>Day whatever in Equestria
>You and the mane 6 and Spike are sent off to go stop some evil unicorn king; who is going to rule the Crystal empire if you don't!
>You're strange alien body and mind might help to defeat the king, so they brought you along.
>As you roll up to the train-station in the middle of a blizzard, Shining Armor greets Twilight.
>Within a matter of moments, a dark cloud appears and chases all of you
>The pones, and Spike, are fast enough to get away
>You, however, are not.
>You are caught up in the black cloud, and everything goes dark
>You feel as if you are falling from a great height, but not moving at all
>And then, you appear before him
>All around you is blackness, the physical darkness that flows from his mane
>His body is still there, however, a physical point in all the moving and undulating darkness
>He looks at you with those green and red eyes
"You." He says in a booming voice
>You almost shit yourself

>The king's voice is so loud and powerful you can hardly believe it
>You tremble a little at his voice
>He seems to have difficulty speaking anything more then a word or two, but manages after enough tries
"You. Serve. Join. Assist. Rewarded."
>You blink, you think you know what he is saying
>You hesitate however
>All your friends in ponyville!
>He doesn't look like he's giving you much of a choice here
>You were almost sure you had a thing going with Fluttershy...
>Fuck it.
"Deal! I'll help you take over the Crystal Empire, King..."
>You weren't sure of his name
>He seems to smile this time as his voice booms softer, telling his name

>You nod again
"Yes King Sombra."
>You bow your head in a show of respect, best not to piss off the super powerful unicorn king.
>He stands up, the darkness around you and guiding you to walk with him, almost as if he was putting you under his wing
>His wing of dark, shadow magic. But a wing none the less.
>Sombra soon leads you to a literal line on the ground, where one end is barren and the other is filled with life and energy and plants and stuff.
>You pokes a hoof forward, showing he cannot pass it. Then he points at you, and then the barrier.
>You take a step forward and find that you can cross the barrier!
>You step inside, looking back at the king. He still looks intimidating.
>Maybe you could betray him now that you are safe...
>But the way he's looking at you tells you better
"Stop. Student. Stop. Shield. Stop. Crystal Heart."
>You nod, not 100% sure what he means, but you are confident.
>While you sneak into town, the King spends his time bashing and smashing at the energy shield
>You've got to lower that shield... or something.
>You don't know what to do exactly, but you're going to try something to get your reward from the king, or at least avoid his wrath.
>You run into town, and see a few of those crystal ponies.

>You are scared they will stop you, or know what you are up to, but they don't seem to know much of anything.
>You sneak around and soon find Rainbow Dash interrogating one of the crystal pones, finding they have lost their memory.
>Sombra must have done it.... impressive.
>He seems like a pretty smart guy, that dark king.
>In the meantime, you keep a low profile, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

>Soon enough, the mane 6 start a festival to get the spirits of the crystal ponies raised
>To power the crystal heart, you hear
>It won't be very easy to stop the festival, at least not without blowing your cover, so you need to wait until the right moment...
>You soon overhear Twilight going into the tower while the other pones try to stop the crystal pones from learning that they don't really have the crystal heart yet
>You didn't really know they didn't have the heart, mind you, but you could tell. Why would they be covering it up otherwise?
>So, you wait and wait
>Soon, you hear a ruckus upstairs and you quickly run up the tower
>The shield is broken, Sombra is inside!
>Spike goes to grab the heart, but falls
>Sombra jumps up to grab it from below
>You are on the balcony with Shining and Cadance
>You see Shining pick up Cadance
>And prepare to... throw her?!?

>You see your chance
>Here it is
>You charge, and with a yell you shoulder bash Shining right before he manages to throw Cadance
>She doesn't fly
>Spike falls!
>But at the last moment, Rainbow Dash flies in and grabs Spike
>But it's too late for the heart, the king grabs it
>With a cloud of darkness, the heart disappears
>The sky goes even darker, and Sombra gives out an evil laugh
>The crystal ponies shudder in fear and run to their homes, while the mane 6 and friends try to gather themselves
>Shining armor points his damaged horn at you and charges, ready to impale you
>But a wall of black rushes over him, pushing him to the other end of the balcony
>Sombra stepped in!
>He hissed at them and sent them running, and then he laughed again
>He looked down at you, even while the mane 6 and others ran away
"You're going to let them get away?" You ask
>He laughs
"They will fail again."
>You smile nervously, noticing his speaking had improved a bit
>He seemed to become more corporeal and solid before you, his cape billowing around him as he looked over the balcony and over the empire.
"Look at it. Glorious."
>You look over the empire
>And you had to say, even when all dark and gloomy, it was pretty impressive.
>Sombra looks up at you with an evil grin
"Excellent job. Your reward- Serve me."
>You feel your stomach drop a bit
>Well, how much different did you expect?
>Sombra turns and walks inside the crystal tower- his tower.
>He motions for you to follow him
>What have you gotten yourself into?
>You follow King Sombra inside of the palace
>You now have to "Serve him", are you about to become a butt slave?
>That would really ruin your day, if you were to become a butt slave.
>Especially to the guy you just helped!
>Sombra motions you over as he sits on his throne
>Here we go
>You kneel, expecting cock or something at any moment
>Sombra uses his magic to levitate a piece of crystal, and then taps you on each shoulder with it
"I, King Sombra, Knight thee, Anonymous, to be a Knight of my crystal empire."
>Oh well shit
>You look up, surprised
>He puts the crystal away, smiling at you
"I told you- you would be rewarded."
>You nod
"Thank you... your majesty."
>Sombra smiles
"Go check out your chambers- I will send a servant to help you into your new role shortly."

>You walk down to the palace rooms
>You stop by one that looks newly cleaned and opened
>There is a depressed looking crystal p0ny inside
>She bows to you
"Hello my Lord, my name is Glimmer. I will be your assistant and servant. If there is anything you need, just ask me."
>You nod, walking to the bed and lying down
>The servant leaves, you feel very tired
>Time to sleep!
>You fall off into a sleep pretty quickly, you have done much today and need time to rest.

>In the middle of the night, you stir
>You open your eyes, the room is dark and cold
>You shiver under your blankets, and notice some warmth over your body, with cold air touching it
>You suddenly look up, and see a figure hunched over your crotch!
>You freeze, realizing the figure had pulled back your blankets, hence why you could feel the cold air around your legs
>It takes you a moment to realize that your dick was inside the mouth of this figure
>Oh god
>Somebody was giving you a surprise sleep blowjob
>You don't move or make a sound, you don't want to alarm anyone who has a penis near their sharp teeth!
>You wait until you start to feel a bit tense
>It was actually pretty good
>You seize up, and exhale as you cum, the figure sucking up every drop of cum and then swallowing
>You quickly close your eyes and pretend to be asleep again, and the figure gets off your groin and puts the blankets back
>Then, you hear a light trot up to your head, and feel something kiss your forehead
>Then, they leave
>Who the hell was that?

>The next day you wake up to a knock at the door
>You get up and hastily put some clothes on before answering
>It's Sombra, and he's... smiling?
>In fact, he looks very happy!
"Good Morning."
>He spoke in his regular, deep voice. But this time it sounded different, somehow. Elated, even.
"Follow me, to forge."
>He turns and trots down the hallway, you can clearly see a little wiggle in his step, trotting happily. He was practically skipping
>What was up with him
>Unless... did he give you the night BJ last night? And it made him happier or something?
>No way. It could have just been a dream... but you don't know.
>You follow Sombra down to a forge area, it is hot down here and you see many Crystal pones running around and working
>You see one pushing a cart full of metal things nearby, and the king trots over to it
"You, Slave. Help Anon put on suit."
>The slave nods worriedly, and soon you find yourself being felt up by some random pone
>He quickly snaps on a bunch of metal plates onto you, and you find yourself suddenly feeling much heavier then usual.
>He turns you around towards a mirror, and you see yourself covered in metal. You also have a bad ass helmet that has spikes coming off it, as if you were Sauron or something
>The spikes also got more orange and bright as they approached the tip, similar to Sombra's horn
>You look pretty snazzy in the suit
>But as soon as you are done admiring yourself, you hear Sombra speak again
"Take it off him, slave."
>The slave jumps to and snaps your suit off, the metal clattering to the floor!
>You shake the last bits off, and after they are gathered, Sombra nods to you
"Up we go."
>He begins to trot again
>That was fast. And strange.

>You follow Sombra up
>He keeps walking, to another part of the palace you know nothing about
>Where is he taking you?
>He looks back at you as you both stop outside a door
"You dirty. Take bath."
"Uhh... ok?"
>You step inside the room, Sombra closes the door.
>You DO NOT feel at ease
>What the shit was going on here

>You see a warm bath before you though, so that looks good
>Very good, in fact
>The water is sparkling, like crystal
>It's also very warm in here... very comfy
>You feel like you really want to bathe now
>Well, your king ordered you so you'd better!
>You slip off your clothes and dip into the water
>It's very warm, and relaxing
>You sigh as you sit down on a ledge in the pool, spreading your legs and enjoying just being alive
>You close your eyes, nodding off for a little while
>You soon open your eyes again, only to see something dark peering in at you from the doorway
>The figure jumps back and the doors shuts
>You've got a real peeping tom on your hands!
>You bathe quickly and get dry, never taking your eyes off the door
>You're almost positive it's Sombra now... it has to be. But why is he watching you bathe? And giving you sleep blowies?
>You want to ask him but... it seems awkward.
>So you won't, at least not for right now.

>You soon exit the room with the new clothes on, provided for you by Sombra, and see him waiting
"Sombra- we need to talk. I've noticed you-"
>Sombra glares at you, which shuts you up
>Then, he walks up to you, gets on his hind legs, and kisses you
>Your eyes shoot open in surprise; you've never kissed a horse before!
>Sombra backs down and shakes his head
"Not here. Not now. Later."
>He then turns and trots off, leaving you alone.

>You walk off into the castle, by yourself. You try to stick where you've been, or areas you think you know well enough to travel in. You hope to not get lost or anything!
>This place is pretty huge... Hence your concern
>You eventually make your way to the throne room, and then down to your chambers from there
>Looking out a window, you get lost in thought
>The next time you look at your surroundings, the sun is going down.
>Your first day has been rather... eventful
>Suddenly, a knock on the door
>You open it hesitantly, expecting Sombra
>It's Glimmer.
"Oh, hi Glimmer."
>She nods, before speaking quickly.
"Sombra demands an audience with you in his private chambers. Go now."
>You gulp, you had a feeling this would happen.
End Part 1