“You know this can be considered kidnapping? As in, you’d wind up in jail.” >”You wouldn’t turn little old me, would you Anon? Besides, I’m your girlfriend, so a little excitement is a good thing for our relationship.” >On a nice little rooftop, with the city skyline setting a nice backdrop, you sat with Spider-woman. >You wanted to get away, you really did, but she-bitch of the universe, basically stuck you to the ground as a “safety measure” with her spider-gunk. “Excitement my ass, this is cruel and unusual punishment.” >”Stop being so dramatic and eat, I made these sandwiches, they’re pretty good.” “They’re poisoned aren’t they?” >”Not as far as I can tell.” Spidey took another bite of her sandwich, her mask rolled up just like that time… >Yeah let’s not think about that again. >Sexual assault is no laughing matter. >Especially when it happens to you. >This morning you woke up with strict plans of not stepping foot outside your house. >The date plans of the resident Spider-woman would be foiled before they even began if she couldn’t get to you. >But no, there would be no normal Saturday filled with games, junk food, and ungodly amount of caffeine. >You barely got dressed before you noticed that your bedroom window was open. >Before you could let out a very masculine scream of un-terror you got snatched up by the defiler of young men. >Her plan which she explained while you struggled to hold on to her for dear life, was to have a nice picnic. >”Want some juice?” “I hate you.” >”Soda it is then. I got orange and Coke, any preference?” “Just push me of the edge and let me die with what’s left of my dignity.” >”Maybe you should go with water then, you sound a bit stressed out.” >It was driving you insane, no matter what you said, it flowed off her back like water. >There had to be some way for you to make her realize that you, Anon, a man who rustled all the jimmies, was definitely not boyfriend material. >So instead of another short summary of why you hated her guts, you settled for a glare. >”You keep that up and it’ll stay that way.” >Urge to make comeback intensifying! >Just keep glaring, maybe she’ll get the message. >”So do you see us having kids in the future.” >Awww fuck no! “The fact you think I’d stick my dick in crazy, only serves to solidify my previous notion on just how fucking nuts you are.” >What you said must have been a good joke, because Spidey broke into a full blown laughter. >We’re talking clutching her sides and rolling on the ground in laughter. >It actually sounded… nice. >No, you are not dropping down your guard, use the hate Anon, use the hate. >”I’m sorry” ::giggle:: “I couldn’t resist.” She managed between fits of laughter. >Then just as she collected herself, she smirked. >A know it all smirk that seemed to put you on edge for some ungodly reason. >Almost as if a lightning bolt went through your head, a sudden realization came to mind. >You’d seen that smirk before, you were sure of it. >But where? >”You okay there? I was just joking, we can save the baby talk for the third date.” “I know you.” >”Well, yeah, I’m Spider-woman, did you hit your head again or something?” “Funny, but no, we’ve met, with you, sans the costume.” >The grin on Spidey’s mouth vanished in an instant, replaced with an uneasy expression. >Just as quickly she rolled down her mask, concealing the lower part of her face. >”I doubt it.” “I don’t.” >”It’s getting late, how about I drop you off” “Trying to change the subject only shows me that you’re full of shit.” >”So what if we’ve met?” >Out of all the questions she could have thrown your way, that one actually made you think. >So what? You were an asshole, but not that much of an asshole to just reveal her identity to the world. “Maybe I just want to see you squirm while I drop subtle hints in public.” >Yeah that would work. >”You’re an ass.” “And you’re a cunt, what’s your point?” >Throwing her hands up in exasperation she let out a frustrated groan. >”Let’s just get you home.” >While clutching your “girlfriend” for life, your thoughts went back to the fact that behind the costume, was a girl you had met. >And you were going to figure out who she was? >After a short trip, you were back at home. >Standing next to your bed, with Spidey looking at you, knowing her with some odd expression. >”Not bad for a first date, not great, but we’ll work on it.” “Can we not?” >”Don’t be so uptight. You need to learn to relax.” >Closing the distance between the two of you, Spidey quickly reached up and rolled the mask upwards again. >And planted a kiss on your lips, nothing like last time, it was more reserved, and it tasted of >Raspberries. She changed it? >”Stay out of trouble tiger, see you soon.” >Hopping out of your window in a magnificent and too theatrical for your taste back-flip she was gone. >Good, you had some detective work to do. Now where did you put your yearbook. >Sitting on the clean and tidy floor in your room, because you weren’t a slob, you surrounded yourself with numerous school yearbooks, each opened to random pages. >In your hands were a notebook and a pencil, the pages filled with various little notes, all connected to a single individual. >You don’t know why, but you were set on figuring out her identity. >Unfortunately for you, the only thing you had to go on was a mental picture of the bottom half of her face. >As well as a few clipped out pictures from newspaper of the famous web-slinger. >Picking up the prior year’s book, you leafed through the pages, your eyes scanning the faces that littered the pages. >C’mon Anon, you weren’t an idiot. What did you know about her? >Taking a deep breath, you focused on the mental picture of the superhero. >She was maybe five foot two give or take an inch or two, slender with a hint of muscle, and had a soft smile when she wasn’t being a nuisance. >She was probably in your year in school, at most a year younger. >Coming towards the center of the book you saw several pictures of the school clubs and groups. >The orchestra had many possible candidates, but most of them just didn’t have the build that reminded you of spider-woman. >Turning the page you saw a picture of the Rainbooms, the band that took on those nutso’s that hypnotized everyone a while back. >Luckily since you hated just about everyone, you didn’t go to that shit-show, so you avoided the whole mess. >It was about that time that Sunset put on her “I’m a changed person” façade, and everyone decided to completely forget her previous cuntish behavior. >Well everyone except for yourself. >You didn’t buy it, someone just doesn’t do a 180 in personality overnight, she was playing everyone for a fool as far as you were concerned. >Focusing on the image of the girl on the page you began have an interesting thought. >She did have the right build, same height… >Could she be? >No, Sunset was just too much of a bitch to actually do nice things for others with nothing to gain from it. >Your eyes travelled to Rainbow Dash, who’s build was also about the same. >If you were going to make a wager, that’s who you… holy shit, it was Rainbow. >Her bravado, she liked helping others, she was athletic, all the pieces seemed to fit into place. “Spider-woman is none other than Rainbow Dash.” >Saying it out loud felt wrong, like you were trying to convince yourself of the fact than anything else. >Something was wrong. >Very wrong. >At the moment however you just didn’t know what exactly. >The night when you figured out the identity of Spider-woman you decided to go to sleep so you could head in early the next day. >Well, you just wanted to avoid any more run-ins with her fan-club aka the villains who seemed to take a liking to you. >But yeah, you hit the sack pretty early for a change. >Now you sort of wish you hadn’t. >You were asleep for what? An hour, maybe two at most, when you just woke up with an uneasy feeling. >Like you were being watched. >Not only that, you also felt the flight or fight instinct kick into high gear. >Your heart was racing, blood pumping so fast you could almost hear it. >It was only when you felt the chilly air sweep across your face did your head turn towards the now open window. >The window which you most definitely closed ad locked before heading to bed. >And that thing was wide open. >Yeah, no reason to freak out about that, none at all. Especially after the last few weeks and the psycho’s who’ve been coming out of the woodwork. >Your hand instinctively moved to the bedside lamp, fumbling for the switch you heard the familiar click. >But the noise didn’t bring any light. >What it did bring was a barely noticeable noise and some shuffling movement. >Holy fuck, there was something in here. >Man this was how scary movies went, except you weren’t some nerdy-hot girl who got a knife through her chest in the middle of a wank session. >Eyes scanning your room, you searched for anything out of place in the darkness. >”Looking for me tiger?” >You would have liked to say that you felt a sense of relief from that voice. >But, there was something off about it. Like there were two voices speaking at the same damn time. “Seriously breaking and entering? Can’t you do this to umph!” >As if dropping straight down from the ceiling, you felt a body land on top of yours. >Only to feel two hands holding yours down and her knees planted firmly on top your thighs, completely immobilizing you. “Good god you’re heavy, ever thought about going on a diet?” >You felt her knees dig into you just a tad bit harder at that comment. >Fucking girls, always taking small jokes personally. >And you always luckily forgot just how strong she was. >”Now, now, no more talk about my weight, and wait, aren’t you too old for a bedtime?” >What the hell was up with her voice, and that costume, was she in some rebellious stage now? >All black? Might as well start quoting Edgar Allen Poe and go full emo. “Spidey go home, if you want to go for the more edgy look with the black suit, that’s cool, but could you kindly leave me the fuck out of it.” >”Now where’s the fun in that?” >Every part of your body was literally screaming for you to get the fuck away from her. >Spider-woman only leaned her face down and rubbed her costumed cheek against your own. “Now I’m even more convinced than ever before that you need some serious mental help.” >”I have an idea on how you could help me.” >One hand which was holding you down suddenly began to travel down. >No, bad Spidey! “Hey knock that shit off. No means no.” >”Who says you get an option on the matter?” >From what little light entered your room through the open window, you could have sworn where her mouth was, a maw opened up in the mask. >Sharp white gleaming teeth were the last thing you saw before your brain nope’d out of the predicament. >Hello darkness my old friend. >When you woke up the next morning, your head hurt, your neck hurt, fucking everything hurt. >Images of last night however decided to peak their head right smack dab into your mind. >Your dad always told you “Don’t stick your dick in crazy, no matter how hot it may be.” >Well dad, what the fuck am I supposed to do when the crazy is some super-powered crazy nutjob? >One that has some sick obsession with you?