Here we go... BTW I only plan on using >green for anybody other then Anon ~Anon was just another face in the crowd. His spare muscle tones and average height make him like every other 23 year old male in his new town. But when going for a stroll in his new neighborhood finds him in an unfamiliar orchard, he finds that his life may turn for the better.~ "Finally, all of my belongings have been unpacked." Anon says to himself, picking up a framed picture of his mother and father. He sets the picture back down on his mantle and turns towards the door. He decides that now would be a great time to go for a walk in the local park. With a small frown on his face, he heads out the door, locking his door on the way out. The park isn't that far away, just down the block. But it seems like miles because of the endless din coming from the nearby highway. Thankfully the area around the park is nice and serene, with vibrant green leafed trees providing shade for young children to rest under in between session of tag. Anon noticed, though, that the pond was clear. No ruffles caused by the inconsistent breeze could be seen marking the surface of the calm body of water. Curious, he set over to the pond and peered inside. What he saw puzzled him beyond comprehension. Below the surface of the water was a field, bigger then the perimeter of the pond itself. Confused, Anon leans in closer, but to his surprise, he loses all balance and tumbles into the pond. He landed in the grass with surprise, as he was not wet. But soon all previous thoughts were wiped away when he noticed the vivid scenery around him. Apple trees, all lined in rows with ripe red apples adorning the branches. A farm house resembling older farmhouses. A fire-truck red barn with flowers planted in troughs besides the doors. Even the sky was bright, brighter then he could ever imagine. He sat in this dazed state for what seemed like minutes, but was only a mere twenty seconds before he was startled by a voice. The voice came from behind Anon, and he wondered who could live in such a strange but colorful place. He turned around, still sitting on the ground, and saw an animal. But not just any animal, a pony, Even weirder, the pony was straight up orange and wearing a hat. >AJ: Are you all right Sugarcube? Anon was surprised, for he didn't think ponies could talk. But here he was, about to spike up a conversation with one that referred to him as "Sugarcube" and he wasn't even hesitating. He tried to open his mouth, but before he could, memories of his past flashed back to him. Memories of sitting on the floor of his living room with his sister when he was only seven years old. They would sit in front of the TV set and watch children shows before father came home. And they only watched one show, My Little Pony. Upon coming back to reality, he stared intently at the strange pony in front of him, a ghost from his childhood. >AJ: Uhhhhh... Anon snaps out of his trance, and proceeds to function as a living human being. "Sorry... I am just... just a little dazed." Anon says hurriedly, trying not to scare of the poor thing. He slowly starts to get up, but falls back down, wincing in pain. The pony notices his misfortune, and goes over to help him. >AJ: Are you all right? The accent the pony held upon strangely an old western accent. Anon noticed this and remembered more of his past. "I'm fine. Just need to get my coordination back." Anon says, still in pain. But in reality he wasn't alright. >AJ: You need help, let me get someone I know who can help you. She rushes off, leaving Anon there in the grass, wondering.... Where am I? About ten to fifteen minutes later AJ and another pony arrived to Anon's spot. This new pony was yellow, with pink hair. The yellow pony took one look at Anon, and turned to whisper to AJ. >AJ: I'm sorry if I didn't introduce myself before, I'm Applejack. This here is Fluttershy. The pony called Fluttershy blushed a deep red and turned away. Anon smiled and waved. "Do you think you can help me, I think I twisted my leg." Anon said. Fluttershy looked at Anon quizzically, and then said in a quiet voice: >Fluttershy: I don't think I can help you. Your obviously not a cute little creature... no offence... Anon nods, "I think I should be fine if I keep it up and rest." He looks around, and frowns considering his current position, on the hard ground. "Do any of you have a place I can rest?" Anon asks. Fluttershy and Applejack look at each other, and as if with a silent language, call over a larger red pony, who Anon assumes is male. >AJ: Big Mac, can you get the cart an' bring this feller over to Twilight's? >Big Mac: EeYup Anon watches as Big Mac pulls the hay cart over from the barn, though the barn is quite a distance away. Anon smiles, for he is remembering who Twilight is. The purple horse was always portrayed as a book worm in the show. Based off of how Applejack and Fluttershy act exactly as they did in the show, Anon is looking forward to meeting Twilight in person. The trip to Ponyville from the previous location in the field wasn't long, and Anon quite enjoyed the surroundings. What he noticed upon reaching Ponyville that the houses were all pastel, mostly yellow pastel. It was easy on his eyes, which was a relief. Ponys stopped and stared at him as Big Mac pulled the cart through town to the home of Twilight. They all had uneasiness in their eyes, and constantly avoided eye contact. Anon was discouraged by this, and looked down at the wooden floor that was lightly covered with hay in places. >AJ: Don't worry sugar, Twilight's is right ahead. Anon lifted his head and saw the large tree, losing his feeling of discomfort that he claimed from the shifty eyes of the ponies. Big Mac brought the cart to a stop near the door and Applejack walked up to the door with Fluttershy. They knocked, and waited patiently. It didn't take long though, for Twilight to open the door. Nor did it take long for her to take one look at Anon and frighteningly slam the door. >AJ: *Uneasy chuckle* She must be a bit jumpy today. Anon wasn't phased by this, he just wanted to meet his childhood hero, which he thought with embarrassment. >AJ: *Knocking on door* Twilight, our friend here needs some help, I hope you aren't to busy to help him? >Twilight: *Peeking through slightly opened door* What is his name? Everyone looks at Anon quizzically, stressing him a bit. "My name? My name is Anon.... Yeah, that's it." He says with uncertainty. Twilight looks slightly eased, and opens the door fully. >Twilight: What's wrong? >AJ: I'm not sure, an' neither is Fluttershy, but Anon says his leg is twisted. Do you think you know anything about his kind? >Twilight: I think I might have a book referencing his species.... As she says this, she turns around and walks into the house, leaving the door open as invite. Big Mac offers Anon a ride into the home on his back, which he gladly accept. As Anon settles into a seat, Twilight comes over with a book. >Twilight: This book here has some information. But very little. Actually... no information at all. It only refers to Celestia's private library. I could send a message to her and ask if she has anything. The book in her library is supposedly called "History of the Human race" by Markus Georgeson... That is a weird name... Anon's eyes widened in response the that name. He was on of his favorite authors when he was in high school. Thankfully the rest of the group didn't notice his expression. >AJ: That'd be great Twilight, I'm sure Celestia wouldn't mind lending you a book. Twilight walks over to her desk, and writes up a quick letter. >Twilight: Spike! Letter to Celestia! Anon looks over to the direction she called to. From out of the door came a purple-green baby dragon. He went over, took the rolled letter into his hands, and burnt it. The magical ashes floated out of the window, and he went back into the other room followed by a few thanks. It had taken about three minutes before he came back, and Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Big Mac all talked casually. But the note he gave Twilight brought a worrisome expression upon her violet face. But when Anon looked back at Celestia, he saw something for a moment. He couldn't figure out what it was he saw, but it was almost like a spark in the eye of Celestia.>AJ: Well, What does it say? >Twilight: It says "I request your presence. I have sent for two guards to pick you and Anon up. ~C" >AJ: *Optimistically* All 'cause she wants to see y'all doesn't mean it is bad. Anon furrowed his brow, and spoke up. "I thin-" He started to say before the sound of knocking sounded. Twilight answered it and was met by two royal guards. The gestured to the chariot, and walked back to it. Big Mac brought Anon over to the chariot, and Twilight got in next to him. The trip to Canterlot was uneventful and quiet. But when they landed, Twilight held a look of surprise. "Why are you so surprised?" Anon asked. The response wasn't so good. >Twilight: This isn't the place where they usually drop me off to meet Celestia. Anon looks around, and notices that they had entered an annexed area of the castle after landing. Only then did the guards let them off. And so the two sat around for a bit before Princess Celestia walked in from the adjacent hallway. She had an angry look on her face, which seemed to settle on Twilight. >Twilight: You wanted to see me, Princess? >Celestia: Yes, I wanted to inform you that you will no longer be continuing your duties as Princess, or as my student. Twilight gasped, and broke into tears. >Twilight: *Sobbing* What.. what did I do? I didn't recall an important event.. or... She started to ramble on about all the reasons she could think of for this to happen, obviously taking things out of proportion. >Celestia: Crying in front of the Princess? I shall have you thrown into the dungeon for that! Guards! Anon was surprised as he called out; "The dungeon for show of emotion!? A real Princess, let alone Princess Celestia would have more sense then to see that fitting as a punishment. Crying shouldn't even need punishment!" His emotions all fueled into that, he was breathing heavily after the end. Celestia looked at him in disgust, and he saw it again. A spark, almost a flash, in her eye. The Royal Guards came along to collect the prisoners, and upon grabbing Twilight, took new orders from Celestia. They then grabbed Anon, and brought him along. As they entered a door leading into a dark hallway Twilight yelled back, >Twilight: I'm sorry! She held out the end of the word sorry for a good four seconds, and then proceeded to sob hysterically. Anon thought to himself, "Something isn't right here... I have to find out what." He didn't get to continue his thoughts when his rear end hit the first step rather abruptly. The pain shot out through his body, and his vision faded on damp stone walls. He didn't awake for another two hours...