Abnormal Norman 8: Arrow to Apple, Dust to Crust ________________________________________________ Be Norman >Surrounded by 5 people about to beat you up >Brad's still outside trying to get the door off his foot >"Looks like we're gonna have to teach this kid about trespassin'" >Slowly, you take your fighting stance as the gang members look at you, taunting and laughing >"HEY BRO, I GOT IT OFF!" Brad yells >The gang quickly looked at the doorway to see Brad and the broken door >NOW'S MY CHANCE >You proceeded to charge your fist as you ready yourself to deliver a striking blow |FALCOOON PU- >CRAP I SLIPPED >Your wet boots betray you as you fall to the ground >The gang redirects its attention to you >You quickly grab the nearest bottle and threw it to the nearest gang member >Then you got up from your vulnerable position >One thug swings his bat right at you >Easy enough, you dodged it and did an uppercut >Your abnormal strength managed to have the thug's upper stuck by the ceiling >Two other thugs reacted to it fast enough and simultaneously swung their bats, both right at your face and legs >You end up on the ground again, dizzy and bleeding from your nose >The two proceed to hit you while you're down >Brad runs inside to hit one of them with the 2x4 he got from breaking the door >He's successful, but his lack of strength just made the guy angrier, rather than make him unconscious >"This looked way too easier on paper" he said >Everyone's distracted! Time for a dirty move >You kick the nearest guy's nuts and got up almost immediately >The thug with the nunchucks looks at you and starts showing off his nunchuck spinning abilities >He spinned it around his body so much that he hits himself in the forehead >Stunned, you take the opportunity to do another charged punch right at him >Brad on the other hand is busy dodging the angry thug's heavy punches >The guy with the kicked crotch snapped out of his stunned self and proceeded to grab a bat >You and Brad are back to back, with two goons about to hit you to oblivion >"DUCK!" Brad yelled >You both dodged the two attacks in a knick of time. The man got hit with a bat as hard as he got hit by the other guy's fist >"HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS BRA-" >"Don't say it, please" >One guy left, it's the idiot who stunned himself with his own nunchucks >You charge up again for another great punch >"PREPARE YOURSELF, CRIMINAL, FOR THE BRO-FIST OF JUSTICE" Brad yells >Cringing at maximum efficiency >You run towards the man as your fist lights up >|PUUUUUNCH-A| >With uncalculated intensity, the punch knocks the goon back, breaking the wall behind him >"WHOA" you and Brad said in unison >Smoke and dust flow before you as Brad walks to investigate >The smoke clears out to see 6 more guys playing poker, everyone carrying pistols, knives, and one other with a shotgun >Brad looks in fear, asking you "Run, or fight?" >You look at the situation, assessing the environment >"RUN OR FIGHT" >Calmly, you reply "Both" >You grab the nunchucks from the ground and threw the baseball bat to Brad >"What? UUF" Brad said as the baseball bat flew right through his face >"Brad falls to the ground, unconscious from your throw >"Goddammit, Brad" >"WHAT THE HELL?" Yells one of the guys from the poker table >They all bring out their guns and points it right at your location >"Crap" >You quickly pull Brad from the ground up to the flight of stairs >"You can hear footsteps coming from the wall. They're running to your position >"Shit, why didn't I just go through the entrance?" >No use now, you're at the second floor >As you look, it seems to be an old abandoned apartment >Crap, they're closing in >You go inside one of the doors and proceeded to block it with a broken bookshelf and a heavy box of unknown content >You sat by the corner, with Brad, slowly gaining consciousness >"Great, now what are we gonna do?" Be Lyra, five minutes before Brad's downfall >Riding through the storm like a power hungry maniac >Have to find Norman before he loses the ring to some goons >It's the only way for the visions to stop harassing you >There's only so much rain your hooded jacket can take before it gets soaked >At last, you arrive at the location of your vision >You look around to see any sign of the two >The door's busted, they've arrived >You take your harp out and convert it into your bow >You look at your bag, its contents are 40% wet, including your homemade arrows >You stop for a moment, thinking "Am I really gonna risk killing or getting killed for a ring? >Arguing with yourself in the middle of the rain. Technically it was and wasn't your fault for wearing a cursed ring. You didn't even know it was magical >You feel responsible for your newfound powers, and that it's up to you to fix it >By getting Norman's ring BANG >You hear a loud noise, as if something demolished from the inside >You run by the broken door to take a closer look >Two guys in it. One standing up and the other unconscious >The unconscious guy's Brad, since you recognize his blue hair >He wasn't even that well disguised >The other must be Norman. He pulls Brad up the flight of stairs as a bunch of gang members run in on the scene >You think, what to do in this situation. You thought to yourself that you could just pause time and take out the goons >But they look tough enough to handle dirty kicks. You're not so keen on killing them with your bow either >I need to plan this right. You go outside and climbed up the outside stairs/apartment balconies Be Norman >6 goons, everyone could shoot you before you could even punch them with the ring >Brad wakes up from his short slumber >"Norman?" >Brad, we don't have much time, we're trapped in here >"Norman, what happened?" >"Apparently, there's more of them than we thought" >You check the room for any sign of exits or entrances >No windows, only a working lightbulb >"Listen, I can punch a hole here and we could escape >"WE'RE GONNA GIVE UP NOW? WE'VE GOTTEN THIS FAR!" >"Look, I'm not gonna risk our lives just for the sake of being a vigilante >"Hey, you were the one who went through with the idea for Applejack's sake >"Yeah, and thanks to these bruises and my recent fuck-up, I don't feel as confident" >"Can't you just punch through the walls and give them a good beating? >"I'm neither agile, nor bulletproof enough to survive gunfire, Brad" >"OPEN UP, ASSHOLES" >Shit, they're breaking through >"Norman, what's in the box?" >You and Brad open the box, to reveal an average cache of ammo and magazine >"Great!, Now all we need is a gun!" >You break the magazines in half to get all the bullets in it >"You're getting the gunpowder? >"It's the only weapon we have, right next to these nunchucks" >Brad strokes his chin, and then says "I HAVE AN IDEA!" >He goes by the bookshelf in search of something >It's a small radio. He whacks it to see if it works >"This radio's still working!" >"So What?" >"We can use the batteries to light your nunchuck up with the gunpowder" >"How!?" >"I saw it on youtube once!. All you need the foil from chewing gum and a battery" >"Great, so where do we get a pack of gum?" >Brad pulls one out from his underwear >"Brad..." >"What? I gotta keep my breath Bradical in case I get lucky!" >He moves in to cut the foil in two. The door's breaking apart from their shoulder bumping >A few tinkering here and there, he has created fire and proceeded to light up one stick of the nunchucku >"I HAVE CREATED FIRE!" >"Great, Brad. NOW WHAT?" >"Charge up on your 'Bro-Fist' by the door" >You follow, charging up on your fist as your nose bleeds up >Brad readies his position while keeping the fire going on >The thugs break through the door >"NOW NORMAN" >You thrust your fist with all your heart and guts, hitting the guy by the door as well as another behind him >The force of your punch was so powerful the two poor goons broke through 2 walls >Brad throws the nunchucks directly at the surprised goon, which in turn, made him misfire his gun to the ceiling >The extra gunpowder splashed onto the thug as the burning nunchuck spread it's fiery warm plauge >"MY FACE! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE" yelled the nunchucked thug >2 thugs held Brad at gunpoint while the other is still pretty shocked at what's happening >You thought this is his end, until he felt a window crashes from the back of the two thugs >You felt something weird, as if there was lag >Same feeling he felt back at the convenience store >Back to your senses, you see the guy the two guys holding Brad at gunpoint in extreme pain >Both their legs have been struck by a wooden arrow >"WHAT THE HELL?!?" >A hooded figure appears from behind, holding a bow >You and Brad look in awe as the stranger kicks the kneeling two thugs >"I'LL KILL YAAAH" yelled the man on fire, about to strangle the stranger >You act with haste, using your extra speed to deliver a punch >You hit his stomach, but it wasn't a charged punch. Your arm just got weak from the earlier punch >Again, you deliver with an uppercut. The other shocked thug was just watching, surprised that someone that small could hurt the big guy >Delivering a flurry of punches, you gave him one final punch to the head, knocking the big guy out >You stand with your bloodied gloves, panting and breathing >The shocked thug tries to make a run for it, but you managed to grab him in time >"LET ME GO, MAN" >You're angry. Your heart rate intensifies as the strength in your arm grows >You hold the man by the throat, choking him with one arm as you interrogate >"GRA-AK. YOU...YOU'RE NOT NORMAL, MAN!" >You tell him in a fiery gaze and a growling voice >[spoiler]"I'M NEITHER NORMAL, NOR-MAN"[/spoiler] >You're letting the power get over your head. You stop for a moment, shaking left and right >You drag the man downstairs and shoved a small paper up his face >"OKAY, WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THIS" >You show him the paper that had Applejack's name on it >"T-THAT?" the thug said while whimpering >"That's j-just our list of people, man! >"For what?" >"They're the richest in merchandise, man. They got all kinds of shit from fruits to peanuts" >"Where's the stolen supplies?" >"T-There's a freezer, just by the basement of the Cider" >"The pub's in league with you guys?" >"Y-yeah man. Just don't hurt me" >You threw the guy by the closet and locked him inside >"Wow, Norman that was...that was intense as hell!" Brad said, praising your action packed minute >The hooded stranger comes down to join in on the conversation >You look at the stranger, expressing your gratitude >"Hey, man...thanks for helping us o-" >Before you could finish, the stranger slaps your face >"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU RISK LOSING THE RING?" >You recognize the voice, it's Lyra >"L-LYRA?" >"WHOA, YOU WANNA BE A SUPERHERO TOO?" Brad said >"No, dumbass" She looks back at you pointing her finger at your face" >"YOU COULD HAVE LOST THE RING, THE ONE THING THAT KEEPS MY VISIONS AT BAY JUST SO YOU COULD PLAY SUPERHERO" >"Lyra, this wasn't without good cause" >"OH YEAH, WHAT CAUSE?" >"Applehat's family has been sacked by this very gang, and I feel like it's my duty to help out" >"YOU COULD HAVE LET THE POLICE HANDLE IT" >"I think you know very well how slow the police handles these kinds of things" >"OH FOR GODS SAKE. YOU JUST RUN AROUND WITH SOMETHING THAT GIVES YOU POWERS. I'M STUCK WITH A CURSE" >Lyra storms in the middle as Brad just looks about >"Look, Lyra. I'm cursed too. Without the ring, I'll die within hours" >"How would you know that" >"I nearly died yesterday" >"And you knew about it, and you continued on with this? WHY? >"It was for a friend. Besides, me and Brad thought this would be as easy >"OH, SO YOU'RE NOT JUST RECKLESS, BUT STUPID TOO" >A moment of silence covers 10 seconds of the whole apartment >Brad breaks it, saying "Now what?" >You look at Brad, and then at Lyra >"We've gotten this far, now I say we end this" To Be Continued, End of Chapter 8