Hello. While I barely know who you are or what you do, recently I've seen a few tweets and statements from you regarding some recent events, and I was compelled and inspired to respond. I go by the name Anonthony. I'm the founder and administrator of MLPchan, largely spun off from one of those "family friendly" places you touched on in one of those tweets, Ponychan. Though, we also (like they) have roots on 4chan, particularly /co/ and /b/. Myself, I originally got into the fandom from seeing pony image macros start showing up on /fit/ and /sp/, where I first started browsing the site. And while through those I spent most of my time on the original pony threads on /b/, or lurking /co/, I also ended up spending a fairly inordinate amount of time on those more 'PG-13' forums and the like. Hell, obviously I went so far as to start-my-own, and spend far too much of my free time on ponies and managing a site and the people there, a large part of which are a healthy mix of 4chan-style people who started there and people who primarily came from other, more PG places. And with this experience and understanding of all the different types of people in this fandom and the differences in the communities centered around it, I can safely say I find you to be one of the most obnoxious, grating, unwarrantedly self-righteous pieces of shit I have yet encountered in all of it. And it is, regrettably, a very common mentality you have, both among the "purist" fans and especially among the self-ascribed fandom celebrities currently riding the coattails of a little kids show and acting not only entitled, but downright condescending. The fact of the matter is, it's really the self-proclaimed love-and-tolerance, 'brony/pegasister' hangers-on like yourself that have dragged this 'fandom's' collective image into the toilet - not 4chan, not 'ponyfags', not 'cloppers', etc. Not only do you only even *exist* becaue of the 4chan capacity for finding gems among shit and propelling them to recognition (only to be forgotten when more parasitic and self-aggrandizing communities get a hold of whatever it is), your own personal deviations (as a collective) from their brand of attachment is no less terrible, and certainly no more valuable. The people who have taken an "adults in surprising numbers find a kids show entertaining" founding and turned it into a structure, formed a Trek-like fan machine around it, made it a 'lifestyle', created their own internal heirarchy, celebrity, social paradigm and 'culture', are what's honestly turned it into something uncomfortable and unsettling. Sycophants and coattail riders and pointlessly well-known figures providing nothing and demanding attention, or worse, offering some miniscule contribution to the entertainment value of the fandom, whatever it may be centered around, and expecting to be loved and praised for it. And all while looking down upon and even reviling the human beings who helped spark this amazing and wonderful collection of communities we all get to enjoy, and the place that did it, even denying them, spiting them and worse. Thinking you're somehow better than them, when you have nothing on them but a nicer facade, just as ugly and wierd and twisted inside as they are - as all humans are. Funny thing, how those like you wear the mask of what the show portrays. Most of those other people? The sick ones, the wierd ones, the evil ones? They actually tend to have more of the things in the show inside them than you do. They just don't wear a mask of it (perhaps ironic, giving the iconic mask they are sometimes represented with.) They don't pretend as much as you do. Sometimes, sure. And they are just as deeply flawed human beings as we all are, capable of avarice and jealousy and self-righteousness. But they are also honest - and they police themselves for it, unconsciously, in a rather phenomenal way that simply coalesced into being. Calling each other out when stupid, or illogical, or wrong. Judging each other, for weirdness, and twistedness; but not stoppping each other - because through honesty they know they're just as fucked up. Recognizing that and accepting it is, in a strange way, exactly the kind of tolerance we should all have. Because I *know* "love and tolerance." I spent more time than I care to admit in the threads and places where it was invented (it's not the show - in case you didn't realize) as an anti-troll tactic. It isn't what you do. You are so far outside of that ideal it's rather sad. More so because of how pure and self-righteous you all think you are. It's no wonder so many of you are apathetic, stale, stagnant and downright boring while places like 4chan, for all their warts, remain magnetic to a lot of people; that honesty breeding creativity. People unafraid to try something. Be outrageous. Speak openly about whatever they want, with less ego and identity to protect and maintain, no expectation of personal gain or 'status' like the lot of you coat-tail riding wankers have. You honestly and legitimately think you have some kind of entitlement here. Which is just... downright pathetic. You actually oozed jealousy and resentment towards Lauren Faust - show creator and actual, legitimate artist who has created content millions of people around the world have loved, who will be remembered for years to come, who has created iconic characters who will stand the test of decades. And for what? Because she dropped in to say hi to some fans in a place you don't like. A funny and hilarious place that has quite frankly created more valuable and enjoyable original content than the lot of you ever have or ever will. They've done it along with a lot of strange, twisted, or even sick things too, but as I've touched on - that is simply human, unmasked, and unfiltered. You *actually* shit yourselves (and some of you in incredibly passive-aggressive, snide and subtly derisive ways) and shit on her - and the people she visited - when you are nothing but self-aggrandizing hacks riding the success of others with your flaccid 'contributions' no more worthwhile than any 14 year old's Breaking Dawn slash-fiction is to Stephanie Meyer's following. I mean MandoMomma, seriously. Your only relevance to anyone, anywhere, ever, is your name as named after your *sons* *My Little Pony* *fan character.* You need a serious re-evaluation of your life, your priorities and your apparently repulsive personality and complete lack of anything else worthwhile in your life. You actually had the brass balls to talk shit about someone who actually did something with their life, talents, dreams and ideas and created things that about a billion people with have seen by the time all is said and done. And in addition, talked shit about the place and the people who helped propel that work to your glorious attention and were creating the founding content that even gave you and yours your pathetic chance to cash in with Z-list celebrity in the first place. As I said, I don't really know most of you - I had no idea who Final Draft was prior to this, and only a vague idea about MandoPony or anyone else. I don't need my entire life to revolve around a television show. Jesus, even Trekkies tend to be less obsessive, you know? I don't have all my podcasts and streams and music and Twitter feeds and tumblr follows focused on a single object of obsession, let alone have nothing in my life save the 'identity' some of you seem to feel you only possess in relation to this child's show created in the 70s to sell cheap plastic unicorns to 8 year old girls. But it seems I know all I need to know about you, because I understand something. There's a difference between child-like-ness and child-ish-ness. And guess which one's you all embody. You are grown men (and women.) And I have never encountered a group of people so permanently trapped in high-school, while ironically those looked at as 'edgy teenagers' tend to be far less "childish" than any of you are. Again, not without their major flaws themselves - which they'd more than likely freely admit. But still - it is so immensely head-shaking to witness a bunch of self-righteous petty onanists leak jealousy and resentment all over people who are actually contributing members to our fandom, (let alone society in general~). In fact, this goes for *every* place or person or group who took a snide jab at either Lauren or at 4chan. You deserve to feel jealous and resentful, because that is what you are filled with. I am deeply grateful for what Lauren Faust and all those who worked on the show have brought us. And me, personally; I've met some awesome people, the majority of them in 4chan pony threads, ironically, even if they now spend more time elsewhere, and even though I've moved on myself to another site. I neither praise her slobberingly nor spite her, but I honestly talk about the art she's created, mostly positive, but sometimes sharply and honestly negative. That's a matter of respect. And integrity, too - something Lauren, by all her actions and statements, has in spades. Something that's foreign to the lot of you, a bunch of jerkoff wannabe-patricians whose hamfisted opinions no one should be giving half a shit about in the first place. But hey, you got to me respond with a big ol' textwall, so at least you're important enough to have been noticed (though not by anyone worth a shit, and rightfully so~). I mean congrats, hey, you're known in a miniscule circle of spaghetti-spewing, fedora-wearing neckbeards, self-important small fish among slightly smaller fish in a small fishbowl that will be forgotten in a few years. And probably left with far less in the end than those who grasped this phenomenal little fandom for what it is and should always have been. But hey, just keep that mask of sunshine and rainbows on with your petty jealousies, fake innocence and deluded importance roiling inside. There are still many others who wear no masks, and who, despite having the same sins inside them, also still have a spark of something else... Some sliver of color among the gray and ugly, free to grow, in the fertile soil of stark honesty. I hope I always have it, and I hope I've taken it with me where I now call home among this 'fandom.' You and yours can keep your bullshit - and expect to be called out on it when it's directed at people who've not only done nothing to deserve it, but deserve far, far better from the pathetic likes you~