>You Wake with a start. >you fell asleep, again waiting for master to come home. >'stupid, selfish Chrome' you berate yourself through gritted teeth. >you groan as you push yourself back into a sitting position >that last dream was weird, something about an eagle, jam and some kind of race track. >you REALLY need some sleep. >but Master isn't home yet. >what if he needs you as soon as he gets home? You don't want to upset him by falling asleep. >but still, Master is an hour later than he should be. >you did clean yourself up after a while waiting, but if you knew Master would be this late you would have had a nap straight after the shower and got all refreshed. >but now, if you do leave, it might be the moment he actually does come home. >you bite you lower lip as you ponder what you can do in this situation. >you could go back online, for the eighth time today, but with nothing to actually look for you'd probably fall asleep again. >you don't want to disappoint master, but you are so sleepy. >you kick yourself off the sofa and begin to walk around the house, just to make sure the house hasn't gotten dirty while you nodded off. >you are upstairs, looking over masters bedroom, a room you made sure would be perfectly spotless >with a lack of anything else to do, you re-fluff Master's pillows and straighten them out on the bed >on the bedside table are Master's books, you straighten those too. >on of the books did catch your eye, it lacked any title or heading and was plain in every description >you open it and flick through the pages quickly >most of the book is blank apart from the first fifty pages or so >it almost looks like... “This is... MASTER'S JOURNAL!” >you drop the book on the floor in shock, at having so carelessly read something so private and intimate as Master's private journal. >you bury your head into your hooves in embarrassment >you are about to walk out the room, but you stop at the door. >you where sure you saw the words 'Chrome pony' in your quick glance through the pages. >could it be that master has written something about you? >you just look at the book's cover as your mind carves out all the possible things Master could have said, about you >'I'm in love with Chrome pony'? >'Chrome Pony is the coolest and best pony'? “no, Master is much too mature for such filly talk...” >you hold the book in your hooves. >it's heavy >not just the paper, but because it's something that Master treasures so highly. >you turn the thick cover over and begin reading >the first entry in the journal was a little while after Master first arrived in Ponyville. >”DAY 29: Lyra Heartstrings still hasn't stopped spying on me, Her constant espionage is driving me to insanity...” >You frown. >you'll have a little 'talk' with Lyra for getting on Master's nerves >No-pony upsets Master. >you flick through to a later date >you do want to know everything, about Master, and his history in Equestria of course. >but you want to know what he said about you, more... >”DAY 245: Princess Celestia invited me for tea after the 'running of the leaves.' this year.” >you remember Master telling you about that. >it was one of the few times you where happy with Master gone. >you had a few updates that day, so when Master got back you where even faster for him >you felt really happy about that >that trip was about a week after he first got you. >a page back, you find what you where looking for. >for a few days, Master had been feeling lonely, and had also been hearing about the Browser Ponies, Ponies, that you looked after and in return, getting to access the Ponynet with a 'Living AI.' >Master goes into detail again about what ones he thinks are the best, most stable, best overall. >he was considering choosing your friend Firefox >”Day 230: I've Taken into my care a beautiful Browser Pony called Chrome...” >'beautiful...' >you re-read the sentence countless times. >Master said you where beautiful, he didn't say it to you directly, but that's what he thinks of you. >he thinks you're a beautiful pony. >you heart flutters quickly and your cheeks redden >you never where too good at hiding your emotions, you where as open as the book you now held in your hooves. >you read on. >Master goes into great detail with everything. >when he first met you, he knew instantly you where the one for him. >”after entering the shop, I was talking with the Pony in charge, getting to have one of these Browser Ponies is much like an adoption, they have to make sure you are responsible owner who is capable of looking after another living being, Most ponies are, it's in their nature, but with me being the only human, they understandably took a few extra precautions.” >”After paperwork was settled an sorted, checked in triplicate and filled away, I was shown to the rooms of where the Browser Ponies resided.” >”Every pony had their own unique personalities, even two ponies of the same browser type would be vastly different I was told.” >This very true you thought, one of your sisters was always clowning around and had tons of games to play with, another had all the latest gadgets and gizmo’s. your last sister the oldest, knew just about everyone and everything, she was always chatting and being in somepony's social circle, but one thing all your sisters shared was a very uptight personality. >they would tell you to walk straight, with your held high, looking down at everyone else whenever you where to walk past the other browsers. >they where a bit of a bully to IE too, always making fun of this things she cant do. >and they hated Firefox with indignation unequalled. >She was the only browser that they thought posed a challenge. >you knew different, you bunked together in the same room with her for many years. >she was very kind and boisterous, you couldn't imagine why some people didn't like her, she was everything you hoped to some day be. >You sigh, remembering all the good times spent at the Browser pony centre, all the fun you had with your sisters, meeting all the grown up ponies who came to go home with a little filly browser pony >looking back at Master's journal you resume reading. >”The first Browser Pony the manager introduced me to, was sweet little Pony called IE. She was cute without question, but I didn't feel any kind of connection with her. She understood bless her, it wasn't the first time apparently.” “Poor IE...” >”I was then shown to a lovely group of older fillies, each called chrome.” “My sisters? Master saw them and didn't want to take one of them?” >”I found it curious how each of them knew who they where talking to when they all shared the same name...” >and now you think about it... >”Upon the sisters meeting me, one dropped her phone in surprise. Another screamed in shock and ran while the third sister, possibly the most mature filly I’ve ever met, cautiously walked up to me and introduced herself. Seemed she wasn't that scared of the mythical 'only human in Equestria' bogeyman.” >you skip a paragraph ahead, then another, looking for when Master meets you specifically. “yadda yadda yadda... ah ha. >”i was then to meet with Firefox and Chrome (again.) >you heart beats faster. >this is the moment in your life when everything changed, and now you get to see it from Master's perspective. >”The manager pony opened the door to their room, the sight was something incredible “oh no..” >you remember how you first met Master now. >you wanted to forget. >it was less than a perfect meeting if you recall. >”Two adorable ponies where playing in a cardboard box fort, it had a flag, a drawbridge (which was drawn on) and a large sign next to it, that said 'F0rT AwSo3m!!' with each letter written in a different colour crayon with a happy pony face at the end.” >”colourful hoof paintings littered the room's walls and the Fort itself, drawings of Firefox with a family hung above her bed.” >you are so embarrassed. You know what is coming next. >”i saw Firefox straight away, you would have to be blind to miss a pony with a fire red mane, but the other pony, 'Chrome' I couldn't see, until...” >”DA ENEMY IS KNOCK DOWN MY FORT, CANNONS, FIRE!” >”The last of the chrome sisters...” >you... >”leaped up on top of the fort with a folded paper-craft helmet, and started bombarding Firefox with small stuffed toys.” >”Chrome, then saw me, and shouted “AAH~ A MONSTER! RELOAD DA CANNONS!” >your face is read reading all this, you a lot more mature now, but to think you actually did this in front of Master is a horrifying thought In of itself. >”She threw the first wave of fluffy bunnies at me several landing in the hall outside only one managing to score a direct hit on my face.” >”in that instance, I don't know what came over me.” >”but I played along.” >”RAWR I R BIG SCARY MONSTER RAWR!” >”Well, the look on her face was one of absolute overwhelming joy, as Firefox joined Chrome in the fort on her side and the endless stream of Bunnies and bears where thrown at me to keep me at bay. From the fort, I would hide behind the bed and pop out, letting Chrome and Firefox take hits at me.” >“i wasn't sure where the manager went after a while, I assume, he thought I would be fine playing with those two and he was right.” >“after a while the manager popped his head round the door and called me over. I smiled and pretended to be driven back, holding my hand to block my face from the endless swarm of soft projectiles, heading for the door all the while shouting “RAWR! U SHALL NVAR DEFET ME! RAWR!” >”they both cheered and hugged each other as I fell backwards out the door. Closing it behind me, I don't think at any point during our playing, or any time after, did I even introduce myself or ask for their names.” >”but I knew in that instance who I would be taking home that day, the beautiful little filly that called me a evil monster and hit me with bunny cannon fire... I just wish I could take both of them.” >your hoof traces over each word that master wrote about you, you feel yourself choke up and tears form in the corner of your eyes. >You wonder if Master and you, shall ever be this close again. >what happened between you two. “Master, I love you so much.” >you say this to no body in particular, it just always feels nice to air those words. Like a weight is lifted of your back every time you do, you don't care if Master will never hear these words, in your heart, you believe he loves you too, and in your mind and dreams, you play, and act out the fantasies, where he loves you back. >you hug masters journal against your chest. “Why don't you love me like I love you Master, I love you so much it hurts, I want nothing more than to be by your side... to be with you.” >the air and walls around you never replies. >except on this day it seems.... >”Chrome... I, never knew... you felt like that about me.” >You quickly turn around in shock. >Master is standing in the doorway, watching at you. end of chapter 5.