This is for Bizzles; and Gadget; INTOTHENARRATIONS: (Part 1) (Part 2) >”Have a nice day at work, honey, I’ll see you soon.” Cadence waves at her husband, as he leaves from their chambers. >Fixing his armor as he makes his way, Shining Armor turns around and gives Cadence a little wave. >She waves much more eagerly, her smile slowly getting strained. >Making sure her husband is out of sight, Cadence quickly retreats into her room. >Shutting the door gently and making sure everything is as of before, Cadence flees towards her bed, filled with glee. >She jumps at her soft mattress, bouncing a few times. >She then shifts her weight to one side, not forgetting to rest her head on a hoof. >Lifting her leg slightly, she takes on a much more suggestive pose. >A knock is heard on her door to which she quickly responds. >”Who is it?” She calls out to the door, her excitement rising. “I- uhhhh, I’m here with your breakfast, princess…” >”Oh? Do come in, it is unlocked~” Cadence calls out in a sultry voice. >The door slowly opens, pushed by the shaking silver tray. >Bizzles, dressed in his maid outfit, awkwardly shuffles into the room. >He still hasn’t gotten the hang of the high heels, his legs wobbling every step. >Cadence watches as he tries so hard to walk normally, only happening to skid across the polished floor. >He finally manages to land the tray on the bed stand, his body hunched over the furniture. >He is blushing so hard; one might mistake him for having a fever. “E-excuse me…” He manages to stutter out. >Too afraid to make eye contact, Bizzles begins to back away slowly. >Unknown to him, a certain pink pony had flicked her tail behind him, tripping him easily. >As Bizzles fell, his knee folded slightly, trapping Cadence’s tail and dragging her with him. >Which was precisely what she wanted. >Bizzles, with all of his non-existent grace and his whimpering groan, lands unceremoniously on the clear marble floor. >Cadence, the pretty pink princess pony, lands right on top of him. >Bizzles throws up his hands in shock, groaning again. >Cadence smiles, and uses her front hooves to part his arms. >This was just too easy. >”You are not excused…” She whispers to his ear. “P-princess?” >”Shhhh, listen to your princess.” Cadence cuts him off, slowly striping him away from all of his French maid outfit. “Princess- b-but you’re married…” Says Bizzles, unable to do anything like the pansy he is. >Without a word, Cadence throws him over to his bed. >POMF =3 “Waaah! What are we going to do on the bed, princess?” >Cadence jumps on him, staring him down with a predatory hunger in her eyes. >”Didn’t I tell you to call me Cadence?” She whispers, before beginning to kiss his neck. >Cadence loved submissive stallions; they’ll let her do whatever she wished. >”I thought we could mix things up today, Bizzles.” Cadence says, leaving him alone for the moment. >In a flash of magic, Cadence slowly changes her mane and coat color. >”Let’s roleplay, Bizzles.” “TWILEY, what’s wrong?” ‘Shining Armor’ approached his sister. >It was actually Bizzles with a wig and lots of rouge. >TWILEY >”B-big brother- my flanks hurt!” ‘Twilight’ yelled out. >TWILEY “Twiley, anything I can do to help?” ‘Shining Armor’ asked. >”C-could you *poke* around and tell me what’s wrong?” ‘Twilight’ asked, tears slightly welling on her eyes. >TWILEY “Anything for my little sister.” ‘Shining Armor’ smiled, having something else in his mind. >He slowly drew out his manhood, poised under his sister’s raised tail. “Wait, do I really have to?” Bizzles whined, still uncomfortable. >”Yes, now come on!” Cadence pulled Bizzles’ shaft with her magic, ramming it right her anus. >”Ouch! That hurt, brother!” ‘Twilight’ screamed out. >TWILEY “Well, love hurts, sis.” ‘Shining Armor’ said, slowly withdrawing from her sister’s bleeding opening. “Say, do you love me sis?” ‘Shining Armor’ asked again. >”Of course I do! Bu it hurts more now!” ‘Twilight’ whined. “Don’t worry about that, but will you do anything to make your brother happy?” >TWILEY >”Yeah, now please make this pain go away!” >TWILEY “Alright, I’ll make the both us feel real good…” >And then, ‘Shining Armor’ began to enter his sister again. >The room was filled with the two siblings’ heavy breaths, and the occasional wet smacking noise. >”B-brother… I think it hurts less now.” ‘Twilight’ turned around and smiled. “I knew you’d like my massage, Twiley.” ‘Shining Armor’ whispered. >He then began to quicken his pace, the soft, hugging walls of his sister bringing him much joy. >”B-brother! I’m feeling warm!” >TWILEY “Ahhh! I’m feeling it too!” >”Ahn~ Ahn~ Ahn~ Ahhhhhh!” ‘Twilight’ began to moan loudly. >’Shining Armor’ did not slow down, he actually sped up, with his nearing his climax. >”I- I- I don’t- *Ahn* -know what I’m- *Ahn* -feeling~! I have to hold on!” ‘Twilight’ shouted. >TWILEY >TWILEY >TWILEY “Just a moment, sis!” ‘Shining Armor’ was now pounding his little sister now, going faster than he ever was. >”Ah! I can’t hold it anymore!” “Let it loose now, sis!” ‘Shining Armor’ shouted. >’Twilight’ let her purple juice all over ‘Shining Armor’, squirting all over him. >’Shining Armor’ also let his load out in his sister, filling her up. >The two collapsed on their bed, both dirty and tired. >”I love you brother.” “I love you too, Twiley.” >TWILEY ~END~ OR IS IT >“Yes honey, I know. Okay, okay, I’ll pick up your hat from the cleaner later. Mmhmm, yeah, okay. I love you too, yeah, stay magical and all. Toodles.” Gadget flipped his phone close. >Pocketing it quickly, he continued his path, pushing the cart for his newlywed princess’ lunch. >Celestia had him get the food to her room, seeing how the princess was absent from her daily duties. >Celestia worried she could be sick, sending a few pills along as well. >And being one of the few available hands around, Gadget was called up to deliver. >As he neared the princess’ room, he could hear thrashing and shouts from within the room. >Worried that something bad is going on, Gadget abandoned his cart and burst straight into the room. >The room suddenly went deathly silent, not a single creak being heard. >Gadget then saw the crumpled maid outfit on the floor. >Say, didn’t Bizzles wear a maid outfit today? >Something about a joke pulled by one of the princesses. >As he ventured deeper, a strange smell wafted on his nose. >He then saw it. >Bizzles (strangely covered in makeup and a wig), in the bed with the princess. >The two stared back at him, awkwardly positioned over each other. >The princess was hanging onto the bottom of the bed, with Bizzles behind her, doing what he knew all too well. >Gadget took a step back, almost paralyzed at the scene. >He was going to make a run for it- until… >Until Cadence’s horn lighted up. >Gadget stood in place, the pink aura covering him. >The door behind him closed and locked. >”What do we have here?” Cadence stepped off her bed, leaving Bizzles scramble for the blanket. >“P-princess, I won’t tell, I promise…” Gadget begged, hoping for a quick escape. >”Of course you won’t, but please, do come closer.” >Gadget did as she asked, but not by choice. >She still had her grip over him. >Gadget then gasped in shock, realizing his clothes slipping off. >“Princess! I’m sorry!” >”Don’t be. Now, I’m going to find myself something to eat, while you keep your friend busy.” >“Wh-what?” Gadget shuttered. “Gaaaaaaaaaaaay!” Bizzles pulled himself over to the end of the bed, hugging the blanket harder. >“Yeah, at least leave me with someone less scrawny and weird looking.” Gadget protested. “Hey! You’re the one to talk, Trixie cuddler.” Bizzles shot back. >“SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH SHE IS THE BEST.” Gadget exploded. >The two are silenced abruptly, Cadence using her magic to bring the two together. >They were so close that they could feel each others’ breaths. “Princess… Please…” The two begged. >Cadence was already over her door, discovering the food cart. >”Oh! Is that for me?” She asked Gadget. >He nodded slowly. >Cadence quickly pulls the cart inside, and sets up her food on a nearby table. >She downed her breakfast waaay before Gadget came along. >”Ohhh, a fruit salad.” Cadence began to eat. >”Well, aren’t you gentlecolts going to put up a show?” Cadence looks to the confused duo. “B-but-” >”Yes, you may use that as well.” “No. I mean we’re not gay.” >”Oh really, not gay?” Cadence’s horn glowed once. “You are now.” >Bizzles suddenly felt so much attraction towards his friend. >And you could say it was the same for Gadget. “G-gadget, I-“ Bizzles stuttered. >”Shh.” Gadget put a finger on Bizzles’ lips, silencing him. “No tears now.” >”Only dreams.” >And with that, they began rubbing each others’ lips with theirs furiously. >Somewhere in the castle, Dressmaker Leucine felt a pang of abandonment. >Bizzles held Gadget’s hand, and Gadget did the same. >Their erect manhood touched, the two throbbing swords pushing on each other. >While they did that, Cadence began to clop, her excitement rising. >To tartarus with eating, she’s going to have some fun. >The two were stopped abruptly, Cadence pushing each other apart. >Bizzles stared at Gadget with longing, while Gadget felt disappointed. >”Having fun, boys?” Cadence’s horn glowed. >The two suddenly felt no attraction, kinship or love at each other. >Both wretched and squealed. “OH GOD, I KISSED HIM AND RUBBED MY PEEPEE OH GOD WHY” >”TRIXIE IS GOING TO KILL ME AND I SHALL NEVER BE CLEAN” >Cadence jumps between them, taking both of them on her two entrance. >Cadance faces Gadget, and winks once. >In an instant she becomes Trixie, with her hat. >”T-trixie?” Gadget says, partially wanting to believe it was all a ruse by his lover. >’Trixie’ winks once and begins to move her body. >”Come on, the great and powerful TRIXIE demands more!” She shouted, forcing the two to move as well. >Gadget was surprisingly aroused by this, little did he know, he had a domination fetish. >The three stood in the position, with Cadence only supported by Bizzles’ and Gadget’s manhood. >The two men grunted and struggled to keep up with ‘Trixie’s demands, trying to juggle keeping her balance on them, and pleasing the mare. >Luckily, ponies have such low stamina that Cadence was reaching her climax within minutes. >All three finished at the same time, both Bizzles and Gadget coated in Cadence’s love juice. >”Thank you for the day boys, I’ll see you soon!” Cadence waved at the two boys, who were now men. >They have tasted the nectar of the gods and have licked the dirt. >In other words, they will never get the smell of Sherbet off their legs and clothes. >Bizzles is still wearing a dress, fishnet stockings and all. >A young lad named Anonymous enters the princess’ chambers to deliver her dinner. >He comes face to face with the princess in a very revealing pose, looking over him with an unreadable expression. >”Hello.” She says.