>You are at the top of the ferris wheel now. From here, the entire fairground can be taken in with a few turns of your head. >It’s quite the sight. All of Ponyville’s citizens look like tiny colored specs on the ground below you. >Today is Ponyville’s annual harvest carnival. Everyone in town is here enjoying the rides and games. >Especially Pinkie. >”Gosh, Anon! We sure are high, aren’t we? Like WOW! So high!” >She stirs next to you in the carriage as she hangs over the edge and stares straight down. PINKIE! Get back in here! >You quickly grab her and she falls on top of you, smashing your cotton candy against your face. >She stares deeply into your eyes through the fibrous sugar. Y-you okay…? >She’s in awe. Maybe she didn’t know what she was doing. >Pinkie Pie quickly snaps back to reality with a snortty laugh and a bite of your cotton candy. >”Of course, Anonymous! Thanks for saving me!” >She rises off you and looks at the horizon; a little more careful this time. No problem. >The ferris wheel completes its revolution as you and Pinkie depart. >”That’s was a ton and a half of fun, Anon!” >You kneel down to tie your shoes. You need new laces; these always seem to come undone. >After tying them, you make you way onward. >Pinkie merrily skips next to you as you both go towards the next attraction. It sure was, Pinkie. >She’s really sweet on you today. It’s nice. >Even though you’ve told her you don’t like her in that way. >You walk behind Pinkie’s happy steps as she trots through the various carnival games. >Her head zips to either side looking at the prizes, finding one she wants to claim as her own. >”AH! Anon! Lookie!” >Pinkie thrusts her hoof to point to a giant plush cupcake. >It’s bigger than her head. You like that? >Pinkie squees with delight. >”Win it for me?” >Her eyes are almost as big as the cherry topping the plushie. Well… >You feel around in your pocket. You have about 7 bits. Sure; I’ll try my best. >Pinkie overflows with excitement. >”YAY!” >You walk up to the table where a chubby earth pony manages a dart throwing game. >”2 bits for 3 darts; pop a balloon and win a prize.” >Seems easy enough. Ponys don’t have hands so this will be almost too easy for you. >You slap the money onto the table and grasp the shaft of a dart. >With your left eye closed, you line up the shot and release the object. >It glides through the air and strikes the balloon with a pop. >Pinkie squeals with delight. >”YAY! MY TURN MY TURN MY TURN!” But Pinkie, I already- >She wastes no time. She fidgets in your pocket for your bits. HEY! I need those! >She tosses them to the carnie. >He hands over a bundle of darts that Pinkie makes quick work of. >She throws one after the other in a barrage of pink blurs and snapping balloon deaths. >The carnie looks over to you in amazement. >You just roll your eyes, more upset about your empty pockets than Pinkie’s dart skills. >After the popping has subsided, Pinkie collects her winnings and turns to you. >”Sorry about the money, Anonny...I’ll pay you back!” >You feel around in your pocket. It’s now as empty as your stomach. It’s okay, don’t worry about it. >You and Pinkie walk closely together through the carnival. >She made you carry the stuffed cupcake. >It’s unwieldy and reminds you of food. Not good. >Just then, the smell of funnel cakes waft through the air. >You take it in and savor the smell of fried batter and powdered sugar. >Wait a second… >Pinkie is right in your face. >That’s just the way she smells. >”ANON! Wanna try some of this yummy delicious super-terrific cake? Course ya do!” MMF! PNNKEE! >She shovels a hooffull of carnival cake into your mouth. >It’s hot and bulges your cheeks out. >Pinkie takes another hooffull and prepares to shovel into your mouth. >You swallow hard. PINKIE WAIT! >”Problem?” >That’s an understatement. Yeah. Why don’t we get some real food? >After locating a hot dog stand, you and Pinkie Pie sit on a bench watching the filly’s running around and the couples smooching near the tunnel of love. >Pinkie blushes and snorts at the sight. >You look at her. Is something wrong? >She turns her head to you, but darts her eyes away in embarrassment. >”Would you wanna go on that silly kiddy ride with me, Anonny?” >Her eyes have welled with eagerness. >Even though you don’t like her like that, you can see her making it fun in some way. Sure, I think I could do that. >After a long wait in the line of couples, you two board the tiny boat and slowly drift into the heart-laden wall of the tunnel. >Pinkie releases a fake yawn and snuggles up to you. >Her hair smells sticky like maple syrup. >You don’t really know what to do. >You place your weary hand on her back and pat it. >”I’m having a really good time, Anon.” >This is a little awkward. Me too, Pinkie… >She snuggles closer and rubs her nose in your shirt at the sound of your words. >Not a good sign. S-so…this is a pretty long ride, huh? >She looks up at you with seductive eyes. >”I want it to last forever.” >Before you know what to do, Pinkie’s already moved in for a kiss. >She tugs on your shirt and brings you in close but you pull away. Pinkie stop! >With all your effort you free yourself from Pinkie Pie’s grasp, only to fall out of the small boat and into the trough of water. >Pinkie leans over the boat to see you sitting in the water. >”Anonny! Are you okay down there? You look a little wet…” >You stand up and wring the water out of your dripping shirt. Yeah…I’m fine. >”S-sorry…” >You climb back into the boat and sit hunched over while Pinkie awkwardly fidgets next to you. >Once the ride ends the two of you depart. >Everyone in the line comments to your moistened attire that the two of you seemed to have a “little too much fun”. >You shrug it off and bend down to tie your shoes again. >It’s later now and the carnival is carrying on into the evening. >The sun is starting to go down now. >Pinkie is still embarrassed and upset about the stunt she pulled in the tunnel of love >She hasn’t said much since then. >You pass a mare selling balloons. They always cheer kids up, so Pinkie’s childish mind wouldn’t be any different. >You kneel down to the heartbroken pony. Hey…I’ll be right back. >Pinkie sits on her rear and hangs her head. >You grab a free balloon from the mare. Good thing, you don’t have any money. >You silently return to the sad pink pony. Hey…I got you this. >Pinkie slowly turns her head. >Her face explodes in excitement when she sees the floating green rubber orb. >”AH! ANON! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!” >Pinkie springs up and wraps her arm around you. >You pat her back again. No problem, Pinkie. >After the hug, you stand and look off into the horizon. Well…I should be getting home. >Pinkie’s ears flatten with disappointment. >”Oh…that’s okay…” >You’re upset now too. I’m sorry… >Pinkie tries to put on a fake smile. >”I-it’s okay, Anonny…I understand.” >You rise up. We always have tomorrow, Pinkie. >Your words seem to cheer her up a little bit. >”Yeah…” >You walk away from the carnival with Pinkie behind you. >Maybe you’ll spend more time with her. There’s a possibility the two of you could become closer. >Maybe. >The fairgrounds make way to a flatter plateau that leads to a long stone staircase. Next to that is a stone tunnel that leads to town. >There’s quite the view from the top. You can overlook a lot of Ponyville. >You take your first step down towards home. >But all of the sudden you are shocked by a loud noise near you. >You fall forward on your long, untied laces. >The staircase moves closer as you smash your face on the corner on a step. >The pain is excruciating. You feel blood freely run out of your nose. >It’s not over though. You tumble down the next 30 steps. >You groan in pain from your fall. >You stare at the sky in motionless agony. >Stupid shoes. >Your left wrist is throbbing in pain. >You turn your head to inspect it. >It’s affixed in a 45 degree angle that it’s not supposed to be. >The vision around it blurs as you slowly slip into shock. >You don’t know what to do. >You cry out. HELP! Somebody! Please! Anyone! >Your cries reverberate in the shaft of the tunnel. >You’re in so much pain that you can’t move. >How did this happen? >Slowly you remember the noise. >it seemed familiar… >Like a popping balloon. >You hear a clopping noise, like hooves on stone. >You look inside the tunnel. >There’s a shadowy pony walking toward you. >Salvation. Oh god, thank you! Please help me…I need a doctor right away. >They stop. Please…please help me. >The pain is making it hard to complete sentences. >You stare at the top of the staircase from where you fell. >It seems like a path up a mountain…an unobtainable height. >Just then, your view is obstructed by a familiar face. >”Anon! Did ya take a little tumble?” >Pinkie snorts and laughs as she points to your snapped wrist. >What is she doing? Making a joke? P-Pinkie…please help me…I-I fell and…it all hurts so much… >She taps her hoof on her mouth. >”Hmm…nah.” >She smiles at you. Heh…okay, enough joking around…get help. >”No.” >Her voice is blank and grave. >She still stands over you upside down. >You hand surges in pain Pinkie this isn’t a fucking joke! Help me! >Pinkie’s eyes roll around while she thinks. >”Hmm…okay!” Oh, thank- >In your peripheral, you see Pinkie take your wrist in her mouth and clamp down onto it like a bear trap. FUCK! >You literally cry in pain, so close to blacking out. >Pinkie releases you and giggles. >She returns to your view with a smear of blood on her mouth. >”Oh, Anonny…you’re so clumsy! Now…are you ready to have some fun?” >Your tears flow freely from your eyes. You hyperventilate to prevent going unconscious. Pinkie…what are y-you doing…? >Pinkie looks at you in confusion. >”Well…I’m just having some fun that we didn’t get to have in the tunnel of looove!” >She kisses the air around your head, but you just want to get to medical attention. >”Ready, Anonny?” >She walks out of your vision. F-for what? >You hear some flops below you. >”Can ya feel that, Mr. Clumsy?” Feel what? >”Good!” >You’re confused. Pinkie what is going on? >You hear your jeans rustle. >You try to pick your head up to see that Pinkie has removed your pants. >She slowly trails her tongue around your member, which doesn’t seem to realize the pain the rest of your body feels. >You hear Pinkie’s sloppy slurps as you watch her poofy mane bob up and down with her head. W-what is going on…? >Pinkie thrusts her head down onto your waist. >She gags loudly, almost like a retch. >She holds you in her throat for a few moments. >You feel her hot drool trail down your leg and waist. Oh! Pinkie… >Why are you enjoying this? You’re almost incapacitated and this shouldn’t be what you’re enjoyng. >She gags more and she furiously throats your dick. Pinkie! >In one quick motion, she removes you from herself and moves toward your mouth to kiss you. >Her slobber is all over her mouth, and now yours too. >In an instant, she sinks to plump plot onto your waist. PINKIE STOP! >Pinkie starts bouncing on you ferociously. >The walls of her vagina massage you enough to make you slightly forget your broken wrist. >”Oh, Anonny! I’m having so much fun! Aren’t you?” >She smiles manically. I… >She pumps more and more. You feel your testicles pump with her successive thrusts. >For a chubby pony, Pinkie’s marehood is pretty tight around you. >Pinkie’s moans echo in the stone tunnel. >”ANON! Im gonna-“ >Pinkie Pie releases a hot spurt of cum all over your bulbous shaft. >She keeps bouncing even after her loud orgasm. >You just lay there with Pinkie juice all over you. >She gets off of you, her genitals making a few liquid noises as you extricate yourself. >”Thanks for that! Gotta go…see ya tomorrow!” >She kneels down and kisses your cheek and walks away. >You call after her. Pinkie! Wait! Save me! >She just looks back to you. >”Oh silly, I said I’ll see ya tomorrow!” >She snorts and walks off, leaving you in pain.