“Thanks Twi, see you around!” >”Yeah, yeah, whatever. Later Anon.” >You close the door of the Golden Oak Library. >In your hand you’ve got an old scroll. >But it’s not a regular scroll. >It’s a map of treasures. >While browsing through Dash’s photo album from her childhood some time ago, you discovered an intriguing detail about her. >When she was a filly she had a thing for pirate stories. >There was an entire page full of little Dashies in the pirate suits. >That was the most adorable sight a human eye ever captured. >Both the photos and the embarrassment on Rainbow’s face while seeing them. >And the thing you’ve found in the library was the perfect opportunity to wake up her old passion. >She can either laugh at you for such a childish idea, or get super excited for going on a treasure hunt with you. >Either way, it’s worth a shot. >But first, you have to find her. >Finding Rainbow Dash in the middle of the day itself is a bit of a challenge. >She’s a professional napper and it’s just the time when she usually does that. >Dashie hates being alone in her house and spends most of her free time in Ponyville. >She loves napping on the clouds hanging above the village, that makes her feel closer to her friends. >Thankfully, ever since she’s with you, she often chooses clouds above your house and that’s the first place you’re going to check. >You approach your “residence” and start your search “DAAAASH!” >silence “DAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!!” >If she was there, she would definitely hear you. >Time for a little bit of persuasion “If you won’t come out I’m going to look around the town shouting “DASHIE” to the sky!” >... “DAAAASHIEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!” >Still nothing >She’s not there, that’s for sure. >There are no many clouds on the sky today, it should be easy. >The scenery of Equestria is so beautiful, even if she’s somewhere else, you can at least have a little walk, admire some views and find her later. >You’ve spent half an hour calling every cloud you’ve encountered on your way and finally gave up sitting on the hill behind Ponyville. >Suddenly you see visible trail of rainbow followed by a swish. >Before you can think what happened you see the object of your search, standing in front of you >A familiar sky blue mare with mischievous grin on her face. >”You seem like you’ve been looking for somepony” “What? How?” >”Haha I just couldn’t help myself!” >”You looked sooo confused!” ...with her sweet voice crack in the middle of the sentence >”I hope anyone heard you screaming “Dashie” though” she said a little bit concerned >You had no clue what to say so you went straight to a hello hug >Dash puffed out her wings, getting ready for escape. >Rainbow doesn’t like surprise hugs, but she slowly gets more and more comfortable with your affection. >She followed your hug and nuzzled her muzzle behind your ear “I got a little something for you Rainbow” >”Really? I hope it’s going to be awesome” “How about guessing then?” >”No way, I’m not guessing!” “Yeah, right. You would never guess this one anyway” >”...” >She wanted to say something but she stopped right before saying it. >She couldn’t let you get away with saying, that Rainbow Dash would never do something >But at the same time she knew, that indeed she would never guess it. >You show her the scroll. >”An old scroll? Really dude?” >Dash gives you a disappointed look. >”Twilight’s library is that way, you know? That’s the place for some old dusty scrolls” She says pointing her hoof towards Ponyville. “It’s a really special scroll, Dashie” >You started rolling out the scroll >Yeah, right. How and old scroll can be spe…” >She stopped right there >Her brain knew exactly what it is but she couldn’t process it to her consciousness yet >You present her an unfolded map. >The paper is tainted brown, it’s partially torn and full of dirt, but the map part is still intact. >She looks at it with her mouth open >After a moment of silence she finally speaks >...Is this… A TREASURE MAP?!” >She snatched it out of your hands >”Anon… I....” “Twilight told me that she found a treasure map when she was doing some research in Everfree Forest” “And I convinced her to give it to us. I knew you’ll love it” >There was a little something about the map you didn’t really want to tell her. >You found it on the pile of trash near Twilight’s library when you was returning your books. >She indeed found it in Everfree Forest, and it was a real ancient map of treasures, but she said that’s probably just some garbage. >But it looked so promising, that you took the risk. >”ANON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” >She wrapped her forehooves around your neck and squeezed you so hard, that you could barely breathe. >”We have to find that treasure Anon, right now! That’s going to be our first official treasure hunt!” >”I remember dreaming about it when I was a filly!” >She gave you a peck on the cheek. >”Thank you so much Anon!” >Another one. >She gets really affectionate when she’s hyped. >”You better get ready for a serious trip, the map says that it’s in Everfree Forest. I’m gonna grab my bag of goodies and I’m ready!” “Hold on, Dash. I need to pack some stuff too. Meet me in my house when you’re ready” “And you better eat something before the trip, we’re going to be out for at least the entire day and night >”Alright, alright, big guy. We’re on. I’ll join you as soon as I’ll be ready” >She hugs you tightly once again and disappears in the sky, carrying the map in her forehooves. >You didn’t expect it to go THAT smooth >She’s really excited and so as you. >Now you’re a little bit afraid that you really won’t find anything there and Dash will get depressed >But the time spent with your mare in the mysterious woods is going to be just as rewarding. >Rainbow loves adventures so she will be fine. >You go back to your house and pack some necessary things >Dashie comes before you’re done. >”Sup Anon! I’m ready!” >The only thing she has with her is her “saddlebag of goodies” >You’ve been on many adventures with her and over time she mastered the list of most necessary things in the field. >Bandages, snacks, something to drink, knives, marshmallows, even a book of scary stories >But now she’s missing a tent >You know what’s on her mind but you decided to tease her a little “Where’s your tent, Dash? I’ve got one just for myself” >She rolls her eyes >”We’re gonna share your tent dude. This way we’ve got much less stuff to carry around” >”And yours because it’s bigger” >She looks really confident. Even too confident. >No matter how reasonable is her reasoning, you’re sure that she doesn’t believe that and there’s something else behind her decision >That was probably her master plan so you decided to play along, so as not to stress her. “Well, that sounds really reasonable, I think. Maybe I’ll find some place for you.” >”See? I’m full of good ideas, buddy” She slapped your butt with her wing >That gesture of hers is both humiliating and extra cute >She didn’t change at all and still acts like your bro >Rainbow slides the map out of her saddlebag with her mouth, and rolls it out on the floor, while you still look for things to pack. >”I wonder what kind of treasure is hidden there, ohh!” >Dash falls on your couch, points her eyes on the ceiling and lets her imagination go wild >”Maybe a chest full of gold? That way I would fix my roof, it appeared to be much more expensive than I thought” She said with a playful tone >”Or maybe some ancient artifact giving us some superpowers!” >”Like imagine it dude, maybe that thing would make you fly!” “I don’t think it would be a good idea, Dashie. I don’t want some crazy wings sticking out of my back” >”Yeah, that would look hilarious” >Her raspy giggle is one of the sweetest sounds you can imagine >”I’m just soo excited, Anon. It can be anything!” >You put the last things you need in your backpack and you’re pretty much ready “Let’s go, Dash. I think I’m good to go” >”Oh nooo! I can’t move my hooves, my joints got stuck! I’ve been waiting for too long in here” >Dash was trying to look serious struggling to move out of your couch “Oh quit it, my little cutie” >She gave you a warning sight >”Don’t even try” >”Little Dashie poni is the cutest and sweetest mare in the whole Equestria!” >”ENOUGH!!!” >She dashed towards you and pinned you to the ground >God you’re lucky there was nothing on your way >This mare will kill you eventually >You’re lying on the carpet and Rainbow is now on top of you >She tried to tickle you with her pin feathers, but the clothes you were wearing made that a real challenge for her >You still had to protect your more sensitive parts, but you had enough space to strike back >Every single time you tickle with her, your primary target are the frogs under her hooves >Her skin there is really soft and sensitive >When she feels some weird objects in there, for example tips of your fingers, she’s yours. >The battle is still on, you managed to grab her hoof a few times but she slipped it away >You could just drop her off of you, of course. She’s not stronger or anything. >But that would just ruin the fun. >You love tickling with her >Finally, you freed your arm, wrapped one of them around her neck pushing her body towards your chest, and used other arm to reach her armpit >That worked pretty well >That distracted her enough to let you tickle her belly >”HAHA… A..A..ANON...STOOOOOP...AAAAA!” >You move your fingers towards her neck >Poor Dashie >In this world, those things make you a true tickling monster. >You see her fighting for every breath >”STOOP! PLEAASE!!! I’M GONNA…. PEEEEEEEEE” >Damn, that always works and she knows that >You didn’t want to do it for any longer anyway. >Otherwise you just ask for trouble if she wins next time >You let her go >”A..non… I could… have… won” >”Those damn… clothes” >You got pretty exhausted too >”...Draw?” >When Rainbow offers you a draw, she means “You won but I’d totally win if you didn’t cheat” “Be it.” >You give her a boop on the nose to show who's the boss now and get on your feet >You check the clock, it’s around 5 PM. >It’s not that bad. “Come on Dashie, let’s move on” >"Finally"