Cherry Red by SkyeHigh (

picture to the story here:


It was evening on the cherry farm of Cherry Jubilee.
She was sitting at her desk and doing some last calculations for the day.
>”Looking quite good so far...”
She was interrupted in her work however by a knocking sound on the door.
Without looking up from the numbers on the sheets before her, she invited her visitor to come in.
>”It’s open, come on in.”
The door opened and her newest worker Applejack came into the room, albeit very hesitant.
>”Y’all wanted ta see me, Miss Jubilee?”
The cherry farmer looked up for a moment and nodded, then scribbled something down on a paper right to her.
>”Yes, I’ll be there in a moment. Take a seat on the table.”
Applejack nodded, put her hat on the hook next to the door and moved towards the table for visitors.
She pulled one of the chairs back and winced at the scraping sound on the wooden floor.

Minutes ticked by and Applejack found herself tapping her hooves on the table in anticipation.
She knew Cherry was somehow upset with her for the quarrel she got into with a customer earlier, but all she got was a...
>’Meet me in my office after work!'
That could mean anything but she seriously hoped she wouldn’t be sent away from the farm. After all, she needed the money for Ponyville.
It was now the third day since she started working on Cherry Jubilee’s farm and they got along pretty well. Her friends were informed and didn’t need to worry about her.
>”Alright... I can take a break now.”
The older pony’s voice ripped Applejack from her thoughts.
Cherry took a seat opposite to Applejack and folded her fore hooves on the table.
>”Do you know why I called you here?”
>”Because of the incident with the customer earlier, ma’am?”
>”Yes, that’s right. I can understand you only too well, Applejack. He wasn’t very nice, but that doesn’t give you the right to yell at him and say those things you said... even if it was the truth.”
Applejack wanted to object and opened her mouth, but Cherry raised up a hoof and silenced her.
>”I understand you on a personal level... but looking at the business side of it, you did the wrong thing. I had to learn that as well a while ago.”
>”Ah understand. I-it won’t happen again, Miss Jubilee.”
Cherry sighed and nodded to herself. She knew what she had to do. The only other option would be... no, she didn’t want to do that.
>”Yes, this won’t happen again.”
>”What do ya mean?”
Applejack somehow feared what was gonna happen. It looked like she was going to be sent away after all.
>”Normally... I’d have to expel you from the farm.”
Applejack gasped, the worst case scenario was coming true.
>”But, I quite like you, kid. Ever since I hired you. And I’d hate to see you leave, so I’ll have to punish you in another way."
Punish. Applejack didn’t like the sound of that word. Not one bit.

Cherry got up from her chair and went back to her desk. From the bottom drawer she retrieved a thin, wooden paddle made of cherry wood and put it between her teeth. Then she walked back to the table and Applejack.
The apple farmer was quite shocked by the sight of the item and leaned back on her chair.
>”M-miss Jubilee, please!”
Cheery placed the paddle on the table and pulled her chair away from it slightly. Next she took a hold of Applejack’s right fore hoof and gave it a tug to get her moving.
>”None of this now, Applejack. Ya acted like a child with your arguing earlier and a good spanking is the fitting punishment for it."
Applejack tried to hold her ground but Cherry was surprisingly strong and a few moments later the younger mare was stumbling her way to her doom.
>”Don’t make this harder than it has to be, young mare. I’m already bending the rules for ya, so the least you could do is bend over my knees without making a fuss.”
>”Pleeeasee! Not a spanking! I’ll do anything else, working overtime, pay you back wh—”
Another stronger tug on her hoof interrupted her. Applejack’s pleading had no effect on the very determined Cherry Jubilee. It didn’t take long until she was properly positioned over her lap, tail pressed to her back and a strong arm around her waist.
>”Shush now! The only other option is kicking you out and you don’t want that.”
Applejack fell silent at that. It was really the only thing she wanted even less than getting her rump spanked.
>”That’s better.”
Cherry praised her compliance and picked up the paddle from the nearby table with her right, free hoof. She tapped it against Applejack’s cheeks and saw her squirm and wiggle her hooves in the air.
The paddle was thin but long and easily would cover both cheeks with one swing.

>”I didn’t like that guy either, but business is business and I can’t let ya ruin that, kid.”
At this, Cherry started and cracked the paddle five times against AJ’s rump in quick succession, top to thighs and let the whacks overlap.
>”NNGG, yes ma’am!”
Applejack gritted her teeth and kicked her legs. She knew her bottom would burn an awful lot in a few minutes but so far she tried to stay strong.
>”Good girl!”
Cherry continued to bring the awful paddle down on the orange fanny. She didn’t like it that much either but it was how things were handled on this farm since ages ago: For minor things the offending pony felt that paddle across their rump and for major things they were kicked off the farm.

Under the steady rain of whacks Applejack started sniffling soon, as the tears gathered in her eyes. Her kicking intensified as well.
>”Keep the legs down, Applejack, and take your paddlin’ like a big girl!”
Cherry gave her a few smacks on the lowest part of her bottom as reminder.
>”AH! That hurts somethin’ fierce!”
Applejack arched her back and howled at the onslaught on the sensitive part of her rump. She tried to keep her legs still now however.
>”Well, it wouldn’t be much of a punishment if ya liked it.”
Again and again the paddle came down. Applejack was crying softly already, the tears dripping down from her chin.

A pinkish glow radiated from AJ’s rump as she did her best to take her spanking like instructed, but it became harder and harder by the second... or by the whack.
>”OWW! P-please, Miss Jubilee! Please STOP! I’m SORRY!”
Cherry kept a close eye on her work and it was still too early to stop. She pulled Applejack closer to her own body and kept her in a tight grip.
>”Not yet, Applejack. Just hold on for a bit longer.”
The apple farmer only sobbed at that answer, having given up the fight against her tears a while ago. She only wanted it to be over now.
Cherry put more effort behind her whacks whilst starting to wrap this spanking up. Applejack kicked like crazy and started bawling like a little filly when Cherry picked it up. The whole farm and probably half of Dodge Junction heard her but she didn’t care about minor things like this. All she cared about was meeting the end of this paddling.

Applejack tried to move a hoof back and to prematurely end the spanking, felt herself restricted by Cherry’s arm around her waist however.
>”You better keep that hoof to yourself if you don’t want worse, missy.”
With a loud sob of defeat and desperation, she withdrew her hoof again and concentrated on trying to kick the sting out of her behind.

>”There’s a fine line of what I can tolerate around here.”
Cherry raised her voice so Applejack would hear her over her own bawling.
>”And I want you to know that while you’re working on this farm, every time now you cross that line your rump will get a good paddling like this. Am I understood?”
All the time Cherry kept up her hard smacks, letting the wooden implement bite into Applejack’s squirming bottom.
>”Waahaaaha! UnderSTOOD!”
The redness and the orange of her rump blended together in what would be a beautiful sunset to admire for Cherry, if it weren’t for the painful nature accompanying it.
Cherry was satisfied with that and delivered the last five spanks even harder than any other before, making sure she wouldn’t have to repeat this again.
Applejack shrieked at those last whacks which were evenly distributed like the initial ones. After she noticed it was over she just laid there, spent and bawling like a naughty filly. In a painful way it was amusing to her because it reminded her of her mother years ago, and how she’d earned herself quite some trips over her knee when she was a filly.

>”There, there... it’s over now, Applejack.”
Cherry had put the paddle away and gently rubbed her back in a caring way.
It took Applejack a few minutes to calm down again and eventually she was only sniffling softly.
When she reached a hoof back to her still burning fanny, Cherry took a hold of it and kept her from touching it.
>”You can rub later, Applejack. For now I want you to stand in the corner by door where I can watch you and think about this. I will just finish my calculations and then you’re free to go, okay?”
AJ groaned at this. Corner time was always the part she hated most, also back then. Still she agreed.
She didn’t trust her voice at this point and just made her way to her designated target.
Cherry Jubilee smiled warmly at the compliance as Applejack moved her cherry rump into the corner and went back to her numbers and letters.
>’She is a good kid.’

She raised her gaze from time to time to look at AJ but it wasn’t really necessary. The apple farmer didn’t want to give her employer any more reason to repeat this and kept as still as possible... with some minor shifting of her back hooves.
>”Alright, punishment is over, Applejack.”
AJ’s hooves immediately flew back to her scorched bottom and rubbed it furiously. It seemed like she was dying to do that for a while.
Cherry closed her book and put the quill back into the drawer, making her way over to Applejack.
>”Ah’m really sorry, ma’am.”
>”None of this anymore. You are forgiven, just don’t do it again.”
Cherry embraced her in a tight hug which Applejack gladly returned, sighing in content.
>”Ah won’t... Promise!”
Cherry had to chuckle slightly at that. She could vividly imagine what was going on in her head as she said that.
The older mare gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and sent her off to bed.
>”Good, now go to bed. Tomorrow will be another long day and I expect ya as eager as always.”
>”Yes, ma’am!”
Applejack agreed quickly and went off to fetch her hat. After a last smile back at Cherry she made her way out of the room and closed the door quietly.

>”She really is a good girl...”
Cherry said to no one in particular. She’d taken quite a liking to the honest apple farmer and was already looking forward to see her again in the morning.