>Be Fluttershy
>Have morbid interest in death
>You always found something oddly curious about the fact that everything appeared to tend towards death. Spend too much time thinking you get bags under your eyes. Spend too much time indulging in the world you end up just as well. Apathy results in neglect and pain, intemperance leaves you feeling used and sick with both extremes bringing death ever closer... It's as if nothing anypony ever does is beneficial for them unless it's mediocre. But then what is the point?
>Every second that passes feels like a minute, and every minute an hour. You assume the same benign, welcoming guise you must to properly reflect your element despite the fact that everything is a lie. Your life, the lives of everypony else... it's all so empty, and all so insulting. It's as if not a single creature in all of Equestria has ever cared enough to question why they seek to stay alive, or if they have they appear to have all embraced their worthlessness on some level. It really is sickening.
>Pinkie Pie is one of the worst. It's as if she takes mediocrity and makes it and spreading it her only purpose in life, as if true purpose isn't a literal impossibility. She prides herself on her petty ability to make ponies realize their love of mediocrity and actually fears the part of herself that questions things so much that when she finds herself alone she lapses into an entirely different personality. Everypony around her abuses her by feeding her bubbly half enough to repress the other but you know that all she has ever been asking for from the beginning was the sweet kiss of oblivion. And you know just how to give it to her...

>the day you've been waiting anxiously for has finally come
>seven days ago when hanging out at Pinkie's room in Sugarcube Corner, after many games and much random discussion the two of you found yourselves breaching the topic of secrets
>"... and then I realized she was in my mane all along! Can you believe that?" Pinkie concludes as she reaches into her mane and pulls out her very much tangible and anthropomorphic looking plane-pony hybrid and puts her on the ground
>plane pony's eye dilate in fear, then when she notices where she is and who she is around she scrunches her face at you in sheer confusion
>despite yourself, you scrunch your face right back
>'Um... Pinkie... was this what you meant by your toy airplane?'
>How did you-'
>"Long story. Would you like me to tell that story too?" she grins
>'No, never mind. It's fine.'
>"Okie dokie lokie."
>Pinkie reaches for the distressed plane pony and grabs her by the pit of her wing
>"No! Wait! I don't want to go back! I still have to cum inside-"
>Her pleas are ignored as Pinkie lifts her effortlessly and shoves her, impossibly, back into her mane
>You stare at Pinkie Pie silently with dead eyes
>Pinkie stares back at you silently with something of an expectant look on her face
>'So... secrets, right?'
>'Do you have any you'd like to tell me?'
>'Well that's okay Pinkie, I'm sure everypony has secrets they want to keep to themselves.'
>you notice her previously-tensed muscles relax considerably at your reassurance
>'If it makes you feel any better though, I have something I've been /dying/ to tell somepony, and I hope you can keep it a secret.'
>Pinkie shoots up from her sitting position in excitement
>"You can trust me with anything Fluttershy! I promise I won't let a word of this out to anypony! Cross my heart and hope to fly..." she continues as she finishes her ritual and not-so-gracefully pulls a cupcake out of an excursion into the universe and shoves it into her closed eyelid
>she eyes you expectantly with a grin on her face
>you blush and adjust your position slightly under her gaze
>'Well... I've always had something of an interest in chains and whips and stuff... but I've never had the courage to find anypony willing to act as a sub for me. I think about doing it all the time with all of my friends...' you end abruptly as you feign realizing how quickly you started speaking in an attempt of seeming suddenly self-conscious
>you look up at Pinkie, suddenly questioning whether or not this plan will work
>"Oh Fluttershy," she says in a motherly tone, only worry being expressed through her face as she steps over to clutch you in a bear hug. "You can do anything with me, don't worry."
>You close your eyes in response in an attempt to control your emotions as you repress a nasty grin

>you hear a knock on the door
>it's Pinkie, she came at midnight just as she promised
>you spent the entire night meditating to make sure you wouldn't blow this evening before it began
>you open the door trying to look as docile as you can as you look up and meet eyes with a very anxious looking Pinkie
>"H-hi Fluttershy," Pinkie says with almost a regretful look in her eyes and a pained smile
>you respond with sincere concern in your voice. 'What's wrong Pinkie?'
>"It's just that I've never done anything like this before, and... and..." she ends as her voice cracks and she looks to be on the verge of tears. "And I'm scared," she says as she falls and starts bawling on your doorstep, covering her eyes with her hooves
>You stare down at your friend with concern only a psychopath would be able to sympathize with
>you step beside her and sit down elegantly, covering her with your left wing as you pull her into a hug and attempt to pacify her with soothing whispers and the like. After a few minutes she stops wailing noisily, choosing only to cry and shiver in silence as you continue to pet and appease her with your touch. Minutes more pass as you sit there in front of your open door as the wind continues to howl and Pinkie takes a few to just absently enjoy the sound of your heartbeat and the heat your body provides. You wait apathetically.
>"Thanks Fluttershy. You're the best friend a pony could ask for," she says as she nuzzles your neck
>you keep your eyes closed and absently return the gesture as best you can as she starts to nip and lick you lovingly. You reciprocate.
>... "Okay. I think we should go inside now," Pinkie asserts after a moment with a rather calm look on her face, despite her previous crying. The both of you get up and she walks ahead of you to your room with a curious and slow gait to her step. You wonder what that means as you register that her tail is held higher than normal and she's giving you a rather obvious peek at something below, a certain nub belonging to which is clearly flashing in and out of view.
>You scrunch your face slightly at the realization as you blush profusely
>As you enter the room you notice Pinkie already clambering onto the bed, getting into position. She shackles her hind legs and her right foreleg to the chains you left laying their loosely as you climb over top her to lay your head on her chest for a moment, letting your mane flow wherever it pleased.
>'Thank you so much for doing this Pinkie,' you start as you absently start to rub the left side of her ribcage and her chest.  She giggles in response. "Don't worry Fluttershy. I trust you" she replies as she rubs the pit of your ear with her one free hoof. You pull back after a moment to gaze upon her.
>Pinkie looks at you with something of a confident yet unsure grin as you notice every curve of her body and realize how much faith she had to put in you to do this for you. You catch yourself before your expression becomes deadpan and slowly crawl over her to gently shackle her left hoof, binding her completely until you choose to free her with the keys. You sigh as you let your head drop, finally done with the preparations, letting your real self overtake you. That took a lot of work. Too much work. You will be sure to contact Rarity to assimilate her into your world view so she can kidnap ponies with magic next time.
>You turn away from Pinkie, walk to the bedpost across from her, reach under the bad to grab your favorite butcher's knife in your hoof and ram it into the lower portion Pinkie's left hindleg without a word, and without making eye contact. The response was immediate.
>Pinkie's scream was bloodcurdling. You could swear if it was any more shrill it would damage your eardrums permanently, but you found her cry soothing. Never have you been able to elicit such a grand emotion from someone before, and only in rare instances were you ever able to bear witness to somepony's life being taken, or there to hear their screams of terror. You found it all orgasmic. You pull out a box full of several toys, the metallic sound freeing it makes being drowned out by Pinkie's wailing and you grab a wooden hammer to force the blade already in Pinkie to pierce right through her bone.
>Pinkie was delirious. It was impossible for her to comprehend what was happening to her. Just a moment ago she felt she felt nothing but love for the pony before her and felt she was reciprocating her feelings for her, but now she is being tortured by her? No...
>Through her screams she could hardly register were coming from her she felt another sudden and fundamentally wrong pang of sensation in her body. It was coming from her left hind leg, which was impossible she told herself, because this wasn't happening, and her friend would never do this. Her thoughts quickly became a flurry of her rejecting reality and overwriting it with what she thought had to have happened when she felt another impossible sting. Fluttershy just forcefully twisted the knife 90 degrees counterclockwise, forcing her leg to bend at an impossible angle, ruining it forever. Another scream. Pinkie Pie blacked out.
>'Torture is so annoying in real life...' Fluttershy muttered as she looked in contempt at the shackles she loosened in order to allow her friend's leg to bend the way she forced it to. This is nowhere near as great as her delusions where she was able to enact countless impossible torture methods without her sub at all going unconscious until she was totally bored of them. 'I suppose there are much less fun but more efficient ways to kill a pony anyways...'
>She toyed with the broken limb. It hung grossly from her friend's leg, being broken just above the joint near her hoof with the bone snapped in half at a very inefficient angle, with it dangerously jutting an inch or two out of her leg.. As she took hold of the thing with both hooves to test what fractured bone on bone sounds like she noticed a sound somewhere between whimpering  and whining coming from the other end of the bed. She ignored it until it went away on its own.
>At this point Fluttershy was just bored more than anything.  She reached for a shot of adrenaline and pumped it into her friend's heart, causing her to gasp, hard as her eyes shot open. She looked her friend in the eye, finding it hard to focus between the physical sensation she's enduring and her tears.
>You suddenly find it difficult to articulate your rationale behind doing this. 'I... you always wanted to die?' You responded lamely.
>Pinkie Pie was not impressed. Between her replacing your existence and this reality with another and your reply of nothing her head and eyes rolled back lifelessly despite her being very much alive. You suppose between her already repressing another part of herself and requiring a certain lifestyle to facilitate herself she must have lapsed into some strange coma due to the trauma you inflicted on her. You falter, disappointed. It will probably be impossible for her to register anything in this reality again.
>You unshackle her completely and continue breaking each her limbs several times, you pull her guts out, pierce one of her eyes with dozens of needles after sewing the other shut, break off her lower jaw and do all the things you wanted to do without destroying her in seconds but she never even flinched despite her continued breathing throughout. Eventually you got bored of her mangled body, sliced her throat and buried her in your backyard at six in the morning. 'Reality is so stupid...' you muse lazily as you question why you haven't killed yourself yet.