Loyalty It was an ugly day for weather. It was really, really ugly. Even for a pegasus pony that lived, breathed, ate and drank weather, it was a bad day to go outside. There were massive storm fronts converging all over Equestria; the map back at the library was a mess of converging fronts and storm cells. Rainbow Dash was already exhausted from her work, and the day wasn't even half over. She had been way out west over the massive Everfree Fields, fighting whole lines of tornadoes. There weren't many ponies out in the Everfree Fields, but every year the tornadoes claimed some of them, and today there had been more tornado spottings than in the last five years combined. Dash had seen her first F5 today. She never wanted to see another one again. It was a monster of a thing, roaring, black, and angry. It was a mile in diameter at its base. The sod it was tearing up would have torn her to pieces if she had tried to fly into it. All she could do with that one was fly ahead of it, make sure no ponies were in its way. That had been earlier this morning. Now she was coming in for a fast landing back in Ponyville. She had hoped for a bit of rest and a lunch before heading out on her next sortie. Twilight was coming out to meet her. She looked worried. "It's Bit-on-Rouge." Twilight shouted over the wind and rain. "Storm surge! Forty hooves high! Spike just gave me the message. The levees are holding for now. but if they fall..." "Right!" Dash shouted back, with a grin. Only her two front hooves had hit the ground before she took off again, cheerfully. No rest for the weary, she thought to herself, ponies everywhere are going to remember me for this. "Dash, wait for me!" Twilight shouted after her. Rainbow Dash pretended she didn't hear; today was no day for slowpokes. She was already out over the Everfree Forest when she looked down. She could see little glimmers of light flickering through the leaves, keeping pace with her. Long distance teleportation. Twilight was coming with her after all. It would take a lot out of her, Dash thought. By the time they got to Bit-on-Rouge, that little unicorn would be even more exhausted than she was. She was glad to have her along though. Rain pounded against her flight goggles. It was too heavy - she needed altitude. Dash flew up into the clouds. It got dark very fast. Higher, she thought. The gray disappeared, and everything turned to white. It positively glowed. Dash loved these moments of flying up through large clouds - it felt like she was flying through heaven itself. And then she was through. Blue sky above her, a white blanket below. That's when she saw the system in front of her. Fifty thousand feet high if it was an inch. She could see it all the way on the other side of the Equestrian Mountain Range. It was just pouring through the mountain passes, like a pony pouring cream. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. She would have to fly to the other side of that thing; there was no going around it. She was the only pony in Equestria who would be able to make the flight. There was too much lightning. Twilight had given her two pairs of magical horseshoes, made of the same stuff as Twilight's magic lightning rod back in her treehouse. Dash could take a whole, full-sized lightning bolt in flight, no need to be grounded. Dash had already taken three bolts that morning. They hurt like hell but she had otherwise been uninjured. If it hadn't been for the horseshoes, she'd have been vaporized. They would have needed to use feather records to identify what was left of her. And then she was in soup. She was instantly buffeted by the winds. She was hit with rain, hail, sleet, snow, freezing rain, and things she had never seen before. Each blast of air was colder than the last. The was tossed around by updrafts, downdrafts, and wind shear. There were massive bolts of lightning, far bigger man she had ever known possible. She didn't think even the magic horseshoes would keep her safe from those. This wasn't a puny little F5 tornado. This was a full grown cyclone. She didn't have a chance of stopping this on her own. All the pegasus ponies in Equestria couldn't stop this thing. Maybe she could change it thought. Maybe she could get it to blow in another direction, away from anywhere it could do harm. Maybe she could turn it inward on itself, make it stall, make it blow itself out. That's when she heard the sound. She couldn't believe she was hearing anything at this altitude, but it was there and growing louder. It was a roar, like a fully grown dragon, amplified by the hoof-falls of a thousand stampeding earth ponies. Mountains, she thought to herself, it must be mountains. A hundred and twenty mile per hour winds blasting over a mountain summit; only thing it could be. Rainbow Dash spotted the peak through the clouds. It was a rocky crag. There was a pony standing on top of it. What? Oh. Twilight! Her friend had been able to keep pace with her this whole way after all. Dash's confidence was renewed. Between her flying and Twilight's magic, maybe they actually could beat this storm. Twilight was shouting something, inaudible. "What?!" Dash shouted. "South!" Twilight shouted again. "Fly south! There's a convergence storm just two miles south of this peak. It's the key to this whole system. Disrupt it and the storm falls apart!" Dash nodded. They were going to do it. The two of them. She had never been more excited. She took off to the south as fast as she could. She was bucking and kicking, hewing her way through the storm. There was a flash and a bang behind her. Simultaneous. Right on top of each other . Right on top of her. It hit her right in the center of her back, between her wings. Sharp pain radiated out through her whole body. She was falling. She spun as she fell. It was a hard spin, the hardest she had ever known. She needed to get out of it and fast. She flapped her wings as hard as she could, just like she knew she should to get out of a spin. It wasn't working. She only spun faster. She got a good look at her left wing. It was hurt real bad, and bleeding. She had lost a good deal of her primary feathers. Some had been burned off by the lighting, others just ripped out by the force of it. She tried to turn her neck to see her other wing, but the centripetal force was massive; she couldn't see her other wing. She fell and fell. She'd have a minute and half at her starting altitude, give or take. How much was left? She had to get out of the spin. She spotted something through the clouds, an object falling along with her. It was hard to see because she was spinning so fast. Another pegasus pony? Would she be rescued? No, no it wasn't a pegasus pony. It was... it was a wing. A single falling wing, with a bloody stump. It was her own wing, torn from her body. Rainbow Dash didn't scream. In real life, ponies don't scream when they fall, not like in the stories. She had time to thing, but nothing to think about. She expected her life to flash before her eyes. It didn't. She expected to go though that cycle of denial, bargaining and acceptance, thinking that maybe some soft object would break her fall, even though she knew that was impossible. She didn’t think that either. She didn't think about anything as she fell. And then she thought of something. Twilight. Twilight was still out in this storm. Her life was in danger. In her last moment, Rainbow Dash wished for her friend to be OK. wished for her to make it home sa- It was a fine day for weather, at the memorial service. The storm had blown for three more days, before dying of its own accord. Every pony in ponyville had come out for the service. Losing a pony so young was a tragic event in Ponyville: it rarely ever happened. By rights, the mayor should have given the eulogy, but she deferred instead to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight gave a beautiful speech. She spoke about what a great tragedy it was to lose Dash, how Ponyville would never be the same. But she also talked about what a joy it was to have known her, how her life should be celebrated. Dash had been a hero that day. Hundreds, maybe thousands of ponies had been saved thanks to her sacrifice. Everypony was moved by Twilight's words. Then Twilight called for a moment of silence. A beautiful silence followed. There were sounds, but they were soft sounds. There were birds singing in the trees. Fluttershy trying to control her weeping. Nopony minded. Then another sound emerged, off on the horizon. It started as a rumble. Then grew into a roar. Like a fully grown dragon amplified by the hoof-falls of a thousand charging earthponies. The Wonderbolts, in formation, flew in low and fast. Then they burst into a display over service, spreading out like the petals of a flower. It was a six pony formation, but only five Wonderbolts flew today. One position was empty. There, in the middle, just off center. This position was empty on purpose. This was the Missing Pony Formation. It was the highest honor the Wonderbolts had for anypony. It symbolized the loss of a friend. That night, Princess Celestia stepped down from her tall throne. She left her throne room and entered one of her personal chambers, the one she used for private business. It was darker than the throne room, and circular. Between the black marble columns along the walls were windows where she could look out on her land. A twenty ton skull of a dragon king hung on iron chains from the ceiling. She was expecting a very important report from her most faithful student. Twilight Sparkle. This may be the most important report yet. At the specified time, there was a flash and a bang behind her. Simultaneously. Celestia turned. Twilight had teleported in. and was bowing before her. "Your majesty." Twilight said. "Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student." Celestia returned. "You don't appear to have grown since last I saw you, but your aura, oh Twilight. it's much more powerful than it was before." "Twice as powerful, your majesty." Twilight responded. "I've acquired the Element of Loyalty. I've done it." "Then the severing of the Element?" Celestia asked. "Total betrayal, your majesty." Twilight said, "the antithesis of loyalty. She never suspected a thing." "Excellent." Celestia approved, "that's important. Take your time. Take tilings slowly. Years. The years won't matter once you've acquired them all. The other ponies must not suspect a thing."