Written by Lord Anubis The Messenger >You are Mercury, fastest fluffy who ever did live. >To be fair, you haven’t met every single fluffy to test that claim. >Though after what’s happened, you very well may have. >It’s felt like an age since you first saw the announcement on the Human Magic Picture Box. >Spaghetti Land! Where a fluffy can have as much spaghetti, hugs, and play as they could ever want! >It was such an entrancing place, in a Human place called Cleveland. >You wanted to go there immediately! >And you knew with your fast leggies, you could get there in no time. >But looking at the Picture Box, you saw that Spaghetti Land was a very big place. >It was so big, they had a whole mountain of spaghetti as big as a Human building right in the middle of the park for fluffies to eat from, and there was still plenty of open space for fluffies to play and hug. >In Spaghetti Land, you could be happy. >No more rooting through Human Trash, digging through stinkies and not-pretties to find nummies that were yikky to Humans, but they were the only nummies you could find. >No more eating Human Papers just so your tummy would have something in it and it would stop making owwies for a while. >No more being cold and wet and sad at night because there wasn’t any safe place to sleep at night that wasn’t already taken by meanie fluffies with mean smarty friends that gave you owwies when you tried to join their herd’s fluffpile. >No more having to run away from scary Monsters and Mean Humans who tried to catch you and give you owwies until you went to sleep and never woke up. >No more having to watch your friends suffer and die from tummy owwies, or Monsters, or other Meanie Fluffies. >Spaghetti Land could be a place where all fluffies came to be happy. >They’d have plenty of nummies, so there’d be no need to risk dealing with Monsters to find nummies, or mommas crying because their babies died because the mommas couldn’t make any milk for them, and the babies died asking their mommas why they didn’t love them enough to give them milk, too little to understand. >With so much space to play in, herds wouldn’t have to fight each other to have Safe Places, because all of Spaghetti Land was a safe place! The Picture Box said so! >Spaghetti Land would finally give fluffies peace and happiness forever. >You had to tell all fluffies the news. >You were the fastest fluffy, and you could run everywhere, spreading the word. >And you did. >You traveled farther than you could possibly imagine, telling every fluffy you met along the way about the message of Spaghetti Land. >You met many different kinds of fluffies. >Some even had 2 horns! >Early on, you met a fluffy named Compass. He told you how to find Cleveland. >Follow the Big Sky Ball as it rises, and so on. >He was such a smart fluffy. You wished he could have come with you, but he was too old, and he got tired really fast. >And he was happy where he was, so you gave him a big hug and called him friend and continued on. >You also met Uni, the most beautiful fluffy ever. You told her how to get to Spaghetti Land, and she was thankful for it. >She even gave you a hug! >Her fluff was so amazingly soft, and she smelled so nice, you felt your no-nos getting bigger, and you never wanted to give Special Hugs so badly before now. >But you found the strength to resist. If Uni did find her way to Spaghetti Land, you could have all the Special Hugs you could ever want then. >You will have proved that you were a Good Fluffy, not just the fastest fluffy. >For now, you had a job to do. Stopping now just for Good Feels would mean fluffies might not hear about Spaghetti Land, and they would have to keep living with tummy owwies and Monsters. >So you pushed on. Through Hot Places and Cold Places and Wet Times and Thirsty Times. >A few nice Humans helped you along the way. >But a lot of Humans were very angry at you for telling their fluffies about Spaghetti Land. >And when their fluffies left their Mummies and Daddies to follow you, the Humans got really angry! >But you were fast, and you could hide. >Humans couldn’t catch you, and they couldn’t find you when you hid. >Soon you had so many fluffies following you; you couldn’t see them all at once no matter which way you looked. >But you wouldn’t stop running. You knew the fluffies would catch up, and they would help spread the message. >Soon, all fluffies would know of Spaghetti Land, and they would go to it, and they would never have to have Sad Feels again. >But it turned out to be a lie. >Spaghetti Land was real, and it was huge and had so much spaghetti and places to play. >But it was for fluffies with Human Mummies and Daddies only. >Uni came, though! And she was able to convince some Humans to let some of the fluffies without Mummies or Daddies into the park. >You were in love. >But your job wasn’t over yet. >You had to find a way for all the fluffies that had come to be able to get into Spaghetti Land. >You didn’t want to make the Humans angry. >Humans got angry when fluffies walked on their land, eating their nummies and making poopies all over. >Humans could be Meanies for no reason. >You told all fluffies about Spaghetti Land so that fluffies could live there, and never bother Humans again. >You could leave each other alone, and everyone would be happy. >But you had been wrong. >The Picture Box back in your home city hadn’t told you that Spaghetti Land was just for Human fluffies. >You were so sad when you learned, you cried and cried until your eyes couldn’t make any more sad wa-wa. >You tried to tell the fluffies that had followed you, but they didn’t want to listen. >They accused you of lying, that you wanted all the spaghetti for yourself. >Many smarty friends said they’d give the Humans so many owwies that they’d run away, and then fluffies would rule Spaghetti Land! >Soon the conversation devolved into the smarty friends fighting again, over who would get to go to Spaghetti Land first. >There were too many smarty friends, and they couldn’t reach an agreement. >So they all went at once, racing to get there first. >You were a fast fluffy, but you were no Smarty Friend. >You could do nothing but watch helplessly as all the fluffies that you had brought here to Cleveland began their march on Spaghetti land. >That night, the entire city had gone crazy. >All the Humans were running away in their Metal Monsters. >All the fluffies that had been following the Big Black Things to Cleveland were now getting squished and crushed by all the Metal Monsters. >You were trying to make the endless hordes of fluffies turn around and go back where they came from. >But none of them listened. With Spaghetti Land so close, why would they stop now? >At one point, many Humans with big black fluffy coats had grabbed you and threw you in a cage. >They brought you to a room with three Humans. >One of them was very fat and very very angry. >One just sat there and didn’t say anything. >The other had a Human Hoof on his head. How silly! >But you didn’t stop to laugh, because as soon as the Hoofhead Human opened your cage, you tried to run away. >Poopies! There was no way out of the room. >That was when the Hoofhead Human told you who he was. >His name was silly, like a lot of Human names. >Vermin Supreme. >Then he told you something that you never expected a human to say. >He said he was the Smarty Friend of Humans! >Even humans had a smarty friend? >That meant the other two Humans in the room were his Toughy Friends. >Really big herds had Toughy Friends that helped the Smarty keep order. >You were so afraid. Smarty Friends could be the biggest Meanies of them all. If the Human Smarty Friend was angry, you were in a world of poopies. >But the Human Smarty Friend was a Nice Friend. >You should have known. Smart Smarty Friends were usually nice, and Humans are all smarties. >He called you his friend! >If only Uni could see you now. Friend to the Human Smarty Friend! >But then he told you some very bad news. >He had lots and lots of Toughy Friends, and they were going to kill all the fluffies in Cleveland soon. >He didn’t look like a Smarty Friend that would do something like that, but he made you understand. >This was a Human place, and they couldn’t live here with so many fluffies running around. >A Smarty Friend often has to do Meanie Things in order for his herd to survive. >But he told you to get as many fluffies out of the city as you could. >The Humans put you back where you were before, and you set out to spread a new message. >Spaghetti Land is not a place where fluffies can be happy forever. >It’s a place where fluffies will go to die if they don’t leave. >Fluffies were a lot more willing to listen when you told them what Vermin Supreme has told you. >A Human Smarty Friend? >They didn’t dare disobey someone like that! >You got many herds to follow you. >You got to this city by following the Big Sky Ball. >Every day, it would bounce up on one side of the sky, and fall on the other side. >You went in the direction of the Big Sky Ball rising, so now you follow where it falls to get out. >Vermin told you to get as many out as you could before the Big Sky Ball fell a second time. >And you did your best, and soon there were many fluffies running away. >All of them were very sad, especially the foals who had been born on the trip. >Their mommas had told them all about going to a place of neverending nummies and huggies and play. >And now they knew that it was a lie. >Poor little fluffies. >As the Big Sky Ball fell, and you could hear the Human Toughy Friends beginning to use their Boom Owwie Sticks and Metal Monsters, you helped one last group of fluffies get to safety. >You told them to follow the road away from Cleveland, and they hugged you and thanked you for helping them. >You didn’t want their hugs. >After all, you were the one who made them come. >You didn’t deserve hugs. Or good nummies. Or play. >And especially not Uni. >If she could see you now, she would probably call you the worst fluffy ever. >And she’d be right. >You looked back at Cleveland. >Already you could hear the screams of fluffies as the Human Toughy Friends gave them biggest owwies. >And you made a choice. >There were so many fluffies. >The Human Toughy Friends would take a long time killing them all. >Even though Vermin told you to be out of the city by now, you turned around and ran back towards Cleveland. >You had to help more fluffies escape. >You were the fastest fluffy, and you could run everywhere, telling fluffies where to go.