>Celestia stands in front of Chrysalis and smiles “Now Chrysalis, in our ongoing efforts with the “Give a 2nd Chance” campaign, we have granted you freedom, but, in exchange you must first do some community service.” >Chrysalis snarls and bares her teeth, “What demeaning thing are you planning for me? Was my defeat at the hooves of those newly weds not punishment enough?” >”Hardly.” Celestia teases as Chrysalis snorts and looks away, as she does, enter you, old man Anon. Celestia gently guides you to the front as you shuffle in your blue bunny slippers and presents you to Chrysalis. >”Chrysalis, meet Granpanon.” “Mornin.” >She says nothing but silently glares at you before raising her nose in disgust and giving a “Hmpf.” >”You will be his personal nurse for a year.” >”A year!?” “Thanks, I’d love one, make sure it’s really cold and foamy, that’s my favorite kind.” >Chrysalis snaps ”What in the blue sky are you babbling about you old horse apple!?” “Huh?! What?! Were you gonna get me my beer or not!?” >Celestia laughs in her usual motherly tone and begins to walk away, “I feel you two will get along just fine.” >With Celestia gone, Chrysalis snarls angrily as begin to pet her. “Nice horesy, you remind me of my old faitful mare, she liked sugar cubes, do you wanna sugar cube?” >A few days later, you sleep on the couch as Chrysalis comes into your living room, “What do you want for dinner? The old mush that smells like rotten apples, or the old mush that looks like rotten peas?” “….” >She sighs tiredly and goes up to an old record player before pressing on the metal bar. Music begins to blare as you groan awake and mumble incoherent nonsense. “What do you want?” >”Its dinner time, its peas.” “Uhh.” >She goes back into the kitchen as you stuggle to get up, and grab your cane, you shuffle into the kitchen as she uses her magic to open a glass jar of green goo. She shakes it onto a small foam bowl and slides it over to you as you sit down. >You take a small spoon into your hands and almost strain to eat it, tasting it, you grunt annoyed. “It tastes like crap.” >”Well, we have the apple flavored one.” She replies dryly as you keep eating it. “What am I? Made out of money? I cant afford to waste food.” >She mumbles to herself as you keep eating, “You don’t even pay for it, its given to you, you old horse apple.” >After dinner, you slap your knees and nod. ‘Loved the food, you really out did yourself this time.” >Chrysalis “cleans” the table by sliding everything into the trash, and lazily cleaning the table, leaving small debris of food behind, “You say that for every meal, I’m beginning to think you’re patronizing me.” “Huh?! What ya say!?” >”Forget it, lets just get your dumb bath out of the way.” “No, its my bath time, milkyway later.” >She mumbles some things annoyed as you two are now in the bathroom, Chrysalis runs the water and lazily tests it with her hoof as you strip down to your wrinkly, old body. She sneers and squints while looking away, “Age is a horrible thing.” Feeling content with the water, she sits upright, “All right, go.” >You walk into your walk-in shower and under the stream. “Jesus its cold!” >She smiles evily at her only free pass to treat you badly as she plays dumb “Oh I’m sorry, next time I’ll let it warm up better.” “You’re bad at checking temperature.” >You sit down in your plastic folding chair and wait as Chrysalis sighs, and uses her magic to levitate a sponge and soap, “And this time don’t get up, I’d rather not get smacked by a big floppy thing without my permission again.” >In town, and on your little electric scooter, you push the pedal to the metal as you go a blazing half mile a decade. It buzzes loudly as you lean forward, the wind in your face and not affecting you at all. Chrysalis casually walks by your side as some mares walk into your path as give an old man shout. “Out of the way you blasted kids! You wanna get killed!?” >The scooter painfully inches to them as they look, snicker, and stroll along safely out of your path. As you pass them you look back and shout. “Animals!” >Before going back to looking at the road, and looking at Chrysalis. “Kids these days, no respect for their elders.” >She looks to the side and gives a low, bitter, “Who could blame them?” >Reaching an unimpressive beige building, you roll on up and park it in one of the many handicap parking spaces, right next to all the other scooters. >Slowly shuffling off, you grab your cane and begin the long trek up the steps. Chrysalis sighs and follows behind, “Remind me why we are coming here?” “Huh?” >”What point is there in this stupid game? Why not just remain at home?” “Ha, and let that asshole Cranky take all the winnings? I’d rather let my daughter date a negro than let that literal jackass win a game.” >”I didn’t know you had kids, the thought of you copulating with a female of your species was unimaginable.” “Kids? Who said anything about kids?” >She growls and begins to walk past you, “Let’s just get this over with.” >In the bingo hall, Chrysalis looks at the big empty room, the walls are plain, and only several white tables are lined up in the center. At each table are several elderly ponies shuffling their cards and doing other busy work. >”To think, I used to be a queen.” “Huh? You were a man?” >”How could you possibly misconstrue that?” As she asks that, a slightly middle-aged mare lazily reads numbers as tens of old ponies all match their numbers accordingly. You begin to shuffle fast to the tables, dropping anything you were talking about. “Hurry, they’re already starting the game.” >As you shuffle to an empty seat, Cranky looks over at you a few seats away, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Anon. What kept ya? Lose your dentures?” Some of the other stallions snicker as you narrow your eyes. “No, I was looking for Matilda’s.” >The other stallions give an egging on “Oooohh.” As Cranky growls. >”Bah, big talk coming from the creature that hasn’t seen any action since coming here.” “That’s because I spent all of my life banging women on Earth, I didn’t waste my life looking for one girl like some people.” >Chrysalis just watches and rests her head on her hooves, “Who knew Bingo could be so entertaining.” >Granny Smith intervenes and raises her hooves, “Now, now, ya’ll er carryin on like its high school, lets just settle this like grown ponies, whoever has the most points by the end of the night wins.” >With that said, the game begins as you and Cranky go into game mode. The middle aged mare calls out numbers lazily as the two of you sweat from the strain of this high stakes game. >Chrysalis just watches bored and yawns loudly as minutes become half hours, and then and hour. Its down to the wire as you Cranky are neck in neck but the middle aged mare calls a time out, “And now for a brief intermission, joy. We resume the game after a brief 10 minute break.” >The mare walks away from the podium as Chrysalis watches her walk to the door and go out. She gets up and walks over as you and Cranky stare the other down, “I’m not gonna lose to old monkey that was launched into space 40 years ago.” “Well I’m not gonna lose to a 60 year old virgin.” >”I haven’t been a virgin for 2 years.” “What were we arguing about again?” >The middle aged mare comes back up and to the podium, “Ok, we’re starting now. B7.” “Ha! One right off the bat.” >Cranky gives an angry tsk as the mare continues, “F4.” “And another!” >Like this, another hour passes as the mare keeps reading your numbers and letters, you were dominating the competition, and Cranky was forced to sit down and take it, just like when Matilda took his donkey virginity. >With the final letter called, you stand up victoriously. “Bingo! In your face Cranky.” >Cranky slams the paper and flips the table as he gets up murmuring and cussing under his breath, the old mare comes up and gives you a big trophy, “Here, you win.” “Could you give this to Chrysalis for me? I cant carry it.” >”Uhhhh sure, hold on.” She walks away with the trophy and goes to a blind spot before a few seconds later Chrysalis comes out holding the trophy in her magic field, “C’mon Anon, lets go, you won.” “Oh Chrysalis, there you are, guess what, I won.” >”Great, now lets go.” >An older stallion looks around confused, “Where is the Bingo lady?” >Chrysalis not even looking at him just quickly replies ”She went home, now all of you go, cmon Anon we’re leaving.” >Floating you up and over, she heads out the door and slams it. The next morning you read the paper as the front page has a pic of the older mare and the caption, “Local mare attacked by black figure, Zecora claims innocence.” “Let one zebra in, and the whole town goes to shit. Figures.” >Today was a who framed roger rabbit kinda day. "I remember having a pony just like you." You say while pointing to Scootaloo, "She was so fun and full of life, I would take her to ride the pony everyday." >Scootaloo points to herself with a huge smile on her face "I remind you of a pony from back home?" "Shut up I'm talking!" Thinking a moment, you look to Applebloom and continue, "Anyway, you look just like her, the little girl a dad could ask for." >Applebloom raises an eyebrow to your statement, "Ah thought u were talkin bout a pony ya owned?" "Shut up I'm talking!" With that you go to looking at Sweetie Belle and continuing "My cat was the prettiest cat that ever lived, her name was Mystery, and she had the whitest coat, just like you." >Applebloom leans forward with her hoof raised, "Uhh Mr. Anon.. I.." Before she can continue Sweetie Belle shoves her hoof into her mouth and shout whispers. >"Shhh! Just let him talk till he falls asleep again." >Suddenly Chrysalis comes up and uses her magic to levitate you up into the air. "Hey! Put me down Licorice!" >She sneers at you "Its Chrysalis Anon, you forgot your meds again." "Shut up I'm talking!" >Uses her magic, she brings out a nudy magazine as you hold it and hold it open. "Hot damn! My weekend reading!" >Busy reading, she looks down at the three fillies and smiles awkwardly, "Sorry about this, I'll take him home now." >Today was a cooky old Anon kinda day.