And now for something completely different--the first greentext story I ever wrote on 4chan. Unlike most of the other stories, this was written "on-the-fly", as opposed to being thought out; I sort of made it up as I went along. Enjoy... STOOGES IN EQUESTRIA (March 16, 2012) >"Oh, Twilight," Fluttershy enters the library. >"Yes?" Twilight asks, looking up from the book she was reading. >"Um, I found more humans. Like Anon, but different..." >"More? How many more?" >"Umm, three." Fluttershy turns and calls out the door, "You can come in now..." >Three humans, shorter than Anon and dressed in somewhat older clothes, try to enter the door at once. >They don't fit. >They try again. >They still don't fit. >"Recede!" the middle one with the bowl haircut says, and enters the library. >The one with the shaven head gestures for the frizzy-haired one to go ahead. >The shaven one enters last, but does not duck and knocks his head against the doorframe. >He reels a bit, then turns and... barks... at the door frame. >"Hello... hello... hello..." They sing. >"Er, hello," Twilight replies, a little uncertainly. >All three appear startled. "Look fellas, another talking horse," says the shaven-headed one. >Twilight bristles. "Actually, we're ponies." >"You heard the yellow one, didn't cha? What are you, ignorant?" the bowl-cut one demands of his companion, slapping him in the face. >The shaven-headed one one waves his hand back and forth in front of bowl-cut, then raises his hand up in the air and barks at him. >Bowl-cut responds by making a V with two fingers and jabbing them at shave-heads eyes. >Shave-head blocks with his hand. "Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk," and sticks his tongue out at bowl-cut. >Bowl-cut punches him in the chin, causing him to bite his tongue. >Frizz-head points and laughs at this, but stops abruptly when bowl-cut eye-pokes him. >"STOP THAT!" Twilight yells, losing patience with this quickly. >Even Anon never acted so gracelessly in front of ponies. >"You heard the lady, act like gentlemen!" Says bowl-cut. >"Gentlemen!" Shout the other two in enthusiastic agreement. All three adopt theatrically thoughtful poses. >At least they're quiet now. >"My name is Twilight Sparkle." >"Enchanted," says bowl-cut. >"Enraptured," says frizzy-head. >"Embalmed," says shaven-head. Bowl-cut smacks him in the back of the head. >"Please!!" Twilight yelps, hoping to forestall another fight. "What are your names?" >"I'm Moe," says bowl-cut. >"I'm Larry," says frizzy-head. >"I'm hungry," says shaven head. >Moe slaps him in the head again. "Didn't you hear the pony? Introduce yourself!" >Shaven-head bristles at Moe. "Why I oughtta..." >Moe places his fists on his hips and stares down his associate. "You oughtta what?" >Shaven-head seems to deflate. "I oughtta introduce myself. Hi, I'm Curly." He gives Twilight a little wave. >Twilight, seizing on one thing she can make sense of, asks Fluttershy to go get Pinkie Pie to bring the humans something to eat. >As Fluttershy leaves, Spike comes downstairs. >"Whoa, more of them? Who're these guys?" he asks. >"A talking lizard!" Larry exclaims. >Spike bristles. "Dragon!" >Moe grabs Larry's nose with one hand and smacks his hand. Larry yelps and clutches his abused nose. >"Mind your manners," Moe admonishes him. >Facehoof.jpg >Twilight has questions and needs answers. >"How did you get here?" she asks. >The three humans look at each other in apparent confusion. >They go into a huddle. >They whisper amongst themselves. >They come out of the huddle. >Moe opens his mouth to speak. >"We don't know," says Curly. >Moe bops him in the stomach, causing him to double over. >Moe follows up by slapping him in the head. >"Listen you!" yelps Curly in evident irritation. >Twilight finds herself wishing that whatever random inter-dimensional hole is causing this would dry up already. >"Do you have to do that EVERY BUCKING TIME I ASK YOU A QUESTION?" She yells. >She immediately blushes at her own language. >"We could do this instead," Larry offers, launching into a soft-shoe dance and spouting nonsense words. >"A-voo-voo-voo-voo! Razz-a-matazz..." >Moe ends Larry's performance by stomping on his foot. >Enough is enough. Twilight whispers into her assistant's ear. >"Spike, go get Applejack. Quickly. Tell her to bring her lassos." >"I'm on it!" Spike salutes and runs out the door. >"Now, please, relax," Twilight tries to end the scuffle that has broken out. They ignore her >More volume needed. >"I said, relax!" >The fight pauses, the three humans looking at her, while still prepared to strike. >Volume at 11. >"I SAID RELAX!" >Not a bad imitation of the Royal Canterlot Voice. >The three humans fall over on their backs. >"Not that relaxed!" >They scramble to their feet again. >At least Twilight has their attention. >She thinks, trying to pick words that won't result in another fight... >Maybe if she indulged their curiosity. >"So, do you have any questions for me?" Twilight asks brightly. >"How long is a Chinaman?" asks Curly. >Moe slaps him. >"Does ice cream have bones?" asks Larry. >Moe slaps him. >"I meant," Twilight growls, "do you have any PERTINENT questions?" >"Yeah! Where's the food? I'm still hungry..." Curly says. >Facehoof.png >Twilight's mane is starting to look a mess. >"Oh, you're hungry, eh?" says Moe. >"Yeah, I haven't had a bite all day!" >Moe places his fists on his hips again. >"Is that so?" Curly nods. >Moe seizes one of Curly's hands and bites his finger. >"Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo!" Curly exclaims. >Larry unwisely attempts to intervene. >"Hey, leave him alone, he's only hungry." >"Shuddup," Moe grabs a handful of Larry's frizzy hair. "We're all hungry." >Cue Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. >Pinkie Pie has brought a cart-full of food with her. >A cart full of pies. >"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy told me someone here was hungry! I brought extra, so we could have a Welcome-To-Equestria Party!" You hear that sound? The approaching train-wreck? >"Oh boy, eats!" Exclaims Curly joyously.He picks up a pie. >Moe takes it away from him and puts it back on the cart. >"Mind your manners, we haven't been asked yet." >"But I'm starving!' >"Don't worry," says Pinkie Pie, "I brought plenty for everyone!" >Moe turns around and Curly quietly picks up another pie behind his back. >"Oh GOSH!," Pinkie exclaims, her eyes lighting up, "There's THREE of you this time?" >"Unfortunately..." Twilight grumbles, grinding her teeth. >"Wow, this is EXTRA-SUPER-DUPER SPECIAL then! I'm gonna go get my Welcome Wagon!" >With that, Pinkie zips out of the library in a pink blur. >Moe finally notices Curly nibbling on his pie. >"Mind your manners I said," >He hits the pie from below, flipping it up into Curly's face. >"Hey! I was eating that!" >"Oh were you?" says Moe. >"Yeah!" >"Well here," Moe picks up a pie, "have another!" He throws the pie at Curly. >Curly ducks. >Pie sails cleanly over his head. >Direct hit on Twilight Sparkle. >Status of Twilight's jimmies: RUSTLED. >Mane completely frizzy now. >"Hey, stop that," says Larry, "You're wasting the food!" >"Oh yeah?" says Moe. >Moe picks up another pie and goes to throw it at Larry. >Larry covers his face with his hands and crouches down. >Moe crouches down next to him. >"Oh, Larry," says Moe. >Larry uncovers his face. "Yes?" >Moe shoves the pie into Larry's face. >Moe stands back up. >Curly has acquired another pie, and pushes it into Moe's face. >Cue Rarity. >"Darling, I heard we had some more visitors!" >Larry throws a pie at Moe. >Moe dodges the pie. >Pie scores direct hit on Rarity. >"Oh... It. Is. ON!" >Rarity magics a pie into the air with her horn and propels it at Larry. >Larry dodges the pie. >Twilight Sparkle, has just finished cleaning pie out of her eyes. >Ker-SPLAT! >Rustling jimmies reach critical mass. >Twilight Sparkle evolves into Rapidash... >"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!" >Twilight magics several pies into the air. >Shit just got real. >Pies, pies everywhere. >The library floor is now a slippery, gooey mess. >Discord would have been mightily proud and shed many a manly tear if he could see this. >Applejack runs up outside the library carrying Spike on her back and three lassos. >Pinkie Pie arrives outside the library at the same time, Welcome Wagon (patent pending) in tow. >Utter bedlam inside the library. >"Land sakes! What in tarnation is going on inside there sugar cube?" >"Oh, three more humans showed up! Like Anon, only shorter. And sillier." Pinkie Pie giggles. >"Now how am I going to get my Welcome Wagon through the door?" >A loud crash and Twilight's frantic yelling are heard inside the library. >"Let's go Applejack,” says Spike, “Twilight sounds pretty ticked off in there!" >"Alright pardner," Applejack replies. >They enter the war zone formerly known as the Ponyville Library. >Both are instantly pied. >Applejack wipes pie off her face. >She grabs one of her lassos. >"Alright, that's it! Party's over!" >She plunges into the fray. >In a short time, she has subdued and tied up all three of the strange humans. >Fluttershy, having avoided being covered in pie by the simple expedient of hiding under Twilight's bed, cools Twilight off by upending a bucket of water over her. >Twilight plops onto her rump and stares, aghast, at the gigantic mess in the library. >Twilight sets her jaw, stands up and marches over to the three tied up humans. >"I have just one thing to say to you clowns..." >Twilight draws back one hoof and slaps all three of them in the head with one stroke. >"Applejack, please get these knuckleheads OUT OF MY LIBRARY!!" >"You got it Twi." >Applejack starts to drag them to the door. >CRASH! >Everyone, pony and human, looks at the source of the noise. >Pinkie Pie has brought in the Welcome Wagon by using the same (formerly-patched-up) entrance made by Tom several months ago. >She grins like a maniac, and holds up one hoof. >"Pinkie, NO!" cries Twilight Sparkle. >Too late. >Pinkie smacks a large red button on the side of her wagon. >Wagon shudders. >Flags wave, horns toot, music begins. >"Welcome, welcome, welcome..." And now, gentle reader, we shift our POV back outside the library. >As the fanfare ends, cake batter suddenly bursts from every door, window and hole in the Library tree. >Inside, five ponies, one dragon, and three humans sit in the middle of what is probably the tastiest scene of devastation ever in Equestria's history. >Everyone, human, pony and dragon, is covered in cake batter. >"I really should label those loading chutes..." EPILOGUE >Evening in Ponyville. >Anon returns from exploring with his best bro (and more), Rainbow Dash. >See lights still on in Library. "Wow, Twilight is really burning the midnight oil. Must be studying something important." >"Yeah," says Rainbow with a grimace, "Like the life-cycle of Equestrian butterflies or something." >Decide to pay her a visit. >Step into library, and without even bothering to look around, "Hey Twilight! Did anything interesting happen while I was away exploring today?" >Five grumpy ponies and one grouchy dragon look up from their cleaning. "What the ever-loving fuck happened in here?" >Both you and Rainbow Dash get pied multiple times. Dear Princess Celestia, Some human customs are very, very strange. Beyond my comprehension, even. I don't think I will be able to so much as look at a pie for at least a month. On a related note, please ask the Royal Canterlot Magical Research Academy to hurry up on that inter-dimensional spell they were working on to send Anon back home. Don't worry, it's not for Anon. Details to follow. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle (