It was a long hour on the train. While usually these sorts of trips were filled with happy conversations and thoughts of the trip ahead or behind, today it was mere silence. As though the entire train car was watching, waiting for you to spill the beans. It got so bad once you were out of the city limits that you had to force yourself to be able to hear the rattle of the train as it made its way along the tracks. Continuing past the suburbs outside of the city , you soon found yourself looking up at the Foal Mountain range, its intimidating peak piercing the clouds as they made their slow migration ever further East. You briefly remembered Dad mentioning it raining in Fillydelphia a few days ago and hoped that these weren't the clouds he'd placed over Ponyville, otherwise you might end up needing those tarps for more than just making tents. You turned around, hoping to find Mom and Dad speculating about the same topic or reading a book or anything, but instead found them still silent. When Dad idly brushed his hoof along the seat, you had to turn back to the window to hide just how miserable you were for already dampening the weekend... At least maybe Cotton had gotten better since you last saw him, but that seemed a bit ambitious. As you let out a disheartened sigh, you noted it was the first thing you had actually heard since your conversation. The breaks squealed with all of the finesse of an Old West steam locomotive as the train came to a stop at the station, and at the sound of the passenger conductor calling out "Hayton station," the three of you sat up and made your way out along with some of the other ponies in your car. You had only ever heard of this town in relation to Flying Fish and apparently it had some good hiking trails... Looking around, you could tell that was probably all they had. Calling it a town was a bit of a stretch, you believed the term village would better suit the sparse buildings plopped down with little concern for layout. You were honestly a bit worried that you might get stabbed for a cigarette or something here and so moved closer to your parents, but when looking up at them you saw them happy as can be. Following their gaze, you found why they were so happy, and heard it. "Bluebelle!" called out the pink pegasus, her salmon mane tied up into a ponytail. Ha, ponies wearing ponytails. Haha. As you ran over to Flying Fish, you called out "Aunt Fishy!" and took note of just how much more she had packed than your family had. You jumped up to hug her neck and as she wrapped a foreleg around your back to return the gesture, you noted the older black and white colt behind her, avoiding your gaze. "Oh you've gotten so big since I last saw you, Blue! You need to visit me in Cloudsdale more often, little filly," Fishy continued on as you studied Cotton. Usually he was overjoyed to see you... For reasons you staunchly disagreed with but now he seemed, sad? Flying Fish turned back towards him and called him over, "Cotton, come say hi to everypony!" As you were set down by the pink mare, Cotton made his way up to the group and gave a hollow greeting to the assembled party. Looking concerned, Mom spoke up, "What's wrong, sweetie?" Cotton's trap buttoned up as he looked away again and Flying dropped her voice a bit, going to that hushed but still clearly audible to anyone who actually cares tone saying, "Another pony in his class got their cutiemark and he still hasn't gotten his." Trotting up to nuzzle the colt, Mom tried reassuring him with the "Oh, don't you worry Cotton, everypony gets their cutiemarks at different times. I remember Blue's dad was the last pony in our class at the Junior Speedsters flight camp to get their cutiemark, and look at him now!" For his part, Dad had assumed the natural position of sitting down, rubbing his stomach, and let out a belch for all to giggle at, it even helped lift Cotton's spirits a bit. Rolling her eyes after giggling herself, Mom went on, "Just think of it this way, Cotton. While all of those ponies know their destinies, you still have the joy ahead of you of that special day when you finally get your cutiemark." You're pretty sure that was an exact quote from the show and after seeing the slight smirk on his face you're positive it was. Seeing her job as unofficial aunt done, Mom turned to Flying and gave her a hug, "It's so good to see you again too." Mom and Flying Fish devolved into catching up with each other while Dad fluttered up and started surveying the area leaving you and Cotton relatively alone. You had to ponder whether he was actually upset about not getting his cutiemark or if he was just putting on a show to live out different episodes of the show and found yourself interrupted by him actually starting the conversation, "Hey Blue." "Sup Cotton," you replied, making sure to keep some level of distance. He offered a bit of a shrug, "I started flight camp last year and I guess it's going okay. I still can't find anyone to be my special somepony, though." You were pretty sure you saw him try to close the gap between you two even the slightest bit and took a step back yourself, "Dude, you're eleven. I think you're supposed to wait until high school before you start actually wanting to date people," a quick glance to the two mares nearby confirmed they weren't listening in, "or at least middle school." He cleared his throat a bit, coughing into his foreleg before grinning at you, "I think you'd better check your math, silly filly." Spacing out a bit as you did the math, you found that he was, in fact, actually likely in middle school. "Oh my God you're actually in middle school." "Eeyup," he replied with a snicker before carrying on, "So how's my little pony been doing?" "Eugh, could you not?... Anyway, it's been going pretty good, though uhh... Maybe we can talk more about it later," you replied as you cast another glance at the adults, not wanting to bring up your problems with them right there no matter how distracted they were. Before Cotton could follow up, Dad broke both of the conversations as he landed, "Well, we should be good with weather for the weekend. Are you lazy bums ready to go?" Before anyone could call out the hypocrisy of Dad calling anyone a lazy bum, Flying Fish piped up, "Yeah we'd better hurry, it's a pretty long hike to the campsite." With everyone caught up with one another, you all set off with Flying Fish, Mom, and Cotton all humming a song you assume had something to do with hiking. With those three all up in front, you and Dad brought up the rear and kept relatively quiet which gave you some time to reflect. Cotton wasn't quite as bad as he'd been, fuck leaps and bounds above how he was when the two of you first met. He seemed to have somehow imprinted on you from then or something though, or maybe you were just paranoid... Nah had to be that he imprinted on you. Looking around to take in the sights, you were in a pretty dense forest, so much so you almost couldn't see the ominous peak of Foal Mountain through the canopy above. While you were glad for the nice trail not having too many branching paths, seeing just how much foliage was down here made you aware that you were the only one who couldn't fly in this group. So if anyone got lost, they'd be able to just fly their way out, except for you. While you and Dad were quite the loudmouths with one another, you kinda hoped your life wouldn't be determined by how loud you could shout in a crisis situation. At least you would have the mountain as a point of reference for which way the village was, right?... R-Right? Looking up again those odds seemed to be rapidly fading as you got deeper into the forest. The sun was setting by the time Dad decided to distract you from just how limited you were for surviving here... Or you know, to fuck with you more. "So, what do you think lives out in those trees, Blue?" he almost threatened as he put on a spooky voice. "Hopefully not anything that can smell your desserts," you replied as you tried to push the fears out of your mind and put Dad on the defensive. After a moment passed without a response, you turned to see Dad looking around worried now and after he caught your gaze replied, "L-Listen, let's not talk about that here." You let out a giggle at his antics and turned back to face forward, having conquered your fears. At least until a moment later when you heard a howl from somewhere off to your right. As your heart began beating faster than a dubstep remix, you found yourself clutching Dad's leg sputtering out, "I-Is that a timber wolf?" "No, timber wolves don't tend to be this far away from the Everfree Forest usually. Might be a regular wolf, though!" Flying replied, chipper as ever. You know, about casually mentioning that 'Nah it's not a supernatural wolf, just a regular wolf.' "S-So, what do we do with a r-regular wolf attack?" You're not entirely sure you'll be able to hear her over how loud your heart is in your chest, but from what you notice of everyone else in your panicked glances around, you seem to be the only one having an issue with the fact that you're ponies and there's fucking wolves around. You weren't so terrified of the possibility as a human since you had those cool opposable thumb things and knives and shit, but you doubted any living creature would be intimidated by pastel marshmallow horses. "Just fly out of reach, silly," the reply came back. "I can't do that!" You were at your limit at how nobody else had considered the thought that they brought a defenseless child to go camping with fucking wolves. Agh! When you felt something touching the top of your head you jolted your gaze upwards, wondering if perhaps somehow the wolves had snuck up and were coming for you, only to find it was Dad nuzzling you. "Don't worry, sweetie. Daddy's not gonna let no wolves get his favorite filly." Almost snapping out of the panic attack you had to simply state, "Dad, I'm your only filly." Pushing you even further out of any tension, he ruffled your mane, "Which means it's an easy list to climb to the top of." You let out a deep breath as you contemplated just how exactly to respond before finally settling with, "Dad... I hate you." With a loud Mwuah, he kissed your head and smiled warmly, "I hate you too." "Okay okay, enough with all of the hating each other, we're here!" Fish called out and no longer stuck in your anxiety, you found that you well and truly were there. You got lost in your mind again as you stood straight and looked at the spot before you. A clearing right alongside the stream. The large rocks along the bank. The perfect place for a hammock. The exact spot for a bonfire to illuminate the whole clearing. Your dad walked up and set his hand on your shoulder, "So, whadya think?" You started getting hot as your heart swelled and almost considered taking your coat off, "It's perfect, dad." You turned to look at him. To see his face again, for the first time in six long years. Where on Earth could you even begin? But when he turned to face you, his face was gone... Melting away like a burning candle. You cried out and embraced him tight, "Dad, no! No!" You looked at where his eyes should be, trying desperately to piece together how his face should look, and yet all you could get was dripping candle wax. You turned to shout at your friends, to tell them to get help, but found them staring at you blankly as their faces too started to dissolve. You cried out, tears rolling down your cheeks as you tried to prop the wax that was formerly your dad's face back up and into position. Tried to reform him in your memory. Despite all of your trying, however, you could do nothing to stop the constant melting. As your vision blurred from tears, you stopped trying to fix him and instead pulled him into a hug again, "Dad, please... I-I don't want to lose you..." you sputtered out, "I miss you..."