[Author's Note: Reading TGAPHA is not necessary to read this story, but you'll probably miss a few references. Otherwise, enjoy!]

>Another day with Trixie, another day becoming closer
>Tonight, you had given her a bit of a surprise
>You had ordered a violet-colored quilt with stars and twinkles for the designs, and she absolutely loved it
>Now you had introduced her to the world of wine, and she had fine taste
>Cabernet Sauvignon was one of the more expensive ones you’ve ever bought, but it was worth it
>You had even busted out Ghost, hoping the mix of romance and supernatural would keep her comfortable
>It had worked because now you were basically cuddling with Trixie on the couch, wrapped up in the very gift you had given her, sipping on that wine
>Your finger was wrapped around the curl of her mane ever so gently while she was engrossed in the movie
>She’d kill you if she noticed this, but you lived in the danger zone
>This part was hard to keep eyes from, the scene where Demi Moore is getting felt up by a ghost Swayze
>Normally, when you show Trixie a movie she’s asking a lot of questions, things about normal human culture and our idiosyncrasies
>Right now, however, she was silent, her eyes very calm as she was pressed up against you by the tight curl of the quilt
>You could definitely feel her body heat rise as the scene took place
“Enjoying the scene, Trix?”
>It took her a moment to rip her attention away from the increasingly sensual scene
>”...Huh? Oh… It’s nothing personal, I just don’t understand how two can bond over… pottery…”
>You weren’t entirely convinced of her words
>Especially with how she was shifting uncomfortably
>And how she softly brushed your finger away from her mane instead of the usual SMACK you’d be getting
>You knew it was time. The mood was set, she was definitely reacting, and there would be no better time
“Well, it’s about how they’re able to be together, Trix. Whether they’re worlds apart or not. Kind of… like you and I.”
>You prayed you weren’t too straightforward
>She looked up at you with wide eyes, her pupils nearly swallowing her irises
>Those big, beautiful eyes, reflecting the light from the dim lamp and even dimmer television
>How it does nothing but enhance the violet cocoon around those windows to her soul…
>You felt yourself staring into them for the longest time
>If you weren’t so lost, you might’ve even thought she was doing the same
>You didn’t even pay mind to your hand beginning to subtly stroke the top and side of her mane
>The way your fingers brushed her hair must’ve been ticklish, because she gave a small smile
>But all of a sudden, she moaned, then looked directly at you
>Whoa, what happened?
>Your eyes slowly move from hers to your hand
>Your fingers were rubbing up against her horn
>So it was true? Horns, and probably wings, were erogenous…
>Your eyes lock once again, your idea budding, and her realizing what that idea was
“Hey, Trix… Tell me how this feels.”
>You trace a finger up her horn, causing her to make a moan that tapers to a whimper
>”A-Anon what’re you doing?”
>Your other hand gently caresses her neck and you kiss her on the cheek
“Just what both of us really want.”
>You apply more pressure to her horn and stroke it from base to tip and back again
>”Hey, G-get off! G- ahh...”
>She moans and presses up against your body, pushing her face into your chest
>You see a slight stain on the couch where she had been sitting before
>”Anon, why are you doing this?”
>You move a hand down to her hips and pull her tight against you, booping her nose with your own as you get closer to her
“Because, Trixie, I love you. I love your beautiful body, your silken coat, those glittering violet eyes. You’re an absolutely beautiful pony, and any stallion would be lucky to have you. But...maybe it doesn’t have to be a stallion?”
>You’ve stopped teasing her at this point, and are simply holding her in your arms
>She blushes, a deep crimson against the light blue of her coat and mumbles something that you can’t quite understand
“What’d you say?”
>"I said I love you too!"
>She practically shouts it before burying her blushing face in your chest
>Little Anon twitches and reminds you what you've been put into this situation to do
>You slowly run a finger along her spine and up towards her head
>She shudders at the light touch and whimpers as the finger runs along the length of her horn
>"Oh Celestia, that feels so good."
>You smile at her proclamation and continue to stroke the sensitive bone on her forehead
>She grinds her teeth at the stimulation, and you can feel the heat radiating from her marehood
>But you weren't going there, not yet at least
>Staring at her horn, which was beginning to glow with magic, an idea formulates in your mind
>You lean down and flick the tip with your tongue
>The response is immediate and obvious
>Your tongue tingles like you've just licked a 9V battery
>But soon enough a bit of heat lances through your tingling tongue as several sparks of mana leap from her horn to your mouth
>But it doesn't deter you in the slightest, if anything it just makes you want to do this that much more
>You move so that you loom over top of the paralyzed unicorn and slowly begin to suckle on the tip of her horn like a babe on a teat
>She whimpers, placing a hoof in her mouth to stifle any noises
>You figure she's probably more than a little embarrassed about being reduced to a quivering mess by just a little attention to her horn
>You vow to make it all worthwhile for her
>Ever so slowly, you work more of her nib into your mouth, twirling your tongue about the circumference of it in your orifice
>Trixie clings to your body like a drowning pony, mewing and panting as quiet as she can
>Not quiet enough that you can't hear her enjoying every second of having her magical member felated though
>You slowly take the entire thing into your mouth, slowly sliding it in until the tip touches the back of your throat
>Oddly enough, you don't gag, maybe there's some kind of magic on the horn to prevent it?
>No matter, from here you let the porn take over
>Sure you were a sexless virgin, but that didn't mean that you couldn't imitate what you saw in internet videos every day
>And with your gag reflex suppressed as it is, you can do her horn like a champ
>You wrap your hand around her horn beyond your mouth, massaging wherever your tongue and lips weren't
>The pace of your hornjob increases in time with the pitch and volume of Trixie's moaning
>Maybe it's just you, but it feels almost like you're being pleasured at the same time
>Glancing down on a lull in the pace, you see that your pants are indeed still on your body, albeit tighter than normal
>And Trixie is too much of a bleating, hot mess to do anything to it
>You mentally shrug, it was probably just somatic or something
>You continue to felate the arcane stimulator and you can feel a heaviness growing in the air
>It feels like the hour before a nasty lightning storm starts, and you can smell the electrical reek of ozone strongly
>You notice that between your fingers, her horn is glowing with a vibrant aura
>All this only serves to make you go faster than ever, doing your best to emulate everything you've seen in porn
>It's working, Trixie isn't bothering to hide the moans any longer, instead opting to hold your body and kiss at your neck
>She falls a bit short, but it still has the desired effect of making your boner harder than ever
>You feel something snap in the atmosphere and know what the next step is
>You remove your hand from her horn and thrust your head down on it
>You angle it so instead of impaling you, the tip slides neatly into your throat
>Your tongue rapidly flits along the body of the magical appendage that fills your eatery, causing her to elicit one final, stupendous bleat of pleasure
>Her limit reached, a discharge of empyrean energy blasts through your body
>You feel yourself begin to float in the air, and a quick look around confirms at everything in the room is levitating as well, including the couch you two are resting on
>A brief surge of panic is replaced by a veritable flood of dopamine as the magic affects your brain
>It's almost like an orgasm of your own, except that Little Anon was still tightening your pants and crying with dissatisfaction
>After a few seconds, everything comes to rest gently on the floor and the magic fades away
>Ever so slowly, you pull your head off Trixie's horn and release it from your lips with a slight 'pop' of suction
>You smile down at the stricken unicorn, breathlessly panting on the couch
"I think I've earned some kind of reward, don’t you?"
>When she doesn't respond you blink, you figured that bait would merit some kind of response, like a buck in the chest, magical slap, or something
>Looking more closely, you see that she's already fallen asleep
>Another examination confirms the source of the sickly sweet smell in the air, not to mention the stain on your cushion
>You sigh, though the assault that the dopamine had done on your brain leaves you too happy to complain in the moment
>You simply pick her up and carry her into the bedroom
>When you lift her up to your chest, she curls into a ball and lets out a soft, almost cat-like, purr
>You stroke Trixie's mane as you carry her off to the bed
>As you pull back the covers and place her down, a weariness overtakes you
>Fuck it, you could clean everything up tomorrow, you didn't have any guests coming over and no roommate
>It would be fine… Unless Harry decided to pop in unannounced again
>Plus you got to cuddle with Trixie, so it was a win-win
>Stripping down to your boxers, and scolding Little Anon for still wanting a piece of that sweet, sweet marehood, you crawl into bed behind Trixie
>You pull up the covers and wrap your arms around her small frame
>Her forelimbs grip your hands and she snuggles up closer to you
>It was almost too good to be true, like a dream...
>As your eyelids droop and your mind functions slow, a small, familiar musical tone plays in your head
>And just before you fall into the black pit of slumber, a vision of white text on a flashing blue and violet background crosses your mind
>And the words on it speak to you with the sounds of perfect silence
>'Got Trixie'
>Wait, you don’t remember being completely nude
>And where did Trixie go?
>Suddenly, you hear a huge explosion and familiar screams
>Getting up and slapping on some pants, you run towards the game room
>As you open the door, you’re assaulted by the strikingly powerful visuals of Super Smash Bros. Brawl
>Trixie jamming on the controller, mane a mess, and a shit ton of … Amps?
>What a traitor
>Oh… Guess that whole night didn’t actually happen
>Oh well, a dream is a dream, you suppose
>You still enjoyed it immensely
>Besides, you highly doubt Trixie would’ve let you in so … easily.