RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR >You have the most annoying alarm clock. >You quickly shut it off, not wanting to wake anyone up. >You get off of your bed, stretching your arms. >It’s not like you needed to, you didn’t get any sleep. >You walk over to your closet to get dressed. >You forget. You were already dressed. >Uh oh. >You walk over to your brother’s room. >Sure enough, he was still knocked out, on his stomach, snoring loudly. >You always hated waking him up. Hey. Wake up. I said wake up! >You slap him on the face a couple of times. No response. >Screw it. You go into the bathroom, and turn the sink on. Gathering some water in your hands, you rush over to his room, and pour it over him. >Sputtering, your brother opens his eyes, gasping. Bro:… uhhh.. what happened? >Your brother shakes his head, and slowly gets up. Bro: Ow! I just had the weirdest dream.. >Your palms begin to sweat. What was it about? Bro: I don’t remember.. but Rarity was in it. >Your brother flashes you a grin. What happened? Bro: Oh you know, she totally wanted me. Of course she did. >You feel relieved. At least he wouldn’t remember any of it. >Your brother shoots a quizzical expression. Bro: Man it was strange. Especially the last part I remember- >You hear your parents rustling in their room. It was time to go to school. Bro: Why am I in my clothes, and on the floor? I don’t know, but we need to go. We are going to be late. >The good thing about your brother is that he pretty much buys whatever you say. He just shrugs, and goes into the bathroom. >Now all you need to do is- >You facepalm. You had forgotten your skateboard at Mike’s house. >You might as well go pick it up. >You go throughout your normal morning routine, or at least what was normal, eating cereal out of the box, brushing your teeth, etc. >You change into new clothes, putting Rarity’s stuff in your hamper. >You weren’t used to your clothes anymore. >You grab your backpack, and throw it over your shoulders. >You had missed an entire week of school. Not that it mattered, but you had a lot of homework to do. >You yell at your brother to hurry up, and he stomps down the stairs. >Wearing basketball shorts and a sweatband. What are you doing? Bro: Oh, you know. Just.. >He stretches a little, revealing armpit hair. Bro: Going to impress Rarity today. What do you mean today? We’re going to school. Bro: Aren’t they going to be there too? You said that they were going to our school, didn’t you? >Oh crap. You forgot. Uh.. yeah. I was going to.. go get them. Bro: Let’s roll then. Gotta keep my image fresh. >You don’t have the strength to deal with it. >You grab the keys, but your brother stops you. Bro: Whoa whoa whoa. What? Bro: Whoa. What is it? I always drive us. Bro: Not today nigger. I drive. >He snatches the keys from you, and runs outside. >You shake your head, following him into the car. Bro: Buckle up, and eat your vegetables. ..what? >He starts the car, and sets it into drive, leaving you to wonder what the day will bring. Bro: Let’s get some tunes. >Your brother grabs one of the cassette tapes from in the glove compartment, and throws it in. Since when do we have cassette tapes? Bro: Since this weekend. I went to the store for them. What store still sells cassette tapes? Bro: There was a shady looking guy in a dark ally that sold it to me. Only cost me a nickel. Why would- Bro: Hold on! >You were going an easy 40 mph in a 25 mph zone. All of a sudden, your friend’s corner was up. Your brother turns sharply to the left as he could, which throws you into the car door. Ah! What the heck- >You watch your brother as he quickly turns the wheels to the right, going into a smooth and flawless drift. >You stare at him in amazement. Bro: What the hell are you looking at? How.. how the hell did you do that? Bro: Do what? You just.. you just did a perfect drift! Where did you learn that?! Bro: Oh that. I’ve known how to do that for ages. What’s so special about that? >Your brother was completely oblivious to the one actual cool thing he could do. You just sit there the rest of the ride while your brother goes to a smooth stop at Mike’s house. >You shake your head, and step out of the car, your brother following suit. >Your stuff was moved. Twilight must have noticed them. You quickly knock on the door, and wait. >The door opens, and cake is splattered against you and your brother’s faces. Pinkie: Hiya Aanon! >Your bro coughs and sputters, clawing the cake out of his eyes. >You stand there expressionless, wiping it off in a fluid motion. Can we come in? Pinkie: I dunno, how do I know you’re the real Aanon? >You don’t have time for this. Because I know that you throw great parties. Pinkie: Good enough for me! >She lets the door open, and you walk inside. Pinkie giggles at your brother as he grumbles something about his hair. Pinkie: cmon Aanon’s brother, join the party! >He rushes past Pinkie, and upstairs into the bathroom. Pinkie: I like him! You like everyone Pinkie. Pinkie: No really! I like him! I know, not really a surprise there Pinkie. Pinkie: Not that way Aanon~! >You process what you just heard for a second before responding. You can’t really be serious. Pinkie: Yes! I think he’s super fun to be around! Fun to be around?! What gave you that idea? >You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You’re being serious aren’t you? Pinkie: Do you think that you could maybe ask him about me? I’ve always loved a person that can play sports! >This couldn’t be real. Uh.. sure Pinkie. >Pinkie squeals in delight, and rushes out into the next room, leaving a trail of pink smoke in her wake. >You take the time to stretch, and you collapse on your friend’s couch. >Mike was still knocked out on the couch, snoring soundly. Good thing that you knew he didn’t have work on Mondays or else you might have to help him. >You rest your head on the, well, the headrest. >What were you going to do about Twilight and the girls? You couldn’t really bring them with you. >Could you? >You sit back up on the couch. Mike twitches a little, and goes back to snoring. >Why couldn’t you bring them to school? They wouldn’t have to go to any classes or anything, and you knew a couple of places that they could stay while you finished yours. >This could work. AAAAH! >You get up, alert and ready. >That was Rarity’s scream. >What did your brother do this time? >As like last night, Rarity comes running downstairs in white short shorts and a white top with a blue jacket on. >She didn’t look as classy as she usually did, but it did seem more fitting for where you were now. Rarity: Aanon! Your brother was here and- >As if on cue, your brother came downstairs, free of cake debris. >He looks at you, then at Rarity, then back to you. Bro: What? Rarity: What is he doing here Aanon?! I thought I told you not to bring that.. barbaric excuse of a thing, here again? >You don’t ever recall her saying that, but you keep your mouth shut. >You shoot your brother a dull stare. Now what did you do? Bro: Me? All I did was go upstairs to clean this gunk out of my amazing hair. Oh, and I may have woke Rarity up. What? How? Rarity: He shoved cake in my face! Bro: I did not “shove”. I gently applied it on your tongue. Rarity: It doesn’t matter “how”! You.. don’t touch me anymore! >Your brother shoots a grin, leaning on the banister. Bro: C’mon Rarity, I just wanted you to know how sweet I could be. GUYS! >Rarity and your brother stop talking. We are going to be late, we need to get going. Bro: Oh, right. C’mon Rarity, it’s time to.. learn. >Rarity ignores your brother’s comment. Rarity: Where are we going Aanon? Somewhere far away from HIM I assume? Of course not Rarity, remember? We are GOING to SCHOOL? Because you just enrolled in class? Remember. >You apply the words as thickly as you could, hoping Rarity gets the hint. >Rarity automatically brightens up. Rarity: Oh, why of course darling! I was just about to.. uhh.. brush my hair! >Rainbow Dash comes downstairs in sweatpants and a tanktop. Dash: Ugh.. what’s with all the noise? Bro: You’re not even dressed yet? C’mon already. Dash: Why would I need to be dressed at this hour? It’s only- Rarity: Rainbow Dash! Don’t you remember? We are going to school with Aanon?! Dash: What? No we- Rarity: Of course we are, don’t you remember?! >Rarity shushes Rainbow Dash and drags her back upstairs. Your brother makes the worst mistake by tapping Rarity on the ass as she walks by him. >Rarity stops. You can feel her wincing from here. She continues into her room, and slams the door shut. >Mike jolts a little, still asleep. What the heck was that?! Bro: Don’t worry Aanon, I got this, just be chill and let your brother handle it. Why do you keep doing stuff to her? Can’t you take a hint? Bro: Oh Aanon, poor naïve Aanon. >You were really starting to feel bad for Rarity now. Can’t you just like, you know, pick one of the other girls? Bro: What do you mean? I don’t know. Why not Pinkie? She seems kind of nice. Bro: What, the pink one? No, the other pink one. >Your brother snorts. Bro: Pinkie? She is way too hyper for me Aanon. What do you mean? You couldn’t keep up with her? Bro: What? No, I could totally keep up with her. Oh really now? >You knew for a fact that there was no way in hell that your brother could keep up with Pinkie. Bro: Yeah really! I could run circles around her, and still have enough energy for some sweet rare loving.. 20 bucks says that you couldn’t last the day with her. Bro: Double it, and we have a deal. >You both shake hands on it, making it official. >You can’t believe how easy that was. You practically set Pinkie and your brother up for a day long date. Bro: Just watch and learn from the pro Aanon. I got this. Stop saying that. >Finally, all of the girls come downstairs, dressed and ready to go. >You were looking at a sea of purple, yellow, orange, blue, white, and pink. You were all going to stick out like a sore thumb. Bro: Okay then, we should probably get going! >Your brother opens the door, and waves for everyone to go through before him. Pinkie beats everyone there. Pinkie: Hiya Aanon’s brother! I’m Pinkie Pie! Bro: I know that already. How would you like to spend the entire day with me Pinkie? >Her eyes light up, and you could practically see sparks. Pinkie: I would super-duper love to! >She grabs your brother’s hand, and violently yanks it out the door. >Your brother gives you one last look, as if the whole thing was a terrible idea. >It was going to be fun to watch. >Twilight goes over to you, a worried expression on her face. Twi: So, we’re all going to school now? Uhh.. yes. Twi: ..Why? I panicked, and I may have told my brother that you guys were going to school too. Twi: What? But we can’t go to school here! How would we even get into any classes? I’m still working on it. Wait, can’t you just erase his mind of last night? Twi: What?! You mean he knows about us?! No! He doesn’t remember that part. Twi: I’m sorry Aanon, but the spell is only good for short-term memory loss. It wouldn’t have any effect on him now. Darn it. Then we are going to have to think of something on the way there >You take a good look at the other girls. >Twilight had on purple shorts and a purple t-shirt. Rainbow dash was in jeans, a blue jacket, and a white shirt. Fluttershy had on a small yellow top, a green jacket, and yellow shorts. Applejack had denim shorts and a plaid jacket over a red shirt. >All of the bright colors kind of made your eyes hurt. You weren’t quite used to it any more. We better get going.