Ginger Root was facing away from Anon as he approached; even with a Saddle Arabian's wide peripheral vision she hadn't seen him yet. She jumped straight up when Anon leaned against her butt and grabbed onto her hock. "Wuh! hey…" Ginger looked back at the two legged thing grasping her leg. "You know how ponies are about legs, Anon. We're prey species grabbing a leg is …" Her voice trailed off as he ran his fingers across the inside of her leg, grasping the flesh and hair between her knee and her hock. Ears pricked, she asked "Why are you leaning against my left buttock?" "Would you rather I lean against your right buttock?" Anon let go, and shifted to Ginger Root's other side, using his left hand now gently caressing from her knee to her perineum. Not dropping to her udder, not rising to her vulva; not yet. Anon was just caressing her inner thigh. Ginger Root had moved her head farther left rather than move around. She was also twitching her ears in severe embarrassment. "You know the ponies are up tight about that kind of touching." "You're an arab." Anon said into Ginger's butthole. Ginger blew her nose in dismissal. "I know nothing of their culture. I was raised by…" Anon raised his hand to squash Ginger's clitoris through the thick vulval lips. "You don't consider yourself a pony either. Why not make up something that works and call that your culture?" The contact caught Ginger by surprise and she flagged her tail straight up, exposing her winking marehood that was now out of Anon's reach by one stride. Ginger shook her mane, which turned into a whole body shimmy-shake, before turning her head to look at Anon again. "We're outside. What if someone comes by?" "Nobody comes here except to see you, and you're pretty asocial for an equine." Anon took a step forward, fingers following the outline of Ginger's sex; the crease between buttcrack and lips fascinated him. After a long pause during which Ginger Root's sex involuntarily clenched (but did not evert this time) she finally said "Don't tell anyone?" and slowly relaxed her tail, holding it out of the way of Anon's ministrations. The human smiled. "Were I to talk, you'd deny it, and be forced to back up your denial with actions. I'm planning on visiting again someday, hmm?" And with that he began brushing the inside of her lips, a slight moisture allowing his fingers to slide haltingly. Pushing the first two fingers in, he pressed against the vertical portion of her opening, again mashing her clitoris indirectly in the process. She twitched from within, but did not wink her parts into his hand. He slid his fingers upwards, following the slippery slope back into the hole it exited from. Before even his fingers were in, however, he hit her wall, tightly closed. "Oh, uhm. Hang … hang on, Anon." And with more fanfare that was needed, Ginger Root lowered her head and opened her opening. Anon's arm slid four inches past his wrist, his hand enveloped by wet, heavy flesh. But as he massaged that flesh, Ginger was licking her lips, and also tightening her hips. Now there was a giant cave, and Anon had to push further to find what he was looking for. "Be careful with those claws. I'm kinda sensiAHHH. Hmm." "I just trimmed my nails yesterday." Anon pulled open his jeans and grabbed his shaft, letting himself be lost in feeling his arm among the folds of her cavern, and the grunting Ginger was making as he massaged her cave walls. "Woulda been by last night but you were having company." "Just go a little deeper." Anon obliged by pushing his arm to his elbow, and ran his fingertips around what felt like a belly button on the inside of her belly. Every time he touched it Ginger jerked. Instead he began just feeling the edges, delineating its curve … Ginger Root was left speechless, breath used up in panting. Her opening became a closing, gripping Anon's forearm like sloppy vicegrips; he couldn't have pulled out just now if he wanted to. Then she was done, a limp puddle of hot ooze, the cavern quickly collapsing, birthing Anon's hand, dripping, into the broad daylight. But her opening was still loose enough a cave could be seen, between rapid winking of Ginger's clit. Anon moved to center himself, grasping her giant haunch muscles, soft and hard at the same time, and thrust himself into her. The only part that could reach this Saddle Arabian was his tongue, and he tasted the whole height of her. Tasting a little like the dirt she worked with, and a little like the sweat pouring off her sides, and mostly of slimy, wet flesh, Anon even managed to touch his tongue to her clit during one of the semi-involuntary winking moments. Anon's mouth was filled with battery acid. Hot, acrid, burning, the smell of mare in heat filled his sinuses, and in his surprise he swallowed a mouthful of her squash soup, but far more of the viscous liquid dripped down his shirt. Gasping for breath as he stepped away, he looked up to Ginger's chagrined face. "So, do you always pee when you come?" "I!" She started. "I mean. That wasn't …" Her ears worked rapidly, and she looked away. "No. I mean yes. That." She turned back to make eye contact again. "Technically it's because I'm hot & bothered and there's a tongue on me. I don't think you were supposed to swallow." Finally her eyes registered Anon's shirt. "You are not going outside like that. No lies could combine together to ... look just take it off. Off!" Anon took his t-shirt off and tossed it into the garden where Ginger indicated. She turned herself around then, and inhaled deeply her own scent, slathered across Anonymous' chest. The smell made her roll her eyes into her head, lip curled in a flahmen response before she came back to her senses and laid her head on his shoulder. "You'll come back tomorrow?" "Can I come now?" Anon took his pants off. "Got any tall buckets?" Anon didn't traipse around naked in front of just anypony. The ponies did have a form of nudity law here, and him walking bipedally would land him obscenity charges were he seen without pants. But he did just get Ginger off, and as he'd told her, this backyard was considered a private garden. Tall, thick hedges and a couple foliage trees to reduce even pegasi from easily making out when she was making out with another pony. "No buckets. Stand on the garden trough though." She pointed a hoof to the wooden box Ginger Root grew herbs in, sitting against a window and shielded on one side by the ell-shape of her house. "Just the edges though no squashing the dirt." 'or the plants, you imbecile' was only implied, not spoken. Anon mashed his whole face into her pussy, hot and loose for reason of her desire, and dripping her viscous fluids still. "Heh. Squashing." he mumbled into her cavern before balancing on her rump as he stood and balanced on the narrow edges. His cock, flagpole straight, bounced against her vulval lips. The angle wouldn't help penetration but as he slid against her vertical passageway Ginger twitched repeatedly, her clitoris unfolding like a play-doh origami, then it would quickly disappear before exploding against him a moment later. "C'mon, Anon. No jokes about size I can feel what part of me you're inside of." Leaning over her spine, he grabbed her hips and lifted himself just enough to catch the head of his member against her upper wall, and he slid in. She was still so excited her whole area was loose and floppy; the mare version of rock hard was something like melted butter soft. But no fresh out of the dryer warmth could match this heat enveloping him now. Her periodic twitches now closed around him, gripping his shaft for a moment every couple seconds. Ginger Root's ears were hanging loose, forgotten. She moved her neck straight ahead and lowered her head to just below chest height, her breathing quickened and her eyes, closed. Anon slowed his thrusting, hoping she would come again, on his dick this time. And hilting with all the force he could manage, he held himself deep in her and pulled on her back, imagining himself the herd stallion and demanding payment for his unquestioned mastery of the steppes her people came from. In return she grunted inaudibly, and grabbed his member like it was a lifeline. Every inch of flesh, he could feel pressure, her flesh, her heat. Anon just needed to slide a few more times, and "Ginger Root! Are you home?" Came loudly from inside Ginger Root's enclosed garden area. Anon's backside was ground against unsanded wood. Hopefully the paint would prevent slivers. Depending on how far Cherilee (for he thought that had been her voice) came, Anon wouldn't be seen. But held against the wall by seven hundred pounds of embarrassed saddle arabian, feet dangling in the air, he wouldn't be able to thrust very well. "I won't stay long, miss Root. But you'd said you had a bag of hollow dowels the other day and I was hoping to collect them." A brief pause while Ginger, unmoving except her tight lipped silence and vaguely perked ears before Cherilee added "This is a bad time, isn't it?" Anon massaged the massive haunches holding him and tried to curl his back to rock his hips, so he could still thrust. He'd be expelled with snapping teeth if he finished now, but it would still be worth it. Ginger replied to the school marm "They're deep in a bag. Long," A breath, a slow blink. "Long dowels, yes. Hard wood in a soft bag. As soon as I find where I put the junk I can come." A sigh, eyes closed before continuing. "I can finish bringing them. Maybe some tips on where to put them." There was a pregnant pause, and Anon didn't know what was said, but didn't miss that Ginger shifted her weight a couple times, grinding his member against different parts of herself. "She wants me to finish now doesn't she?" thought Anon, trying to help her by helping himself to her broad haunches in his hands. Both mares spoke at once. Ginger Root, her voice a sullen growl, "Yeah it's like that." and Cherilee's ever-cheerful voice expressing pity wih "you're a little distracted today." Then Ginger pinned her ears, and tried to back up even further, her eyes evading whatever the school principal saw. Anon hoped that would be the last of it, except Ginger tipped her head far enough to make eye contact with Anon, her lips the only curtain she had to pull tightly closed. Cherilee's cerise-purple face appeared at the edge of the wall, just far enough to also make eye contact with Anon before disappearing again. "Well. I guess I don't need to suggest stallion's names who're feeling lonely." And to the sound of lighthearted giggling, fading into proper laughter as she reached the street, Cherilee had left them alone. Ginger stepped away, and Anon fell, crushing some plant and scraping his right sole against the trough's narrow edge. Ginger had stepped far enough away that Anon couldn't reach her except a few tail hairs, which he tugged on. Repositioning his feet on the edges again, he said "So, miss Root." He was met with a glare that could cut steel. "Can I get you to back up a couple steps?" She ground her teeth a few times, Then tossed her tail across her spine. "Yeah, sure. Just be here after dinner tomorrow."