"The fuck is this thing Twilight?"
>You pick up the weird purple lizard thing.
>Must be a pet of some sort.
>"Oh that's spike. He's a dragon."
"A what now?"
>"Hi!" The wierd purple lizard exclaims.
>Holy shit. First talking horses and now talking lizards.
>"But, you probably already know that from the show." The purple equine says in a proud tone.
>"Yes," She has a slightly worried tone to her voice. "The show you human watch every saturday?"
>You give her a slightly confused look.
>"Oh you know..." She starts humming a song.
>You still have no idea what she's on about.
>"C'mon, my little pony. Y'know-"
"I don't watch a show for little girls I'm a grown ass man."
>Twisomething tries to explain something about brownies and large groupings.
>But she's not ringing any bells.
"Y'know it's kind of wierd I'm talking to a cartoon horse you watches little girl shows and kidnaps people to turn them into horses."
>"Y'know Twi," The purple lizard says toughtfully. "When she puts it that way, she has a point."
>"Who's side are you on!?" The purple equine shouts at both of you.
>You both look at each other like one of you threw the other under the bus.
>"I think your overreacting Twi?" the lizard asks the horse.
>God that sounds wierd.
>"Well it's not my fault he's not part of a large majority that watches cartoons!" The equine shouts at the top of her lungs in frustration.
"I've watched a small amount of Gunslinger Girl and KillLaKill, does that count?"
>You feeling a little scarred right now.
>"Don't worry she usually gets like this." the lizard tells you.
>No reason to identify colour if they're both purple.
>Nonetheless the horse is stomping around the room shouting random gibberish to herself.
>"Before you ask," The talking lizard continues. "This is normal behavior for her."
"Ah, should we call the cops or something?"
>"Er, no. She'll calm down in a while. Besides, they can't do much to her."
>"Mainly 'cause she's a princess so she can banish people to the moon I think."
"Really? She sounds kinda like a dictator."
>"A what?"
"Nevermind. I'll just be sure to steer clear of them."
>"That'll be kinda hard seeing as there's four of them."
>Shit, this- this place is a lot more complex that what you first perceived.
>You stop thinking about the dictators upon notice that the- spike you think it was, is pushing you in a direction opposite of the angry horse.
>"Howabout I give you the grand tour seeing as Twilight's a little busy."
"Uh, ok."
>You get off your rump and follow the spike as he leads you.
>You follow the spike as he leads you down corridor after corridor.
>At least he knows where he's going.
>The first stop on the tour was the kitchen and dining area, both suited for at least five people.
>Despite what you first thought the technology is quite complex compared to what you had back home.
>Everything has a sort of crystal aspect to it.
>Almost like a giant hall of mirrors.
>You put the creepy thoughts to the back of your mind as you quickly keep up with the spike.
>He soon leads you to the master bedroom and bathroom. Twilight's bedroom and bathroom to be more specific.
>Despite it being for one person- er- pony. It's very grand and large. It even has a balcony out front.
>You take note that spike's bed was downstairs where you found him.
>"And here's your room." Spike opens a door in front of him leading into a guest room.
"Wait my room- Woah!"
>Upon entering the room you take in how massive the 'guest room' is from your perspective.
>You even get your own bathroom.
>"Yeah this is your room." the spike reassures you.
"Yeah but, I'm not staying forever? Right?"
>You wouldn't mind being a pastel coloured horse for a bit, but for your life that's just...
>Spike shrugs.
>"That's the plan at least."
>"Don't worry we can work it out with her later."
>You nod.
>Now wasn't the time to get worked up in family matters.
>You can work at that later.
>You quickly turn back to Spike.
"Wait, I got one last question."
>Spike stops halfway through the doorway.
>"What's up?"
"What does Twilight need me for again, y'know being a filly and all?"
>"Oh right, uh." He slowly rubs his neck with his awkward response.
>He walks back inside slowly shutting the door behind him without a sound.
>"She wants you so she can impress her brother."
"Impress... ...her brother."
>"Oh, right you never watched the show, let me tell you-"
>You listen intently as Spike clues you in.
>So apparently Twilight, the pony who kidnapped you, has a brother, Shining Armour, who is the captain of the royal guard.
>He's married, fought strange demon horses or whatnot...
>The biggest thing is that he recently had a child, Flurry Heart you think it was.
>Regardless of your first thoughts, Twilight doesn't want to turn everyone into fillies to impress him, or turn him specifically into a filly.
>Her plan is to impress her brother with her own filly.
>And being the "Princess" that she is she decided to save time and just bring your ass over to her realm as a filly.
>This way she can impress her brother with her own child without any of the dirty work.
>How she will convince him you're her child is beyond you.
"So that's her game."
>"Yep." Spike assures you. "She just has to convince everyone you're foal. Then she can get closer to her brother."
"You make that sound really dirty."
>"Do I?"
>You quickly nod.
>Multiple hours have passed.
>You spent the evening with kidnapper horse and Spike, had supper, bathtime in which you kept a close eye on where the purple horse placed her hooves.
>And then you were sent of to bed like a good little child horse.
>Except you had other plans.
>You pretended to sleep for multiple hours.
>"She must be very worn out after today." you overheard Bookhorse say.
>You could hear Spike nod in agreement.
>They did not expect what happened next.
>It was somewhere near midnight when you peeked out of bed.
>Taking care not to make to much noise you carefully crawl out of bed and slowly open the window of your room.
>You could feel the cold night air touch your face.
>Looking down you found a problem in your plan.
>You were a good mile above the ground, turning your bedsheets into a rope isn't gonna cut it.
>Instead you take a look in your bedroom drawer.
>You find some horse money, and a flashlight.
>Taking it out you spend a good while turning the damn thing on.
>Now that you had it on you slowly peek out of your door to make sure no one's watching.
>Nothing but a dark hallway.
>The coast is clear.
>Shining your flashlight ahead of you, you go in the direction of the exit.
>At- at least you think it's this way...
>As you walk down the dark hallway, the only light source being your flashlight in your mouth.
>and, mind you, it's not the nice-est tasting flashlight either,
>Regardless, as you walk through the castle, hallway after hallway. The reflections of the flashlight on the walls showing a small green figure.
>Upon coming closer you notice that, well, that it's you.
>Huh, who new you'd become such a cute little horse.
>Examining your new body makes you at least somewhat pleased that, not only have you lost a shit ton of weight but that you get another chance at childhood you suppose.
>You look behind you.
>Doesn't seem like anyone caught on yet.
>If only this castle wasn't so frickin' huge.
>You could probably find your way out by now.
>How the hell does anyone find anything in here?
>Do they even have a fire route?
>They must have.
>Like hell this is not a fire hazard.
>Marching through the long, dark hallways. The only sounds are your footsteps. You find a set of stairs.
>A long set of stairs at that.
>Dammit why does everything have to look so spooky as a small horse?
>Placing one of your forelimbs on the first step you stare at your adversary.
>It was so easy going up. Should be the same going down right?
>Placing the other one on the same step you begin your baby steps down the stairs.
>There needs to be a faster way.
>Maybe if going up is easier you should try and do it in reverse!
>With that idea you slowly turn around so your bum points down the stairs.
>Actually, this isn't helping.
>After a couple of long steps you are more fearfull of slipping 'cause you can't see where your going.
>Welp, only one thing to do...
>Turn to your side you begin side stepping down the stairs.
>It's much faster than going forwards and you can actually see where your going.
>If you point the flashlight that is...
>Castles are spooky.>After beating the stairs you continue down the many halls of the castle.
>Just the norm of the midnight horse.
>That should totally be your new name!
>You begin playing a familiar tune in your head as you imagine it:
>Yeah Midnight Horse, helper of the badies and punisher to the weak.
>No wait...
>Your awesome imagine-intro is halted by the sound of something other than your footsteps.
>It's a strange wooshing noise.
>Looking behind you the wooshing seems to stop.
>Not- Not like they have ghosts here or anything. R- right?
>But, on the other hand, this is based on some sort of TV show so anything goes at this point.
>Looking forward again you hear the sound, at first soft, get progessively louder AND LOUDER.
>Looking behind you once more a large shite figure quickly moves into the darkness behind you.
>You quickly bolt down the hallway.
>Like hell your gonna get eaten by a ghost!
>Slowing down before stopping you look behind you.
>Both the sound and the ghost had stopped.
>M- Maybe it was j- just your imagination,
>R- Right?
>J- just k- keep ch- checking behind you. J- Just in case...
>A- as y- you walk down th- the h-hallway.
>Dammit, even the narrator is spooked.
>Regardless you start feeling very weary.
>Like you body is close to passing out.
>You trudge a little ways before collapsing onto the crystal floor.
>Damn... ...you... ...late bedtimes...
>This... ...isn't the end... ...of Midnight... ...Horse...
>Guess you little horse body ran out of steam.
>You awake to the sunlight hitting your head with a rock.
>metaphorically of course.
>Welp, at least now you can-
>You're in your room
>You find a paper note on the end table near your bed.
>Dear sweetie,
>and we're off to a great start
>I found you sleepwalking last night around the castle
>Well, at least she doesn't suspect anything
>So I'm looking up the spell in my library for any side effects
>okay what is she trying to tell me-
>While you enjoy your first day of school
>Great, now she's sending you to school
>First you get turned into a small horse
>Now she's sending you to horse school
>You look through the crack between the blinds
>The sheer amount of pastel colors outside is enough to make your eyes hurt
>Like the background of the Asriel fight more undertale
>on steroids
>God, maybe you could take some money off of Purple horse and buy yourself some tinted contact lenses
>Maybe then the sights will at least be manageable
>Should they be blue?
>or should we go straight to black...
>Let's start with blue and work our ways towards black if need be.
>Thanks brain
>No prob