Chapter 5 The Big Night >You are Anon >And this is it… >This is the night it all comes together, or it all comes apart. >If this works, your club will be the biggest name in Canterlot for years to come. >If it doesn’t… you and everyone who works here now will never find work in Canterlot ever again. >No pressure! >You are taking charge tonight, there was no room for error. >You had Chet overseeing the bouncers and waitstaff. >You were in the one place you were most effective. >Behind the bar, mixing drinks. >Because you had hands and not hooves, you were much better at mixing than ponies, plus you were good at adding that extra little flourish that attracted the bits in the tip cup. >The floor was swept and mopped, the bar was polished, the specially made magic-neon sign was lit, and you had relaxed the entry standards for tonight. >If ever was there a night for Blue Oyster Colts to shine, this was it! >Vinyl was at her booth, prepping the playlist she had set up and had finished with her modifications to the booth. >She had removed the plastic pane protection, saying, “I don’t want them to think I’m scared of them!” >She had modded the light set up on her booth to strobe different colors depending on the music she was playing. >She added some overhead stage lighting the followed the same strobe pattern of her booth. >She had pulled some old speakers out of a storage room you had forgotten even existed, and hooked them up just outside so that even if ponies were waiting to get in they could at least enjoy the music. >She was really mixing things up, and, as far as you could see, they were changes for the better! >You had a feeling you had made the right choice picking her. >You had noticed as she was working on the lights, her coat seemed to glow with the strobe… the effect was beautiful. >More than once she had turned her head and caught you staring at her, only for you to quickly look away in embarrassment. >You really had to talk to her about this… this was getting annoying! >You look at the clock and see that the time to open is almost upon you. >It was 8:45, you had 15 min. before you had to bust open the doors. >You look out one of the tinted front windows and see a small army of ponies all waiting to come inside and party it up. >When Chat said he would get everypony… you didn’t think he meant literally! “Hey Vinyl! You ready? Cause the crowd is here!” >She jerks around, red eyes looking around wildly… that reminds you… >”Anon… I just need five more minuets!” >You give her a wave of the hand, gesturing for her to come over. >She almost trips over her own hooves as she practically runs over to you. “Calm down! I got you something to commemorate you joining the club!” >You reach into your pocket and show her the purple shades you had made for her. “These will help with that whole “red eyes are evil” thing! Plus, when you wear them and music is playing, they are enchanted to change colors!” >Vinyl looks at them for a moment and you could swear you could see a tear in her eye as she wordlessly levitates them with her magic and puts them on. >”How did you get them so quickly?” “Well, I had sent a message to a friend who owed me a favor as soon as I arrived in Canterlot. He just finished them this afternoon!” >You were very proud of your friends work and resolved to have him come over for a few rounds on you sometime in the future. >She finally lets out a squeal of joy and wraps her front hooves around you mid-section in a tight hug, “Thanks Anon! I won’t let you down!” “Don’t worry about whether or not you let me down, just go out there and have fun like you did in Ponyville, it will all work out!” >She nods, her new shades gleaming, and heads over to the booth. >You check and see the time has reached 9:00… it was show time. >You are Vinyl. >And it was time to start the party! >You put the speakers at half volume (still moderately loud) and play the first song. > ( You decided to follow Anon’s suggestion and use the three songs you used last time… but you won’t be playing them back to back. >As the first ponies start streaming in you slowly adjust the levels to add a touch more bass. >The crowd was slowly building and there were already ponies on the dance floor. >You could see Anon mixing up a storm behind the bar, he saw you looking and flashed you his classic smirk that you returned in kind. >When the line of ponies stopped coming in, the whole club was packed, from the bar, to the tables, and dance floor! >You pumped the volume up and let the music wash over you. >You were getting into the groove right as the first song came to an end, which prompted you to switch to the next one, one from Anon’s home. > ( You had liked the lyrics and the beat was fast paced and bouncy! >As the song got started you could see the crowd looking confused, as they were obviously unable to place the song. >But as the song went on they didn’t seem to care. >Everypony just seemed to get lost in it and the dancing continued. >You started busting a few moves yourself and the crowd cheered with every dance move you completed. >Just as the song was about to end you prepped the next track ( >This was one you had been saving for a rainy day. >For when the chips were down and you just HAD to impress the crowd. >You switch on the strobe lighting and let the music play. >It was an instant success. >Ponies that were just sitting on the sidelines were now joining the dance floor and giving it all for this music. >You were tweaking, bumping, and adjusting the music with your magic while you were jamming on the lower stage. >A few ponies jumped up and started dancing with you. >You had to wave off the bouncers so they wouldn’t intervene. >This is the kind of party everypony should go to! >This went on until the song was about to end than you switched it over to the next song ( >The song kicked in and you were quickly back to dancing with the crowd. >They were surprisingly well behaved, but you attributed that to the abundance of menacing bouncers strategically placed around the room. >You spared a glance at Anon, who was still busy trying to keep up with the massive amount of drinks being ordered. >You and your party ponies danced while you mixed the music to the best of your abilities. >When it came time for the next song to come on, you readied for your biggest Dj-ing challenge yet. > ( >You let the crowd enjoy the intro with no strobe lights, but when the announcer said, “This is a firestorm” You flipped them on and changed the strobe variation so that it only was only strobed yellow, red, and orange. >While the crowd probably did not fully understand what a firestorm was, much like you didn’t, they got the gist and loved the beat. >You didn’t dance for this song, you had to stay focused on the lights and music in order to keep it all working right, but it was still fun! >The crowd was eating out of your hooves, and you were only half way done! >You switch over the song, ( and let the smooth and slow beats work their magic on the crowd and switch the strobes over to the cool colors section. >With the music on a long track, and the crowd loving every second, of this you walk around the dance pit over to the bar to grab a drink. >Anon sees you coming and has a few ponies clear a space. >”LOOKS LIKE THEY LOVE YOU!” he screams over the music. >You nod, not wanting to try and yell over the music you love so much. >”YOU WANT A DRINK?” He inquires. >You nod your head, and grab a bottle of Appaloosan whiskey with your magic. >Anon grabs a double and pours you a measure. >You knock it back like a champ, enjoying the sting as it goes down your throat. >Anon just laughs and pours you another which you drink as quickly as the first. >You can hear that the music is about to end so you hurry back to the booth. >You quickly switch the tracks so that the silence doesn’t get too pervasive. > ( You picked this one from Anon’s home because it was about partying like there was no tomorrow… and that was the way to live. >It took a crowd a moment to realize what the song was about, but when they did, they were jamming just as hard as before. >The atmosphere was incredible. >Ponies were drinking, dancing, laughing, and having a good time. >It was the most surreal experience you ever had… >You could feel the drinks kicking in as you were feeling a nice buzz from the booze and a pleasant warmth emanating from your stomach. >The song was winding down and you got the next track ready ( >The quiet start of the song allowed you to collect your thoughts and keep your mind focused. >Over at the bar, you could see the action was slowing down, Anon was looking at you again. >He had been staring at you a lot recently… >Anon was easily the best friend you had, but you had to wonder, did he want to be more? >You would have to figure out that later, after the show of your life was complete. >The song was pretty simple, so you used that as a chance to hit the upper dance floor again and tear it up. >The crowd closed around you, quickly becoming a makeshift mosh pit. >You were not particularly bothered by this, you had taken part in many moshes before. >But the bouncers didn’t see it like that. >They muscled their way to you and pulled you over to your booth. >You could have handled it, the worst you got was an accidental hoof to the jaw. >Worse injuries had been sustained by you in a mosh pit. >However, this was your first day, best to let it go for now, but you were going to have a serious chat with the head of security over this! >You jam up in the booth for the rest of the song until it was time to play the next song ( >You had heard this song in one of Anon’s playlists and loved it from the beginning. >The crown didn’t seem as into this song as they were into the others, but they were still dancing. >You had to end it with a bang. >The last song had to be amazing! >And you had just the one in mind. >You had heard it this morning. > ( >As soon as the crowd feels the beats, they go insane. >Everypony hits the dance floor and the strobe lights flood the whole room. >You jump into the crowd and start grooving with them. >You wave off the bouncers so they know to leave you be. >You were having too much fun to be pulled out. >Anon, somehow, snuck his way into the crowd and came over to you. >He grabs you and continues the dance he left off this morning. >You two were dominating the floor and you loved it! >You had adjusted the track so it looped the last few minuet and a half a few times, but the crowd just ate it up. >When the song finally ended, it switched over to an automated system that picked random tracks from a predetermined list. >You didn’t quite understand how it did that, Anon was the one who set that up. >You partied on the dance floor with Anon for a few more songs before he went back to the bar and you grabbed a few drinks. >You had to admit, your first night… was an astounding success.