Chapter 10: -Theories- >You're name is Anonymous. >At least that's the name you gave yourself. >You have no idea who you really are. >You woke up one day in the middle of a bizarre world. A world filled with immense color and life. >For the crime of simply existing, you were banished from this world by it's ruler, destined to spend an eternity on the desolate surface of a moon. >Until you met the ruler's younger sister. >Her name was Luna. >She was a princess. >She was also a magical, flying, talking, dark blue horse who could control the night sky, but that's not important right now. >What is important is that she saved your life. >Not by catching you from falling off a cliff, nor from stopping the trash compactor on the detention level. >She saved you by simply being there for you. >She talked to you. >She and you learned more about each other as the year you spent on that rock went by. >Eventually, you called her your friend, and she did the same. >With her help, you escaped your galactic prison and sent a message to her older sister in the form of an orbital drop. >And now you lay in a bed, inside a small house that was built into the side of mountain near Ponyville. >Apparently, Luna had the thing constructed while you were still banished, hoping that you would actually get the chance to use it. >Your eyes stare at the ceiling as you rest your head on one of your pillows, your mind lost in thought. >It had been a week since you were freed from banishment, and you had improved your relations with Ponyville significantly since then, but for the most part you tried to make your presence go unnoticed. >You're still getting used to the sight of these ponies, as they are with the sight of you. >Considering you're the first human any of them had seen, it shouldn't have surprised you. >You give a small laugh as you remember running into Pinkie Pie in town. ------- >It was three days ago, and you were on your way to Twilight's library to talk to her. >You had a few questions concerning what happened on the day you were banished. >You were stopped however when Pinkie Pie caught sight of you as you walked down the street. >She had given a nether worldly, albeit very cute, screech as she sprang forward and tackled you. >Apparently she had missed you, despite only knowing her for less than a day. >And even then you had broken into her bakery. >Pinkie introduced you to her friends about town. An orange pony named AppleJack was the first. >You liked her. She was strong willed and honest. She seemed to see the same in you and greeted you warmly when you two met. >Rarity was... a handful. >When she saw you she almost fainted from shock, but not from your being human. >It was your clothes. >You had only this one outfit for the longest time, and ever since you crashed through the roof of Celestia's castle they had been torn up a fair bit. >She agreed to make you, in her words, "A wardrobe fit for anyp0ny with true class and elegance." >You wanted to remind her that you were, in fact, NOT a pony, but you put it aside. >Indeed she had been very generous to you as she prepared you a wardrobe mostly comprised of jeans and button down shirts, as well as some durable work boots. >Of course that also meant that she continually bombarded you with questions about your measurements and tastes, how you wanted to feel when wearing colthes, and strangley what it was like to have pants without a hole for a tail. >Again, she was a handful. But she took pride in her work. >And what Rarity took the most pride in was the jacket. >It was dark grey, almost leather-like in material, with a glowing orange stripe going downwards on the right sleeve that had tendrils of blue trailing off the end of it. >Apparently, many of the ponies in Ponyville had seen your decent from the moon to canterlot, and thought you you had been some sort of comet. >The stripe was supposed to represent what you looked like coming out of the sky. >Your opinion of Rarity instantly went from negative to positive. >Pinkie Pie continued to introduce you to the town, much to her delight. >Fluttershy was quiet and shy, just as she was when you first met her. She also insisted on referring to you as a critter, despite your protests. >And Rainbow Dash kept demanding you to tell her what it was like to enter Earth's atmosphere at terminal velocity. >You remember the look on her face when you told her it had been you who had crashed into Canterlot. >Those rose eyes widened and her mouth just hung open slightly for a good thirty seconds, before shifting to a tone of excited "fangirlism." >When asked what the fall was like, you could only answer with one word. "Awesome." >She seemed to like that. >The five of you walked about Ponyville for a good hour, stories being told and questions asked. >You thought that gaining their trust would take a long time, and maybe it would. After all, you only just met them. >They were being friendly, but you doubt any of them would be comfortable around you alone. >Well, maybe not Pinkie Pie. >You asked the five if they could give you some space while you went to visit Twilight, and they agreed, Pinkie and Rainbow being the least happy about that. >As they went their separate ways, you turned to look up at Twilight's library. >It was now or never. ------ >You walked carefully into the library, careful not to step on the many books that lay on the floor. >You could hear some light footsteps coming from upstairs, but they sounded too light to be coming from a pony. >Must have been Spike, you thought. >You made your way to the main room when you spotted a few books floating around the room, sorting themselves into various shelves. >Twilight herself was laying down in the middle of the room, quietly reading a small brown book. >As you got closer to her, you could make out which book it was. >It was the book of poems you got your name from when you had first met her. >Hopefully this meeting wouldn't end like it did the last time. >You know, with you being on the moon and all. "Any good?" you ask her from behind. >Twilight jumps just a bit as she whirls her head around to see who spoke. >Her ears perk up at the sight of you. >"..Anonymous? I had heard you were back but I didn't... what are you doing here?" "I was hoping I could ask you some questions, actually." >"About what happened?" >You nod. >Twilight sighs, then levitates the book over to you and you take it, opening the cover to see that for the most part it's empty, save for about twenty random poems. >"So, what did you want to know?" >You flip through the pages of the book slowly as you begin. "Well for starters, what happened after I was banished? Like, literally after Celestia transported me. Luna kept me up to date with what the world was up to while I was in isolation." >"Wait, Luna?" "My questions first, Twilight." >"Right, sorry. I don't know what happened really. I walked into the chamber and told Celestia about finding you. At first she took it well, but when I described you, she became agitated and on edge. I had never seen her act like that before." "What about when Discord was released?" >"You heard about that? But you were on the-... Did Luna tell you?" >Again, you nod. >She looks at you curiously, but you hold up a hand to stop her. >"I answer first, right... She yelled at me. Asked why I even let you into my home. Said you were dangerous. When she brought you in I asked her what she was going to do." "What did she say?" >"She said, 'Something drastic.' For a second I thought she would hurt you, but she's not like that." >You laugh a bit. "Not willing to hurt someone, but ready to send them to the moon. Nice." >Twilight giggled softly. >"Yes, Princess Celestia can be hasty at times, but she is an incredible teacher and leader. You can't argue that." >You shrug. You didn't want an argument with Twilight so you let it slide. >"After that, Princess Celestia told me to return to Ponyville. I wasn't supposed to tell anyp0ny about what I saw. I kept my word, but a few guards must have spread rumors because in a few months, what happened in that Chamber was common knowledge throughout Canterlot and Ponyville. I got asked a lot of questions about why she banished you by my friends and some of the townsfolk." "What did you tell them?" >Twilight stares at you for a while, then speaks plainly. >"The truth. I told them you did nothing wrong." >You're relieved. "Thank you, Twilight. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused back then." >She gives a smile as she hovers another book over to you. >"It's fine. You may want to look at this, however." >Curious, you take the new book in your hands. The title says in harsh, bold letters, "Humans: Myth or Fact?" "What is this?" >"It's a book written by a pony here in town, actually. It was published a today." >You open the book and skim through it. Inside were what you could only describe the ravings of a fanatic. There were a few pictures as well. "Who wrote this?" >"She's what you would call a bit of a conspiracy theorist. She's been obsessed with humans ever since she heard about your banishment." >Closing the book, you look to its base and see the author's name, written in light green text. Lyra ------- >You're back where you started, lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. >Lyra's book sat on the nightstand. >You had been reading it all night, taking in what this pony thought humans were like. >You bring a hand to your face as you remember the chapter explaining how humans were capable of flight by using a propeller located in the middle of the back. >Or the chapter about how they could produce lights from their joints. >Or the one about how they had no genitalia and produced by "budding." >Getting out of bed and grabbing the book, you make your way back to the deck. >The night air was cold against your skin and you felt goosebumps form on your arms and legs. >You did what you did almost every night since coming back. >You looked up at the moon. >And you waited. >You felt something rest on your shoulder as you turned your head to see a starry mane covering most of her face. "Evening, Luna." >"Evening, Anon." "Able to sneak away from your royal duties to see me huh?" >"Tia insists that we be present for most if not all royal events. These events can be quite dull and pointless in our eyes." "What were you supposed to do tonight?" >"We were supposed to entertain guests at a banquet." "You don't like banquets?" >"We do not." "What DO you like?" >Luna smiles. >"This." >You smile back as you caress her face. "Here, you should take a look at this." >You raise the book up to her and she levitates it open and reads. >"What... what is this?" "Book." >"...a book of what, exactly? This appears to be utter nonsense. Look, see? Humans do not have two tongues. That is preposterous." >You laugh and wrap an arm around Luna's neck, squeezing out a hug as she nuzzles you back. "I think I'll go see her tomorrow." >"Her who?" "Lyra. The author. I think I'll go see her." >"Is that... wise? She seems to be overtly obsessed with your kind." >You shrug and smile. "Who knows? It could be fun." >Luna rolls her eyes and chuckles. >You end up back in your bedroom, curled up with Luna, a wing covering you, as she and you fall asleep. >You hope that things can last this way for a long, long time.