>Day 456 in Equestria >It's been a long ass time since I've been here. >But hot damn at least I have my favorite women's catalog from my dimension >So many panties >Makes me wish I could still sniff the ones I used to keep in my secret drawer back at home... >Knock on door >Wonder who that is. >As if I didn't know already. >Open door >Yellow quite with a smile on her face right on time. Hello Fluttershy and to what do I owe this visit >"O-oh, um, I just...wanted to come over and see how you're doing" she smiles nervously >Her eyes wander to my magazine >"Anon, what's that?” She points a hoof >My eyes grow wide N-nothing... >I put it in my back pocket. >She leers >"Don't toy with me mister I know when you're hiding something..." >She walks away still leering at me >I close the door >Fucking Fluttershy, what is she my mom? >Pfft >I go back to reading my only catalog >God what would I give to see wet panties again >Another knock on the door >I sigh heavily and place the catalog on the table >Go over to open the door Look Fluttershy I- >No one there... >I look around just to make sure... >No sign of yellow quite >Shrug and go back to my catalog >In my horror I find it gone >Completely vanished >I flip over the table and search the area >I was going crazy until my shifted to what Fluttershy said >"I know when you're hiding something..." No...No she...she couldn’t figure out my fetish this easily...she's a p0ny...a simple p0ny... >I go into the fetal position >Scared >Worried >Unable to move >After that horrible day I try to rationalize with myself. Its okay Anon, that yellow devil hasn't gotten the best of you yet... >Knock on the door >I rush to answer it >Horror and grief struck me like lightening >"Hello Anon...D-do you like my new look?" Fluttershy turned around and waggled her plot at me >She was wearing panties >Not just panties, but fucking striped ones... They're...They're nice... >"So Anon...Is this your fetish?" What's my fetish...? >"girls in panties" She holds up the magazine I hold near and dear to me >My heart sank >I could feel all bodily functions slowing down No, No it's not! >I felt beat of sweat fall >I watched her eyes as she watched the single drop of perspiration fall >She smiled wickedly >"Alright Anon, if it's not your fetish I believe you" She turned and walked away >She shot me a smile >I could feel the smile pierce my heart... >I walk over to the Sugar Corner for a cold drink Pinkie I need your coldest drink pronto! >I burst in ordering while finding a seat >"Commin right up Anon!" she says from behind the counter >She trots off to the back to fix up my drink >I take deep breathes trying to figure out how Fluttershy got in my house... >Wait...the time when I opened the door! She must of flew in through one of the windows! Damn it... >I curse softly out loud >"Here ya go Anon! Extra cider just how ya like it!" she hand me the drink on a platter Thanks Pinkie I-...w-what are you wearing >I look at her bottom in horror >Stripped fucking panties. >"Oh these? They’re all the rage now! Fluttershy came to us with it yesterday some sort of magazine with people in it like you Anon, wearing stuff like this!" Pinkie explained All the rage? What the hell do you mean?? >"Well...once Rarity saw how delightful the designs were she had to take the magazine to try and make more! And now, well, look!" She turns around showing off her panties to me "Go on feel how silky smooth they are!" she rubbed her bottom sensually I...I gotta go! >I rush out of the Sugar Corner leaving more bits than I probably should have >Damn it! Damn you Fluttershy! >I hope Rarity hasn't made too many... >Out of breathe and weary I managed to get to Rarity's workshop >"Oh hello Anon, what do you think? I made them from the magazine Fluttershy showed me that you like!" She twirled around T-they look nice... >I could feel the boner in my pants building up >"Well Anon, if you think that looks nice then take a grand look at this!" she jesters to the curtains >Out pops Sweetie Belle in stripped panties in her own colors Oh god... >"Whadda think Anon, do ya lik'em?" She asks turning around shaking her plot at me swishing her tail left to right Yeah, they sure do look lovely... >"Yay! I'm so glad you like them mister Anon! Hey girl’s Anon likes mine!" Sweetie Belle calls out >Out runs Applebloom and Scootaloo wearing stripped panties in there colors as well. Oh gods why... >They tackled me to the floor >"So who's looks the best mister Anon? I'll bet it's mine!" Scootaloo says pining my left arm >"Nu-huh! Mines are way more cutier!" Appleboom says pining my right arm >"You both are being silly; mines are the best out of both of you!" Sweetie Belle says feeling triumphant >I could feel their young filly warmth on my body >I knew they had to be getting turned on by this whole ordeal Girls please...y-you all look great, really...really greay...but I gotta go now, so bye! >I knock them off,I snatch the magazine off Rarity's work desk and bolt out of the work shop >Gotta think fast! Gotta think fast! Where the hell is that yellow bitch!? >"Hey Anon!" I heard a voice from the skys above Damn it not now! >I say under my breathe >"Anon, check it out! Rarity gave some these "panties" or whatever they're called, anyways they feel awesome check it out I even got my name on them!" She turns around and points to her plot >They were wet with sweat and the smell of her musk filled my nostrils Sweet nectar of the gods... >"What?" She looked back at me curiously Nothin,where's Fluttershy?! >"Uhh...I think she said something about going to see AppleJack" She said putting a hoof to her chin >I rush off Thankslaterbye! >I run as fast as I could to AppleJack and her family's farm. >In my horror I was too late... >"Howdy Anon! Like the new threads?" She asked turning around and showing me her plot Red and green...just like apples r-right? >"How did ya guess?" AppleJack smiles at me Oh...just a thought.... >I couldn't help but stare at her backside. >Boner...I know it's been awhile but for god sakes hold strong! >Boner:"Anon...you and I both know there isn't a god here if we have fucking p0ny's wearing skimpy striped panties." >....Point taken boner. Listen, AppleJack I need to know where Fluttershy is, do you know? >"Hm...I think she said something about going back to her place with the kids? Applebloom, Sweeite Belle and Scootaloo are supposed to be helpin with a party at your house! Aw darn it, I spoiled the suprise..." AppleJack scuffs the ground >I ran off to my home >"Don't tell them I said anythin!" AppleJack calls back >Minutes later I'm back at my house >Before I could even got my hand on the knob >The door flung open >"Hiya Anon" Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom said in unison >I was met by the Cutie Mark Crusaders... >"Come on in we got a party going on just for you!" Scootaloo dragged me by my shirt >"Yeah, Anon! It was Fluttershy's idea too!” Sweetie Belle said >And there she was sitting on the couch with her striped panties >Fluttershy... I didn't think you would stoop this low Fluttershy... >"Only the best for you Anon..."she flew over and gave me a kiss on the cheek >The three fillys snickered at the unwanted love scene >"Girls, lets get the party going!" Fluttershy anounced to them >The three cheer in unison >They then tackle me and tied me to a table >"Okay girls now just like I showed you..." Fluttershy starts >The girls slide off their panties they were moist and each of their musk had a different scent >"Here ya go Anon!" Applebloom placed her's over my head What? Girls please stop! >"Scootaloo you're next..."Fluttershy gestured to my mouth >Scootaloo then jams her panties in my mouth MMMMMFFF!!! MFFFF!! >I could taste her sweet filly juices >"Alright Sweetie Belle, your turn now" She smiles up at Fluttershy's words >She then begins to unbuckle my pants and puts her panties over my cock MMMMMMFFFff.... >I could feel my dick pulse at the pleasure of having her panties wrapped around my cock >"Wow it's like his thing has its own heartbeat!" Sweetie Belle exclaims >"I wanna feel it!" Applebloom added "Me too!" Scootaloo chimed in >The three felt my cock as it pulsed harder and faster >They Ooo'd and aw'd in it's glory >Fluttershy was simply sitting in a chair watching, smiling, masturbating... >"Okay girls, now go for step two!” She orders the three >they nodded at her words >Oh god, part two? what the hell is part 2?? >They then start to play with my junk >Sweetie Belle fiddling with my nut sack >Scootaloo rubbing my shaft >And Applebloom nibbling the tip MMMMFFF! MFFFF!!! MMMMMMFFF!!! >I struggle to get the panties out of my mouth by sheer luck I soon manage to spit them out Girls, don't listen to her! She playing a trick on you all! >The girls look at me in shock >"Don't worry mister Anon I'll get that fer ya!" Applebloom shoves the panties back into my mouth >Fucking what??! >"It's all part of the plan Anon! We're doing this for our cutie marks!" Scootaloo explains >They all go back to pleasuring my cock >Fuck your cutie marks! I don't want to go to jail for this!! >I soon felt like dick was going to explode >Fluttershy saw the look on my face as I was about to give into the bliss of it all >"Cum Anon! Cum for Mama!" Fluttershy said flying over kissing me deeply >I could feel her ass and panties rub against my cock excitedly >I couldn't hold it any longer >With months of blue balling I shoot a giant load all over Fluttershy's back and some on the three filly's faces >Shame and anger soon fell on me like an avalanche >"O-okay girls you can go now..." Fluttershy says dismissing them >"Bye, Anon!" The three say in unison rushing out >"So Anon...was shimapan your fetish?" she takes the soaked panties from out of mouth >I leered at Fluttershy angrily I...I....don't even...why? Why the girls? >"Mama knows best Anon..." Fluttershy says kissing my forehead >"Awww! Don’t tell me we missed out on the party!" We both turn to see Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight >"Come on girls lets get this party started right!" Rainbow Dash says cranking up the music >"I don't know why we bother wearing these things, they kind of ride up me plot hole...but hey if it's for Anon I don't mind" Twilight says writing down her experience >The same routine continued that entire night >Each of them taking turns and making me blow load >By the time I woke up I was untied and it was morning >I guess everyone had left... >I look over to see Fluttershy sleeping next to me >Fucking-of-corss... >"Mmmm morning, Anon...Did you enjoy your pantie party?" She asks I hate you.... >I sigh But...yeah....yeah I did... >She smiles, "Good...have fun cleaning up" she flies out the door >I noticed that she wasn't wearing her panties >I look around and noticed that everyone had left their panties as well >I then notice that I wasn't wearing my underwear at all... >I was wearing Fluttershy's panties >I leer at them >Then chuckle Fucking Fluttershy...