Prompt: Anon is a stellar bartender and opens up his own bar. Ponies crowd the place because he prepares the drinks Cocktail style (very showy, music, tricks) >You stretch yourself out in bed, sighing happily as that warm, awakening feeling runs from your head to your toes. >Your hand connects with the alarm, silencing the blaring but oddly comforting sound > 3 p.m, Time to get up >You kick off your covers and trudge yourself to the bathroom, turning it on before heading to the kitchen. Might as well make it warm before you get in, right? >A familiar smell invades your senses >Fuck yes, coffee ‘Ey, you better not drink all of it. I can’t waste more money just because you go on a coffee binge >A cup floats your way, encased in blue magic >”Oh yeah, like you wasting all the water right now? Definitely a good idea.” >You snag the cup, a deep inhale, a long sip. Black, just like you like it. Yeah yeah, whatever. I’m going now. Hold your h- >A low rumble of bass drowns out your words, she was ready for your lame pun. As always. >You chuckle to yourself, heading to the shower, coffee in hand. A new day, but still the same shit. >And it was perfect. >You pour yourself a second cup of coffee and sit down at the table, dripping occasional drops of water here and there. >Its cold now, ah well, to be expected >Vinyl was still blasting her music when she sits down across from you, munching down on some toast >”Well, at least you learned to put on clothes.” >You shrug, reaching to take a piece of the buttery goodness only to be greeted by a spoon whapping your hand Ow- what the hell, man? Didn’t you make any for me? >Mild pain bleeds into your head, the wooden handle hitting your skull >”I haven’t made breakfast for you in the four months we’ve been rooming together. Why would today be any different?” >You snatch the spoon mid air, shrugging. I thought maybe you were having an off day today. Can you blame me? >A brief exploration of the fridge reveals… emptiness >Cupboards...empty. >That sorry little closet you call a pantry? >Oh shit! >Empty. I gotta go grab something to eat before tonight, I can’t be as amazing as everyone expects without some grub. >”Just don’t be late!” One time! >”Yeah and that riot was almost unbearable!” Yeah, yeah, just make sure you don’t botch your music. >That fucking smug grin. “Do I ever?” >You head over to one of the only places that has edible food that isn’t grass or flowers: Sugarcube Corner >Well, it’s the closest one anyway >The bell rings overhead and you’re greeted by a familiar pink fluff of hair >”Oh hi Mister Anon! How’re you doing!” Oh hey Pinkie, and justt call me Anon please. >”Oh but I can’t! That would just be so rude because of all the cool stuff you do and if I’m rude that means I’m not nice and if I’m not nice you might hate me and then whenever I show up at your bar you’ll be like ‘Oh man, its that rude Pinkie Pie I ju-’” Pinkie please. I promise its okay. >You take a deep breath, exhaling slowly. These tangents. Can I please just get a couple cupcakes? Light on the frosting, please. >”Okie dokie smokie!” >You recline in your chair, trying to think of what performance you’re going to do tonight. You always thought it would be hard to make your talent seem fascinating. I mean hell, some of these ponies can teleport things. But it seems your dexterity and well, your fingers, just are the biggest crowd pleasers here. Thanks. >You give a nod to the pink pony who springs back behind the counter. You mull over the first cupcake, trying to get your gears turning. >What to do tonight. >Guess you’ll just wing it, like every other night >Anon’s Bartainment, We’ll get you so drunk without you even realizing it! >It was meant as a joke, but the phrase just seemed to stick. >There was already a line. Standard, but it still surprises you. The mares giggle and the stallions nod as you pass. >You would say something to address the crowd, but it was old hat, you could be spending time inside preparing. 5 pm, one hour to prepare. >You weren’t talking to anyone in particular. Yourself, you guess. You unlock the door and head inside, making sure to relock it >”So? What are you feeling tonight?” Vinyl was doing some last minute checks, making sure everything was working and set up. Pft, nice joke. You wouldn’t play anything if I even asked. You just do your own thing. >”Yeah, but its always hilarious to see what you think is genuinely good music. Its like you’re musically stupid.” >You technically were musically stupid. >And thats the worst kind of stupid when your roomate was the owner of the biggest, possibly only club in Ponyville. >It really was nice of her to help you out, converting the club to accommodate your talents. >Still, no matter how much you deny it, everypony else thinks the two of you are a thing. >She was a pretty flashy pony, that’s for sure, but there wasn’t anything going on >You start to set yourself up, empty glasses and full bottles of various sizes being positioned about >You really need something to wow the crowd one of these days. Something outrageous. >No time to dwell on that now >Focus >The crowd cheers and crowds around the bar, pegasi floating a bit further back >That was a rule now, after conking one in the head with a bottle of vodka >Of course, people were there for the dancing as well, but you had your own cult following >Twilight was always there, notepad in hoof, watching, no- analyzing your movements. >Pinkie Pie, of course. She was here every night, you wonder exactly how she had the energy to get up every morning. >Occasionally a member of the Apple family, including the occasional appearance of Big Mac. That had surprised you the first time you had seen him. >Rainbow Dash was always hovering above, she was always so intensely watching. You knew it was because she had wanted to join you in doing this. It just...wasnt easy if you didn’t have fingers >Rarity had only come by one more time after she had some booze flung on her. Hey, she was in the splash zone, you can’t control where it goes. >Lyra was always poking her head in here and there, although you could tell she was more fascinated by your antics and how they led to the end result: a perfect drink. >That was essentially all the people you knew by name, there were plenty of other regulars, somepony that had a red apple on his flank popped in more often than you’d expect. You were pretty sure he was from out of town. Some weird looking Lady Gaga pony, and you’re pretty sure that was the schoolteacher. >You were zoning too hard, the bottle of whiskey slipped from your hands on the way down from your toss >You cross your foot over, popping it back into the air. It spiraled, the safety latch opened making a perfect swirl of whiskey in the air >You catch it upside down, filling a glass and sliding it down to the other end. >The crowd cheers >Just as planned. Alright who wants a sour appletini? >A good half the mares cheer >”Oh we all know YOU do Anon!” Rainbow yells out >The entirety of the crowd laughs, you grin and roll your eyes Damn straight I do! >You loved martinis, no matter their stigma of being a ‘girlie’ drink. Everyone knew and it had become a running joke with your regulars >You grab some green apples, throwing them in the air, staggering them so you could start juggling What’s better than an Appletini? >You catch them one handed, a knife sliding out of your sleeve to start slicing them up An Appletini made with our own Sweet Apple Acres apples >Another cheer, ponies slapping Big Mac on his back happily >You line up ten glasses, taking the slices and stepping back >You shoot, a slice made it into the closest glass >Two at a time, second and third glasses >You prop the slice up on the bar, flicking it like a paper football, fourth glass >Behind your back, >You hit Twilight’s horn >You grin sheepishly ‘Ey, just a bit too far. Sorry doll. >The rest are shot in with ease, the tenth a fade away shot Nine out of ten ain’t bad, right guys? >You grab your own special bottle of vodka: lemons, limes, apples and oranges floating in the clear liquid. >It spins in your open palm like the hands of a broken clock, time speeding past in an instant >Your fingers subtly urge it on, making the bottle seem like it spins of its own accord >You pop it into the air, catching it in the palm of your other hand >They always love that >You hold the rotating bottle over the glasses, using your free hand to trigger the stopper open and closed as you pass by, the vodka is practically whipped into the glasses, barely any spilling freely. Heads up Rainbow! >Your strategically placed bin of fruit is at your foot and you kick a lemon to the air >Quick as ever, she catches it >Almost done >You slide the bottle back to its shelf, taking four glasses in your hands Alright, go! >She was always so happy when you included her. It really wasn’t a big deal on your end though >She squeezes the citrus, fresh lemon juice trailing down into the glass, the amount eyeballed by you, of course. >You switch out the glasses when you felt it had enough, not wasting a drop >Ten glasses prepared, ten glasses done For the lovely mares! Don’t be shy! >You hand them all out, snagging the last one for yourself And one for me, of course. >You give a sly wink to no one in particular, sipping the drink >You set it aside Alright, what’s next? >You wipe down your counter, the sticky, sugary alcohol residue here and there. >Vinyl was mopping the dance floor, somepony must have thrown up ‘Ey. >She looks up, “‘Hey what?” Crazy night tonight, am I right? >She grins, “Its always over by you Anon, you’re the crowd pleaser.” >You shrug, Yeah yeah, I know it. >A squeezed out lemon hits you on the head You know I’m joking. Team effort, team effort. >You finish cleaning your area about the same time she does >3 a.m. >Standard leaving time. ‘Ey, Vinyl >”What’s up Anon?” She already knew. Thanks for helping me out here. With the bar and all. >”Every night for what, four months? Don’t sweat it Anon, it’s been real.” >You nod, but extend your fist anyway >She chuckles, but pounds it. You gonna make me food in the morning? >”Hell no.” Coffee? >”Duh.”