>You wake up from a mid-afternoon nap and stretch out with a satisfied sigh before flattening out a few messy tufts of fur. Meanwhile, your mane automatically flows back into its normal wavy routine. >That's something you've always loved about your mane; getting it to look messy is next to impossible. Although, a new style once in a while might look nice, but you're not a stickler for beauty. >As you look around, you notice Sir Bearington is nowhere in sight, which is odd, considering you fell asleep beside him. "Sir Bearington?" >There's no answer. >You then proceed to check under the bed, your chest of toys, the cupboard, and anywhere else in your room you think the stuffed bear plush could have gone but to no avail. >There isn't a single clue as to his whereabouts anywhere. "Could have left a note if he went out," you angrily mutter to yourself. >Your search is interrupted by a low, garbled rumble coming from your stomach. It's to be expected: you did skip lunch and now your thoughts have drifted to food and nothing else. >You decide to head out into the kitchen for something to snack on. "Maybe a sandwich or cookies with a side of orange juice..." >You almost drool at the thought. >When you make it to the kitchen, you make a beeline straight for the pantry to get something that takes your fancy. As you gaze upon the goldmine of delicious delectables, Anon walks in. >"No snacks, we'll be eating dinner soon," he states as he opens the fridge and takes a swig straight out the milk carton. "But I'm hungry." >"Hi, Hungry. I'm Anon." "That joke was bad and you should feel bad." >"I should, but lately I've found myself enjoying those kinds of terrible jokes more and more," he says as his mind clearly drifts off. >He takes another sip of milk before putting it back. "Ugh, I wish you'd not do that." >"You hate milk anyway." >He takes a third sip and you imitate a dry retching sound. "Regardless, it is still foul and disgusting. As your queen, I demand you make me a sandwich." >You stop your front right hoof as you make the order. Anon raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed and waits. "... Please?" >"That's better, but no. I just said, we'll be having dinner soon, so I'm expecting you to eat everything on your plate this time or you'll be eating the leftovers for breakfast." >You grumble to yourself as you leave the kitchen. You've learnt not to argue with Anon on certain things long ago, he's too stubborn and the time it takes to argue can be better spent by preparing to sneak a cookie or two. >Usually when you get up to mischief, you'd have Sir Bearington on lookout but the second search for him goes as well as it did the first time. It doesn't help that you mostly checked the same places but there's only a limit to where he could be. >This is irritating you greatly, but the grumble in your stomach signals that a plan will have to go ahead without him. "Black hood? Check." "Sand? Check." "Sidekick?" >You look around briefly before finally deciding you'll be attempting, lone wolf style. >You're already commando creeping before you leave your room, clinging to the ground as softly and quietly as you can. >The floor is wooden, so you need to be deathly silent to avoid raising Anon's suspicion. >As you get closer to the kitchen, you begin to hum a tune to get yourself pumped up. When you finally make it, you quietly poke your head in to check for Anon. >He's gone so, with the coast clear, you head in and get to work on reaching the cookie jar. >A chair is all you need to reach it so you gently push one to the counter and wince as it makes a very low and agonising grind on the floor. >You finally get it to the counter and hope Anon hasn't heard any noise. >Lifting the lid, you gaze downwards expecting to find delicious cookies. >Instead it's empty and you hear a loud stomp at the door which causes you to let out a high pitch yelp. >"Looking for something?" >You quickly dart down from the counter and try to play innocent, but you've been caught. You need to think fast, and you do. >Using your magic, you launch a small amount of sand from your pocket at Anon and shout. "POCKET SAND!" >The sand only gets as far as his gut but you waste no time and sprint out the house. >Now you're sitting the park, bored and alone. >This wouldn't have happened if that damn bear didn't take off. >Infuriated, you decide to track him down and show him why you're called 'the night'. >At first, you're a little stumped on where to find him, so you decide to check the usual places the two of you go. >You give a quick look around, but no avail. >He's definitely not at the park. >All you see is a few sickeningly happy fillies and colts playing. >You think to yourself, when your powers fully return that you'll make your first speech here. The jungle gym would make an excellent stand for all to see and marvel in your frightening form. Plus, you could finally 1-up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon by pushing them off the slide or something, but diabolical plans will have to wait. >Next stop is Sugarcube Corner. You and Sir Bearington love going there to sneak a snack before dinner. >You waste no time and go into a mad dash. Hopefully you'll find both Sir Bearington and get a few cookies for your trouble. >When you arrive, you're greeted by the familiar smell of an recently shut off oven, baked goods cooked this morning that are still fresh, and the smell bubblegum fairy floss that always seems to hang as a hint in the air whenever Pinkie is around. It's all something you've smelt a thousand times before and yet it'll be just as pleasing to the senses the next thousand times. >"Hiya Moonie. What'll it be today? A cupcake, cookies, or the usual eclairs?" "Two cookies. Also have you seen Sir Bearington? He's wandered off without notifying me." >She grabs a paper bag in her hoof and ducks under the counter while continuing the conversation. >"I don't remember seeing—Chocolate chip?" She interrupts herself and you hum yes as a reply. "Alright, but yeah, he hasn't stopped by as far as I know. Maybe you should ask the Crusaders." >You give her a puzzled look as she passes you the brown paper bag. >"Friends help each other out, right?" "Ah, I see. I should ask my minions to do the work for me." >Before Pinkie has a chance to correct you, you've thrown three bits up there before sprinting out faster than you sprinted in. >For a moment, you consider waiting until you find Sir Bearington to eat but your empty stomach rumbles and quickly overwrites that thought. >You slow to a brisk jog as you scarf down a cookie before breaking into a sprint for Sweet Apple Acres. You're most likely to find them there hatching some stupid idea to get a cutie mark that has nothing to do with where their talents or genuine interests lie. >Sweet Apple Acres is on the other side of town, so it's a fair run before you get to the clubhouse and, when you do, you hear the sounds of drilling, hammering, and smell a strong oily scent. >You're trying to guess what stupid idea they got into their head this time as try catching your breath. >You push open the door to see Scootaloo underneath a box with wheels as Sweetie Belle passes her tools as Applebloom sits inside pretending to steer. "What in world are you three doing?" >Sweetie Belle drops the hammer in her mouth in order to speak up and ends creating a rather large dent in the floorboards. >"Oops, sorry Applebloom," she gives a sheepish smile behind her nervous blush. You have to admit, even you find that cute. Only a little. >"It's alright, I'll fix it after. Hey Moonie." >"Yeah, hey Moonie," calls Scoots from below. "What do you think?" "What is it exactly?" >"A go-kart. We're going to be the Cutie Mark Cartographers." "Sweetie Belle, a cartographer makes maps, not go-karts. Perhaps you should be Cutie Mark Carpenters because this looks more like a coffin on wheels than anything else." >All three pause, as if to suddenly realise what their go-kart resembles. "Anyway, have you seen Sir Bearington?" >"Nope," all three reply in unison. >Drained from all the running and out of ideas of where a little bear could be, you sprawl all over the floor and let out an annoyed sigh. >"Where does he like to hang out?" >Sweetie Belle sprawls out beside you while Applebloom and Scootaloo carry on with what they were doing earlier. >If you knew the answer to that, you'd be checking there, not lying here spread across the floor. "I'm not sure, he never said." >"Uh, well, what does he like to do?" >This time, you think back to all the conversations you've had with Sir Bearington, trying to recall a time where he said one of his interests that wasn't him agreeing with your own. >"Me too, mistress," is all you can recall him saying. >Sir Bearington might be your most valued minion, but you know nothing about him. "I don't know." >You pick yourself up and leave the clubhouse after saying goodbye and thanking them for their help, however meagre and useless it was. >You decide it might be nice to go down to the lake. It's not far from here and a nice place to do a little brooding and self-loathing. >As you sit by the water's edge, you look into your reflection and feel a pang of guilt. >You've neglected Sir Bearington's needs and, as a result, he's probably run away. >You lay on your back to cast your view skyward as you let out a sigh. >As you lie still for the next few minutes, staring at the clouds uninterrupted, you hear someone humming in the distance. >When you look up, it stops and you don't see anyone either. >You let your head fall back into the soft grass and as you do, the noise returns but louder and more as a beat someone is making. >"Da! Da! Dededededededededee!" [spoiler]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSsfjHCFosw[/spoiler] >Again, you look up and the noise stops. >You do this a few more times to test it and it's the same thing every time and no clue of who, or what is making it. >"Da! Da! Dededededededededee!" >At first, you were curious, but now it's very irritating. "Whoever is making that infernal beat, cease at once!" >They don't listen, instead Anon sings louder as he leaps from the bush. >You give him a deadpan look until you notice something in his hand, a water gun. "Anon-" >Before you can say another word, Anon sprays you with the water gun. Despite your squeals, he doesn't stop. If anything they encourage him as you can hear faint laughter under his breath. >"Da-da-dededededededee-It's time to come home Moonie-dedededededededede-you've been out for too long!" >Anon doesn't stop. He continues spraying you until you use some magic to propel about a bucket's worth of water at Anon. >He stands there, a little shocked that you upped the ante like that so he gives another quick spray at you, right in the face. >The two of you then go into a loud, giggling fit before he pulls a certain, missing bear out of his shirt. "Where did you find him?" >"On the line, I said I would wash him today. You drag him around everywhere, so he needed a good clean a week ago." >You grab him in your magic and pull him in for a hug. He feels so soft, fluffy and the smell reminds you of spring. ----- >After dinner, you and Sir Bearington are in your room having some long overdue bonding time. >You place the paper bag with the cookie left in front of Sir Bearington. "I want you to have it." >"It's half eaten." "I never said it was a whole cookie. I got hungry. Don't think about nagging me for being nice." >"Mistress, if you don't mind me asking, what brought this kind side on?" "I felt like I don't even know you that well, because I don't. So, I wanted to get to know you." >"My queen, that's wonderful to hear but you know I'm a bear, right?" "Yeah, what kind of bear? A honey, grizzly-" >"Teddy. I'm a teddy bear "Yes, I know that." >"Then you should know I don't feel or have interests unless you imagine them. So that means, I can't the cookie." "I see... Then I'll eat the cookie for you."