Anomaly comes into town to the Hot Spot from Holiday which is near the leyline node that is in the town. Since the Hot Spot has a fire nature about it raising the temperature of the area there the Anomaly will attempt to further increase the fire nature there causing the Hot Spot to gradually become desert-y sands if left alone. Naturally the party will most likely interrupt it making it flee as its not liking its chances amid a town full of ponies. When the party gives chase they can follow the burnt trail all the way to the flats where they find that the trail looses its meaning when in the center of the flats there is a oasis of sand. Using the hiking system the party will need to navigate this small island of sand in the flats to figure out where the hell it went. Have a map that I will be using to track their progress, if they are really smart they will have some way of keeping track of where they are going, IE landmarks, keeping track of the stars, compass etc etc.

This will lead them to a hidden temple/workshop within the Desiccated Flats. Spread through out the temple are various monsters that snuck in during the area being unearthed due to high winds or were naturally occurring. The point of the 'Quest' is to turn off the Occulus within the temple. When that occurs, the Anomaly appears trying to figure what is going on and engages in battle with the party once they enter the observation room. The Occulus will no longer function after it has been turned off.
This temple was more along a college of learning spells that specialized in remote weather and land manipulation from one central location, however due to the methods used causing too much of a strain on the net work itself and causing the node to gain an artificial fire affinity it caused the sandy area in the flats and the flats to be as dried out as they are. So the college was disbanded after an accident in the classroom that was a result of the leyline fiddling by the two Sisters order, Celestia and Luna.

A Metal Alloy that in its raw state glows a dull gold, often mistaken for gold it is instead useful for measuring the amount of magic in an area or object by how brightly it glows, when smelted down and added with some other reagent, it gains some minor abilities related to that reagent. Example: An iron sword coated with Trionium that is infused with simmering embers creates a minor sword of flame. The process of adding this reagent to the Trionium is unknown and difficult, requiring other ingredients that are not known at this time.

Currently there are three major locations that can be found in the sands that are a small dot in the flats of dried plains and other such things.

Essentially a small pond that has greenery about it allowing for the party to rest/forage and not die from the extreme heat. While exploring they might come across a small hidden knapsack under some stones carrying a tablet/letter that shows a grocery list and a new order for trionium.

Small one room building with a tower leaning to one side with a small well in the front that is half buried in sand. Entering the building shows a small safe with a 3 digit code on a turn dial. Within the outpost is the key to the workshop, also the code to the safe. In the safe is the potion recipe along with papers that are written in high denoting orders to return to Canterlot for reassignment due to a rescue operation dated in 439 AD, After Discord. If the party feels like staying the night they will be attacked by coyotes from the flatlands side of the flats instead of the desert side.

Temple/Workshop- The map of that I have already given to Spark, the area includes secret doors, an armory which is mostly emptied out aside from two rusted scimitars, the observation room, the practice room, the classroom, and the control room.

Armory - Nothing of note aside from the two swords mentioned above. Appears to be emptied out as if evacuated.

Observation Room - This is where the Occulus is located which is a large circle on the floor that spins in a geodynamic shape made of stone with runes along its out rims to reveal the leyline which is fire attuned baking the room to a extreme degree. This room is currently unable to be entered due to the amount of heat, the PCs can observe the room either from the hallway that runs along side it with the window working in conjunction with runes to keep the heat down or the doorways where the containment runes are active.

Practice Room - Dummies in various states of disrepair line the one side of the wall where a railing runs parallel with the dummies with booths set up lined up to each dummy. On the other side of the room are more dummies looking for close combat practice and in the center of the room is a wrestling ring made of frayed rope that is a circular line in the dirt.

Classroom - Room is slightly ravaged showing signs of a rapid evacuation, first room in the whole place and is slightly burnt. This was were theoretical teaching occurred.

Control room - Located near the observation room it contains a variety of runes carved into stone to be pressed that can alter the Occulus's settings, one major thing to note is that the controls are steaming and the on lever was snapped off by a fallen ceiling tile. Once its turned off the runes literally burn off the stone from the magic holding them there dissipating. Attempting to learn the runes is impossible as you have no frame of reference but you can copy them down and show them to the embassy, they will most likely not recognize them until its looked up then will have pertinent questions to you about the whole thing I imagine, I leave that to the embassy workers to figure out.

----------------The Anomaly- 45 Hp 15 FP AC 12 Atk d8
Magical Creature caused by the rune construct [Aka the Occulus/Device used to see leylines] being left on for too long. Runes that made up the Occulus are wearing out and becoming unstable interacting with the nearest source of magic AKA the fire Leyline. From the two sources the Anomaly was created and goes out attempting to spread more fire-natured energy in the leyline nodes. Fourcannon. The creature is made of cackling flames, shaped in the form of large snake pony hybrid. The lower portion being a snake and the upper portion being a pony, at its base is a small localized fire storm that crackles like the fire in a camp. A thing to note is the large core that can be seen through the flames that appears to be a hardened coal glowing cherry red which pulsates like a heart as the creature moves about.

Fireball- Cost 5 Fp- Casts fire ball at the party if successful d8 damage to taget and 1 damage to fellow party members
Burning Aura - Passive- Attacking in Melee with this creature burns on contact for 1 damage

Weak to Water type attacks - When splashed with water of sufficient quantity, it takes 2x as much damage from the blunt trauma caused by the force behind a water blast for example, Example Glimmer uses Drown Compound Hits deals normally d6 damage now does d12 damage.

Unstable Core- When defeated the creature explodes in a cataclysmic boom sending all who are near it away for d4 blunt damage with the remains of the creature turned to a pile of ash with the coal shaped looking thing being all that remains, further inspection of the core reveals that there are lines crisscrossing all over the core and throbs like a heart. One thing to notice is that the core has a strange rune upon that is like a upper case U combines with a lowercase g that is done with a harsh line.*
|	|
|  ___  |
\/     \/
\ ____/|
*Note that the rune is essentially a symbol for fire creatures of the plane of fire, though it was an accident that created the creature it still is accepted into the plane of fire when destroyed and sent on to its 'Afterlife' If not approved the symbol may be removed. Looks something like that.

----------------Dire Rat- 8 HP 5 FP AC 10 atk d4
A large rat

Mega Bite - COST 2 fP- Major bite that attempts to gain a critical hit on attack. Example scores a hit d4 is now d8.

Poison Bite - Costs 3 FP  Rats have nasty diseases so attempted poisoning of the pony, dc 12 if failed then suffers 1 point of damage each turn for 3 turns until it has runned its course, could be a potential perk for ponies of being Poison resistant, but thats left for another talk.

----------------Elemental Sprite- 10 HP 2 fp ac 8 atk d6
Smaller version of the Anomaly, looking more like small orbs of fire than a pony sized creature like the anomaly.

Spark - Cost 2FP - Catches the opponent on fire for 4 damage over 2 rounds! DC 12

Weak to Water type attacks - When splashed with water of sufficient quantity, it takes 2x as much damage from the blunt trauma caused by the force behind a water blast for example, Example Glimmer uses Drown Compound Hits deals normally d6 damage now does d12 damage.

--------------Anomaly's Unstable Core
Are left behind when the Anomaly dies. When used in crafting with a simple clue print it allows for a variety of minor effects to be granted to an item.
If applied to a weapon: Grants +1 fire damage on strike, illumination when drawn from its sheath and can ignite fires simliar to the ignite flame spell.
If applied to a piece of armor: Grants Damage Reduction from damage class fire by 1, cuases the user to suffer a -2 to stealth checks do to the piece of armor glowing from the material used ie runes that were inscribed using the core, the core itself being smelted down etc etc.
If used for other projects such as a fuel source for powering a machine allow it to run for d20 amount of days before being depleted. Or left up to MC interpretations. Possible projects include, heated plumbing for running hot water for the town, fuel source as mentioned above or allowing portions of it to be used to create everlasting torches[aka torches that last 10x as long as normal torches before running out]

Additional note that Simmering Embers are required as a magical catalyst to begin the use of the core similar to a system reboot for the core to come online.

--------------Simmering Embers
Left behind by Elemental Sprites. Magical Fire attuned catalyst that can be used in restoring magical artifacts that are fire attuned, enchant small items up to the size of a dagger with heat or be used as a spice for extreme heat for indulgent ponies.

--------------Cat's Eye Potion Recipe
Allows for the imbiber to see better in low light areas. Bat ponies can see in complete dark.