Took part in writing out some fun stuff for a friend for his pics. Check out their work! Here's his post with the pics! With a cold night ahead, Pinkie decides to settle in with a nice movie to watch with her favorite and most bestest buddy she knows. The green pony had been minding his own business, sitting on the couch and enjoying his own leisurely time available. Sitting down, Pinkie took herself the liberty of petting the mane of her pony, giggling at the cute noises he made. Her fingers kept running through his soft mane until she leaned in to kiss his head. The small horse flicked his ears before looking back to her and smiling. She hadn’t enjoyed such company in so long. Having such a nice and quiet, private little moment with someone she shared such a connection with. Of course, there had also been many other things she hadn’t enjoyed in so long. Some very private time with herself… He was a pony, after all. Not like he would mind if she decided to just enjoy herself on a more intimate level, right? Without hesitating, Pinkie’s thumbs slipped into the hem of her panties as she laid back onto the couch and lifted her ample hips up. The cotton fabric moved free of her body and down her thighs as she watched the small pony give only a curious glance before returning his attention to the television. It wasn’t until she tossed her panties at him playfully and started pulling her shirt up that he fully acknowledged her sudden change in wear. With her body free of any constraints, Pinkie let out a sigh and leaned onto the cushions while looking at her little buddy. A small part of her legs and suddenly his eyes wandered south as he found watching her more interesting than the show. Something about having someone watch her got Pinkie all excited as she bit her lip and reached down to softly begin toying with her mound, rolling her clit and giving plenty peeking shots within the velvety tunnel as her fingers spread her folds here and there. After watching for a bit, Pinkie notices her arousal is simply wafting about the room. The green pony sniffs at the air as he inches closer to the source. Before long, Pinkie couldn’t handle her own excitement at just how much distance was closing in between that cute snootle and her lap. Eventually, her hand moves over and runs through his mane as she giggles and nods lightly. "Go on, silly!" she says, anticipating the moment before that tongue slips free and rolls up her exposed mound. The delighted pleasure makes the girl gasp and squirm, letting the pony taste her body until she notices his own body reacting to the whole situation. It didn’t take long for her reach down and wrap her fingers around the equine girth, giving it a few playful tugs as she urged him up. "Giddy up," she whispers, kissing his brow and letting him mount between her thighs. The flat head prods at her needy sex before his primal nature takes over and those hips roll. The thick end plunges in with a good portion of his shaft as he scoots up, giving little whinny as she moans out, letting him sink in fully before both of their hips quickly begin moving together. As good as it felt, Pinkie could feel the small stallion already beginning to work himself close to release. Even as a small pony, his stamina wasn’t able to keep up with her for long. It didn’t mean it felt any less amazing, though. Pinkie’s hips rolled as she grunted and moaned, encouraging the pony to keep pumping for a bit longer, doing her best to keep him from going over the edge. Her thighs eventually parted a bit more as she reached down to keep him still, smiling at his quivering flanks. Poor guy was nearly ready to burst. The stallion panted a bit as he felt those walls around his girth and forced him to leak his silky pre-cum into the woman below. Slowly, Pinkie urged him back, plopping that rather stiff member free with an audible pop and giggling. "Don’t worry, silly. We’ll get you a good reward!" Pinkie told him, petting his sides and back as she guided him up over her a bit more and started to turn him. Once he was facing away, his head turned to look back at her where she gently drew his snout down to her lap. "There you go," she whispers, knowing her arousal was giving him quite the scent. Her own head eased up before she gave one of his cheeks a little kiss. The sight of his plump sack and eager shaft had her just as eager before. When her tongue made contact with the belly of his girth, the stallion let out a light noise as his hind legs lowered a fraction. The musky meat gave Pinkie’s nose and lips a small bap before she giggled again and kissed along the underside. It didn’t take long for the pony to follow along as his broad tongue pressed down against her folds and trailed all the way between her legs. Pinkie gasped and shuddered before another lick roamed her loins, playing over her clit. When she felt him fully wet her mound, her mouth opened as she took hold of the stallion’s member and tilted him down a bit more. The angle was just enough to let her wrap her lips around his turgid flesh, feeling him pulse along her tongue. Pinkie’s mouth pressed lightly to his shaft as she lifted her head a bit, carefully bobbing up against him and smearing her own saliva along his cock. The two worked over each others genitals in quite the fashion as they tasted the need and desire one yearned for the other. Pinkie’s mouth gave soft tugs as her lips rolled back and forth along the length, staring up at those precious orbs above her that practically begged for release. The pony gave soft little whinnies once in a while as he kept up his own oral play, letting his tongue nearly slather her crotch in spittle from his own aroused state. The small pony could feel his length pulsating in such pleasure from the mouth hugging his tool. Every bob Pinkie did in lifting her head brought the small horse closer to his own need. The constant dribble of pre along her tongue and down the back of her throat was as tasty as the shaft itself in her mouth. Her lips worked against the rigid member a bit more as she enjoyed the sweet laps across her own crotch. She knew he was close and she'd be a liar liar pants on fire kind of gal if she didn't admit she was too. The thought alone of making the sweet pony blow a load all for her had Pinkie almost squirming as much as the pony she was suckling on. There was no point in waiting any longer. The wet and very audible 'pop' from her mouth sounded out in the room as she pulled the near flaring shaft out. Her heated breath teased the end of his rod, tickling and teasing in soft caresses without physical contact. When her hand let go of his member, the pony's length lifted and smacked his cute belly several times. Pinkie knew better and gently kept him from continuing, wanting him to get a much better release than masturbation. Her own body shifted and turned, helping the pony move over as she heard cute noises coming from his muzzle. Oh, he was really eager! She could feel his heartbeat in that naughty rod. When she moved over, Pinkie's position changed to her hands and knees as she softly guided the little stallion's head around to her. Sweetheart even began leaning in, running his tongue along her already moist slit. She hardly had to do more than pat her shapely hip before the pony moved and hopped up to mount her. Those soft hooves and softer chest caressed her in ways she only dreamed of until now. The pony scooted forward with his hind legs, making that shaft brush all over her plump bottom and nudge against her folds. He could hardly aim in his own lust while Pinkie reached under to cradle the belly of his girth and guide him right where he belonged. The first press of that thick head to her entrance made her gasp, almost forgetting just how big such a little pony was despite letting him have a bit fun moments ago. She missed him dearly inside her. It only took another carnal hump before he popped inside those soaked depths and swiftly began to do what they both yearned for. Pinkie moaned out, her breasts hanging below and swaying with her movements lightly as the pony stayed mounted atop her lower half. Those soft, fuzzy hips pounded away with wet noises being heard constantly. He could be pumping into a wet sponge in a cup with those kinds of sounds. Every sink into those folds made the pony breath heavier atop her. Pinkie moaned as she pressed back, timing his thrusts as best she could, though her mind was beginning to go blank as her body worked itself. Still, the two enjoyed each other deeply and on levels they never knew they would. The small stallion kept up his rutting of his 'mare' while nearly slamming his member into her as the wetness let him freely explore every inch inside. She could feel him tensing, feeling that flare. It was going to all be hers! Pinkie didn't even realize her tongue had been lolling out of her mouth the whole time she let him use her like a breeding mare. It just felt so good! She hadn't even needed to stimulate her clit with feeling his medial ring penetrate and brush over it so often. Nothing had felt better! “Yeah! Do it, sweetie!” Pinkie encouraged, unsure if he fully understood, but boy oh boy did it turn her on. “Cum inside Pinkie, cutie!” she said, feeling herself draw rather close to her own orgasm. “Cum inside me! Fill your mare!” she cheered and nearly pleaded. Almost as if on cue, the pony shuddered as those hind legs shook. It was a moment of pure bliss. Pinkie felt every throb when that flare stretched her canal wider. It only took two pulses before she felt the first burst of possibly highly potent seed sling into her womb. Pressed firmly to her cervix, the horny pony let himself go as he squeaked cute noises while filling up his carer. Hot, white cum splashed into Pinkie's body, filling her up far quicker than she had guessed. His load pumped with each throb until the pressure became too much. A rush of sticky fluid traveled around any opening given before the thick seed spurted and sprayed out from between their joined bodies. She could even hear the soft spatter on the couch cushion below. Oh, it was so hot! The smell of musky spunk from a potent male had her losing herself as she did her best to keep him in and gave his lap a slick dousing of her own from the orgasm that entailed. Pinkie groaned in enjoyment, eyes rolling back and slumping forward. One of her feet lifted and shook as the pony grunted and gave a thrust, emptying his hefty sack fully into her. The two rode out their orgasms as long as they possibly could. When those fuzzy orbs rested at her lap, it took several minutes before Pinkie could join the land of the coherent again. Their hearts hammered away, slowly starting to calm down as they stayed in that position for a while. The only thing she could even say as her eyes grew heavy was possibly what was exactly on her pony's mind. “Best.. night.. EVER!”