and sliding down your torso
>You smile as girlishly as you can as your boobs stare him in the eye with his cock in your hand
>He stares blankly at you, and you giggle at how horny he is
>That giggle is cut off, though, as he suddenly begins sucking tenderly on your breasts
>You can't take it anymore
>You reach down and pull your panties down to your ankles
>You then lift up your legs and spread them as wide as they'll go, an invitation met by him grabbing your panties with his teeth and tossing them to the side of the room before penetrating you
>You moan loudly at the sudden sensation of his penis piercing between your thighs
>You thrust your hips against his, trying gradually to let his dick slip all the way to your cervix
>The lube dripping out of your vagina is making it harder and harder to keep him inside you, but your tightening pussy is managing to keep him right where you want him
"Ohhhh yes, baby. Go deeper."
>He grabs you by the shoulders and pounds you even harder
>He's so deep that his balls smack against your anus with each thrust, matched by how violently your breasts are being tossed with the potential energy from his hips
"Ahhh! Yes! Yes!"
>You only have one thing left in mind: his climax
>You aren't wearing a rubber, but you honestly don't care
>You want as much cum in your pussy as you can possibly get
>You thrust against him harder, met by an even harder push that goes straight through you
"I want is so bad, baby."
>You can't think
>He's still growing bigger
>He's still growing thicker
>You can't hold back any longer

>Your hole contracts against him
>Fluids cover his shaft like never before
>You're now screaming at the top of you lungs while he makes you his own personal cock sheath
>Finally, streams of semen cascade into your orifice, each constriction pulling his cock and cum in deeper
>As your pussy grows tighter, his penis grows thicker as it pulses against you
>You bite your lip, arching your back and letting as much semen fly into you as possible before you fall back onto the kitchen table, sweating and panting for dear life
>Once the orgasms subside, the two of you cuddle against each other's naked bodies
>You look into his eyes and begin to giggle, not sure out of happiness or just how awkward this situation was
>"OK, I gotta ask. What brought this all on?"
"Well, I've just had a thing for you and thought that I wanted to scoop you up before some other girl did."
>"Some other girl? Like who?"
"Pfft. Naomi."
>He gets off of you and stares at you with a confused look
"Yeah, but she's a total skank anyway. Heard something about her going to orgies with Brad."
>"You mean... Naomi likes me?"
>Not again!
"Uhhhh no?"
>"This whole time, all I wanted was her attention. Thank you so much for telling me, Laine! I gotta go!"
>He then grabs his clothes and puts them on as quickly as he can
"Wait, are you seriously leaving me like this?"
>"Sorry about your math homework! Hope it starts to make sense!"
>The next thing you see is him running out the door and slamming it closed, leaving you naked, helpless and filled with semen on your own kitchen table
>Worst of all, you basically just handed a pretty cool guy to some snob
>I need a cat to kick