>Day 103 in Equestria. >Just about the end of December. >You are Anon. >Irish-Canadian stud, and professional partyer. >...No, not the Pinkie Pie kind of party. >She couldn't keep up with you. >They other kind. >The drinking kind. >The kind of partyer that can't go through the day without a few pints of Molson, Keith's, or Guinness. >Yeah, THAT kind. >You roll out of bed as your alarm blares. >Groggy and hung over, you slap the alarm clock, shutting it off. >With a groan and a pounding headache, you rise from bed and waddle out of your room, heading down the stairs. >Breakfast time. >You slink over to your fridge and swing the door open. >You shuffle and fidget your arm inside, feeling for a bottle of liquid gold. >... >...This can't be right. >You give yourself a quick slap to alert you more, then take a look with your eyes. >...Oh God. >It's true. >You're out of beer... >You stand up, and exhale deeply. >You run your fingers through your hair. >Oh man... >What are you gonna do? >You pace out of the kitchen, biting your fingernails. >You can't get through the day without your beer... >You take a seat down on your old sofa. >Throwing a leg up over the other, you sit in thought. >...You don't have any money left... >...And you won't steal it... >You have honor, at least. >You groan in worry, leaning forward and eying around your room. >... >Hold up... something's not right... >Shouldn't something have happened by now...? >You look over to the door. >...Yeah... SHE hasn't shown up yet... >You rise to your feet and pace slowly over to the door. >...That's peculiar... Why not? >Suddenly, something on the ground catches your attention. >...A note, slid under the door. >You feel your gut sink. >...It's gotta be from her. >The yellow menace. >You bend over and pick it up. >Unfolding it, you begin to read. >"Dear Anon. It has come to my attention that you have run out of magic juice, your most favorite thing of all. I'm very sorry about that. Until you get more... may I invite you over to my cottage for a vacation? You know you want to. -FS" >You crumple the paper and hit yourself in the head with it a couple of times. >You turn around and begin climbing your stairs. >Ohh, these so-called "vacations" of Fluttershy's... >She's told you about them before, trying to coerce you into one. >They sound... >... >Actually, they sound pretty good... >Free beer and other drink, all at the exchange of spending time with her. >...Seems like a pretty good deal... >You head back into your room. >...But, knowing Fluttershy, and what she's been trying to do with you since you arrived... >...Man, it could only be trouble... >... >But... >You throw the note into the corner of your room. >You sit down on your bed, holding your head in your hands. >You sigh. >... >... >You get up, and begin putting on your jeans, and a new T-Shirt. >Heading downstairs, you leave your home, lock it, and begin walking to Fluttershy's cottage. >...You can't go on without your beer. >You knock on the wooden door a couple of times. >The babbling brook she lives by gives the area a peaceful quality. >You can hear fumbling behind the door. >With that, it creaks open ever so slightly. >A teal eye peers at you from behind it. >Then, it flings open, and Fluttershy wraps you in a strong bear hug. >"Oh, Anon!" she cries, "I knew you'd come!" Yeah, yeah... >You say, giving her a half-hearted pat on the back. Are we gonna do this... "vacation" or what? >Her eyes open a tad, and she flutters off of you, nodding furiously. >"Oh, of COURSE! I have everything set up!" >She backs up into the door a little, opening it up for you to see the kegs upon kegs of beer. >Your eyes widen with wonder. >You slowly break out into a smile. >She squees, seeing your happy reaction. >"Won't you come in?" >You look to her, then happily nod. >You immediately grab a wooden mug and tap the keg, topping off your beer. >You pound it back rather quickly, going back for a quick refill. >Fluttershy is happy to see you so active with her gift, and talks with you about various, miscellaneous thing as you drink. >You smile and nod to be polite. >After all, hey, look what she did for you. >This so-called "vacation" turned out to be one hell of a turnout! >You keep pounding them back. >Beer after beer. >Mug after mug. >You start to lose count. >And soon, >Your vision and judgment goes. >Then, your motor skills. >And memory. >You. >Are. >Hammered. >Everything is a swimming mess. >You can't tell right from left. >You have no idea what's going on. >You think you hear laughing. >Suddenly, you're moving. >Up stairs? >Where are you now? >On a bed? >It just got a tad colder... >Man, something feels good. >Down below... >Ohh yeah... >This is good. >Go with it. >You mumble and bumble something incomprehensible. >You hear slight laughter. >There's a weight on your pelvis. >...What's happening...? >You begin to sober up. >You think you know what's going on... >The good feeling... >The weight... >The...bed... >Ohh no... Ohh no... >You babble, still somewhat drunk. >"We can't have that..." you barely hear. >A mug is brought to your lips. >Not knowing any better, you drink it. >"There we go..." >Soon, you're a mess again. >You feel the weight once more... >How long does this repeat and go on for? >Days? >Weeks? >A month? >You can't even tell... >Over and over... >Over and over... >Until... >Midday sunlight basks through the window... >You open your eyes, still drunk. >Not hammered, but drunk. >You look over to your right. >Snug in the bed is Fluttershy... >Sawing logs happily... >... >Now's your chance. >You fumble out of bed, almost falling over. >You drunkenly put back on your clothing, working your shirt as you stealthily leave her room. >Almost crashing down the stairs, you catch yourself, and descend. >The door... >It's right there... >You head toward it. >Reach for the doorknob. >Miss. >Try again. >There we go... >You open it, and the light nearly blinds you. >And you walk. >You don't know where, you just keep walking. >Somehow, you end up in P0nyville Square. >P0nies of all kinds are out doing their daily activities. >Until you come stumbling in, making all kinds of noise, almost knocking over everything. >You draw a lot of attention to yourself. >And finally, you collapse in the middle of the square, drunkenly staring into the sky >Several p0nies crowd around you, looking down at you with worry and confusion. >"Anon!?" they call. >You acknowledge them with a groan. >"Are you okay? Where have you been!?" >...Oh... where to start...? >You raise your finger, and begin... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPJD3qcIL7s You'll have to excuse me I'm not at my best, I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left... >(You rise to your feet slowly, the p0nies giving you a little room). These so-called "vacations" will soon be my death, I'm so sick of the rape, I need home for a rest... >(Out of nowhere, an Irish-Canadian band of p0nies springs up from behind you and begins playing). >(You yourself pull out a flute). I arrived in December, and boy did I need, A couple of drinks, fueled by thirst and by greed, Oh Fluttershy offered a few beers or so, So I went to her house, but oh I did not know... You'll HAVE to excuse me, I'm NOT at my BEST, I've been gone for a week! I've been drunk since I left! And these SO-called "vacations" will SOON be my DEATH, I'm so sick of the rape, I need home for a rest! Take me home! >(You put your lips to the flute and do a quick solo). >(The p0nies in the square all have smiles on their faces, and begin clopping their hooves on the ground to the beat). I should have known better, I honestly should, Ever since I first came, this pone's wanted my wood, I went to her cottage and had a few brews, But once they kicked in, the rest is old news. You'll HAVE to excuse me, I'm NOT at my BEST, I've been gone for a week! I've been drunk since I left! And these SO-called "vacations" will SOON be my DEATH, I'm so sick of the rape, I need home for a rest! Take me home! >(Applejack slides in from the side with her fiddle, matching your flute solo with her own instrument). >(Practically the entire town is in the square, clopping their hooves to the beat with upbeat smiles on their faces). >(Fluttershy finally flutters in from the path to her house, and sees your performance). >(A look of worry crosses her face). My vision was blurry, my judgment was gone, She laid me to bed, and she hopped up right on, She rode me for how long? I wish that I knew, But my hot monkey dick was all hers to be used, You'll HAVE to excuse me, I'm NOT at my BEST, I've been gone for a month! I've been drunk since I left! And these SO-called "vacations" will SOON be my DEATH, I'm so sick of the rape, I need home for a rest! TAKE ME HOME! >(You get to your flute and continue your solo, Applejack's fiddle backing you up). >(The entire town is cheering, hollering, and still going to the beat). >(Fluttershy flies in, and tries to explain). >"Oh it's not what it seems like, I swear that it's not!" >"He's been drinking all day, and his mind's gone to rot!" >"I'll take him to bed so he'll sober in sleep," >"But I'm sorry he bugged you, it's all fantasy." >(Fluttershy hovers over to you, grabbing your shoulders). >"You'll have to excuse him, he's not at his best!" >"He's been drunk for a while! He's been drunk since he left!" >(You swat her away, stumbling back, and point at her accusingly). And your SO-called "vacations" will SOON be my DEATH, I'm so sick of the rape, I need home for a rest! TAKE ME HOOOME!! >(The town's to-the-beat ground stomping has begun rattling the buildings). >(You put the flute to your lips and begin the solo of a lifetime). >(All the p0nies cheer and holler as you start shredding on that instrument). >(The Irish-Canadian band of p0nies keeping up with you). >(Everyp0ny is bobbing and waving to the beat, having the time of their lives). >(Beer and cider is brought out, and everyp0ny fills up a mug and starts cheersing and drinking). >(They wrap front legs around each other's shoulders like they've been close friends for years, and sway to the music). >(Fluttershy, noticing the situation has gotten out of her hooves, attempts to flutter away inconspicuously). >(But two other pegasus p0nies spot her, and fly up, grabbing her by each front leg). >(They fly her up, and in sync, begin rocking her in the air). >(Back, forth, back, forth, building momentum). >(Until they let her fly, careening her into a nearby stream). >(She splashes down hard, water flying everywhere). >(When it settles, she pouts, and crosses her front legs, sitting there in frustration while the rest of the town has the time of their lives). >Finally, you end your solo, taking the flute from your lips. >The band stops their playing, and the p0nies erupts in applause. >It lasts for what seems like an eternity, the town rumbling from the sheer bass. >You smile, hold up your flute... >...And pass out. >Everyp0ny gasps... >...Then laughs. >You must be utterly exhausted. >Two p0nies come over to aid you, helping you up onto their backs, and begin walking. >"Come on," one says to the other, "let's get him home for a rest." The End.