In the black void of space, the Earth stood still, quite without neighbours. It stirred, stiffly, from the slumber of a newborn. It shivered, and shook itself several times until it's boiling blood reached all of its limbs and kept them warm. It then sighed, for it knew it had a purpose, and as a celestial body with a very long lifespan it was only noblesse oblige that it will now seek out that purpose to completion. First, it gently massaged its skin, coaxed it into new shapes. Within several thousand years - an hour of entertainment for the prodigal newborn - it has discovered valleys, mountain ranges, landscapes of infinite flatness and infinite irregularity. It made a soft sound of satisfaction, like a baby letting out gas, and out of a weak spot in the skin a jet of blood spurted out. The earth cried in alarm, but the blood quickly cooled into an interesting mound, and caught up in its fascination the earth made another sound, on purpose. The blood came out faster, and then settled on the mound - again and again did the Earth do this, until it fashioned a mountain of unique design, and it was most pleased. Somewhat dazzled by its rapid progress, the Earth blinked, letting a few hundred years pass. It then yawned, and felt a most peculiar thing - while it blinked, an adventurous comet of ice had landed in one of its great flats. The comet, that landed shortly after the Earth has begun the blink, had every intention of welcoming the Earth to the universe and offer to explore it together, but after several decades of yelling it decided the Earth must be asleep, and stretched on its back despondently waiting for it to wake up. When the Earth yawned, it made the poor comet tremble so much he came apart - spreading ice crystals all across that barren. The Earth blushed with embarrassment at its poor manners, and the ice quickly melted - filling one of the barrens with lukewarm water. The Earth was mildly astonished by this, and played idly with the liquid substance. An idea sprang to its head, and it quickly raised a volcano beneath the waves - keeping the water pleasantly hot, although it was not entirely sure why it required hot water. It shrugged, and turned its attention to new shapes in its skin - it was just creating a mountain range it decided would be its very highest, when a meteor came crashing down into it. It gasped, not out of pain but surprise, and noted the interesting shape where it landed. It discarded the meteor itself out of hand - it could not speak and made for no company at all - but kept the crater. It then purposefully created depressions in itself, trying to mimic the crater. Several were large, many small and linked together, and it carefully filled them all with water. In the back of its mind, it decided the distinction between an area with water and an area without is somehow important. The Earth decided then this was all rather tiring considering it had much, much longer to live, and that it was a good time for a nap. It closed its eyes and yawned greatly, spreading its heat even to the very surface of the skin, where normally the cold of space took hold, and slumbered. It awoke after several hours - tens of thousands of years - feeling quite refreshed, and felt a curious tingling - it looked, astonished, as the land around the lakes and seas has sprouted greenery. It was the first color the Earth has seen which was not a shade of grey, or red - and it gazed in amazement as the waters too took on that very pretty color of green. The ground beneath the greenery, and around it took, has browned in color - something it decided was a sign of good health. The Earth was quite pleased with this newfound life, and admired it for a while. Its warm love seemed to promote growth, and it noticed some evolution taking place - the plants taking on more distinct shapes, becoming larger and showing magnificent flowers. At one of them in particular - a white blossom - it was so amazed that it held its breath. It was just a second - several years - but the plants have all died and withered immediately. When the Earth withdrew its breath it withdrew all heat from the surface, and upon this realization it moaned greatly, for it was as immeasurably sad as can only be a celestial body's tragedy, as can only be an infant's. It looked about, quite without consolation. What good were these, it demanded of the cold and empty void, if they could not live on without me for just a moment? I have no need of children that will eternally depend with their lives upon my support! It rumbled on quite a bit on that point, and caused several landslides in its magnificent mountains. The sight of the giant, rolling rocks, gave it an idea, and with a quiet concentration it began to arrange rocks and pebbles in very particular shapes - ungainly stalks and blocky leaves. It stared at its unliving creations, and tried to be happy with it. it breathed very hard to make the creations warm, as it wanted them to pulsate with life as the plants once did - but it was all for nought. As soon as it stopped billowing, the warmth fled from those sad imitations to space, and it made no difference in them at all. The Earth sighed in sadness. It is quite possibly my destiny to become the Lonely Planet, it mused to the void around him. It does not make me happy, nor does it make me sad, only it makes me... It sighed again. So very lethargic. And it withdrew into itself at that, and slept for hundreds of thousands of years, a cold and despondent planet that interested none and wanted the comfort of none. In its slumber it dreamed of nothing, and of dreams of nothing, and of dreams of dreams of nothing, of all things that lack substance and leech one of spirit entirely. It shuddered, stiffly, at a peculiar feeling - and with a gasp it shook itself awake, thinking that it was the plant life that has returned, but the painful knowledge struck it that it could not possibly be, in this slumber it left its skin devoid of heat and the volcanoes dry as any mountain. Still, it looked around to see what it could be that awoke it. It gasped then in surprise - for not only was it green once more upon the surface, with astonishment it saw what caused it - in the sky, a great body of fire and warmth, so much larger than itself, hung carelessly. Knowing no language, for almost never has it spoken to another being, the Earth composed itself and began to sing. Meekly at first and then growing in confidence, it sang to that celestial beauty that rested above it, sang with no words, sang with sounds that in its mind expressed best things like Warmth Love Light And the Sun gave a light hearted laugh, and sang back, with sounds of her own, and the Earth could do nothing but interpret them as Friendship Kinship Touch The last one it was absolutely sure it had interpreted correctly, and at that it leaped forward with all the awkwardness of a planet that has never, ever moved - and to its dismay the Sun alarmed at that, and sang quickly and urgently, and to its knowledge it had to do with Don't Touch And it paid not the least bit of attention to any reason the Sun might say such things - it noticed not the plantlife that were close to death by the fiery closeness. But it decided it understood the Sun, and stopped in its tracks. It briefly thought the Sun might've said something more, but quickly put it out of its mind - it was not wanted, it decided, so it shall not be. It stopped, and withdrew its breath again, painfully aware it was once again letting the life on the surface die. But even as it tried to settle into cold sleep again, it could not - for despite trying to stop in place, despite the Sun seemingly moving away, it still felt drawn to her. As if timidly, without meaning to, it kept trailing her - at a distance, keeping the skin warm, and the life on its surface growing magnificently. So began the great journey, of it and her. It sang to her, periodically, longingly, of touch, and again and again it just barely heard her response, somehow good natured but so very puzzling and depressing to it, Don't Touch And every time it thought - could've I misinterpreted? But it tried not to think too much of the matter, and instead sang of other things, of its creation, of its childhood, of its secret thoughts and wants. And she sang back - of her own creation, of her difficulties, and her own desires. In time it grew more and more confident in their mutual language, and dared to sing again of touch, and this time it was more fluent than ever before - Why not touch? And the Sun laughed heartily, as she knew she could finally convey her answer, and sang it fully, as she could never make it understand before - Don't touch, dance! And at that it finally understood, and approached but not too quickly, and let her sweep it around her, dancing in a great display of gravitational attraction, of the desire of ages finally come to pass. The Earth flourished like never before, and took shelter and comfort in the Sun, the only real and the greatest companion it ever had. They danced like this for several hundreds of thousands of years, and experienced true happiness, as can only be experienced by celestial bodies that felt they have reached a veritable milestone of their cosmic purpose - the Earth, to find its Sun, the Sun, to find its Earth. They were like children in a heavenly playground, dancing with no gravity and no deterrence, speaking of life's great wonders from the unique perception of being amongst them. In time, a shadow came between them. It was indistinct at first - another body had accompanied them for eons, as far as the Earth was aware. It was a meteor that never struck the Earth, but rather stayed around the it - but even as the Earth spoke to it repeatedly, it was never much of a conversation and so the Earth simply accepted it as a silent companion. But indeed, in time the Earth took an odd inclination. It turned its gaze from its wonderful Sun, and gazed upon that dark Moon that was beside it. It spoke to the Moon once,  and now did the Moon reply. The Earth marvelled at this, for the Sun never could coax a word out of it and it seldom could, but now the Moon spoke of strange things it never considered. It was intrigued by words that never seemed to bear meaning to it - Pain Dark Wrong And trailing its Sun all along, speaking nothing of this to her, did the Earth question the Moon more and more - What of pain? What of dark? What of wrong? And as it asked it grew more and more intrigued, and tried to approach the Moon, contrary to its natural pull to the Sun, until the Moon became flustered and backed away, and wanted to speak of it no more. The Earth exclaimed, its morbid curiosity unsated, and the Sun heard it. She turned her head towards it slowly, and at once it knew what was to happen, what she was about to say, and indeed she said it, not sang. Evil Traitor Liar And at that the Sun turned her back upon it and left, not letting it pull after her, and it felt at once the unending warmth leave it - and it cried then, it cried great jets of lava that sprouted forth and wreaked havoc upon its surface. It could never support life without the Sun again, it knew, never again. It betrayed the Sun's trust, it knew, and a painful realization came upon it. Its sin was the worst ever committed, a sin even greater than the love it bore for the Sun. That sin made it black with shame and guilt, and red with internal flames. The Moon has long since departed, long forgotten by the Earth. It swore that day a mighty oath, and screamed out to the nothingess where it hoped its only love might still hear: Never again, pain Never again, dark Never again, wrong Never evil, never traitor, never liar, never ever again! And it cried more and more lava, and struggled to follow the Sun's wake, sobbing as only a celestial body wracked with the greatest sin in the world can, Please Dance Once More