>Pinkie couldn't believe her luck, a party for the gryphons would more then put her hoof in the door to the most epic party potential ever. "Gilda are you home or nest or whatever I got your call and can't wait to help you throw your banquet but you didn't tell me to bring any food." >She takes a breath glad the Gryphon had finally forgiven her. "I am so glad you aren't going to crush me in your talons... I guess I will return when you are home" >Pinkie turns to leave when the door opens. >"Pinkie you made it, I am so glad you could come for the party, it can't happen without you" >Pinkie gasps and Gilda licks her check. >"Oh you are such a sweet little pony, sweet and tender" >She wraps her claw around Pinkie pinching her plot "Ohh, You didn't tell me it was that kind of party, I would have brought toys" >She squeals as Gildas claw gently runs down her check. >"Don't worry little pony, We will all enjoy playing with our toys" >Opening the fridge she shows her fridge full of carrots and cucumbers. >"I hope you like these toys" >She grabs a carrot and runs her tongue up and down the orange vegetable. "Oh.. I could have some fun with your toys" >Pinkie smiles and grabs a cucumber rubbing it over her mound. "You will be tasting me all night then" >The Gryphon laughs, >"You have no idea" >Pinkie was to entertained to hear Gilda. "So you just want me to entertain the guest... Well even if you have all these vegetables there is not way that will feed a couple ponies much less a group of Gryphons." >Gilda giggled stroking the silly pink ponka. >"Dear don't worry about that, she will be in the oven soon enough" >Pinkie tries to laugh feeling a little confused. "Ohkey Dohkey lokiey" >Gilda smiles grabbing some rope. >"You said you were up for anything right." "Oh um sure a little rope play will be fun, Be gentle with me" >She winks going limp in gilda's claws. "Do with me as you will mistress" >"Oh I will, now legs up, oh ok now move." >Pinkie struggles against the twine unable to move. "Ok you got me, You know I am going to have to charge more." >She laughs and Gilda runs her claw over Pinkies crotchboob. >"I will see how you plump up but if you taste as good as you look I am sure you will get what's coming to you" >Gilda bends down to the pink slit, her tongue greedily slurping on the bubbly marejuice. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. >"Oh the guest have arrived." >Gilda squeals shoving a cucumber into her party guest pussy. "G-gilda don't you need help cooking, you have so many guest" >Pinkie remember the list of guest. "I have to do something to help, I feel like I have barely earned my pay." >Gilda giggles and shakes her head. >"Don't worry about that, just keep all the boys happy" >Running a hand down the party ponies belly she pulls out the cucumber. >"The meal is ready for the stuffing" >She invites the men over. "W-what do you mean m-me..meal">She waves the first gryphon in and laughs. >"Meal, food, dinner you stupid beast" "But Gilda baby darling... We are playing right, you can't be made at your favior slutty pony pinkie... You know what forget the bill, it's on the house" >She struggles against the twine and lets out a scream as her ass is roughly penetrated. "Gilda please let me out and I will forgive you" >"Forgive me, forgive me, No dear you will never forgive me, you took Dashie away, now after you disappear I can have her back." >Gilda laughs starts to speed up a little crazie. >"I am going to save a bit of you for our wedding cake." "Gilda you are going crazy and I know c-crazy" >Pinkie screams as a new gryphon enters her ass. >"Well maybe I am crazy but you are delicious and going to end up in my belly" >The knowladge of her demise does nothing for the party pony, causing her to struggle even more "I swear the others won't let you get away with this" >Her threat is silenced as a large cucumber is shoved violently into her mouth. >"God damn it shut up" >Gilda sighs, looking at the finally silenced pony. >"Now that you are quite I can finally explain what you will suffer. I am going to slowly cook you under a low flame. Watching you slowly turn to meat will be so amazing. Then at the last moment I will serve you as you watch the world pass away" >Giggling she can't help but stroke her prisoners mane. >"Has everyone came yet" >Looking over the exhausted face of the male Gryphons and Ponk's leaking cunt give her an answer. >Kissing the pony's check she whispers >"One more thing, dear... Time to get stuffed" >Pinkie moaned as Gilda roughly pinched her clit. >"Oh so tender, I want to eat you right now, but I promised all my friends that I would cook you. >Signaling a male he brings the stuffing to her. >"Oh yes those will absorb your juices good" >Shoving two claws into her twat she slowly starts to pry it open. >Pinkie cries in pain as she is stretched wide open. "UMMAAAAMMAA" >Her screams become a useless noise escaping her nose. >"Oh what was that meat, Ya said fill me up till it comes out my belly button" >Jamming a handful of stuffing she slams it against the pink slit and forces it in one finger at a time. >"Get used to it, this was the closest you will ever get to being prego's bitch" >Laughing as she goes she loves how pinkie grows under her eyes. >Reaching for one last bit she finds the bowl empty. >"Well that is all there is, I need that" >Cruelly she yanks the cucumber out of the meat's mouth and jams it in her pussy, sealing it up. "Gilda it's not to late" >Pinkie begs for help. "I can get you all the food you could ever want, please don't eat me" >"Pinkie I will let you talk but one more word of freedom and I will jam a apple deep into your mouth." >The look of horror on Pinkies face brings joy to Gilda. >"Well any last words before you go for a all over tan" "P-please pretty please I promise I will do anything just don't...ghaagaa" >"And your speaking privileges are gone again. >She pushed the apple further into Pinkies mouth till it rest against the back of her mouth. >"Now lets get cooking, nothing worse then a raw pie" >The other male Gryphons laugh at the joke helping get the roasting pan ready. >"So helpful when you get a free meal" >Slaming Piggy pie into the pan she rearranges her and adds the vegies from earlier. >"I am not heartless, I will let you at least watch the outside world while you cook, oh and this" >pressing a meat thermometer up Pinkies ass. >"You wouldn't want to get us sick now would you" >Gilda laughs as she slowly shoves her into the large over. *no gilda please, please don't do this* >Her mind pleads as her mouth mumbles a lot of nothing. *No I can't go out this way, the party pony going out as a party favor* >I blush thinking about it, it made sense in a way. *Well I will cook up pretty though, and I bet all the sugar makes me taste delicious* >The thought makes me moist, *Hum I sure wish I could pleasure myself one last time* >Her clit burns like a thousand suns. >The bright light of the kitchen wakes her from her fantasy. >"Wakey wakey" >Gilda slaps the ponies ass causing her to moan out loudly. >"Lets try this again" >Her claw pulling out the apple. >"Tell aunty Gilda what you want" "Please let me pleasure myself" >Her desire for freedom lost to her need to please herself. >"Is that all" >Gilda unties one arm giving her a little bit of freedom. >"Now lets see what 120* will do to a pony's mind" "Umm I hope I make a pretty meal" >Laughing Gilda lifts her back up and places her in the oven. >"You will dear, that I am sure of. " >It was warm, much to warm... "Gilda it's to warm" >"Oh it's going to get a lot warmer before we are through, but don't worry I never burn my food" >She prepares to shut the door. >"Well not often" "Ghaaa, don't say that" >Her please fall on dead ears as the oven shuts with a loud clang. "Ok pinkie keep your wits on you, I am sure that my friends will save me." >The oven echoes the truth, her echo was without will, defeated. "Maybe I should just find a way to enjoy myself" >Moaning her hoof already found her clit. "Hehehe, guess I found out before I did" >She rubbed harder as the heat seemed to slowly get more comfortable. "Ahhh I am so close" >The door oven opens as she climaxes. >"Someone is having fun, I won't be long" >Gilda holds up a brush and starts to apply the cold baste. "Ah--ah cold" >Pinkie shivers in the kitchen air, >"I know, it won't be long...Now be a good snuff muffin and just enjoy your break" "Yessum mistress" >She moans as the bristles flick against her clit. >"Good girl, all done now. One more hour and the party start" *Gulp* "Ahh yes please put me back in" >The heat of the oven welcomes her, even warmer then before. "Ahh, so much better then a spa" >She felt stiff as her skin seemed tighter "Ummm I must be cooking up well" >She moans as she smells the fragrance of her meat cooking. >There was no saving her now "YAAAWN" >She was so tired, so weak.... "I hope Gilda wakes me before she kills me" >Giving in to the heat her eyes start to close... "Goodbye oven" *Umm what's going on* >Pinkies move her lips but no words come out. *Oh Celestia it's so bright* >Her ropes are gone she can feel that but her arms refuse to move. >A cold shiver runs through her body, and a strange sloshing sound. >"Good morning delicious, It seems that I goofed, but you survived... for now" *Hum what do you mean for now* >She sound again, this time it's more familiar, something on AJ's farm..... "your gutting me" >Her scream is nothing more then a hoarse whisper. >"Very good, yep getting rid of those nasty guts, we need all that room for more goodies." >Her core whines, empty and hallow... so cold and empty Ponk's would cry if she could. >Hot water is pumped through her empty core, it feels like she is happy, alive and full of energy. >"Oh dear just one more hour to go, we better get you stuffed" >Gilda starts putting onions and potatos into the cavity that once gave life was now a pocket for goodies. >"Oh I know you like to be sweet, and I want to honor your wish." >Puffing a marshmellow she drops it in Pinkies mouth >"I will put the rest right on top" >Gilda pours two large bags into her yummy belly roast >Pin pricks seal the deal as Ponk's turned into a 120 pound hot pocket. *At least I will be sweet for everyone* >Pinkie sighs, and opens her mouth as the apple is inserted. >"Goodbye lunch. I will prepare for your grand unveiling." >Meat feels herself lifted back in the oven, it feels so good, so warm and embracing. >"Go to sleep Pinkie, give up and die" >Pinkie looks to her left and sees the talking cupcake. >"Come on you know it would be so easy, just go sleepy time." "No cupcake I can't.... Gilda wants me alive" >"You don't have to do anything for her, she is a monster" >The cupcake jumps up and licks her clit. >"Come on pink one, keep closing your eyes." "N-no I am a party pony... I have to stay awake for the party" >Moaning she struggles to make it, she isn't sure how long she talked to the cupcake when the heard a very familiar song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2okSis_wtls >The light again, it burns her eyes but she forces them open. >"God Gilda you were right, this pony is delicious." "All hail the ultimate party pony" "You were right, you can make sweets look good" >The gryphons all cheered as she was brought out. >Gilda sliced the stitches open revealing the perfectly cooked veggies. >"I forgive you now Pinkie, are you ready" > She doesn't wait for a answer as her powerful claws snap Pinkies neck. >"She was so perfect in the end" >Gilda carves out her cuntsteak, the prized cut of meat. >"I just wish I could do this again, you truly are the tastiest pony in all equestria." >She takes a bite and moans, savoring the flavor.... Ponyville. "Rainbow are you sure that was the last Pinkie" >Twilight inspects them again, it was impossible for her to be wrong. >"Look Twi I have been all over ponyville there are no more pinkie pies." "That's what I was afraid of, the Real Pinkie isn't here... And time is running out" >She sighs. "Fine whichever one makes it to the end I will give a memory spell," >What else could Twilight do, hopefully when the real Pinkie was found she could beg for forgiveness but for now.... ZAAAPPP.