[20:34]  * Chinook heads into the Spa. Vesu payload upon his back and looks around "Alright, this is the place." [20:35]  * VesuvianMatches looks around with a dead-pan look " I sure is..." [20:36]  * Chinook heads over near a bath "This'll do...need any help gettin' in?" [20:38]  * VesuvianMatches holds on to Chinooks Neck. "Mind disposing me at the hot.tub? I....i cant walk right now..." [20:40]  * Chinook slowly gets to the edge, shrugs and wades in, Vesu in tow. "Y'know this'd be a lot easier if I was a Unicorn." [20:42] "And i would be fully healed right now if i was a treant..." Vess settles down into the warm water, the filth crumbling off of her in seconds. "...Thank you Chinook. I...I missed feeling clean..." [20:44]  * Chinook dunks his head under and flick his mane back, moving it aside with a hoof. Behold, flat mane Chinook. "No problem. Now I hope you don't mind but I don't much feel like being in the same bath. No offense, but that filth's gotta go somewhere and I don't want it getting on me." [20:46]  * VesuvianMatches looks at the puddle of filth, slowly edging toward Chinook. "I hold no offence for this. There is another bath right next to this one. I wonder if its warm...." [20:47]  * Chinook climbs out and gets some distance before shaking himself dry. He makes his way back over to the bath and sits down at the side. "Nah it's fine. I took a bath earlier, these wings take a while to get dry and I still got some flight practice lined up for tonight. But I'll stick around for a bit." [20:50] "Alrighty then. So, what did you want to know? Knowing you, you did not rescue me for no ulterior gain [20:51]  * Chinook chuckles and rolls his eyes "You got me. You mind telling me what happened that got you into the clinic?" [20:53] == Quick_almost-holidaytime [Quick_almo@host-92-1-90-78.as43234.net] has joined #FourCannon-Spa [20:53]  * VesuvianMatches motions to her two broken back-legs, and to her battered body, showing signs of a beating. "I tripped down some stairs" [20:55]  * Chinook has a look of genuine concern on his face "Vesu, I'm no doctor, but cut the shit. That's the oldest excuse in the book. If you don't wanna tell me then that's fine and I can't force you, but I'm asking you as a friend to throw me a bone here and see if I can't help." [20:56] "..." [20:56] "Fine....heres the deal..." [20:56]  * Chinook nods and listens intently [20:56] "I trust you chinook. And i hope this will not leave your ears..." [20:56] "There were....visions...." [20:57]  * Chinook furrows his brow "Whoa, what? Visions?" [20:57] "And... i have no words for them.... they were like symbols, but...not right... The form...the angles... Chinook...They had no angles..." [20:58] "After i saw that book, all i could think about..." [20:58]  * Chinook grows increasingly worried "...What book? Vesu, what happened?" [20:58] "It was... wait, what were we talking about again?" [20:59] "Symbols, no angles, visions. You! Looking like you've been dragged through hell and back!" [20:59] == Quick_almost-holidaytime [Quick_almo@host-92-1-90-78.as43234.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 380 seconds] [20:59] "And a book! Jesus, Vesu. Who else have you told about this?" [21:00]  * VesuvianMatches shakes out of her sturbor..."the book? wha...wait....the book! where is it?" [21:00] "I was about to ask you!" [21:01]  * VesuvianMatches regains some semblance of reason in her bath, sinking deeper. "Its not here, is it....." [21:01] "the book is gone..." [21:01]  * Chinook rubs his head with a hoof "Vesu...what book? What was in it? Did it have a name? Where did you find it?" [21:03] "It...it came upon me... A stallion with a horn...paler than moon-light, showed it to me....It was as if the book, not the stallion was the one leading the pair...." [21:03] "It let me look into it... and i did not stop screaming for days..." [21:04]  * VesuvianMatches sinks herself deeper into the bath, her nose barely above the water-line [21:04]  * Chinook cuts his minor investigation short and widens his eyes "Vesu...my god, I don't know what to.." [21:04] "W-where was this?" [21:05] "It was here, Chinook. It was in this place..... It was in 4 Cannon" [21:05] == GreenSleevesBURSAR has changed nick to GreenSleeves [21:05] "If you see a pale stallion, Chinook....just run..." [21:06]  * Chinook thinks for a moment "...you said there was a pair. One was a pale stallion..what did the other look like?" [21:07] "It...it was the shadow of him... it walked behind the stallion, blacker than night, but as noticeable as a shadow. It never spoke...it just looked,and listened [21:08] "it LISTENED, chinook. it listened, and it laughed..." [21:09]  * Chinook lets out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding, fraught with worry "Vesu...this is bad. I mean, real bad. W-we gotta tell the others about this." [21:10] "Wait..." [21:10] "What did the pale one say?" [21:10] "NO! I dont want to go back into the soft rooms again!" [21:11] "Last time i talked about it, they dragged me away! " [21:11] "I will not be bound again! I dont want to be filthy!" [21:12] "I...i just want to go home...." [21:13]  * Chinook gets into the bath and puts his forelegs on Vesu's shoulders "Vesu! Listen to me! You're safe! There's no one else here, you're not gonna get put in any soft rooms and whoever they are, they're not gonna drag you away." [21:14]  * VesuvianMatches has a tear run down her remaining eye. " I....i wish i could believe you, Chinook. I...i really wish i could...." [21:16] "But no. I just want to go home, and forget about this all. Let this be someone else's problem" [21:16]  * Chinook speaks but his voice quivers with worry "At least try to believe me okay?...Vesu, I wanna help you." He wipes her tear away "Alright? We don't ask for the shit that happens to us, but you don't have to face it alone." [21:17] "I don't know how much I can help, but goddamn it I'll try my best." [21:18]  * VesuvianMatches looks at Chinook, with a distant look on her face. "I have already faced it alone...And i never want to see it again...But i will...the shade...It knows i will meet it again...and its waiting, and calling" [21:18] "Wh-what did it want with you?" [21:19] "Nothing. I am as if an insect, compared to it. We all are nothing...WE are nothing!" [21:20] "As if ants, under a kid with a magnifying glass..." [21:21]  * Chinook ponders if she met the Fey, but he doesn't want to say anything at this point. "Vesu, do you have any idea where this book could be?" [21:22] " Dont look for it, Chinook. You are happy now. There is no need to rip down the veil" [21:23] "Happy? Vesu, look at you! Look what it could do to the others! I can't just drop this!" [21:23] "There is no need to make Feldspar a widow to a madman, Chinook. Just let it go.. Let it be someone elses problem" [21:24] == Hidden_Glimmer[FriendsPlz] has changed nick to Hidden_Glimmer [21:24] "we already have one widow in this town, Chinook. No need to make a second one..." [21:24] "I..I.." He sighs and flattens his ears "Vesu, " [21:24] "I can't just stand back and watch this happen to you." [21:25] "Chinook....Just....Run away... When you see the pale one approach... Just flee, dont go and buy him a drink like i did..." [21:25]  * Chinook snaps to attention "Wait...you bought him a drink? Was this at the inn?" [21:26]  * VesuvianMatches nods sadly. "He had such a nice smile...." [21:27]  * Chinook tries piecing it all together "So, you two are talking...you buy him a drink, everything's fine...what happened that led up to the whole book incident?" [21:28] "He asked me a question...He asked what i would wish to have if i could have everything" [21:29]  * Chinook releases his grip on her shoulders and listens carefully. [21:29]  * VesuvianMatches laughs mirthlessly, pointing to her hallow eye. "I asked for clear vision....what he showed me...made me wish i was blind..." [21:30] "And...you're the only one this has happened to?" [21:30] "He did not come alone..." [21:31] "Many followed him, but none dared to look at him..." [21:31] "They are among us now...." [21:32]  * Chinook nods "Right. The pitch black one..." he stares in disbelief unable to continue. [21:32] "Wh-what? They're among us? How have we not noticed them?" [21:33] "They were new. They came with the trains, like all of us did... We had no reason to suspect...." [21:35]  * Chinook doesn't want to say out loud whether or not he believes her, it seems like she might've gone mad and envisioned these things "Vesu, I hope I'm not the first one you've told about this. Did you tell the doctors?" [21:35] "Or at least try?" [21:36] "I did....they....they had shadows, Chinook..." [21:36] == GoldenTouch [~Mibbit@c-174-58-77-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #FourCannon-Spa [21:36] "I dared not say...They had shadows..." [21:37] "So many shadows... " [21:37]  * Chinook looks directly at her "Do I have a shadow?" [21:37] [Wut did I walk in on...] [21:37] [I'm pastebinning this. Looong story] [21:38]  * VesuvianMatches looks at Golden aproaching.."You do now.... /////////////////////////////////////////// Sounds like Uni when he was possesed by that fey... But i don't know anything about a book... and... Ugh, this reminds me of something else, but i can't put my hoof on it..." [18:13] "Wait... I think..." [18:13]  * Chinook listens closely [18:13] "No... no, that was something different. So yeah, sounds like UnifySelf" [18:14] "He was possesed by a fey for a while which was able to cast some sort of shadow magic, bringing his and other shadows to life..."