>"Anon," Pinkie sweetly coos from the kitchen, "I need your help in here." "One sec, I'm still cleaning out here." >"Oh come on, we're closed and besides it's just taste testing." >This grabs Moonie's attention who had been waiting in the corner for you to finish work along with Sir Bearington. >You throw the cloth you were using to wipe down tables over your shoulder and gesture for Moonie follow with a smile. >With a squee, the little filly scurries after you. >"Here you two go," Pinkie says as she hands each of you the pinkest cupcake you've ever seen. "What flavour?" You ask as you take a bite. >"Guess," Pinkie replies with a broad grin. >Your teeth break through the warm, cloudy texture of the cupcake with ease. >The taste of banana and maybe blue berries begin to fill your senses until you find a pouch of what tastes like icing in the centre. >Before you can think about even chewing, it explodes in your face with a loud pop. >In just a fraction of a second, pink icing goes everywhere; your eyes, hair, clothes, floor, roof and any other place within a few metres. >You wipe the icing off your face then stand there, deadpan as you try and register it for a moment. >Pinkie has already collapsed on the floor in side-splitting laughter while Moonie is staring at the wall, wide-eyed. >You chuckle before passing the hand towel to Pinkie. "Have fun with the mess." >"Aha-haha... What?" "You made it, you clean it." >As you go to leave, Pinkie leaps and clutches onto your legs causing you to nearly trip over. >The kitchen seems spotless aside from the pink icing everywhere so you'd wager Pinkie had the bright idea of playing her prank after she finished cleaning. >So with that and the fact that you're too tired to help out, this feels close enough to payback for now. >"Uh, I'll give you a dozen cupcakes if you help me out." "Exploding ones? Nah." >"If you tell me the recipe, I'll help," Moonie eagerly comments. >You can see her mischievous grin growing by the second underneath the her coat of icing. "Oh no," you say before Pinkie has a chance to accept, "You're going home to a bath." >"What?! NO!" >You scoop up the pile of icing where the filly's voice was last heard and leave even as she squirms and protests. >She's probably got a thousand ideas floating around in her of what she could do to the ponies of this town but that's not why you're desperate to stop her. You need to make sure she doesn't learn that recipe because you'll be her test subject. >As usual, Moonie continues to struggle and escape the "watery doom you have planned for her" until you actually get her into the bath, then she refuses to leave until you drag her out and offer to brush her mane. >Then the two of you eat dinner before heading to bed. >The moment your head makes contact with your pillow, you're out. ----- >It's morning, the sun is up a little higher than when you'd usually wake but a sleep in isn't so bad once in a while. >You doubt the cakes will be mad if you're a little late but you'd rather not test that more than you already have. >So you leap out of bed and quickly clean yourself up before grabbing a cupcake from the kitchen for breakfast. >As you take a bite, you look around the kitchen to see Sir Bearington on the counter beside some bowls, pots and cooking utensils that were recently used. >The moment you realise what is happening, is the same time the cupcake explodes. A familiar scene of icing everywhere is all that's left, only this time it's midnight blue rather than pink. "Well, at least now I have an excuse for why I'm late to work," you angrily mutter to yourself as you try to find a cloth under all the icing. -Moonie's PoV- >You chuckle to yourself over the thought of Anon digging into a cupcake for breakfast. >You're pretty confident it's happened already because he can't resist going for the junk food over the healthy stuff. Especially when it's right there in front of him. >"Hey Moonie," calls Scootaloo as she brings her scooter to a halt in front of you. >"Hey Moonie," Sweetie and Applebloom mimic in sync as they sit in the wagon Scoots was pulling. "Morning Crusaders, you're up early." >"Well none of us want our cutie mark in sleeping so we get up early everyday to start our crusading," Applebloom replies, "how come you're up so early?" "Pinkie Pie came over last night and taught me to make some special cupcakes so I thought I'd hand them out to ponies as they go to work." >"Really? Do you mind if we try one?" Pleads Sweetie. >You give them your best innocent smile which takes more effort than you'd think, they're making it too easy and you just want to mockingly laugh at their gullible ways. "Of course. Hey I have an idea, let's see who can eat theirs first. Maybe one of you has a talent for stuffing their face," you state as you grab three cupcakes out of your saddle bags. >"An eating cutie mark sounds kinda lame, don't you think," Scootaloo replies. >"Yeah," adds Applebloom. "I was just saying because I thought it'd be fun," you say with an exasperate sigh. >"It kinda does. Are you ready girls?" >Once they each have a cupcake in front of them, they all grin and lick their lips at the delicious trap. "Three... Two... ONE!" >They dig in right away, eager to eat and to beat the other two so all three cupcakes explode at roughly the same time. >The three painted fillies scream in shock and frustration. you think you heard Scootaloo shout for vengeance but you're not sure, you left the moment the countdown was over. >After all, you don't want to be covered in icing, that would result in more of Anon's water torture. >Not even Rarity washes as much as he does, it's weird. >"Hiya Moonie," squeals Pinkie as she leaps over to you, "How'd the cupcakes turn out?" "Fantastic, Anon had one for breakfast." >"Thank you," she chirps with a huge shit-eating grin as she hops away again. >You didn't even get a chance to thank her, if she didn't come over last night while Anon was asleep, you'd never get to find out the recipe. >You're certain Anon would do everything he could to stop that but it's too late now. >Now you can terrorise the ponies of this town with exploding icing in cupcakes, who knows, maybe you'll start doing it to all kinds of foods until everyone lives in fear of it. >Terrified the next bite they take will result in an flood of pink, sugary icing. You throw your head back and let out the loudest villain laugh you've got. >"Ugh, you okay there kid?" Asks Rainbow Dash. >You're not sure when or how she get in front of you but there she is. She also happens to be the perfect candidate for your next victim. "Ahem, yes. Just thought of a prank to get Anon with." >"Sweet. Make sure it's a good one for me, I still owe him one after he got me with some super spicy food while I was hanging out with the Wonderbolts." "Oh, I will. Anyway, here have a cupcake. Anon is making me hand out Sugarcube Corner's latest batch of free samples." >"Ah, I'll bet that's why you're going to prank him... Thanks," she replies as you hand the pink party popper as Pinkie so accurately calls them. "Alright, I gotta hand the rest of these out before Anon finds out I'm slacking off," you state with a chuckle. >Dash laughs back before taking a bite. >From the cover of a nearby alleyway, you hear the icing splatter everywhere followed by Dash roaring Anon's name. >From the sound of it, she's out for blood which only makes you laugh harder. >Once you recover from your crippling laughing fit, you set out to find your next victim. >It's not hard to find someone that you could get with a pink party popper but you're after the perfect prey. >Someone so unsuspecting, someone who would be so caught off guard by it that they'd have the perfect reaction. >Then you notice the allure of music coming from the town square. >The music is calm, slow and inviting so you follow the sounds until you find a mare with a grey coat and black hair sitting on the fountain's edge playing a cello. >Her eyes are closed and she's leaning on the instrument with a content smile as she coaxes more of the blissful tune out of it. >Not wanting to interrupt, you take a seat in front of her and listen. >Sadly, there's nobody else sitting to listen, everyone is just walking about to go somewhere or setting up stalls for the market. >After a while, she stops and looks at you in surprise. >"Oh, I had no idea any pony was actually listening." >Her voice is sweet and refined almost that makes it soothing to listen to. "I couldn't help it. You're very talented," you say, "I'm Nightmare Moon but most people call me Moonie." >"Yes, I've heard about you before, my name is Octavia," she replies with a genuine smile. >This strikes you as an odd thing, most ponies get uneasy or scared when they learn who you are. >Anon must be spreading rumours that you're sweet and innocent or something. You'll have to correct that one day. >Then you feel your smile return as you notice an open cello case in front of you. >It's almost too easy. "I don't have any money, so you can have a cupcake instead." >You reach into your saddlepacks but then Octavia speaks up, to refuse. >"Oh, that's sweet of you but there's no need, I'm not a busker. I just like to play my music outside." "Either way, would you like one? I'm giving them out anyway." >You use your magic to hold it out to her, shaking it side to side and you spy a slight lick of the lips. >The suspense is getting to you. >All you want to do is let out this grin but you have to remain composed. >It's so annoying how things are always harder when you need to hold back. >"Thank you," she says as she takes the cupcake. >Once it's in her hooves, you duck into the cello case for cover. >Octavia doesn't even notice as she wastes no time in digging in and the cupcake wastes no time in exploding in her face. >She lets out a loud shriek as the shock causes her to reel back. >There's no room behind her so she ends up tripping over and falling into the fountain. >Using your magic, you grab onto the cello before it falls then cast a spell to clean the icing off. >You weren't lying when you said you enjoyed her music so it'd be a shame if you ruined her instrument. >Octavia bursts out of the fountain's water, gasping for air so you hastily place the cello back in it's case and make a run for it. >There's a bounce in your step as you finally let out the laugh you've been holding in. >That was too good. Now, onto the next target. ----- >By the end of the day you've handed out all the cupcakes to unsuspecting ponies which equals to 24 ponies now washing icing out of their coats. "Anon? I'm home." >You pause and wait, but there is no answer. >He might be working late or in a ditch somewhere, Dash did seem pretty mad. >You'll have to apologise for that much at least. Not for giving him a pink party popper though, there's no way you can fake guilt over that. >Then you notice Sir Bearington sitting on the couch, wearing his cute little suit of armour. >"Good evening, my queen." "Evening, Anon not home?" >"I'm 'fraid I don't know." "Hmm, come with me then." >With your magic, you bring the bear over to you for a hug. >As you begin to wrap him in a tight embrace, you feel his armour make a squish which causes your heart to sink as black icing coats everything in the room including you and Sir Bearington. >"I'm sorry your highness, he made me-" "It's alright, I'll make Anon pay for-" >Your speech about revenge is cut short by the screeching laughter echoing from the kitchen. >You sit there, unimpressed as he continues to shriek, mocking you. > Every time you hear him gasp for air, you pray the laughter stops, but it doesn't. >He just laughs and laughs and laughs. >"Oh man... I n-needed that," he says in between giggles as he tries to pick himself up off the floor. "Yes, yes. Very amusing. Now we're even." >"Oh no we're not. After the prank I got after you let Dash think it was me who made those cupcake poppers, you're cleaning this up." >"WHAT?! What did she do to you that justifies this as punishment?" >He turns ghostly white, his smile and joy is gone. >"I don't want to talk about it." "No, I want to kn-" >"Don't ask. Once you're done then you can take a bath and I'll brush your mane. Sound good?" Your heart skips a beat, "V-Very well..."