>>5244299 >Forget the party. The afterparty is where the real fun takes place. >You're at her pad--she leads you in and you cut through the crowd of partygoers, mostly mares, like an icebreaker. >You're both five kinds of high, but what other ponies call "stoned" is pretty much Viny's normal, default state. >She's a firm believer in better living through chemistry. Everything from a nonstop cocktail of nootropics to enhance memory, intelligence and spellcasting ability to MDMA to good, old-fashioned pot goes through her system on a regular basis. >One of the differences between Equestria and Earth, you reckon, since you remember reading somewhere that cannabis is supposed to be toxic to equinoids. >She grins at you. "You trust me?" >"Implicitly," you say. >She laughs. "Yeah, that's all kinds of dumb right there. But cool. C'mon." She grabs your land and leads you to the bedroom. You sit down on the bed and she outlines her idea. >First, you strip out of your clothes. >"Trust me, you're gonna love this shit," she says. >She spends several minutes giggling while she slathers you with silicone lube from head to toe (she spends a while playing with your hard cock and balls). A nice vibrating butt-plug goes into the appropriate orifice, and a vibrating egg attaches nicely to the pierced end of your own cock. >"The batteries are magic. They'll go as long as you do," she grins. >She fires them up with a remote control, leaving you gasping. Oh yeah. Magic is fuckawesome. She gives your cock a few nice strokes. "We'll have a little AFTER-afterparty with this guy later," she says, and gives the tip a quick kiss and a lick, and then a pair of latex panties go over it to help keep everything in place. >Then she pulls out a black corset and black latex jumpsuit, helps you into them and laces you in nice and tight, and a latex hood goes over your head. A pair of long latex mittens joins them. "Sit down on the bed," she directs. "You're gonna fuckin' love this." >listening to the creak of latex would be enough to put your dick at rock, even if her little appliances weren't sort of keeping your interest level high. You sit, carefully, and she kneels in front of you. She gives your crotch a nice rub through the latex, and then Vinyl slides a pair of lace-up, thigh-length, purple ballet boots over your legs, and laces them up snugly. >"Now...stand up and take a look at yourself." She helps you to stand--very carefully. "Got it? Feels nice? Now...turn around." >You find the boots are easier to move in than you thought they'd be, but you still have to move carefully, as much because of the corset as the boots. With her assistance, you turn and look at yourself in the full mirror >Vinyl is standing there in her trademark white jumpsuit But beside her, a vision in black latex is looking back at you. It's wasp-waisted, glistening like fresh oil under the bedroom lights, and androgynous, and it looks like a living sculpture made out of latex. >"Oh my God," you murmur. "Oh my God..." >She pulls you into a very warm, very mobile kiss, and your tongues clash. "Can I cook or what? You're so hot I could eat you," she whispers. "So, uh...you ready for the next part?" >You nod. "Alright, let's do this," she laughs. "Just one more thing, lover. Open your mouth..." >She puts a scarlet, glistening latex ring gag into your mouth, and suddenly your transformation is complete. >Carefully, she leads you out of the bdroom--you take very slow, careful steps while she supports you and steadies you. She leads you carefully down the hall and into the recreation room, and suddenly you're surrounded by pulsing music, laughter, and the musky scent of horny dancing mares, booze and a hundred different drugs. >She leads you carefully to the center of the room, and carefully she helps you kneel on a cushion, after which she buckles the straps on your arms to your thighs, leaving you immobile and helpless. She stands back and surveys her handiwork. >You see most of the mares are packing, and have marecocks out that are as big, if not bigger, than Vinyl's. Some of them are stroking themselves, or each other, and a couple are already on their knees worshiping the hard marecocks of others. And nearly every one of them is looking at you. >You're the centerpiece of this party--the ultimate party favor. >Vinyl stands back, smiles, and pulls out the remote, and suddenly the buttplug and egg ramp up to full power, and your back arches as the sensation pours through you. >"Alright girls, we are officially open for business!" she calls out "Line forms here!" >The first mare to step up is a young blonde with a spotted dick, and you lean forward and inhale her into your open, drooling mouth. There's a mirror on the opposite wall, and in it, you see a vision in black latex with its scarlet, glistening lips swallowing a mare to the root and bobbing its head. You savor her taste as she fucks your mouth, and you look up at her with your mouth full of cock. >Her proud breasts jiggle above you, and her face is transported. She thrusts into your mouth, fucking your face like a pussy. "Ah--ah FUCK," she moans, and suddenly a hot gout of creamy marecum explodes in your mouth. She pulls out, musky white cum and drool stringing out and pouring down your chin, neck and chest. You swallow as much as you can >Your cock is raging right now. You feel as if you're right on the ragged edge of cumming already, but you can't quite reach it. Helplessly you squirm, rolling your hips, trying to capture just a little more of that feeling. >The next to step up is plumper, brunette, with curves in all the right places, with a short, thick cock. The medial ring barely fits past the flexible gag, and you feel your mouth stretching to accomodate her. It's delicious, and you try to tell her so, but all that comes out is a thick wet gurgling. >She seems to understand though. At least she rewards you, her cock churning wetly in the gooey mess of your mouth and her fat ballsack swinging against your chin, your nostrils filling with the aromas of perfume and musk. Oh, so much precum, thick and sweet, and it gets thicker and thicker until finaly she explodes as well. >She pulls free of your mouth with a juicy suckling sound, and you give her cock a goodbye lick. You're sorry to see her go. >You catch Vinyl videoing it with her camera in one hand, her other hand wrapped around her own marecock. Several mares have their own phones out, commemorating your glorious debauchery. All around you, you can see more mares lining up, or on their knees in front of others sucking away, and a couple in the background are fucking like cats in heat >You feel a twinge of jealousy--those fucking whores are stealing YOUR marecocks! >Another steps up, her long mane fire-engine scarlet and her dripping cock huge and musky with a fat, flat head. She gnaws on her lip as she plunges into your hot mouth, holding your hooded head in place as she uses you, a receptable made to receive. >Your eyes water as you fight to suck her deep into your throat, and you finally bottom out, fighting your own gag reflex. She pulls out, her cock slathered in a thick, gelatinous coat of your own saliva, and jerks herself off, and you catch a huge, creamy gout of her marecum across your hooded face. >The shapely glistening figure in the mirror is smeared from head to toe, slathered in musky marejizz. You feel as if you could cum looking at it. >You jerk your head at four more mares, and they come up together, and one by one you swallow their cocks, twisting your head as you bobble and suck on their shafts. You pull out completely, letting your tongue tickle the tip before swallowing them back down-- >helpfully, they're each pulling on their cocks as you suck, and sucking on each others' breasts. You pull back, and one of them jerks the other off into your mouth. You catch a mouthful of steaming cream and gargle with it before swallowing it down and starting on the next one. >"Ohhhh Celestia, that's soooo hot," one of them moans, as the one beside her strokes her. She arches her back and cries out as she cums, spraying your latex hood with another fresh coating of cum. >Your hips pump, and your ass pulses and squirms around the vibrating buttplug. You realize it's inflatable, because it's stretching your sphincter wide and hitting all kinds of wonderful spots in the process. At least one mare in the audience blows a load into her partner's mouth watching the show. >The next one up looks a little uncertain--her breasts are small, barely nubs. You wonder if she's actually a mare, but at this point, you honestly don't give a rat's ass. You suck hir long, slender marecock into your mouth, and you look up at hir with a look of total acceptance and reassurance as you gorge yourself on hir offering. >S/he's gasping and holding her tiny teats in her hands, her long blonde mane framing her delicate face as she pumps into you, and you match hir motion stroke by stroke. You try to tell her it's okay, she can cum, that's what you're here for, but you're pretty sure she doesn't understand the gooey gurgles >Or maybe she does. It doesn't matter, because it sounds fucking hot, and in seconds, s/he's falling over that sweet edge into orgasm. Hir flavor is salty and strong, with a tang of sweet, and you swallow every bit of it, then pull back to show hir your empty mouth. >But another cock is filling the empty space even as she leaves, and you're surrounded by a forest of marecocks and heaving breasts. Even as one comes in your mouth, another arrives, and your nostrils are filled and choked by the scents of marecock musk and mare sweat. Your eyes are gummed shut with it. One of your last clear sights are mares fucking themselves practically in your face, or jerking off all over you. >Blindly, you work on every shaft that enters your mouth, each and every one of them, and you swallow everything they give you and then some, lost and drowning in a swamp of lust and sensation. It goes on and on and on... >And finally, you come back to yourself, and someone is wiping your eyes clean. You blink blearily and see a grinning vinyl in front of you ,her cock fat and glistening >You know she's got to be close, having watched the whole thing. You lean forward, your jaws and neck aching unaccountably--how long HAVE you been here?--and engulf her. She moans as you bob your cum-slick mouth on her, your drool gurgling around her and sucking her as deep as you can. >You're going to show her human superiority. fuck these other bitches, you'll suck a hundred yards of cock after they all drop dead. >And in seconds, you feel her pulsate in your mouth. You gulp her down, her medial ring popping oast your gag her cock plunging down your throat, and she grunts as she explodes. >*MMMMM!* >And you swallow each and every drop of her tribute, and you lick her slowly as she cools down, savoring her taste. And at last she pulls the ring-gag off, and leans forward to give you a deep soul-kiss as the partygoers cheer. >"That was awesome, baby," she says. She kisses you again. "So, what are you doing tomorrow night? she whispers. "Because I got plans, lover...." >It may not really be love, but you'll take what you can get.