>Here you are, sitting at the kitchen table. >With a depressed Trixie upstairs. >She may be a bitch. >But she does have some good points. >There are days when you see her laugh. >And other days she is actually fun to talk to. >That is until you say something which sets her into her bitchy mode. >But you don't really mind that. >Her temperament sort have grew on you over the past couple of months. >You have to get her out of that room. >And give her a pep talk or something. >That is the hard part. >You don't know how to approach this situation. >Three days. That's all the time she has before this magical duel. >Yeah, she told you about the first two that happened. >She said she was not herself in either of them. >But she was desperate to one-up Twilight. >She succeeded in the first one, but she told you that it was just a crutch. >The second, she was tricked into giving up her amulet. But she still lost in the end. >This may be her chance to show how much she has grown in her abilities. >And sulking in her room for three days is not going to help her. >You think it is best if you left her alone for now. >You have work today anyway. >You pack up your things and head off to Sweet Apple Acres. >Got to get those bits. >Getting there was a pain, with everyp0ny walking up to you. >Asking about Trixie being in your house. >News spreads quickly in this town. >Some of them thought you were rutting her. >lolnope >You ignore the prying ponies and trudge on to your destination. >Arrive on the large apple orchard some time later. >Wave to Big Mac as he bucks some apple trees. >He just gives you a nod and continues his work. >Not a man of many words. >Head up to the farm house to see Granny Smith sitting in her rocking chair observing. Morning Mrs. Smith. >You see a smile creep upon her wrinkled face. >"How are ya, sonny. Come here fer sum work?" >You nod. Yes, looking for Applejack, ma'am. >"Ah, that grandaughter of mine is buckin' away in the southern fields." Thank you kindly, Mrs. Smith. >"You are like family. Ya'll can call me Granny!" >After a few passing words, you are off to find your boss. >Didn't take long to see the orange mare pulling a cart of apples. >"Finally made it here, huh Anon." >She stops in front of you, tipping her hat. Yeah, had to deal with a problem at home. Sorry for being late. >"Ah see. That's okay. Well fer now, jus git those baskets of apples to tha cellar. I have more work for ya when ya dun." >You happily nod and get to work, but you are thinking of trying to cheer up Trixie. >So far, nothing came to mind. >After a long day, you finally finish the work for today. >About to head home until you see AJ come up with some cider in hoof. >"Take a load off before ya head on home." >Take the beverage and take a few gulps. >Refreshing. You really needed that. >Sit under one of the many trees in the orchard and look out at the pastel-colored world. >So peaceful. >AJ sits beside you with her own mug of cider. >"So wut's been botherin' ya. You seemed a bit distracted t'day." >Forgot how she can read ya like a book. Just...someone I know is upset and I'm trying to cheer her up. >"Ah! Marefriend problems, huh?" Whoa whoa...nothing of the sort. >AppleJack breaks into a fit of giggles. >"Jus' teasin' Anon." She takes another chug of her cider. >"It's Trixie, ain't it?" >Damn, even AJ knows. Who told? >...Fucking Fluttershy. >You sigh and nod. Yeah. >AJ slowly nods and looks out at the fruits of her labor. >"I know my friends and I butted heads with Trixie in the past, but I don't hold grudges. Too much work to stay mad at somep0ny." >At least she's levelheaded. >"Take my advice Anon, as a mare. Just do something nice fer her. That should cheer her up." Like what? >She gets up and downs the rest of her cider. >"Ya'll think of something." >She walks away from you. >You sit there thinking of what you could do. >You are Trixie. >And you have been moping all over the house all day. >You don't know if accepting that duel was a smart idea. >You were all riled up. >Wanting to put that Sparkle in her place. >And get your pride back. >But now, you aren't too sure of yourself. >You ate some cereal trying to think of a way out of this. >But there isn't any. >Going to Twilight would just crush you. >She might even rub it in. >You dug this hole, and you feel like you're being pushed in and buried. >Don't even bother to finish the cereal, leaving it on the kitchen table. >Head upstairs towards your room. >Only to stop by Anon's open door. >His scent fills your nasal cavity. >Your mind drifted. >Your body begins to walk in on it's own accord. >You stop at his bed. >The smell is the strongest here. >Sigh contently and climb in. >Get underneath the covers. Just...for a little while. >You close your eyes. >And drift off into a deep slumber. >Your dream wasn't that pleasant. >You were doing your magic show. >And it wasn't going so well. >Hecklers made up the majority of your audience. >And you were sweating. >Afraid. >But you kept going on with your show. >They hissed and threw tomatoes at you. >When will this nightmare end. >They all walked away. >Except for one. >That human...your human. Anon. >He clapped for you, saying that it was amazing, despite what the other ponies said. >You felt calm. >And finished the show, with your number 1 fan watching. >Well, your only fan, but that is enough. >You smile at him. >He smiles back. >Then it all fades to white. >Wake up a while later from your nap. >Your vision was still blurry. >You're still in Anon's bed. >It's warmer than before. >You can hear a hear beat not your own. >The feeling of arms wrapped around you. >And snoring. >Shaking off the grogginess, you look up. >And blush. >Your cheek turned purple from how hard you are blushing. >Anon was sleeping beside you. >You want to yell, kick at him, call him an idiot. >But for some reason, you were okay with this. >He made you feel protected. >Even, shall you say 'Great and Powerful'. >That's all you ever wanted. >Someone to believe in you. >And here that person was. >Even if he is a stupid human. >He is your stupid human. >And you have sworn to protect him from that crazy mare. >No time to feel sorry for yourself. >You can do anything. >You are The Great and Powerful Trixie. >And nothing will stand in your way. >Not even Twilight Sparkle and this magic duel. >But for now, you will relax and enjoy this moment. >You nuzzle his cheek, then fall back asleep. Thanks Anon. >However, you failed to realize somep0ny was lurking outside Anon's window. >With a camera. >And snapped that intimate moment. >You are Anon. >And boy you were tired. >And drunk. >Didn't think that cider would pack a punch. >Coming home after a long day of work to find Trixie sleeping in your bed. >You was about to pick her up and carry her to her room, until those words of AJ resonated in your head. >So you lied beside her. >Held her close. >And told her she was great and powerful, despite what others may think. >Liquid courage overrides the beta in you. >You sleep with a smile on your face. >Wake up in the early evening. >Notice you are alone in bed. >Hear the sound of magic being cast outside in the yard. >Head down to investigate. >See Trixie casting magic at an almost dead tree. >You planned on cutting it down next week. >See it glow in Trixie's magic aura. >And the tree starts to look healthier. >The leaves start to grow out. >It looked...beautiful. >Trixie stops, the glow on the tree fades. >The tree looked very healthy and young. What was that? >"An age reversal spell." Interesting. Didn't you use that on those two unicorn colts. >"Yeah. But without that amulet, it's too exhausting." >She slumps to the ground panting. >"Not pulling that out in the magic duel." >You nod, only to pick up Trixie and carry her to the "reborn" tree. >She flinches and gives you a glare, but doesn't try to fight back. >You place her gently on the ground and sit beside her. So, you think you're ready for the duel? >"No way. Why do you think I was out here practicing. Stupid." >You shrug it off. Her insults weren't really insults to you anymore. >It's more like a nickname. Well, Bitch, you need it. >You both look at each other, then break out in a fit of chuckles. >"Yeah, but I should be ready by then." >Both of you didn't speak to one another for a while. >You sat and watched as the sun is lowered and Luna begins to decorate the night sky. >It was peaceful. You always enjoyed the starry night. >And so did Trixie. >"Anon. Thank you for believing in me." >You just nod and pet her mane. >She sighs contently and leans against you. >You continue to sit and admire Luna's work. >Looks very beautiful. >"It's getting late. I want to be up early for more magical practice." >You agree and the you both head back inside for the night. >Wake up the next morning. >Two days until Trixie's magic duel with Twilight. >Your body guard is out back practicing more magic. >About to start morning routine, until you hear the door knock. >Head downstairs and look through the peep hole. >See a grey Pegasus stands there in front of you with a letter. >It's just Derpy. >Open the door and greet her. >"Hey Anon. I have a letter for ya." >That voice is so cute. Thanks Derpy. >She waves at you and takes off. >Flying into a tree. >"I'M OKAY!" >She recovers and flies off to her next delivery. Still wondering who would send you mail. >Open it. >It's a letter, with something falling out. >Read the letter. >"I know..." >That's all it says? >Remember something fell from the letter. >Look down. >It's a photo. >And your eyes shrink to pinpricks. TRIXIE!!!! >Hear the sound of fireworks exploding from behind your house. >Trixie pops in front of you from a magic rift. >Her face is dark with soot. >"WHAT!? I was busy!" >You show her the photo. >You see her entire face turn beat red. >"Oh crap." >The photo was of Trixie nuzzling your sleeping face. >It has the words, "Anon, the Ponysnuggler!" written in ink over it. >This is bad, for both of your images. We...have a problem. >Trixie just rolls her eyes. >"Ya don't say." >You are Fluttershy. >You were miffed at what Trixie said to you. >She had no right to say those things. >And definitely no right to live with Anon. >He was yours and yours alone. >Even if he doesn't see it that way. >But you have a plan. >A plan that will have that human in your hooves. >And all it will take, was a picture. >It's a crude way of going about getting someone, but whatever it takes. >In time, he will see how it is to be with you. >And he will love being with you. End of Part 4