[f-self, asphyxiation, con] “How the hell did it come to this again?” Linda rubbed her temple, brushing away a strand of red hair that had escaped her ponytail, as she eyed the setup before them. “You were drunk and said, quote, you’d bet your life no one in the room could beat you at darts.” “Then why the hell didn’t you stop me?” She turned to her friend, the brunette wearing an altogether nonchalant expression as May just shrugged. “Because I was just as drunk, so I bet my life and a hundred bucks against you.” “And why are we naked?” Linda crossed her arms in front of her chest, only really serving to emphasize her very sizable bosom. “Because we were both drunk as fuck when we agreed to the details. And as a favor to that tech-savvy friend of yours who helped set this up, he wanted to record the whole thing.” May, who was barely any less-endowed than Linda, turned to the camera they had set up, demonstratively pushing out her breasts and giving the lens a wink. “Right.” Linda just shook her head with a resigned sigh. “If I survive this, I’ll never drink again.” “Word. Let’s go, then. Alright...” Tapping something on the laptop standing on the side of the room, May inspected the pair of thin metal collars next to it, watching small lights on both of them flicker to green. A few moments later the electrical darts board on the wall similarly booted up, the laptop confirming a connection of all components. “There we go.” Accepting one of the collars from May, Linda opened it, holding her hair out of the way as she locked it around her neck, the light turning to orange. “And this thing only comes off again once the game is over, right?” “That's what he said. The winner's will, anyways. The loser gets to choke to death.” May similarly put on hers. “Shit, we must have been so drunk.” At the prospect of slowly – and probably painfully – dying like this over a dumb bet, Linda swallowed; it wasn't that she hadn't had some very erotic experiences with breathplay in the past, but going all the way like this... She was equal parts exhilarated and terrified. “Come on, let's get this over with.” “Alright, we'll flip a coin. Your call.” “Let's just go with heads.” “...Heads. You get to start.” May entered the turn order into the laptop, then handed Linda three darts and the redhead weighed them in her hand for a moment before readying the first one. “Then here I go.” “20.” The dartboard's computerized voice announced. “Double 20.” Linda grinned at that pretty neat start and May coughed as she felt the metal around her neck slightly tighten. “Triple 5.” Linda frowned; that last one had been supposed to be a triple 20, then she would have been over a third of way there already. “Not bad. My turn.” May's voice was a little strained, but so far she was holding on well enough as she took her darts, aimed and threw. “Triple 7. ...20.” This was okay, she was catching up. “1.” Or not. Linda cleared her throat, but other than that May could tell she wasn't really affected yet as the redhead went to the board to return the darts, then prepared to throw again right away. “15. ...Double 11.” Really? The collar kept tightening around May's neck, and she reflexively tried to stop it with her fingers, to no effect of course. But she'd be okay, she could still catch up. “25!” “No wa-” As the metal suddenly was almost halfway there, the pain made May cut herself off, trying to conserve as much oxygen as she could, she would most definitely need it. Taking a somewhat strained breath, May took aim and quickly threw. “19. ...19. ...Triple 3.” Next to her, Linda mirrored her same reaction, but of course she too failed to find any purchase against the smooth metal. Looking at the score after two rounds, May was clearly behind, but it wasn't insurmountable yet. In fact, May knew, as an occasional diver she was better at holding her breath than Linda, so maybe if she'd just get past the start, once the collars really took effect, she might have an advantage and be able to catch up. Linda didn't seem as aware of this and resting on her advantage as she leisurely retrieved the darts, readying herself for the next round. “16. ...20. ...Double 9.” May gasped as the pressure on her throat grew yet again, by this point it was starting to get seriously painful, and she could hear her own unnaturally loud heartbeat in her head. She had to make up a little. “10. ...25! ...8.” So much for that, even with that almost bullseye, she was still like a whole round behind. But when May looked at Linda, the redhead appeared to already have some trouble with the lack of air, her face was slowly growing red and her breath sounded ragged and uneven, her expression clearly reflecting concern. This time she hurried to get the darts and just rapidly threw them without much fanfare. “7. ...12.” Or aiming. “...20.” May cleared her throat as the collar fastened some more, but the difference wasn't nearly as bad as the times before, even if her head was slowly starting to pound with every heartbeat and all other sounds seemed a little muffled. Nonetheless she made sure to still take her time aiming and “Double 20. ...17. ...18.” It payed off. Linda gasped and briefly staggered as her collar almost caught up to May's, and she was getting visibly panicky. Good. Okay, maybe it was a little mean of May to think like that, but she still wanted to win, and it wasn't like she was suffering just as much right now. Hopefully they'd be done in the next one or two rounds, especially if Linda kept making mistakes now. “20. ...19. ...25.” Or not. May couldn't stop herself from digging her fingers into the metal as it pulled taut around her neck almost all the way, but only succeeded in leaving a few scratch marks, only adding to the pain that was suddenly blooming in her neck and head, her vision swimming and darkening around the edges, and her entire body felt as if it was on fire and going numb at the same time, every little sensation oddly amplified. But this couldn't be the end! Linda was a single throw away from ending it, but May could still win, she just had to land some seriously good throws. So she forced aside the panic rising inside her, ignoring the pain the best she could as she lined up her throw. “Double 20.” Yeah, like that. “...5.” Fuck! Suddenly May's options were very limited. She still had a chance, but it was rather small, only one shot... “Bullseye! Game over.” “What! Are you ki-” Linda's shriek was cut short by the light on the collar turning red as it closed entirely, cutting off her air completely. As the realization fully hit her, the shock became clearly visible on the redhead's face and she sunk to her knees, desperately clawing at the collar, to no avail. Only a few moments later Linda fell over completely, her arms and legs flailing around uncontrollably, and even though her agony was downright harrowing to look at, doubly so in the knowledge that she herself had escaped the same fate just by a trace, somehow there also was something darkly captivating about it that made May unable to look away; and besides she felt she owed that much to Linda, to not ignore her during her last moments. The redhead's struggles kept growing worse, her face practically purple by now, covered in both tears and drool. At one point she reached out towards May with one hand as if pleading for help, but even if she'd wanted, May had no way of opening the collar, and besides betting debts were debts of honor, and she knew Linda thought the same, so she just kept watching with as neutral an expression as she could muster. As Linda's movements slowly began getting weaker, May realized that her own collar was still active, and while it wasn't closing any further, it also wasn't opening, leaving her this side of asphyxiation just barely. Had Linda's friend actually made a mistake? In that case May just really hoped he was still watching and once he noticed something had gone wrong would quickly come and save her, she felt like she was about to pass out herself. Linda's choking gasps were barely audible to May over her own labored breathing as she had to support herself against the table, but she clearly caught the redhead's final drawn-out rattle, her face contorted in utter pain and fear, a small yellow stream from her pussy staining the carpet as her body's last twitches subsided. This was it, right... May had won, so when- Suddenly with a small beep and a click the collar around her neck loosened and sweet, beautiful air came flooding back into her lungs. Taking long greedy breaths, the sudden shift made May all dizzy and she stumbled onto her knees, as the aftereffects of the lack of oxygen and the rush of adrenaline and her feeling of victory all came together to give her a truly massive rush, like that one time she'd tried this weird drug at a party, and May couldn't help the massive grin forming on her face. She'd made it. She had survived, and she'd gotten a hundred bucks out of it. As May was fully regaining her bearings, she noticed how for whatever reason her pussy was completely wet. This was odd, unlike Linda she clearly hadn't peed herself, and it wasn't like she'd started fingering herself or something. ...But she'd actually read about something similar happening to males that were asphyxiated, or hanged in particular, an unconscious reaction by some nerve or the other, and the reason people even tried breathplay and the like in the first place. May just barely touched her clit to immediately confirm with a gasp that, yes, she was way horny right now. She paused, briefly looking over to Linda's body... Was this really appropriate? Then again, this whole thing had been a terrible, terrible idea anyways, and right now she was only glad to be alive, may as well add one more mistake to the pile. It didn't take May very long to get going, within seconds she was panting heavily, if for a wholly distinct reason, as she rubbed her clit with one hand, the other gently playing with her nipple. The rush in her head still made every little touch seem much more intense, and after maybe a minute May was moaning loudly, her second hand reaching down too to push several fingers deep inside her pussy as she was rapidly approaching her climax. And she did just moments later, her voice cracking as May closed her eyes, her whole body tensing as she came longer and harder than she had in quite a while, if not ever. It took appropriately long for her to wind down and her breath to normalize, some of her initial rush still persisting as she slowly and shakily got up, casting Linda's body one more glance before turning to leave, get her clothes and make some calls.