Welcome to Day 13 of Anon, The New Assistant! This is a Choose Your Own Adventure story following the life of Anonymous as he adjusts to life in his new town, Ponyville, and at his new job, as Twilight's library assistant. The story is written day by day, usually around 21:30-22:00. Choices will be made off of a vote for different options, and majority rules, unless I state otherwise. In the situation of a tie, I go with whichever option was voted for first. Feel free to vote for something other than provided, but I am ultimately the final judge of whether or not those options will be picked. Also, feel free to tell me to text someone, your contact list is in the pastebin.

Fat E.T.'s Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/Fat_ET

Message of the Day: Early Edition!

And now, let the story begin!


>*bzzt bzzt bzzt*
>What? Why is the alarm going off? It's Saturday, you don't have work
>You slap the alarm to turn the stupid thing off.
>...*bzzt bzzt bzzt*
>You swear to fucking god
>You hit the alarm and try to go back to sleep.
>The sudden sound of several alarm clocks going off at once startles you to your feet. What the fuck is happening?
>You look around and see about 18 battery powered alarm clocks scattered around your bedroom.
>Vinyl is sitting up in bed looking around horrified.
>And on the wall, a poster sheet of paper with a big D on it, plus a phone number underneath it in small writing.
>Well he did say he'd keep in touch.
>Discord number acquired!
>You note to be careful how you act around him, wanna stay on his good side.
>While you turn off the alarms, you see that the time is 7:30 AM.
>And thanks to that incident, you are fairly awake.
>You look over at Vinyl, whose face shows a mix of confusion and fear.
Anon: "So... what's up?"
Vinyl: "Anon, what in the fuck just happened?"
Anon: "I think Discord wants me to keep in touch with him."
Vinyl: "Discord? That prankster manchild? How do you know him?"
Anon: "I threw scrambled eggs at some scruffy janitor from our window and Discord saw, now he wants me to keep in touch. Hey, by the way, I figured things out with Spike and I'm totally coming to your gig tonight!"
Vinyl: "Oh, cool! Thanks Anon, it's been a while so I'm a little nervous."
Anon: "I've heard your music Vinyl, you'll be fine. Don't even worry dude"
>She doesn't look very convinced.
>You give her a hug and and kiss her, then wave for her to follow you.
Anon: "C'mon, let's go get you breakfast. Waffles sound good?"
Vinyl: "Yea, waffles sound great"
Anon: "Good, because I was gonna make waffles either way."
>She pushes you a bit and laughs.
Vinyl: "You're such an ass, Anon."
Anon: "You know it. Here, go play some music way too loud from the speakers, we can take your mind off of the gig with incredibly loud beats."
>You go to the kitchen to start making waffles and she goes to play some music.
>She puts on some MLP dubstep.
>What a pleb
>You keep making the waffles while Vinyl lays on the couch, bobbing her head to the beat.
>When you making the waffles, the two of you sit down at the table and get eating.
Vinyl: "Thanks, man, I'm feeling a lot better now."
Anon: "I know, waffles make even the saddest person in the world feel better."
>The two of you make small talk for a bit while you eat, then you go get showered up.
>After your shower, you dry off and get dressed, then head over to the couch.
Anon: "Kay well I'm gonna go walk around, I'll see you later."
>Vinyl waves at you and then you make your way out the door and down to the first floor
>You can still here the dubstep from your apartment after you've gone outside
>You realize how much your neighbors must hate you and Vinyl.
>You shake it off and start walking around.
>While walking, you pull out your phone.
Anon -> Discord(text): "Uhhh... hi"
>You put your phone away and continue walking around.
>You start to wonder what you could do when holy shit one of those weird ass antiques stores
>You go inside and look at all the wondrous shit in the store.
>There's no one behind the counter, but you can here them shuffling around in the back room
>Let's see what sort of weird shit you can find in here...
>The first thing that catches your eye is a huge ass sword hanging on the wall. Nice.
>You keep looking around at some of the shit that's around.
>You find a lute sitting on the ground and you pick it up, it's still in fairly good condition and isn't too expensive.
>You keep going around and find an old pinball machine that is Rolling Stones themed, it even plays songs while you are playing, but it's pretty expensive, even moreso than the sword.
>You don't really have an interest in any of this shit so you leave the store.
>Where to now?
>Your phone buzzes.
Discord -> Anon(text): "So, you consider yourself a ruseman? I can respect that. If you need assistance, let me know. Don't bother looking for me, it would be a waste of time."
>This fucking guy
>Whatever, you continue to walk around for a bit, and end up at the local park.
>You can see Apple Bloom sitting in the grass about 20 feet away.
>You walk over to where Apple Bloom is and sit down next to her.
Anon: "Hey Apple Bloom, you excited for tonight?"
>You must have surprised her, she takes a second to get her words together.
AB: "Huh? Oh, hi, Anon. Yea, ah'm kinda nervous for tonight."
Anon: "Don't worry, things will be fine. By the way, I dunno if Spike told you or not, I won't be coming to dinner tonight anymore, I had to cancel."
>She nods and sits for a second, not really saying anything.
Anon: "Hey look, I know you're nervous, but don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. I know it for a fact. I'm gonna get going, I'll talk to you later."
>You get up and wave goodbye, then go on your way.
>You look at your phone, the time is just bout 3:00, you've got 4 hours until the gig.
>You suddenly have a change of heart.
>You must have that pinball machine.
>But how to get it? You don't have that kind of money
>A plan hatches in your head
>An ingenious plan that can't possibly fail
>You remember back in middle school when you learned to tap dance
>You were surprisingly good
>You run to the market in town, grabbing a bucket you find on the way, and jump up on top of the side walls of a fountain.
>A few people are looking at you confused.
>You wink at them and begin tap dancing
>The confusion grows, but you press on
>Tap dancing with the force of a thousand suns
>people look impressed
>Some even put tips in the bucket
>It's working
>Suddenly some faggot comes out of the crowd and points at you.
>Everyone goes silent
>He begins tap dancing, the kind which rivals your abilities
>Oh fuck no, he isn't stealing your thunder
>You are both tap dancing furiously, drawing in more and more passers by to the crowd.
>This guy is good, you'll admit that
>But there is no way you are giving up that pinball machine.
>You bust out your finishing moves
>A horrified expression goes to his face as he realizes he has been defeated
>You finish and everything is silent for a minute.
>Then they cheer for you.
>The defeated opponent runs away
>You realize how ridiculously stupid this all is, but you don't even give a fuck.
>You get down after the crowd has cleared and count the money from the tip jar
>Like $60
>You go back to the store to buy the lute.
>The lady that owns the store looks familiar somehow, but you can't place your finger on it.
>You get the lute and go back to the market in a different spot than last time
>You have no idea what the fuck you are doing
>Luckily it's not too different from guitar which you already know, so you just dick around for a bit.
>You get used to it after a while and keep playing, acquiring cash but much more slowly
>After a few hours of playing lute, your hands hurt bad but you managed to make some decent cash
>You don't have enough for the pinball machine, but you've lowered the cost of it significantly.
>You go to the bank and pull out the extra money you need from your account, then make your way back towards the store.
>When you walk in, the lady looks at you strangely.
???: "Back again?"
Anon: "I'm here for the pinball machine."
>You hand her the money, and she waves at the pinball machine lightly.
???: "It's all yours."
>You take the pinball machine and roll it all the way back to your apartment.
>Luckily you pass Rainbow Dash who reluctantly decides to help you carry it up to the third floor.
>After the two of you get the pinball machine up there, you make your way to the club Vinyl is performing at.
>30 minutes until she starts.
>You go up to one of the security guys and ask where Vinyl is, you're her roommate and you told her you'd be here
>He takes you back to a door leading to the back rooms and shouts for Vinyl
>She comes out and sees you, and her face lights up.
>She goes over to you and gives you a hug
Vinyl: "What's up man? You made it!"
Anon: "Yep! Dude, the craziest shit has happened today."
>You proceed to tell her about your last few hours.
Vinyl: "There's no fucking way you got in a dance battle in the market. I'm calling it right now, you're full of shit."
Anon: "I swear on my life, it happened!"
Vinyl: "Just like the ogre happened?"
Anon: "Okay that was a low blow, man. I'm totally not crazy."
>She laughs.
Vinyl: "Whatever dude. You excited for tonight?"
Anon: "For sure! Kick ass, okay?"
>You say goodbye and then head back out to the main room, and lean against a wall.

A. Look around
B. Dick around
C. Other

>[spoiler]mfw I have no idea what I'm doing because I don't know shit about clubs[/spoiler]
>You walk around for a bit to see what there is to do.
>The place is still practically empty, it is only 6:30 PM after all.
>Nonetheless, you try to find somebody to talk to, but there isn't anyone who isn't busy with something.
>You keep looking around for stuff to do, but there isn't much, so you decide to go to the bar and loosen up early.
>Two shots of vodka later, and you are feeling nice and loose.
>The place is starting to fill up with people now, and Vinyl is out finishing up her preps.

Do whatever, giving you guys free reign.

>You get up by where Vinyl is and wave at her.
>She waves back, and the light's dim as the show gets ready to go.
>Aw shit man, they've got fog machines and strobes and everything.
>Vinyl starts with an awesome song [spoiler]written by our local DJ Wish[/spoiler]
>Oh shit man, this is better than you thought, she definitely prepared for this.
>People are jumping around, getting hyped up.
>You lose yourself in the dancing, and so does everybody else.
>Vinyl is having a great time, you're having a great time, and you're sure everyone else is as well.
-End of Day 13
-Vinyl's Gig Attended!
-Obtained shitty stuff
-Won dance off