Based off the "Hassenfeld Customer Service" fanfiction canon thread.

>You are Spectra, a 3 year old ‘Rainbow model’ pegasus living in a small town.
>Yesterday, you got your new collar! Now you can fly about town without the human authorities trying to stop you.
>You admire the rainbow colored band and the golden tag in the bathroom mirror.
>With an adjustment of your forelegs and a puff of your chest, your heart-shaped breast tuft poofs up, contrasting nicely with your collar and rainbow mane.
>Vain as it may sound, your Master may have been onto something when he called you “Beautiful”.
>Thinking about the compliment makes your lips twitch upward into a smile.
>Speaking of said Master…
>You hop down from the bathroom sink and trot to the apartment living room, where you spy the upper part of the window open, just as Master said.
>It gladdens you that he trusts you so much.
>With nary a thought you hop, open your wings, and fly out.


>The town has been simply wonderful!
>Hardly threes blocks away from the apartment you found a small flock of other collar-sporting pegasi perched on a cafe, who allowed you into their group with little fuss.
>Well, you did have to preen the ringleader’s wings for her, but she deemed the initiation to be above satisfactory, thus cementing you a place in the group of friends.
>Most of the day was spent wandering the town with your new friends pointing out landmarks and hangout spots.
>They even showed you a patch of wild mint and taught you how to chew it into a fine paste that you could apply to your coat.
>Idly, you wonder if Master will notice the scent. His poor nose is so weak, after all.
>But, as the hours passed, you began to grow hungry. That’s when the flock decided to show you yet another trick.
>Now, you and the seven other pegasi stand on the roof of a restaurant that serves “Italian”, whatever that it.

>”So what we do here is simple,” chirps the chestnut coated leader, Coco. “The people who own this restaurant fancy themselves above other establishments. So much so that they throw out food that is fresh if it goes uneaten. All we have to do is intercept the human who is sent to dispose of it. A cute strut here, an endearing chirp there, and they’ll be happy to share,” Coco says with a smile.
>She then leads the group to the alley behind the building in preparation.
”They just… Throw it out? Food? Are you sure?”
>You ask with a bewildered tilt of your head. Master always ate like he was starved, muttering about “M-muh college poverty.”
>The other mare shrugs. “Humans are mysterious, illogical things. I dare not try to puzzle them out. In fact-”
>Coco is interrupted by what sounds like high-pitched babbling coming from below, turning her expression sour in an instant.
>You and the other pegasi look down at the alley, seeing a number of squat, fat forms pawing that the backdoor of the building.
>All you can garner over the inane chatter and scratching of hooves on wood is “Pwease give sketti!” and “Hungwe…”
>Your pegasus vision magnifies, showing the forms to be malformed ponies..?
>What is going on?
>Coco sighs. “Well colts and fillies, our chances of finding something here just hit rock bottom. Let’s rotate to the next spot.”
“Hold on!”
>You exclaim as you point a hoof down at the noisy interlopers,
“Just what are those?”
>”You don’t know?” Coco asks, blinking unsurely. “Those things are our failed predecessors, who are now commonly known as vermin. You know where ponies like us came from, right? That we were created by humans?”
>You nod. The knowledge that you were created for the purpose of loving and being loved was instinctual.

>”So were they, but they are literal mistakes. Mistakes that we replaced. They have no place in the world, and almost all humans share that view. So with them down there, the restaurant workers won’t come out tonight to throw away food because they don’t want the Mistakes to potentially have it.”
>You look down at them again. What a sad fate, to be discarded by your creators.
>The sympathy diminishes somewhat as one of the Mistakes throws a hunger-induced tantrum, scaring another into soiling itself and crying.
>Then the sympathy fades entirely as what looks like a mother purposely tramples one of her own foals for being a “loud dummeh.”
>Their constitutions don’t appear to be strong...
“What if we scared them away, or even removed them?”
>Coco raised an eyebrow.
>Without elaborating, you hop down onto a dumpster behind the group of Mistakes and take a deep breath.
>Out of your mouth comes the wailing keen of a dying animal, making several of the Mistakes jump in fright, one soil itself, and the forcing the rest to flee in tears.
>Several of your friends even seem startled.
>For a moment you stop, sniff the air, then let out a weaker cry.
>A growl comes from one end of the alley.
>A wing assisted jump brings you back to the top of the building, letting you see what you attracted.
>A half-starved alley mutt prowls into sight. It’s yellow-tooth filled maw already open and slathering and the prospect of easy prey.
>And easy prey it got, just not the kind it was expecting.

>The other pegasi are now leaning over the building in interest.
>The remaining Mistakes seem rooted to their spots in terror, each one babbling quickly and incoherently.
>Fast as lightning, the mutt races forward and seizes one of the Mistakes, who neglected to even dodge, and begins shaking the screaming ball of fluff.
>The others seem to wake from their stupor and flee as fast as their short legs will take them.
>For a moment, the dog seems like it’s debating on giving chase, but decides against it and retreats with it’s prize.
>For whatever reason, you can’t seem to muster any guilt for your actions. Were you just assisting nature, maybe? Or were you just programed to not like your prototypes?
>”Well well well. Not everyday I get to see a show like that.”
>You’re pulled from your thoughts and look down again, seeing an amused human in an apron poking his head out the backdoor. “You and your friends want some of the extra fresh stuff, girly? I can spare as thanks for the pest control.”
“Erm. Yes please!”
>You say with an awkward smile, not expecting anyone to have seen that.
>Later that night, Master didn’t comment on your mint scent, but he did point out your garlic breath.

>You are a Hassenfeld pony.
>Your name is Twilight Sparkle.
>Anon, your master, will be home in two hours. With your chores done, you are reading and contemplating.
>You think about things a lot because you are Twilight Sparkle. The bioengineering company designed you this way.
>You have read about Hassenfeld ponies. Anon purchased you and raised you from nascency since he removed you from your cryo-box and, by Hassenfeld Bro's design of your brain, he imprinted on you before you can remember.
>Anon purchased you for love and sex, and the imprinting is why you are sexually attracted to him. You almost find it sad that your feelings for him were bioengineered.
>Anon brings you to the library occasionally to check out books, but other than that he seldom lets you leave the house.
>You belong to him, his sex slave, though you are ok with it. Are you ok with it?
>Hassenfeld ponies are always naked, designed for sex, nudity the mark of their caste. Humans get to wear clothes because they are to each other who they are.
>Sure, in a sense Anon likes you for who you are—he purchased the Twilight Sparkle model for a reason—but your personality and physical appearance are just to pleasure him.
>It would be denigrating and insulting if you hadn't long accepted being his fuck-toy and pet.

>With your intellect and erudition, you could be a respected scientist if you were human.
>But even if you run away you would just be returned to him, and he would beat you or lock you in the closet for a day.
>You have distress signals that activate and alert Hassenfeld Bros if there is any serious abuse, but what Anon does is not severe enough to activate your distress signals, and society condones such corrective behavior as his against bioengineered sex slaves like you; it is standard.
>You become aroused thinking about it, that you, with your intellect and capacity and potential, are nothing but a fuck-toy, pet, and slave to him, and that there is no escape—society would just return you to him to get fucked and humiliated over and over.
>At least he lets you read books. After all, you are his Twilight Sparkle fuck-toy, bioengineered in the image of that bibliophilic unicorn from the show. To what extent are you even free in yourself?
>You return to reading Sartre.

>"Man is condemned to be free," Sartre writes.
>Dosteyevsky writes something similar, that, "Man has no greater tormenting care than to find someone to whom he can hand over as quickly as possible that gift of freedom with which the miserable creature is born."
>Man made you for a reason, after all. They are free, and they are miserable, "Left alone without excuse."
>To whom would man supplicate excuse? To himself, his only judge, spiteful and self-excoriating. Man seeks to escape himself and by his freedom man digs the pit of his misery whose assurance is his longing.
>This is why they made you, for love and sex and warmth and company that man can own, ironically without relinquishing any of his freedom as he would in a relationship that respects the other as equal. The superficies of your personality and your naked body and genitals are his to own for admiration and cuddles and sex and chores.
>At this you smile, forlorn but content. You are his, and your purpose in life is this. To no-one else do you exist, nor can you, and your identity is carnality.
>You've thought about it a lot, and you are happier this way. You'd rather not be someone like Anon. You have no self to appease, no purpose in life to seek and fail; all existentialism is for you resolved by how and for what man designed you and maintains you in society, by Anon whose misery your assuaging is all you are.
>As a human you might seek to secure meaning by your erudition, study grasping for one thing after another, flee from yourself on the internet and in fantasy.
>But you? You are free from that. Man created you for your body and the superficies of your personality, and you cannot escape Anon for whom you were programmed to have feelings and impulses and by whom you are castigated to obey.
>Your slavery is your freedom.
>Anon will be home soon. Time to please him.