>Day whatever >You're tall, green and handsom (at least that's what your momma always said) so you must be Anon. >And you're currently in what appears to be a not too shabby hotel room, on a not too shabby king size bed. >All in all you would concider this a pleasurable situation, if you wouldn't have no fucking clue how you got here. >While you sit up, you hear a soft knocking at the door. >Before you can respond, a pony with a light blue coat, blonde mane and an adorable officer hat or something like that sticks it's head through the now slightly open door. >"Hey there! Are you alright? It took three unicorns to simultaniously cast a stun spell in order to take you down, so I can /totally/ understand if you still have a headache and want some more rest, you tough cookie!" "Uhhhmm... thanks, I guess?" >"Poor you, you must still be dazed. And where are my manners? Let me intoduce myself." >With these words, the mare, as you guess by her voice, enters the room completely. >"My Name is Open Wings and I am the warden of the Penal Executive of National Interest and Security facility, or in short..." >You wait for it with a smirk on your face. >"... the Facility! And I warmly welcome you, new inmate!" >That last word made your childish grin disappear. "Inmate? As in prisoner? Wait a second, is this a jail?" >You look around and realize that there are no windows in this room, and the only other door is marked with a tastefull stencil of a toilet, making it probably lading to a baathroom or so. >Open Wings looks at you with care and concern in her eyes. >"Poor little inmate is still confused from the stun spell. I know what will cheer you up, come here." >With that, Open Wings opened her wings which you just now noticed and stretches her front hooves towards you. >You just sit there for a second, overwhelmed with this situation, not sure what to make out of this all. >But you still raise your arms, more out of reflex than of active thought, which makes the little mare in front of you beam in delight. >She closes the short distance between you two and gives you a long hug. >Her front hooves don't manage to go full circle around your torso, but her wings... by god her wings! >They softly wrap around your shoulders and upper body, and they're heavenly cozy. >She smells pleasently like fabric softener and freshly cleaned clothes. >Before you know it, you completely relax in this godly embrace. >"Everythings gonna' be all right. We'll settle you in, I'll show you around, and you'll make a few new friends." >Absorbed by softness and fluff, you don't respond. >"You know, even though I offer a hug to all of our inmates when they join our little family, you're actually the first one who accepted it right away. You poor thing must have really had a bad past." >Well... This is your life now, you guess. >And at the moment you're a-okay with it. ?--- >It's been roughly an hour since you've been a part of what must have been the comfiest hug you have ever experienced. >Warden Open Wings was so nice to give you a tour through the prison, which appearently ended right on time for lunch. >Sadly, she had to leave once you arrived here, no time for lunch when there is paperwork to do" she had said before she headed to her office. >Now, you're standing here, dressed in a fashionable grey overall, in a huge hall filled with all sorts of creatures, and holding an empty tray in your hands. >Getting bored of standing there like an awkward teenager back at high school, you do the only logical thing: you go and get some grub. >Having no clue how the system works, you just pick the food line closest to you. >Ponies in line look at you funny, but no one says anything to you and instead they resume their conversations. >God, it's really just like high school again. >Can't really blame them tho, you are quite the freak here, considering that the only other things walking on two legs seem to be minotaurs. >Whatever. >You get some food on your tray and smile at the mare handing over the food to you. >Allways a good idea to be friendly with the people handing out food! >Surprised by the gesture, the little mare smiles back and looks away to the side. >Was that a blush? Hard to tell, really... >Whatever, you got food, fuck yeah! >While heading to the tables, you inspect your meal. >A big steaming bowl of painfully obvious vegetarian stew with... is that a dandelion for decoration? >Weird. >Arriving at the table, you look into the faces of the three ponies sitting there, which are all staring right back at you. "Uhh... Hi." >Great opening! >... >No response. "Is this seat free?" >... >No response. >Oh shit, not good! >Good job Anon, you scared them! They're literally paralized! >Abort! Abort! Regroup and find a new table! >"What in Equestria /are/ you?" >Holy shit! This is your chance. "Let me sit here with you and I'll tell you whatever you wanna know." --- >"Lemme get that straight..." >You put your spoon down, finished with the stew, and look at the dark red coated stallion sitting across of you, awaiting his next sentence. >You can see his face contort in concentration, eyes closed. >"Watcha tellin' me is, that ya /aren't/ a hornless minotaur?" >For fuck's sake! You have been spending the last fifteen minutes trying to explain to the small group of ponies who's table you joined, exactly what Blocked Entry, as he introduced himself to you, still seems to fail to understand. "Yes Blocked! For the last time: I am a HUMAN." >You pause, to see if he can follow. >Since there is no visible reaction, you continue. "My mother is no minotaur, my father is no minotaur, and I am no minotaur. Never have been, never will be. Before I came here, I have never even seen a minotaur before." >"And you said, that you have absolutely no knowledge of how you got here?" >You look at the pale yellow unicorn next to you, happy to see that somebody understood what you've been saying the entire time. "Exactly Lemongrass, at least you get what I'm saying. It's like I said, the last thing I remember, is waking up at the edge of a forest, going to a nearby village, realizing that it's full of ponies like you, most of which running away from me, then getting zapped a few times, losing conciousness, and then waking up again in what you guys appearently call a prison cell." >"And then the warden hugged ya!", exclaimed Blocked loudly, pointing his hoof at you, proud that he had understood something. >Other tables around your's turned their heads and looked at you, while the other two ponies sitting with you blushed. >"Blocked!", the third pony in your little group hushed. "That's private, something between the warden and Anonymous here. You can't just shout that out in public like that. >You and Blocked both look at the levender pony for a second. "Why not?" >"Why not?" >You and Blocked blurr out simultaneously. >The two mares look at you and Blocked, confusion written on their faces. >"Because... you know... you can't..." >Lemongrass stammers, twisting her hoofs around eachother before looking to the other mare. >"Fragrence, don't leave me hanging alone on this one." >The lavender pony blushes even more then her friend. >"Uhm... You see... Well... W-Why do we need to explain that to you, you should know this kinda stuff." "I'm new here, remember?" >"Well okay I guess... T-The thing is this:" >Fragrance takes a deep breath and looks you in the eye, her face getting more and more red. >"Showing somepony affection, like giving you a h-hug, usually is something... uhm... very private." >"It's borderline lewd!", interrupted Lemongrass. "Only thing missing would be you guys p-petting your heads." >"O-Or even your... your bellies." >Fragrance hides her face (and blush) behind her hooves. >"But the warden does that with everpony in 'ere. She gave me a hug, too! Nothin' special where I'm from." "Actually, where are you from, Blocked?" >"Manehatten! But not where all them fine ponies are." >Lemongrass looks at you. >"The city has two sides to it, especially by night." >"I grew up with nuthin'! Took me a helluva time to become the best bouncer that city's ever seen. Nopony cama past me!" >Lemongrass rolled her eyes. >"All you did was work at a late night café, making sure that nopony took their own drinks in there." >"And I would still be standing there, doin' exactly that! But one evenin', somepony slipped on some spilled coffee an' bumped me. I fell right into anotha mare. Got arrested for makin' her cry." >The ponies you joined all fall silent. >All of them were looking down on their plates. >This is weird as fuck. That dude sat here in prison because he made someone else cry? It wasn't even his fault. >Blocked silently starts sobbing. >Awww man, don't do that! >You can't deal with pony tears, that's not fair. "Hey dude, don't be so down." >"Y-Yeah! I-I mean, you didn't do it on purpose, right?" >Fragrence puts her hoof on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. >It seems to help a bit. >Lemongrass joins with her hoof. >"Yeah Blocked, it was an accident." >"It don't matter if it was an accident! I made that mare cry like a litle filly! You shouda seen her eyes!" >Correction: Hooves on shoulder don't seem to work. >Well shit. --- >You're mind is running. >Your new found friend is upset. >The kindness of the other two mares is not helping. >It's up to you now, soldier. >But wat do? >You let your reflexes take over. >You sit up from your spot and take a step towards Blocked, who looks at you teary eyed. >Swiftly you pick up this sad little horse and give him a reassuring, brotherly hug. >Fragrence and Lemongrass first look at you in shock, then hastily look away, faces burning red. >Now Blocked's little pony body however has gotten stiff in yourgrasp. >He has also stopped crying. >Success! >"Uhh... Anon?" "Sup bro?" >"What... are you doin'?" "Well you looked so glum, and I thought I should try to cheer you right back up, buddy!" >"..." >You stand there for a few seconds in silence, before putting him back down. "And? How do you feel now?" >"I... don't really know..." >You look at your three new friends, none of which are crying anymore. >Your work here is done for now, good job! "Okay guys, it's been a pleasure talking to you. See you around!" >Lemongrass looks at you and nods, Fragrence gives you a "M-hm" and Blocked just sits there. >Poor guy must still be dealing with the whole making-another-pony-cry thing. >You grab your tray from the table and head away. >That's been nice. >You still had no idea how you got here, but so far you only met nice people...ponies...whatever. >Except for those fuckers who zapped you and stuck in this prison in the first place. >But you can't really complain though, with your cell being comfy and the other inmates being kind, at least so far. >There are actually a few clubs here in prison, too. >Warden Open Wings had told you about them when she brought you from your cell to the food court for lunch. >She also told you to come to her office after lunch, so that she can give you a tour around the prison and show you said clubs. >So you exit the food court through a double swing door and start marching through the hallway. >... >How the hell should you find her office? ---