You are Anon and you wake up to the sounds of hoofsteps. You sit up on your bed and see Applejack in a hurry. AJ-“Oh you’re up, Ah’m late to help Big Mac fill his cart and go to Canterlot.. Ah haven’t made breakfasts, so if you could do that, babe.” You say “yes” by shaking your head. She comes and grabs her hat, gives you a kiss and runs off. ?You’re left there with Sweet Cider who is still asleep. Looking at the window, you notice it still dark and the sun is about to rise “Only on a farm….” You mumble. You move and start to wake up Cider. Cider is half-pony half-human but on her front, her coat reaches almost to her breasts and is a different color that the rest, white. She kind of looks like a deer and this annoys her. She wearing a shirt since you always maker do it but it’s out of place exposing her tummy. You put your hands on it and start rubbing to wake her up. “Cider wake up, you gotta go to school.” She doesn’t respond and you rub faster, she gets annoyed and turns over and put the cover over herself. You get out of bed and on the way to the bathroom you pat her butt and tell her to get up. ?You pee, shave and brush your teeth and go back to the room to see Cider still sleeping. “At what time am I supposed to pick you up from Rarity’s Boutique?” The covers move around really fast and Cider’s little head pops up, SC-“Why?” A-“Aren’t you going on a play date with her kid?” Cider jumps from the bed and goes running to her bathroom. As she prepares for school you put some cloths on and go downstairs. In the kitchen, you find half made breakfast, it seems that AJ tried to make it, but ran out of time. There is a knock on the door, “Are ya awake?” It’s Applebloom and it seems she came to help. AB-“Hey Anon, AJ told me she couldn’t finish breakfast, so she send me to help ya.” You try to explain to her you can finish it, but she tells you it’s ok and you end up sitting down while she takes over. “If ya want me to, Ah can take Cider to school on my way to work.” You imaged AJ told AB to take Cider to school for you. “Thanks, I need to make it to Rarity’s place before she takes White Scale to school.” Wh-o- du yu need tu dou tha?” said AB holding a knife in he mouth. A-“I implied to Cider that she has a play date with Scale to get her out of bed.” AB-“Play date? She not a foal, Anon.” A-“I know but let’s pretend she is, that way I don’t feel old.” ?Applebloom is the only Apple family member in Ponyville that works on something that is not 100% farm related. She works for Diamond Tiara as an engineer making a machine that runs on water vapor and makes apple cider. The problem is keeping the cider sweet since the machine gets really hot and sours the cider. Instead, she works on different project Diamond and her father have and most of them are more related to transport and preservation of foodstuffs and some aren’t apple related. At first this got to the Apples a bit angry with her, but with time they got used to the idea, since she brings part of her salary to the household and helps on the farm ever so often. ?Cider comes downstairs without her shirt. You see this and in a annoyed voice say “Where is you shirt?”. SC-“It look like is gonna be hot today, so A’m not wearing one.” You look down at your feet and look back at her somewhat angry “Baby, you should go upstairs and put a shirt on, OK.” She crosses her arms and looks at you now annoyed too SC-“But why daddy, yesterday was super hot and everypony thinks A’m some stuck up pony for wearing cloths all the time and it always catches dirt when Ah play.” Applebloom steps in and starts yelling “How do ya think ya are? If you’ daddy say wear a shirt, ya ask what color. Ya understand me, missy?” Cider looks at her aunt stunned and races to her room. AB looks at you, AB-“This kids these day think the can tell their daddys what to do.” You smile A-“Thanks Applebloom, I was thinking of letting her go without one since she kept insisting.” SC-“Never give in to foal’s tantrums; not saying ya shouldn’t listen to her, but always make her see what ya says goes.” AB tells you this as she brings breakfast to the table. Both you and Cider eat breakfast, AB already ate back home. Cider and AB go to town together; Cider was a bit embarrassed with what happened, she even came downstairs to ask your favorite color. ?You go to town to Rarity’s boutique hoping she’s there so you can ask her if White Scale can play with Cider. White Scale is Rarity’s and Spikes son. So time ago, before you came to Equestria, Spike was sent to live with the dragons after an incident in Ponyville, where some dragons thought Spike was a prisoner. This was temporary, but it took a toll on everyone, especially Twilight and Rarity. One of the reasons you were giving to Twilight to be study was to take her mind out of it. But Rarity had no distractions, she felt sad and in time, very lonely, even you notice that something was wrong with her. One day she decided that Spike should be rescued, even though it was Princess Celestia’s order that he be sent to the dragons to live with them for 40 years as prove he was not a prisoner. When her friends heard her plan, all of them decided that they should go, even Twilight, who didn’t want to at first. At this time you still didn’t have a job and were confined to the treehouse. Three days later they returned with Spike in tow, the dragons saw how much they cared for Spike and how Spike wanted to be back with them. Celestia send a letter making a new deal with the dragons, Spike will be an ambassador of Ponyville and Equestria to this tribe of dragons, and in return, he can come and go as he please as long he fulfilled his duties. Before he was send back to the dragons some training was necessary, this meant that Twilight would be busy, giving you some space. At this time, AJ offered you a job at Sweet Apple Acres. During his stay with the dragons, Spike grow a lot since he was exposed to dragons greed and ferocious behavior, he grow to what could be consider physically a young adult, as well as his mind set . Both he and Rarity became inseparable and soon before he was send to the tribe, he and Rarity got married. ?At the boutique you find the door opened, but no one is there until you see Rarity walk towards in a fast pace. R-‘Welcome to Rarity’s Boutique and what may I be of service this fine morning?” A-“Hi Rarity, can Sweet Cider come here after school to play with White Scale?” R-“Oh, well of course, Sweet Cider is a well behave pony and she is welcome here to play with Whitty; HURRY UP, YOU ARE LATE AND IF YOU DON’T, I’LL WON’T LET YOU PLAY WITH SWEET CIDER!” As Rarity screamed this a white dragon with purple scales on his back came running from the second floor. R-“WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT RUNNING IN THE HOUSE, WE ARE NOT DIAMOND DOGS!” WS-“S-sorry mom, it’s jus-“ R-“Do you have everything?” SW-“Yeah” R-“Then GO, you are very late.” As she said this White Scale looked at you and says “Good morning, Mr. Cider dad.” A-“Good morning, Scales.” You offer him you hand and he shakes it, and then runs off. R-“There goes my little white sunshine, so Anon was that all you came here?” A-“Well maybe not, you remember those shirts that you have been making for Cider, I would like you to make something to go underneath them.” R-“Like an under shirt?” A-“Well something like that, the thing is that Cider is becoming a young woman and she will need ‘support’” You make quotation mark with your hands as you say support. R-“Well don’t worry my dear; she will have all the support she needs from me and all of Ponyville.” A-“No, no like that, Rarity, you notice she has mound in the upper area of her chest, those are breast, and a human woman breast can grow big.” “How big?” Says Rarity looking confused. You make a fist and say “From this to three times this.” Rarity looks shock and takes a few steps back. R-“Aren’t does heavy, when I was breast feeding Whitty, mines were a bit annoying, but those are ridiculous. They are just too big!” A-“And that is why I need you to make a underwear to give her support.” You ask for a piece of paper and draw a bra and human torso with a bra on it. R-“Oh, I see, this way this holds them up.” A-“Yes, when she comes today, can you try to take her measurements. If she asks, tell her I will explain when she gets home.” R-“Of course Anon, and I will keep this a secret, the poor thing does not need any ponies to know about this.” A-“Yeah, thanks Rarity.’ R-“No worries dear; t what are friends for?” After this you leave the boutique and head back to the farm. ?Sweet Cider and White Scale are playing a fort game with some old cushions, while Cider and White are 13 and 14 years old, they have a younger mentality, this is something that happens on Equestria. The only ones you notice that they act their age are Twilight and the two Princesses. Rarity calls Cider upstairs and tells Scales to wait. Scales gets bored of waiting, since they are taking too long, and goes upstairs quietly. He thinks Rarity is making Cider try different dresses, and wants to get a quick laugh out of it. He opens the door a bit and looks thru the small opening. He sees Cider wearing something on her chest; it looks goofy strap and chuckles a bit. He then notices that Cider looks uncomfortable and Rarity is being really careful accommodating the goofy strap. Cider looks nervous and Rarity ask what it is, Cider whisper something in her ear and Rarity pats her head and says something, but Scale can’t hear it. Cider smile a little and hugs Rarity, She puts her shirt on and Scales runs off down stairs pretending to be making a tower out of the cushions. WS-“Finally, d-did my mom make you try all her dresses?” SC-“Yeah, som’thing like that. Hey Scales, Ah a bit tucker out, so I be heading home, ok?” WS-“Ok, I’ll walk you home, since mom says a gentlecolt can’t let a lady go home on her own.” Cider thinks about it. SC-“Ok, tell your mom we are leaving.” As Scale goes up the stairs, he couldn’t think of anything else except how nice the strap looked underneath Cider’s shirt.